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Obama Drug Policy calls for drugged driving charges for UNIMPAIRED marijuana users

headband 707

Plant whisperer
WOW this is really bad cause now they can go after all the ppl they have put on opiates for pain which they do legally . They have so many ppl at the end of their rope as it is this is really the last straw!! Wow Obama is such a fucking asshole isn't he ?? Does it surprise me? nah... told ya these fuckers were slimmy..Headband707

This video really works on this topic LOL..
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Active member
OBAMA... is just a puppet... a fucking face for idiots to look at... Come on Americans, who is REALLY behind all this shit... Rockerfeller brothers...?

You need to start pointing fingers in the right direction & put pressure on the evil cloaked leaders of your country... drag them bastards out of their cupboards & get them answering for the decades of cold calculated murder... in & out of USA.

Why even say Obama's name...? what a load of dogshit.

stickey fingers

FUCK obamacrit !!!

FUCK obamacrit !!!

Why even say Obama's name...? what a load of dogshit.[/quote]
beacause he is DOG SHIT !!! everybody keep in mind thier opion
is there own !!! lets keep it that way, to me he is DOG SHIT!!!
people in real life should becareful projecting them seleves in
public as some dumbshit sheeple running crap out the mouth !!!
the writeing is on the wall, you BITCH you gone get slapped !!!
things have changed people can talk shit on the PC all day, just
really funny how i never hear all this "i love obamacrit" out in public :moon:
i am not a cyber bully, all you haters FUCK OFF!!!


Obama has clearly stated he does not and will not support thee leaglization of mom and pop growing operations or non FDA regulated medical mj dispensaries. He stated he believes there should be new laws written by congress addressing medical marijuana legalization but will not use o]up any of his political powers to force the issue. He will not support legalization of all mj usage and growing and will only support medical mj if new laws are written after the FDA state mj has scientifically proven legitimate medical applications that can not be treated with existing legal controlled substances.


Active member
power over other people is wrong, thats why no one can handle it.

always turn into little shits with millions of skeletons in the closet sooner or later.

im really starting to wonder if the guillotine with a final solution to the worlds problem (people in power) is not the thing to do.
My Man!

Now you're talkin' my kind'a solution. I wanna see lawyers heads bouncin' down the cobblestones and marble all over America. Hell Europe too for that matter. More likely to start there 1st anyway given their proximity to EU overall junk bond stature and history (France had their Guillotines and the Anglos had the Halifax Gibbet...crude but effective).
I don't give a shit what we use as long as there's enough to keep the lines movin' briskly and the blades are rusty and dull.

Yobo would never allow a money maker like registered, licensed, controlled by companies that he's vested in, slip through his fingers. Just like the rest of the slimy fucks, it's all about how much he can jam up his ass while the whole world watches.


Active member
there is an easier solution.

nr1, ignore the government, till it falls apart (dont pay taxes, excedra)

that way there would be a complete revolution and a complete new beginning, needs most of the people though.

nr2, fightclub style, we ARE everywhere. this method needs less people but needs the sort of people that are unlikely to be nice to have as government.

n3, plain old revolution, this is going to kill most people, both sides.
the government has the army (though it can be circumvented, just get all the moms and grannies of the soldiers on our side and give them megaphones to yell at their offspring and shame them)

the first solution is the best and we could just put all the suits in cages and allow people to throw rotten fruit at them, that way they could still serve a purpose, instead of just being wormfood.

but, the problem is, too many people are blind to all else but the carrot.

need a sheepherder...and its too obvious, any such would be assinated, real quick and "accidentally" (probably have learned abit since the 60´s 70´s)

and another problem is the general stupidity of the public at large.

so full of shit its disgusting to even come near them. to talk of dying for them is just plain ridiculous, like going to the jungle and getting eaten by a tiger to save some shitthrowing loudmouth dumbass monkey.

i doubt that rabble could be roused by anything but promises of more grub and entertainment, preferably if they didnt have to do anything about it.

see, its so simple.

there neednt be ANY fight. not a single blow or shot fired.

we have ALL the power.

we are the structure and support of the entire pyramid. even with the army (many of whom would be on our side) the top is just a tiny bit

thats ENTIRELY helpless without us the masses, they wouldnt have anything.

we build their houses, mine their gold and make their luxurious food.

all it takes

is everyone saying NO

everyone IGNORING them.

what the fuck are they gonna do, if everyone just stopped paying taxes? ignored all the shit from the government?


they´d keep the superbrainwashed soldiers, thats it.

which would be powerless against MILLIONS of people. (BILLIONS worldwide)

we have ALL the power.

thats it, its as simple as that.

till the people realise that, there is always going to be a powerstruggle and some fat pig abusing everyone.

till we stop seeking power, thats the way its gonna go.

fucking ourselves in the ass.

but yes, the guillotine solution might give us better days for awhile. probably gonna make them shitworse for awhile too, much worse.

the trouble with revolutions is that they put everything full circle

shit floats.

revolution has always historically been about removing the shit at top, so the shit at bottom can rise.
To extrapolate on that thought...how about we give Yobo and the minions all of the trillions that they want. Say "O.K. motherfucker...you're so Harvard taint lickin' smart and we're so stupid, here's all the worthless scrip that the Fed can manufacture out'a thin air. Do your magic". This should accelerate the implosion exponentially and there won't be another asshole left in the room to blame it on.

Go start a few more illegal wars to feed your Military Industrial Complex, what the fuck, the West doesn't export anything but death anymore anyway. Lets quit fuckin' around with this Fabian style incremental-ism and let the world see American style hegemony in all its unfettered glory. The might of the greatest killin' machine the planet's ever seen is being woefully underutilized fuckin' with all of these bassakwards Stone Age shitholes. Let's surprise attack Germany and Japan just for Auld Lang Syn.

It's really kind of fucked up that what we're experiencing is nearly verbatim one of my favorite books, and one of the all time dumbest movies. Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged and Idiocracy. Rand wrote this shit down almost seventy years ago. The book was originally called The Strike and its basic premise was that the creative minds and producers of the world should all go on strike and tell the government "fine...you're so fuckin' smart, here's my business, my art, my music, whatever...you do it", and just walk the fuck away.

I hate Bill Gates and his mealy mouthed holier than thou shit with a passion but when the government went after Microsoft I wished he had had the balls to just walk into those Congressional hearings and Federal Courts and told them all to kiss his ass. All he had to do was tell them, "fuck with me one more lick and I fire the whole fucking company tomorrow. No more support. No more fixes. No more shit. You want warm and fuzzy, call Steve Jobs and see how long it'll take Apple to pick up the pieces."

Ridiculous, but these are the types of twisted things that I use to amuse myself and keep from climbing a water tower with a high powered rifle some days. It is truly theater of the absurd.

Gotta get back to stockin' my bunker and feedin' my chickens. Gold should be scratchin' at 2 grand by month's end if not sooner and the abyss between the haves and have nots continues to widen as we speak. Nothin' lookin' too happy on the horizon. Meanwhile the Stazi is arming up with more and more weaponry and gadgets for "maintaining the continuity of government in the event of a national emergency"...something that King Bama can now unilaterally declare without any involvement from Congress or any sort of judicial oversight or revue. I fear we are doomed.

Wish I was Bill Pilgrim and could just get unstuck in time...
What a fucking bunch of bullshit, Obama what the fuck man? Why you selling out I thought you were one of us? You DID inhale remember?

Shit, with all the lies uncovered, I bet that was another one too.

The ONLY thing I'm happy about is I don't have voter's remorse, like so many others. In truth, we really don't have a choice. Want change, & reform? Us enslaved people are going to have to break our chains, & storm Capitol Hill, and that's for starters.


Active member
whats funny though, is that once you lose your hankering for "stuff" and power, you can live quite comfortably on minimum money.

comfortably enough that i can save money for the "stuff" i need, computer and so on.

its like my home, dont have that much "stuff" dont need that much "stuff", so i dont need that much space.

furniture i care more about comfortable than "expensive looking" since i found most of those homes barren and ugly anyways.

add a few flowers and plants that you actually take care of and the smallest ikea furniture apartment looks more like a home than those shiny dollarbillplaces.

once you realise most of society is plainly, monkeys, you dont care so much either about that. not beyond being occasionally pissed or laugh at them.

the monkeys are busy in the urban jungle anyways, not really that much of a trouble.

not if you dress right (camoflague lol)
Meanwhile the Fed and their monkey Geithner keep telling the American skull fucked that we just need to spend more to find our way out of the quick sand.

Biggest regret of my life is that my significant other and I originally intended to buy an old farm and do like John Prine sang about with throwin' out the TV and all, but then sold out and moved to the 'burbs so we could join the ant march. Not so much part of it anymore, but it has taken its toll. The really disturbing part is that when I attempt to awaken one of the zombies living, working or shopping nearby I am constantly confronted with blank stares and apathy that rival Kesey's McMurphy after the bi-frontal lobotomy at the end of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. While it occasionally gives me hope when I encounter other sentient beings places like here, the sheer numbers that suffer from the three monkey syndrome with hands over ears eyes and or mouths is totally depressing.

When the effectiveness of the status quo propaganda mills (re: network Kabuki Theater) is coupled with the long term effects of state run education factories and the semi-retarded promulgates that they've programed , the cumulative impact is quite staggering . There are people who still have no questions or qualms about Al The Hypocrite Gore and the real truths. Of course they don't have a clue what the Fed's Quantitative Easing relates to either. Wanna see something incredibly disturbing? Ask the average American, ...any American, who owns their Federal Reserve? Hell for that matter ask an American bank employee or college professor. I asked fully no less than thirty different professors at a local university and I shit you not. not a single one could answer the question even remotely correctly. They actually guessed that it was owned by the people.

Might it be that they don't teach us this shit for a reason. Seems to me that somewhere in their forced curriculum of saving the polar bears and multi-cultural political correctness, there might be time made for something as insignificant as explaining who controls your currency and economy...the very essence of why you contemplate selling yourself into bondage to receive an education and later compete in that market place.

What a scam. The money masters keep the puppet characters changing just enough to amuse the idiots and let them think that they make a difference, while they continue to run the puppets whose work it is to keep everyone broke and fearful...of something, anything. I'd say they are succeeding on all counts.

I engaged an old guy in a Harbor Freight store the other day in a conversation that I feel pretty much encapsulates the whole idea. Harbor Freight is a nationwide reseller of communist Chinese tools and maintenance equipment. They make no bones about the quality of what they sell and have become extremely successful by being generous in their return and exchange policy while continuing to offer essentially the same stuff now cluttering the shelves of Home Depot, albeit at a much reduced price. Their success directly impacts American jobs with what little is left of the American manufacturing base. Yet in spite of this open and obvious assault on the sacred cow of the collectivists' unions, this old man had no problem proudly proclaiming that he was a retired union man and damn proud of it. Further more, that if all had listened to the likes of him for the last 20 years and bought American we wouldn't be in this jam today. More importantly from his perspective the President wouldn't be stuck trying to fix all of these problems that "aren't really his fault". "It's those damn Republicans and their obstructionism in Congress".

I shit you not. The man was in front of me at the check out and had just spent over two hundred dollars helping to support a communist regime that we had spent trillions of national wealth fighting for decades. The fact that he was standing in a veritable monument to why America is no longer great was completely beyond his comprehension. I had to ask, "is your fucking internal GPS busted or are you just that drunk on union socialism that you don't care?" The quip flew right over his head at a million miles an hour. He was actually offended that I questioned his union loyalty over the simple self serving fact that he chose to spend his money where he got the mostest for the leastest. My parting comment about how I buy American when an American company produces the best product value, was disagreeable to him even though he was no doubt guilty of the same type of discretionary spending model.

This is not something that can be un-fucked in just a few months or even years. We have a condition of generational retardation that I seriously doubt can ever be overcome. The U.S. has huge segments of its 'Great Society" that not only can not spell the word job, they represent permanent wards of the state whose entire families haven't held jobs since WWII ended. Try to imagine a world where everyone in your family going back generations was trained to sit up and beg at the mail box at the first of every month. Who said Lincoln freed the slaves? The rulers and their socialist dogma have managed to de-incentivize any possible reason for ever leaving the dole tit. Who the fuck wants to leave their free home with its free food and free electricity at 5 am to take three buses across town so they can eat shit doing menial jobs for people that hate them, and who they hate, when they could just as easily hang at the crib and watch Okra all day. Sling a little dope on the side, few crimes of opportunity, pay no taxes...ney actually receive "earned income credits" (the epitome of socialist wealth redistribution to people that have never even had or wanted a job), and life on the dole can get pretty comfortable. Certainly tolerable, if the growing numbers of generational devotees is any indication. And just out'a curiosity who do ya think they vote for? the asshole they perceive as protecting their way of life or the one that wants to make them go get a fucking job. That pretty much keeps all of them distracted with the class warfare crap and nothing else beyond that really matters...unless a Black guy runs, and then it could be Satan himself and they'd vote for him. Gee I wonder why?

Between this ever expanding group and the ability of State and Federal employees to vote for their own bosses and elect themselves raises, the support base for the status quo just continues to mushroom exponentially...just as does the national debt, by no strange coincidence. All wishful thinking about Guillotines and revolution aside, this is now a majority of the American populace, and it ain't gettin' smaller, it's gettin' bigger and dumber by the day.

Ask the average asshole male in the U.S. what's more important to him right now, the Congressional debate over raising the debt ceiling or the NFL contract talks. Take a wild fucking guess what the answer will be. Do ya think it's any coincidence that Congress let them set up these nice little anti-competitive monopolies in th efirst place? Just takin' a page out'a Rome's history book:

Why was the Colosseum built? The building of the Ancient Roman Colosseum was widely regarded as a political move of the time, intended for entertaining and, possibly more importantly, distracting Rome's population from more serious issues of the time such as oligarchy, nepotism and corruption in the senate and church.

Yup...like I said, Idiocracy is upon us.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
You really got to follow the money here they must be making good bucks on locking ppl up.. The US has more ppl in jail for cannabis then any other country in the world as a matter of fact when they keep showing these shows here "Jail" and bullshit shows like that it's like a factory of ppl going in for stupid shit but you can tell it's all about the ca$h for these guys not the ppl. As if the ppl are not stretched to the limits enough ,damn...
Here they just started to go to the clubs looking for the growers for tax because no one says they grow..lol.. And so it begins lol... All you really need to do is follow the cash ..I watched a show last night called "Hot Coffee" and it's a documentary about congress and how truly slimmy it is and who is pulling the strings and if you watch it you will get an idea as to why we are getting screwed .. Can you say "Big Pharma" again lol peace out Headband707
Here's one of my all time favorite purchases of Congressional vagina by big pharma:


This guys is just one of the most in our face pieces of shit, but only differs from the rest by minimal degrees. It's as if he just stuck his dick in our ass and is standing there shaking it in our face telling us to lick it. I still remember him and that fuck head Bush at their press conference praising their selling us out with that Medicare Reform bullshit bill that Tauzin helped make sure Medicare would never be able to negotiate any pharma pricing with. Each year that goes by our state educated doctor class turns more and more exclusively to writing scripts and putting victims on lifetime maintenance drug programs instead of practicing any sort of real preventative medicine (except what's necessary to keep the lawyer jackals at bay).

It's not "socialized medicine" that's a danger, it's the bastardized form of it that has been packaged up by turds like these and the biggest piece of shit in the bowel, Yobama. The only thing his plan accomplishes is to go broke quicker and expand the number of suckers that have to pay bullshit premiums to outrageously profitable health care insurers. Ever notice how fucking quiet they all were while the Kenyan asshole was pitchin' his fucked up Harvard learned bullshit? By some strange coincidence, they're the only ones growing and posting record profits since the fuck head took office...except for maybe the oil companies and Wall Street of course. Oh yeah, and the Federal government itself. WTF is wrong with people?

Never mind I already answered my own question earlier. This is probably the best argument for Eugenics that I've ever seen. Time to start thinning the gene pool.

With the money that Americans pay in taxes they could have world class healthcare for everyone very simply. One way would be to end their hegemoniacal foreign expansionist policies and endless wars where they have no right or business being. Spreading democracy my fucking ass! Try puttin' Ike's warned about Military Industrial Complex on life support and be done with it. There'd be new roads and bridges all over America within the year. Whatever happened to that peace dividend that we were supposed to see after the end of the Cold War? Why has DOD and State Dept. spending continued doubling ever since? 'Cuz we're all affeared of a gang of cave dwellers eatin' goats on the other side of the world? Give me a fucking break! We stared down nuclear fucking holocost for chrisakes! WTF kind of "threat" do ya think that these hand ass wipers pose if we would just shut the fuck up and leave them and their countries the fuck alone? Who really gives a fuck how they treat each other? Do you know anybody that wakes up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night 'cuz some hairy lipped bitch in Tehran has to wear a scarf? If they need women's rights all they have to do is learn what western women have known and used for years. They have the vajayjay...and with that comes power over men. You don't need Navy SEALS to implement that program. If the people there want "Democracy" that fucking bad I'm sure they'll eventually find a way to get there. We did and I don't remember reading about France investing its national wealth or generations of lives to help us. They waited til the dice stopped rollin' before they even stepped up to the table, and then it was only to keep England's competing hegemony in check. It ain't in our fucking job description!

Consider that the last "Stimulus" that was basically nothing more than a big pay back from Bobo to his Wall Street Massa's, could have been given back to the taxpayers and would have amounted to something like $17,000 a piece. Are you fucking kidding me?! How many "toxic assets" wouldn't have gone toxic, how many companies would have remained solvent, and how many more people would still be employed if all of that money had gone back to the people who have to pay for it anyway...instead of concentrating it into the pockets of a select few elitists? Not that I agree with the Keyensian bullshit behind it anyway, but there was certainly a less destructive way of screwin' that pooch if his socialist highness was that dedicated to that path...but now...WTF? He's got nothin' in his empty little peanut head but more and more of the same stupid shit! What a fucking great leader?! Harvard educated just means dumber than the dumbest dumbfuck!

Also just stumbled upon this bit of "progressive" diatribe supporting the perpetuation of the tits on a boar hog Dept. of Education. I especially love the part where Republicans and Wall Street are cited as being particularly fond of the Dept. and most of all the twat that Yobama has runnin' the side show today.


What better reason to burn something down than the fact that Wall Street likes what it's doing (like linin' up the next generation of suckers)?

That guy Tauzin is definitely one that I'd pay to see pilloried and caned like a Malayan vandal bare assed on prime time T.V.
Now that's entertainment.
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Active member
anything that has the prefix U.S. dept...., is a scam, think about the tax money we spend,to brainwash kids,then slowly thin out the herd to see who graduates high school,then give the ones with the most potential a college degree ,if they fail that well at least they owe banks 100+ thousand in student loans now,then if they do graduate,all that potential goes right to the biggest corparations or to the military industrial complex to futher enslave the people at large.
a diploma is nothing more than a certificate of indoctrination.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
If this conversation goes to just political and away from cannabis politics it will be closed.

14. Politics/Religion: Threads or posts pertaining to political and religious discussions, by their very sensitive nature, can incite or flame others due to the wide and varying personal beliefs that naturally exist in a global community and will be deleted. ICMag is an international site attracting members from a multitude of religious and political backgrounds. We do this in favor of harmony and unity, rather than the divisions created by permitting open discussions of politics and religion requiring an opinion from such a global community. Political discussions pertaining specifically to cannabis laws/legalization are only accepted in the appropriate forum.
I'll be a little bit Pollyanna and predict this is the last big counter assault by the Power. The Big Mo is all with our side. Iit is not over, of course, but I've seen this fucking War on People from the start and other than possible a short period in the 70's when it looked like Carter the Pussy might go with full dercrim, this is the Golden Age compared to everything preceding it. Late 80's thru most of the 90's was a true Dark Ages when if caught for what most of us now do routinely, you went to fucking Prison, The Big House, I know unfortunately plenty who did. No County for long, no pleas, if you were lucky you went to State not Fed with no good time. Not that that is not still happening, but nowhere near the level of the Good Old Days. No polititcian said anything about legalization, they'd be lambasted the few that might have tried.
No let up in the fight back and this can be won in reasonably short order.

Power to the People!