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Obama Drug Policy calls for drugged driving charges for UNIMPAIRED marijuana users

i remember when obamao first got elected every was so hopeful...but there was a small crowd saying they were proud he got elected because his ineptness would wake americans up. the democratic party is a sham, so is the republicans, we are fucked either way. but at least the repulicans are campaigning on states rights and 2nd amendment rights..but who knows they may lie and we will be fucked again. until most sheeple can wake up and vote in an independant nothing will happen, and even if that does the bilbeburd group will assassinate any outspoken president.

theres nothing you can do, except get some land, get some guns, live off the grid and say fuck the government. live your life in peace enjoy your hobbies to the fullest, and if one day the swat team comes to oppress you load up and go out in a blaze!!

Now that is some advice... :)


Obama is just another Fascist ...

Obama is just another Fascist ...

just like GW Bush, Clinton, GHW Bush, Reagan, Ford, and Nixon -- Fascists ALL.

So much for that "hope & change" bullshit. At this point in time, I see very little difference between the Democratic and Republican Parties in regard to Fascism and the War on Drugs | War on People. The ONLY political parties that I would support with my campaign cash or vote any more is either the Green Party or Libertarian Party, although II am inclined to support the Greens.

The only glimmers of hope that I can see is the Michigan Supreme Court nixing such DUID testing procedures this year, and California's Prop 19, IF that actually passes.

Obama Drug Policy calls for drugged driving charges for UNIMPAIRED marijuana users

From the President's National Drug Policy Report

HMMM, what happened to the hopey/changey stuff i was promised?!?!!?!?!


Sorry, but Obama is a NeoLiberal (Corporate Fascist),

Sorry, but Obama is a NeoLiberal (Corporate Fascist),

just like every other President (NeoLiberal or NeoCon) back to LBJ, excluding Carter. He has the dictatorial power of the Executive Order, which he has used to embrace and extent the Unitary powers of the Presidency. The USA is a single terrorist attack away from being a full-blown martial law Corporate Fascist police state, including curfews, domestic military check-points (your papers, please), internment (FEMA) camps, banking "holidays", and the suspension of Congress. Try paying attention to current events, please.

I think people are mistaken about the amount of power a president has, in this country anyway. He cannot implement his own personal will, only the will of his handlers who put him in power. That is, unless he WANTS to be shot in the head... Obama is just the front man, the talking head, and the fall guy, just like all the presidents before him for a long time.(except Kennedy, obviously) Obama has no power, just like we dont. It's all an illusion... wake up peeps!!!


Not quite correct, BabyHuey.

Not quite correct, BabyHuey.

A Michigan MMJ cardholder was arrested and charged with DUID, based upon common drug testing methods. The Michigan Supreme Court ruled that those common drug testing methods (for presence of metabolites of cannabis) do not test for either active THC or driver impairment, rendering those tests irrelevant. This is the only court to go against the new Obama DUID testing regime.

Piss poor decision to attempt to expand these ridiculous laws further.:mad:

This is all based on the Michigan Supreme Court decision
which states that intoxication is irrelevant. :dunno:

We are already subject to this in 15 states,including
MMJ states with no exclusions for legal patients.

While I have no intentions of joining the Teabaggers:laughing:
I am disappointed in this administrations position on this.


Yup! But those tests are too expensive for LEOs,

Yup! But those tests are too expensive for LEOs,

and that really isn't the point, anyway. The point is to persecute cannabis users by any means necessary. Obama, and the vast majority of politicians of both "mainstream" political parties are either Crony Corporatist lackeys or outright Fascists. Obama is the latter.

There are different metabolites which can be used to determine when the weed was used, either very recently or awhile back. This is ridiculous.


Active member
I think it's a mistake to assume that the reason for the continued "drug war" is one of moral crusading at this point. It is, and always has been, all about the money. :tiphat:


Good song!! But bro...it is with a "K"--

ya, i know, i was just really lit., thanks for the spellcheck though, :)


Active member
Is it just me, or are some of you getting overly dramatic with this?

From what I understand, it takes more than just a blood test. It also takes cooberating evidence from someone trained to tell if someone is under the influence of drugs.

I also think this is aimed at stopping youth from becoming drug addicts. Am I wrong there?

Last year my neighbors 10 year old son was riding his bike to the school to play ball with his friends. A fucking meth head came up behind him and hit him, killing him instantly. The police did a field test, and based on him failing it, got a Court Order to draw blood. He tested positive.

Should this guy not have had to give blood? My neighbors still cry and their lives are destroyed.

I have news for people. Not everyone functions normally after 10 bongs of really good weed. I for one tend not to drive seriously stoned because I seem to do a lot of daydreaming. I know this so I don't drive ripped. But if I did, and I decided to zone off for a second, and I hit and killed a kid, do I deserve to be punished? I most certainly feel I should be punished.

I always hear people on here saying weed doesn't affect the way they drive. Maybe I have good bud because I've heard many of my friends say they are to burnt to drive after smoking a few joints at my house....

Where in this report does it say someone can be convicted based on bloood with no accompanying field sobriety test? I apologize if I missed it.
Actually a few studies have been done. Stoned drivers tend to be more careful. Drunk divers loose inhibtions and speed up feel more comfortable kind of like meth drivers on top of the world. Marijuana drivers feel more aprehensive drive slower and look twice. If you cant handle your bud dont smoke. As an all day grower smoker I rarely feel high anymore. The only time I feel high is when I smoke a freshly harvested new strain but Im still with it and can look both ways but please dont compare meth with pot. And really I dont believe as a free american they had any right to take blood. Sorry for the loss of life but this is a free society anyone who objects should apply for a job with tsa or homeland secuirity.

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originally posted on anarchism FB page.


Active member
Actually a few studies have been done. Stoned drivers tend to be more careful. Drunk divers loose inhibtions and speed up feel more comfortable kind of like meth drivers on top of the world. Marijuana drivers feel more aprehensive drive slower and look twice. If you cant handle your bud dont smoke. As an all day grower smoker I rarely feel high anymore. The only time I feel high is when I smoke a freshly harvested new strain but Im still with it and can look both ways but please dont compare meth with pot. And really I dont believe as a free american they had any right to take blood. Sorry for the loss of life but this is a free society anyone who objects should apply for a job with tsa or homeland secuirity.

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Platitudes and excuses, nothing more. I would love to see a legitimate research report on one of these "several" studies. I would also like to take this opportunity to tell all of the Obama-lovers-turned-haters..."I told ya so" :wave:
I think people are mistaken about the amount of power a president has, in this country anyway. He cannot implement his own personal will, only the will of his handlers who put him in power. That is, unless he WANTS to be shot in the head... Obama is just the front man, the talking head, and the fall guy, just like all the presidents before him for a long time.(except Kennedy, obviously) Obama has no power, just like we dont. It's all an illusion... wake up peeps!!!

That needs to be said again.

Loud Pack

Is it just me, or are some of you getting overly dramatic with this?

...Maybe I have good bud because I've heard many of my friends say they are to burnt to drive after smoking a few joints at my house....

GREAT point. I would NEVER drive after smoking, my girlfriend would certainly testify that my reaction time is shit from 10 mins after burning my favourite indica... I chose to smoke this strain out of the 1000's available because it DOES have this effect on me, and anyone who has every smoked some higher quality shit than they are used to should know the feeling of being unsure of their capabilities.

Also, some people like sativa's that are more clear minded and energetic, or are subjected to lower quality commercial bud that doesn't have much effect due to their tolerance, and could manage this kind of activity.
It is so subjective and to the individual in question that no type of urine/blood test can prove anything unless the person harms somebody else on the road.

Also, there's a lot of resentment for Obama here, like people stated before it has nothing to do with him, he is a face to a capitalist machine. If you don't like capitalism, move to another country. I would never move back to Cali and would denounce my U.S. citizenship over Canadian any day because I am content with the government and people here. Find your own happiness because the government is not going to change without a Marxist type revolution.

... BTW, in Canada NOBODY is going to jail you for driving stoned (or even in less than an oz possession) unless you are incoherent, which is the point anyway, right?

Ioni Botani

Bankers run America.

Not politicians.


We still have this cool little thingy (In the US atleast) called the CONSTITUTION.

If we (en masse) only practiced flexing the power....sigh...we could realize that within it we have more control with the Constitution than with the Institution.

And NO PALIN 2010....

What are you damn fools? Do you want to get us ALL fucking killed?

And Rush Limbaugh is no better...lets be civilized now..everything that comes out of that man's mouth is the shit satan shits in the center of Dante's inferno...and that shit IS Sarah Palin.

I don't think God would shoot wolves from a helicopter. Fucking satanists, taking on religious satire...what will they think of next...?
What would the natives think?

I wanna see a Timber Wolf VS. Sarah Palin....IN THE THUNDERDOME..

Nailin Palin would never be the same again :D

No but seriously though, fuck Sarah Palin. She makes me ashamed to be a human being alive in the world right now.


New member
So true so true. Sorry to hear about the accident apologies. I have caught myself checking out women when I was younger then due to quick relflexes I just miss jumping the curb. Now that my reflexes are slower one or two puffs and that is it. I do want to point out what can happen on a refusal if you dont know the state laws. I got an OUI in Maine because I refused the test. In Maine refusal is viewed as an admission of guilt. 10,000 dollars and 2 years with the best attorney in NH did not let me walk on this. I had to cop a plea and got it erased over time however be aware- BE VERY AWARE
NH is an absolute totalitarian state..people have no rights here and are guilty because the LEO says so. I think it is about the money


Get two birds stoned at once
NH cops were always relatively nice to me. Got them called on me for fucking around with a potato gun and told the cop who showed up I had read the law and knew I was not doing anything wrong, then he asked to try it out.


... BTW, in Canada NOBODY is going to jail you for driving stoned (or even in less than an oz possession) unless you are incoherent, which is the point anyway, right?

I would not say that unfortunately-someone in my area was charged with drugged driving all because the cop "suspected" the driver was on medication(he was not showing signs of impairment/small town and cop knew guy took meds)

On July 2, 2008 the government made a series of changes to the
drinking and driving laws in Canada, known as Bill C-2

Part 3 – Drug-Impaired Driving (Clauses 18-27; 55; 59-60)

Bill C-2 expands drug enforcement capabilities by giving police the
authority to demand physical sobriety tests and bodily fluid samples
for section 253(a) investigations. Such tests will look for impairment
by illegal, over-the-counter, and prescription drugs !!!!!!!!!!. As a first step,
police officers will be authorized to administer Standardized Field
Sobriety Tests (SFST) at the roadside if the officer has a reasonable
suspicion that the driver has a drug in his or her body. SFST involves
physical sobriety evaluations such as divided attention tests that
evaluate the driver’s ability to multitask. If the driver fails, the
officer will then have reasonable grounds to believe that a
drug-impaired driving offence has been committed, and can escort the
driver to a police station for administration of a Drug Recognition
Expert (DRE) evaluation involving a combination of interviews and
physical observations. Should the DRE officer identify that a specific
family of drugs is causing impairment, Bill C-2 allows officers to
take a saliva, urine, or blood sample. Charges will not be laid
without confirmation of preliminary DRE results through a toxicology
report, but the results of such tests can then be used as evidence in
drug-impaired driving prosecutions. A driver’s refusal to comply with
an officer’s request for a physical sobriety or bodily fluid sample
test constitutes a criminal offence punishable under the same
provisions that are currently applicable for refusing to perform an
alcohol breath or blood test.

In September 2002, the Senate Special Committee on Illegal Drugs issued a report entitled Cannabis: Our Position for a Canadian Public Policy.(48) This report found that between 5% and 12% of drivers may drive while under the influence of cannabis. Emphasizing the use of cannabis among young drivers, the report stated that this percentage increases to over 20% for men under 25. The Committee stated that cannabis alone, particularly in low doses, has little effect on the skills involved in driving and thus is not, in itself, a traffic risk. However, although cannabis use often leads to a more cautious style of driving, it still has a negative impact on decision time and trajectory, making it difficult for drivers to stay in their lanes. In addition, a significant percentage of impaired drivers test positive for both cannabis and alcohol together, and the effects of cannabis when combined with alcohol are more significant than for alcohol alone.
The Senate Committee also pointed out that there is no reliable, non-intrusive, rapid roadside testing method for drugs. Blood is the best medium for testing for cannabis; urine cannot screen for recent use; saliva could work, but no rapid commercial tests are reliable enough. However, the visual recognition method used by police had yielded satisfactory results in the past. The Committee emphasized that it was essential to conduct further studies in order to develop a rapid testing tool, and to learn more about the driving habits of cannabis users.
As a final recommendation with regard to the need to prohibit drug-impaired driving, the Committee suggested two amendments to the Criminal Code: lowering the permitted alcohol level to 40 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood when combined with drugs, especially cannabis; and admitting evidence from expert police officers trained in detecting persons operating vehicles under the influence of drugs.



just do it
What a fucking bunch of bullshit, Obama what the fuck man? Why you selling out I thought you were one of us? You DID inhale remember?

one of us????? i cant speak for you but i know im not a nazi fascist bloodsucker lowlife

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