Sounds like they are trying to push people away from cannabis and toward heroin, meth, and coke, which are metabolized quickly and don't show up in a test after only a few hours. Makes me feel all warm inside knowing our government is always sending the right message to the children.
I said it when he was elected and i say it again now, the who said it best---
meet the new boss--same as the old boss
anyone who truly expected anything different was deluded. Noone gets in power without being put there by the real power-the very interests (amongst many others-ganja is obviously not the primary concern for these mega-gangsters) who had the ganj banned in the 1st place.
When Obama walked in the whitehouse he knew damned straight what he was and was not allowed to do and say. Come on nobody really thought this guy would be any different did they.
I think people are mistaken about the amount of power a president has, in this country anyway. He cannot implement his own personal will, only the will of his handlers who put him in power. That is, unless he WANTS to be shot in the head... Obama is just the front man, the talking head, and the fall guy, just like all the presidents before him for a long time.(except Kennedy, obviously) Obama has no power, just like we dont. It's all an illusion... wake up peeps!!!
not the latest drivel to ooze forth from their seeping hole. Trump's a business man for sure, but has also succumbed to the limelight of celebrity. Thankfully that will probably save us from any serious run by the MILF from Alaska, but Trump has always fed his ego off of the reactions that his words and deeds elicited from the press. He's like the T.O. of the Johnny come latelies, or the Joe Biden's of the status quo. If you follow him for a little bit, and keep a live mike nearby, eventually he'll say something fucked up. The Donald gives money to Soros favored endeavors and then turns and curses the very policies that he's supported in the past. Another one not to be trusted, even as a lesser of two evils candidate. He's also used our banking system to his significant advantage numerous times in his past. Borrow, build, bust, re-incorporate and do it all again...with OPM (other people's money). That places way to close with the very pricks that are the root of the problem.
Forget that he's a Republican, 'cuz he ain't like any of the others, and listen to some of his interviews and speeches. Ron Paul has been a lone voice of reason for decades, and he is nothing if not consistent. He's basically for getting back to a Constitution based form of governance and more of a laissez - faire form of Capitalism. But mainly, he's fully behind the only movement to rid us of the vampire that is the Fed and all of their suckling pigs on Wall Street.
He feels that government has no right to tell us what to do in our own homes, with our own bodies, or between consenting adults. He may not endorse heroin use personally, and as a doctor have very strong objections to its use, but as a politician he understands that its basically none of his fucking business. Same goes for prostitution and oh yeah...WEED! Check out some of his appearances with Bill Marr or anytime that he's been interviewed about substance. He looks squarely at the questioner and answers the fucking question.
Chuckie Shumer bein' asked about the latest budget scam that they used to cover each others' asses with to avoid the shut down. No less than four times he was asked point blank what the cuts were that were agreed to, and each time he ignored the question and literally kept going off on a complete tangent. Disgusting, but what we're used to from both parties. Fuck'em.
How about Ron Paul and Jessie Ventura on the ticket, and we'll send Ralph Nader along just to keep the last two half honest fuckers honest. They'd all have us out of the Middle East as fast as we could pack. Subsidies to ethanol pukes, farmers, corporate America and the Military Industrial Complex. If we got behind him he would do away with the Fed, and with it a huge chunk of our national half. With all of the other tit suckers removed we could actually see the debt, our national debt, resolved in nearly a decade.
How compassionate is it to bancrupt an entire nation? Maybe...if we were allowed to keep our fucking money, we'd be able to afford shit like competitively priced medical care and charity. All shit that we used to be able to do. Believe it or not...there was a time when we educated our kids BETTER with half as much (prior to the 1970's). We managed to survive without a national debt or a central bank fucking us in the ass (Andrew Jackson disbanded it and paid off our debt). Social Security used to be the Widows and Orphans Fund...not a national help me I'm too fucking stupid or lazy to save anything retirement account. Before Woodrow "The Great Progressive" Wilson and his Fabian cronies fucked us we actually managed to survive as a nation without the Federal Reserve or the fucking IRS.
Time to step back and re-evaluate our history. As the dollar continues to crumble, and the crumb steering us deeper into the ditch comes up for re-election, we need to unite without all of this party label bullshit and turn this mother fucker around...completely. The government should fear us, not the other way around. And NONE of these wannabe's gets that message...still!
Roots, you sound like John Galt (hero in Atlas Shrugged), and if you haven't read it check it out. It's a fictional novel written by a female Russian immigrant about 75 years or so ago. Reading it today is like reading Nostradamus. Shit that she forewarned of in her story is now our reality to a friggin' Tee. It's a long bitch, but many consider it one of the most formative books of their life. Over the years I believe the only thing that's outsold it is the Bible, so the good news is that many more people are getting the message. They also recently released the first part as a movie in limited release. It wasn't a Hollywood gig, mainly 'cuz of the message, and the production was pretty low budget, but the story was pretty well kept intact if you don't have the patience for a 1,300 page novel.