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OPOP....One plant..one pound IV

Amazing stuff, everyone :D

Doing primo work there, TomHill. May I ask, is there a lot of side branch tying/staking involved there? Also I was wondering what kind of plants those are, multiple, all the same? What is your favorite for this growing style?

Tom Hill

Well-known member
Thank you kindly guys,

EV, the only staking/tying thus far has been the two stakes per plant to hold the meristem upright fruit tree style. In about 10 days a plastic netting gets thrown over. Branches grow through this & it does a great job of tying the whole plant up with the help a a few large stakes to keep the whole thing from falling over.
There's a few different clones in the garden but a really nice Super Silver Haze dominates most of it. Also a couple Cherry Slyders, Urkles, & a Snowcap. I'm still searching for my favorite & feel it's time to head back to the old drawing board & just breed & locate it myself. The Salmon Creek Big Bud & Snowcap are proven to be pretty good for this type of grow but they lack in quality in my opinion, particularly the Snowcap. I've heard the same about Cheese clone floating around. A lot of these plants bred for inside just have such a hair trigger regarding flowering induction that they tuft up if the sky even blinks one cloud. It's frustrating to say the least, but we're hanging in there with some frantic pruning early on lol.
Thanks Tom! I have some large plants I took out of a greenhouse, I wish I had done more pruning and shaping, as they are all looking a little top heavy. I'd like to try something like you have done, or if anyone has any suggestions as well I'd love to hear them. Where can I find the type of plastic netting you like to use? How many stakes is normally needed to hold the net, 4 or more?

Oh I feel ya on the snocap, harsh stuff usually even in the vape...... unless done very well and usually not done very well. Is there also a couple phenos out there? Unique smell and nice hard buds and a good look, okay high IME...

20kw dreams

Holy fuck TomHill, those are some gorgeous plants. What is the deal with whatever they're in? Please expand on how your doing things, when you got started, clone/seed, ferts, etc, etc.

Tom Hill

Well-known member
Hi 20K,

They are in homemade containers out of heavy gaged wire & ground cover, they go about 500 gallons & are 6 feet in diameter. From clones, vegged inside through April & most of May then set out. Added to the soil & perlite is 5 cubic ft composted chicken shit, 50 lbs steamed bone meal, & 15 lbs gypsum. Then I use field meters to try & hover around perfect ( PH 6.5, ergs 500, na + 2.5, ORP 125-150) as best I can with Earth Juice products mostly. They should get pretty big, though I only get about 6 hours of direct sunlight per day. Here's a couple of old pics a bit further along in the season with the Salmon Creek clone. My apologies, for these pics are old news to many of these guys.

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Farmer John

Old and in the way.
Holy shit Tom :D they look nice, like always. :D I remember those Salmon Creek pics from OG a few years back, amazing...:yes:
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damn tom! ive seen your pics many times in the past but they never cease to amaze me. awesome work!


Active member
damn tomhill those are some bushes, i remember reading that thread on OG, i never got to follow it :( but i went through every single page let me tell you, i particulary like that shot of the cola inside a beer bottle HUGE buds, wasnt it salmon creek? wat strain are bushes your growing out now?

New Grower

TomHill is a living legend!

Nice to see ya crazy garden again!

I didn't thought that you still use that garden!

Tom is the really OPOP king of us! no doubt

