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What's up everyone? Long time no see, I know. Sorry to be away so long. I've been having lots of problems obtaining my meds for my back and have been in a tremendous amount of pain. My doctor retired and it's like pulling teeth getting someone to write me a script. Anyway, thanks for all the concern. I'll have to take some time to read up on what u guys have been up to. Not too much on my end. Doing my best to keep things going. I'm about to put 4 Bubba's into 12/12. Got some more cuts I just took of Bubba Querkle and SD x OG. They should be rooted soon. I'm gonna veg em for awhile and then flower them in the ebb and flow.

I'll try to stop by more often. Hopefully I get this mess straightened out with my meds and can live a somewhat normal life again.

I really appreciate you guys looking out for me. Everyone stay safe.
Red Nine

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
good to see you red nine.
we were all worried about you.
i hope you find a compassionate doctor to help you out.

any one of those will work for ya mang.


Active member
Looks like Frank is right. Can't really go wrong with any of those hoods. If you got the extra dough i'd put it out for the expensive one. Maybe it uses higher quality metals and fasterners.
I would take SmokerE's advice and put out the money now so you have no worries.
Nothing worse than applying a part, having it break and having that time without it.

Glad to see you back Red-Nine, a lot of people have been on a hiatus for the last few months, i'd glad to see everyone is worried about eachother. I hope everything works out for you with your meds. Nothing worse than tryin to get by. I hope your homegrown meds are getting you by.

Good to hear it Bake, lookin forward to it!

- Subn


Can It All Be So Simple!
baba If u have the extra dough I wopuld deffinatly go with a remote ballast

Hey red-nine good to see u around my cousin has the same problem his back is ****ed up did some type of surgery on him werer they had to take out his lung and to work on his spine then take a bone out of his leg and put it in his spine...sumthin like thatanyway he cant get meds from the doc so hes going to NP to get the big boys 80 milly oxyies and he pays out the ass for those things
Red Great to hear your safe sound and still growing and god speed with your back bro

Happy Black Friday shopping for everyone. I had to do some comparisons between my ? Haze and Local street haze/Pif; to be honest there are not many differences in aesthetics or palate and they both light a room up with that same lovely HAZE aroma for hours apon hours the key difference is with the high; my ?Haze has a wonderful strong focused high but the street Jar .6-.7 gram $20's has an extreme trippy effects that just turns you into a 7year old extremely hard to describe, but easy to understand how you have Haze heads who will only smoke the straight Pif/Haze and are addicted! aesthetically this is not the best looking Haze pheno but stacks right up there with any in terms of smoke
Some Jars of Pif

Jar street Haze close up

My ?Haze fully dried but not cured yet

side by side comparison My ?haze on the left and the Jar Haze on the right

Buddy of mine just came back from Montego Bay Jamaica and he asked for Lambsbread and they gave him . . . . . . he brought some back for thorough inspection .. . It is by far not Lambsbread but I must say it was better than I expected nice smooth skunky/earthy taste and aroma and a sedative relaxing high, now I am not one to usually touch anything that looks like reg but I made and exception and am glad I did it is not the best or even close but better than it looks



Can It All Be So Simple!
BaBaBooeyVT said:
hey benny what makes a remote ballast better ?

well the ballast can get extremely hot
I have both and I rock my remote all the time
helps keeps temps way down

stoned teacher

Hey nice to see everyone checking in safe and happy! Happy holidays and black friday shopping and family and football and all that good stuff :joint:

After I figured out that I ruined that last batch i posted pics of a while ago, I put in a few other small plants to practice with, get to know, and tie me over.
They're doing better than the last batch!

So the few small plants I have flowering now....two different Casey Jones's, A Nevelle's Haze, a C99, and a blowfish. They're healthy, but unfortunately some of them are real small.

I don't exactly remember how far into flower they are, prolly somewhere in their fourth week or so. They're gotten so much bigger and frostier than the last burnt batch. Much frostier and thicker than I'm used to at this point in the process!

Anyway, here's two of the prettier ones. One of the Casey Jones's and Blowfish....

First off, what is right now called CJ#4 (will choose one or two keeper plants after I run them together one more time....but this is the favorite right now...) Pardon the bad camera skills

Now the blowfish cut. Not sure if it likes more nutes or is just an overall lighter plant. It takes heavy nutes well though...She thickens up quick!

Not sure how much the crystals are really coming through in the pics, but they're there. Anyways, for me this is good progress, so I'm pumped and feel that the future is green!
Last edited:

stoned teacher

Not a cut. It's from Gypsy's feminized stock....I think they were f3's from Female Seeds.

The two I popped look exactly alike and are frosty.
BennyBlanco said:
hey PP were do u go
I went up yesterday too and got orange tops
My jar had only .5 for 20$ :(

Benny whats up Bro, got mine in Camden some really heavy Haze sets over there I will PM you the blocks, My man said he had been to 7th & *@$#^ and they were all out then we both went back later and they were still out so we ran over the bridge to CMD, now this was on tuesday and wednesday so I know they have re-uped in NP. I have since stepped off again to check on my ventures down south muhaha but if you need any info bro on spots just PM me I have several people that I am in daily contact with who know the day to day Hood Haze movements, it is either in North Philly with our Boriqua or Dominicono bretheren or over the bridge in Camden heavy by the "High" and over anywhere off Mt. ephraim

Some Mango after a full 11 day dry about to go in the mason jars for a good 2 week cure, Cant give a real viable smoke report until after a good cure. Now off initial dry the smell is of heavy Mangoes and I eat Mangoes at least once every two weeks. the taste is not of mangoes though I just hope it comes through with a good cure. Now the potency is excellent and that is what I am most concerned with.

Some kief from out the Wicca Box I have been collecting for over a week just so I can be fully medicated and hopefully sedated for the EAGLES-pats massacre! a nice mix of Bubba Kush-Purple Urkle-Mango-Haze-Jamaican and others E-A-G-L-E-S EAGLES! this is our SUPER BOWL



Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
Hey PhillyPride remined me that I never showed you guys my hash pix. This was a combo of the sadhu I grew this past summer as well as 3 LowRyder females that I grew just for seed. (I didn't like how the LR smoked, but I figure the seeds would make a nice trade.) I just dried everything completely, froze it, crumbled it up, then sifted it through a colender first, then a filter we use at work to strain out kidney stones. LOL


stoned teacher

Philly should be proud of the game they played, unlike my Ravens. I bet New England's pissed about the close game and ready to take it out on Balt.

Hey....Ricky "the chronic" Williams is playing!!!!

That some pretty kief there. Enjoy!
Never been so proud and excited in a loss! Its AJ FEELEY time! By the stars and Moons McScabb is now vanquished from this Kingdom!

Great Pics Stoned Teacher
I know that had to rip your face off vin I was soo kiefed out watching the game I swore I was tripping and the game wasnt real so I kept watching Sportscenter over and over and over . . .


Active member
Good job. Looks tasty. :canabis:

Ricky ain't playin' no more. Torn Chest muscle. Guess he can spark a fatty right about now.

