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Obama Drug Policy calls for drugged driving charges for UNIMPAIRED marijuana users


Green Mujaheed
Funny... makes me think, in France there are plans to make some law-change so as to allow some people to drive legally under the influence of pills (tranquilizers, anti-depression and knocking-off stuff like that).
So people will be allowed to drive loaded with vallium, but if you have smoked a joint 24hours before, you'rein for troubles. Mad mad mad...

Irie !
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hempluvr: its not about religion because i suspect u imply something like that.
im christian but i know islam and christianity worship the same ONLY god.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
your most decorated general said it. why dont you do something to make it happen? the western world starts and ends in america. YOU have to start the fight and the rest of the world follows.
the Greek revolution slogan was "Freedom or Death".
now i can feel it more than ever. you should too.
peace from greece

Unfortunately they don't talk about General Butler in the war colleges and you'd never hear about it on TV. Stuff like that is kept from the masses and often when they do read it they can't put 2+2 together because of how we are indoctrinated. We have been indoctrinated to think that the wars we fight today are actually for freedom. They have taken our precious documents of the Bill of Rights and Constitution and turned them into the greatest propaganda scam ever.

I think we starting to feel it here too though. Slowly, but surely people are starting to figure out the truth that our government is corrupted to the very core and no longer represents the people one bit. The tree of liberty has rotted and died. The sad truth is that's it's been that way for 100+ years.

Stay safe in Greece brother and keep up the resistance to the Global Fascists. When the tide of the sovereign debt crisis eventually reaches America's shores and our social cohesion begins to break down as yours has. I believe it will be then that the sleeping giant finally fully awakens and the proles will rise again.



where is the scientific PROOF that stoned drivers are impaired? i wanna see documented comprehensive studies before we put peeps behind bars for shitsake. fucking witch hunts...

i would make this a matter of contention in the courtroom. without SCIENTIFIC PROOF they have hearsay. period. without going into details, i am CERTAIN that my driving while "high" is as good as it is when i am not. don't ask how i know.

let's establish intoxication parameters besides 'he smoked a month ago and is certainly still impaired!!'

fucking embarrassing to to live in the home of the free, idinit?
spasticgramps: only thing we can do is to HOLD them but not STOP them. because if worst comes to worst YOUR army will come over here to mantain "peace" and "order".
it is YOUR war, and from what i read in here you have it a lot worse than we do. you live in a true dictarorship but it was so slowly introduced to you that u didnt notice until it was too late.

draco: in my opinion driving while high off anything should be avoided. But if you want proof, "science" of the last century can give "proof" for almost anything.
for exapmle they could put 100 men to drive while having smoked a month ago and 50 of them crash. but they will never tell you that the 50 who crashed were blind.. its just an example of course and i hope u understand what i want to say, i cant find the right words for it :)


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
from what i read in here you have it a lot worse than we do. you live in a true dictarorship but it was so slowly introduced to you that u didnt notice until it was too late.

I'm so glad this is an international site. You are exactly right. We do live in a true dictatorship over here and it's about to get a lot worse. Most Americans never leave the US and the educational system is based on control not enlightenment. Most have no other perspective at which to view the world other than through the lens of American Propaganda.

I don't think our military will end up in Greece. We are too busy going broke killing all the Arabs. Hopefully we will wake up and revolt before our government starts WWIII. It is no doubt coming.

To smaller point at hand. I've driven high my whole driving life and never had a problem. Drunk driving is incredibly dangerous. This is just one more way for them to get you into the privatized criminal system.
Gary Johnson for president 2012,look at all of them and then look at him..He has the track record to prove, he does what he says!! Hes just like you and me also, not caught up in all the bullshit.. Remember GARY JOHNSON.. I gotta get the word out..


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
The old timers knew what they were talking about. 2010 is just a number guys. We are just dots in history books. It's the same game just different names.


Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!

where is the scientific PROOF that stoned drivers are impaired? i wanna see documented comprehensive studies before we put peeps behind bars for shitsake. fucking witch hunts...

i would make this a matter of contention in the courtroom. without SCIENTIFIC PROOF they have hearsay. period. without going into details, i am CERTAIN that my driving while "high" is as good as it is when i am not. don't ask how i know.
Laws have nothing to do with science. The law defines what impaired is. Period. In this case, if you test positive for THC you are, in the eyes of the law, impaired. Just like in some states if you're caught with more than an oz, you can be charged as a trafficker. Kind of like saying if you have a 12-pack of beer in your fridge, you are running a liquor store. No matter. It's called prima facie evidence (indisputable, self-evident). The law, not science or reality, is all that matters in a court room.
It gets worse than getting trafficking with only an oz, in WV the law for misdemeanor is 15g, anything over that is investigated as trafficking. Pretty screwed up. But it is sad that they are trying to rely on tests that CAN NOT show exactly when you smoked that joint that made you "impaired". In my opinion, it's just like all the other laws we have here in the US, based on what's good for the elite few, not the masses to.



plant pimp
hempluvr: its not about religion because i suspect u imply something like that.
im christian but i know islam and christianity worship the same ONLY god.

How did u get religion out of what I said? Speaking of religion Christians pray to Jesus and muslims pray to allah......2 diff beings! There are many gods but only 1 true LIVING GOD!


Laws have nothing to do with science. The law defines what impaired is. Period. In this case, if you test positive for THC you are, in the eyes of the law, impaired. Just like in some states if you're caught with more than an oz, you can be charged as a trafficker. Kind of like saying if you have a 12-pack of beer in your fridge, you are running a liquor store. No matter. It's called prima facie evidence (indisputable, self-evident). The law, not science or reality, is all that matters in a court room.

it is disputable and not self evident, therefore not prima facie. i would start there.

when i was a kid if you smoked mj, you were affected for life. that's bullshit... just like 30 days. same lame mentality. i'd call common knowledge into question.

we should be screaming bloody murder
How did u get religion out of what I said? Speaking of religion Christians pray to Jesus and muslims pray to allah......2 diff beings! There are many gods but only 1 true LIVING GOD!

jesus and mohamed are prophets. of the same god. in english god, in greek "theOs", for the musulims allah and im sure that every language has its own word.

what changes between christians and musulims is the way they worship god, and the rules god has given for the people to follow. of course most of the time these god sent rules dont come strait from the holy books but are the "interpretation" of them by the people who have "fait power" ie the priests. and many times serve political causes more than spritual ones.

of course god doestn like people in power :) and in general faith is a much more simple thing.

you can research about "allah" and "god" beeing the same in the internet if you like, or if you have a musulim priest in your area ask him (of course not the kind that teaches how to make a bomb and blow yourself up)

something more: Greeks belived in 12 "gods" but at the same time Socrates taught that there is only one real God who created the world. odd for his time eh? ;)

ps i dont belive in mixed religion areas i mean if a county is traditionaly christian and many people come that are musulim, this can lead to conflict because of the different way of life. that eventually can change the way of life of the christian country violently.
but if one 5% of the population is of different religion then i dont see any problem. one can learn from another



jesus and mohamed are prophets. of the same god. in english god, in greek "theOs", for the musulims allah and im sure that every language has its own word.

what changes between christians and musulims is the way they worship god, and the rules god has given for the people to follow. of course most of the time these god sent rules dont come strait from the holy books but are the "interpretation" of them by the people who have "fait power" ie the priests. and many times serve political causes more than spritual ones.

of course god doestn like people in power :) and in general faith is a much more simple thing.

you can research about "allah" and "god" beeing the same in the internet if you like, or if you have a musulim priest in your area ask him (of course not the kind that teaches how to make a bomb and blow yourself up)

something more: Greeks belived in 12 "gods" but at the same time Socrates taught that there is only one real God who created the world. odd for his time eh? ;)

ps i dont belive in mixed religion areas i mean if a county is traditionaly christian and many people come that are musulim, this can lead to conflict because of the different way of life. that eventually can change the way of life of the christian country violently.
but if one 5% of the population is of different religion then i dont see any problem. one can learn from another


any, and i really mean any religion leads to hate... it doesnt matter what the codex (no matter if its bible or koran or anything) says, every religion can be used to make people hate others... religions have made far more evil things than any hitler or stalin or bush (who also used religion as a weapon)...
i know that religiosity is part of being a man, but isnt now the moment to move on?
faith shall be private thing of every single human being, not to be organized and potentially abusable and misusable
i agree that faith and spirituality are somewhat different than religon nowadays BUT many religious rules are good for you.

for example fastening is good it detoxifies your body.
the way musulims kill animals in order to be eaten is good. they kill them with one single strike and so animals dont become stressed and not filled with toxins. and all the blood is drained. orthodox monks can eat only meat that flies or swims: fish and birds have been proven to be the best quality meet for everyday use. etc etc


hempluvr: its not about religion because i suspect u imply something like that.
im christian but i know islam and christianity worship the same ONLY god.

If you read the bible (which I never did) the Israelis the arabs and christens do believe in one god.
Even their stories are similar just the names for their gods are different.


What the hell did anyone expect? This guy is a complete lie all the way around. LOSER


Kiss My Ring
this is one scary read. SpasticGramps,thank you for your incredible amount of information
Let's keep religion and politics seperate...oh..too late.

"The difficulty lies in the fact that morals are often part of a religion and more often than not about culture codes. Sometimes, moral codes give way to legal codes, which couple penalties or corrective actions with particular practices. Note that while many legal codes are merely built on a foundation of religious and/or cultural moral codes, often they are one and the same."

It looks like law is becoming the religion in America...
just my take on things.


ICMag Donor
Is it just me, or are some of you getting overly dramatic with this?

From what I understand, it takes more than just a blood test. It also takes cooberating evidence from someone trained to tell if someone is under the influence of drugs.

I also think this is aimed at stopping youth from becoming drug addicts. Am I wrong there?

Last year my neighbors 10 year old son was riding his bike to the school to play ball with his friends. A fucking meth head came up behind him and hit him, killing him instantly. The police did a field test, and based on him failing it, got a Court Order to draw blood. He tested positive.

Should this guy not have had to give blood? My neighbors still cry and their lives are destroyed.

I have news for people. Not everyone functions normally after 10 bongs of really good weed. I for one tend not to drive seriously stoned because I seem to do a lot of daydreaming. I know this so I don't drive ripped. But if I did, and I decided to zone off for a second, and I hit and killed a kid, do I deserve to be punished? I most certainly feel I should be punished.

I always hear people on here saying weed doesn't affect the way they drive. Maybe I have good bud because I've heard many of my friends say they are to burnt to drive after smoking a few joints at my house....

Where in this report does it say someone can be convicted based on bloood with no accompanying field sobriety test? I apologize if I missed it.

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