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Pro Ballin

New member
vintner said:
I'll take a Yeungling, and propose a toast to all the new growers and new members of this amazing thread! Ask away Pro Ballin, we're all here to help as well as learn from each other.

Glad some local people are willing to help!

I don't have any questions as of yet, everything seems to be going well so far. Hopefully everything goes flawless, but I'm sure I'll be panicking at some point in this process and i'll be back to spill my problems.


Time for a couple more pics from the JCII's, theyre at week six of flower.

Well I was going to post some pics but for some reason they won't come up to be processed? :spank:

Ah well I'll try later on. Shine on good people of the tristate!

Okay its working again...heres the pics...

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Active member
Thanks for your concern Philly. I'd don't like to bring up the LEO cuz it's just depressing, trust me. Anyone who has had a run-in with them knows what i'm talkin about...
I cringe as well thinking about them takin my cured Sour D, OD..... Shire..........eh, mother ****ers.

Let's not flood this great thread with shitty thoughts though. Everyone just be careful...and make sure you don't tell anyone about what you do, it can, and it will come back and bite you in the ass.

Anyway, BaBa. I have use SCROG for both my grows. Bascially what it does it keeps the top of the plant down and lets the lower nodes become as strong.
There are come great threads on it here, but basically what you want to do is by the time the plant has 5 or 6 nodes, make a screen and tuck the plant under it. The top will want to grow upwards and depending on how big you want your lower nodes you keep re-tucking the top under the screen as it gets big enough to.
This method is good for keeping the height down substantially but becomes a pain in the ass if you have to get the plant out of it for whatever reason.
It's a great method for those with bigger LxW areas and lesser height areas. It also ensure an even light spread over the entire plant instead of the top nug taking it all.
You'll have to do a little bit of trimming to ensure there aren't big fan leaves blocking the bud sites. Give her a whirl if you're feeling lucky. I did, it worked wonders on my Female Seeds Grapefruit.

Keep your head up Teacher, i'm sure the ladies will bounce back!!!!

ProBallin - you'll get a yellowing leaf or two and freak out, lol i know that's what happened to me!! Anything you'd like to know, just ask man. There are people here with very valuable advice to let you get the most out of your grow.
P.S. take it from me bro, i know a lot of people here say Rule #1: Don't tell anyone what you do. But i'm stressing that to the fullest. Keep what you do a secret....top secret if you will. You Don't wanna go through that shit. and if at all possible, don't even hook your friends up. I know it's ****ed up, but if you haven't known that person your whole life it just ain't worth it.

- SubN
The Mango has been harvested 55 days cloudy trichs ready to dry the aroma is heavy and not to sound silly smells just like mangoes def not you standard fruity smell this has serious I want to take a bite smell-The Bubba Kush is beginning to turn purple through the veins and leaves and the strawberry diesel x abk is really starting to put on weight and has a wonderful aroma these gals have more of an oily resin rather than sticky resin like the others, thank you CF I am thrilled with the genetics bro

and here goes some commercial Bubba Kush smoking this helped the Eagles get a win on sun.


cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
pro ballin:
welcome to this lovely thread, alot of great folks here in the tri state.

mango looks great!
i hope you enjoy the smoke, i know i would :p


Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
Weld: Those Jacks are lookin' sick bro. Can't wait to see them once they're done bulking up.
Philly: As always...Cool pix man! Looking forward to a smoke report on that mango.




damnit man, these SSH are taking toooo long!!!!!

do you see what i have to deal with?. . .

lets take a closer look boys and girls adn try to understand why your friend drools so. . .

i understand now , what the statement "patience is a virtue" really means!!
and ontop of it all, these bastards jsut cat seem to wait for their turn in the flower chamber!. . .

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
those jack's look mega sick!!!! primo smoke i'm sure.

friend in deed
girls look good! patience is key.
you can claim NJ, but you have to get thru me first!!
for i am nj's finest :p


Can It All Be So Simple!
hey I just go the **** out of county jail!!!!!!!!!!!
well since I haven't been growing for personal use its lead me back to the streets 7th and Huntington to be exact for that haze in NP and As I was driving afoaf over to North camden we got pulled over by the police....long story short the cops got me wit CDS, Intent to distrubute, and 1000 feet from a school...I was in jail for to weeks untill someone posted my 3,500 dollar bail...these cops were ridiculous straight up assholes if u ask me
they sent me to camden county jail with killas and rapistist just for sum haze Im so pissed right now but I glad to be home


Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
:wave: :wave: :wave: Benny: Hey man! Good to see you back. I'm really sorry to hear about your run in w/the LEOs. It doesn't suprize me to hear how you got treated. I'm sure most of us have our stories. I sincerely hope that you're not tied up w/this for too long and can get back to growing soon.
Guys: Stay safe! SubN said it very well just a few days ago..
spadedNfaded said:
take it from me bro, i know a lot of people here say Rule #1: Don't tell anyone what you do. But i'm stressing that to the fullest. Keep what you do a secret....top secret if you will. You Don't wanna go through that shit. and if at all possible, don't even hook your friends up. I know it's ****ed up, but if you haven't known that person your whole life it just ain't worth it.

- SubN
Don't trust anyone! who doesn't have as much to loose you do. Come here where no one knows you and brag about your grows. I know some of us from here hook up from time to time to share/trade genetics, and I think this is a cool thing! But again, use your head and stay safe.
Wow Benny I really do feel for you bro, I hope they didnt throw you in for a $20 or two,that had to have been the worst. I dont like to post specific places but yes that place that you mentioned in NP has the best haze outside of NYC and has for years I have friends that go there everyday a real open air pif market, Camden County Jail sucks superior overcrowding and no %10 bail, talk about over the bridge bs. Intent to distribute what bs I just hope you had a few bags bro because they are @#$% they probably hit you near the Ben Franklin Bridge those thirsty ass transpo authority police they are always pulling someone. I know you wanted to vent and this is not the time for me to be preaching too much so just hold your head up bro hopefully they will reduce your charges and give you time served, glad to have you home!

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
sorry to hear about what happened benny, keep your head up.
you should buy your trees in Philawarepragacago next time.


Benny so sorry to hear of your troubles bro, NP cops are pricks. Those bastards took a sheet of acid and an O of top notch smoke and told me to buy my drugs from the right people and they wouldnt take it! Friggin asswipes even charged me with minor possession after they took my bags. Never turned in the evidence and I got off. Hope your case gets thrown out bro. :joint:

stoned teacher

Jeez Benny...glad your out. Best wishes. I hope it works out. I can't stand these goddam laws....pssshhhh....throwing potheads in with rapists and murderers and calling it justice?


Active member
Hey Benny, i'm glad to see you're finally on the outside. I was beginning to wonder when i didn't see you around after you posted such great outdoor pics, bro.
If ur bail was 3,500 bucks how much did they catch you with man? damn!
I got caught with just over two ounces, grinder, bowl and a scale and my bail was 10% of 5,000. If they got you with intent and shit did they take your ride? i'm still in a battle over mine 3 months later.....

Anyway, i'm glad to see you're ok man. I know exactly how you feel....
stay safe, the safest thing you can do is grow your own man...i would've never gotten caught if i wasnt' on the street sellin, ya dig?

- SubN


Can It All Be So Simple!
yeah guys Im really stressing over this bullshit they weighed the jars and all Im pretty sure cause they said I had over 8 oz of haze... they set my bail at 35000 @ 10 % there just assholes over in camden....They left my car out on 7th and vine in north camden a brand new infiniti g35 and when I went to get it the windows were broken out they tried to steal it but couldnt but my car iis all ****ed up....and everything worth sumthin in my car was gone
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They weighed the Jars too? WOW that is some serious BS a good lawyer will hopefully get that thrown out, boy I see you grabbed more than the 6 for $100. Sorry to hear about your car bro North Camden is a beast they dont call it north vietnam for nothing cant believe they left it on the street like that #$@% LEO pricks to protect and serve what a joke


Active member
that's ****in bullshit.
Camden is so uptight because of all the crime and murders and shit but jesus, a lil weed? what the hell has this world come to.
35,000 bail, 2 weeks in jail and and your new car smashed up over what? a ****in plant?
punishment huh, they let you keep the weed? of course not. Weighing the jars? what a bunch of ignorant assholes. that is just bullshit. Get a lawyer bro and tell him what happened. tell him what you bought and tell him they weighed the jars. if you get off with a lesser sentence they should give you the bail back, if it's ur dough you can use it to at least fix your ride up.
I still have even heard about mine bro, it's been 3 months.

- SubN

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