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Obama Drug Policy calls for drugged driving charges for UNIMPAIRED marijuana users


Active member
My packet for mmj n Nevada says you can't drive with 10 ng/ml in blood or 2ng/ml urin. If this is true how can the DMV issue botha drivers liscence and a mmj card to the same person? If you ever smoke anything you wil not meet those limits.


Freedom Fighter
Is it just me, or are some of you getting overly dramatic with this?

From what I understand, it takes more than just a blood test. It also takes cooberating evidence from someone trained to tell if someone is under the influence of drugs.

I also think this is aimed at stopping youth from becoming drug addicts. Am I wrong there?

I agree that ppl are getting overly dramatic about this--
The first line in this specifically states, "Illegal" drugs--
If you have ANY "Illegal" drugs in your system, then you are a "Criminal-- (I don't agree with this ppl...so don't flame me..just my interpretation of this--)
This will mean nothing if you are a MMJ Patient, except existing limits of course--
This is another point that has me even closer to full support of Prop 19, as if that passes, then drugged driving (On Cannabis) will have nothing to do with California, (Once again, except existing levels)--
So even tho this drugged driving crap sucks...everybody needs to push for Legalization...because that will quell this upcoming shit-storm!!


May your race always be in your favor
So how will it work for a vet in a medical state with a card. The Va says it's ok and that its meds . Wonder how that'll play.


Freedom Fighter
So how will it work for a vet in a medical state with a card. The Va says it's ok and that its meds . Wonder how that'll play.

It seems to me, since this specifically says, "Illegal Drugs"..that if you are a Med Patient, in a Med State, then you are doing a "Legal" drug...therefore it is a moot point--
That is what will keep all the Valium popping soccer moms outta jail-- :tiphat:


They don't want your urine. They want your blood. The officer will say I think you are under the influence of marijuana. He will then take you to the hospital. You will have two choices at this time.
Sign the consent form, or don't.

Option one is sign the consent form. From there they take your blood, give your license back and you have to wait for court. (with license still in hand)

Option 2 is don't sign. They take your license for 1 year (they give it back in 6 months if you sign) the instant you refuse. I would imagine they then get pissy and take you to jail, fondle your balls a little, you know standard procedure.

If you don't have anything on you I would say do not sign the paper. I signed, but only because I knew I would lose my license for 6 months instead of a year.

If you have a lawyer he will probably kiss you for not submitting to their test though.
In Maine a refusal to submit is an admission of guilt. I should know I got an OUI out of it.


Is it just me, or are some of you getting overly dramatic with this?

From what I understand, it takes more than just a blood test. It also takes cooberating evidence from someone trained to tell if someone is under the influence of drugs.

I also think this is aimed at stopping youth from becoming drug addicts. Am I wrong there?

Last year my neighbors 10 year old son was riding his bike to the school to play ball with his friends. A fucking meth head came up behind him and hit him, killing him instantly. The police did a field test, and based on him failing it, got a Court Order to draw blood. He tested positive.

Should this guy not have had to give blood? My neighbors still cry and their lives are destroyed.

I have news for people. Not everyone functions normally after 10 bongs of really good weed. I for one tend not to drive seriously stoned because I seem to do a lot of daydreaming. I know this so I don't drive ripped. But if I did, and I decided to zone off for a second, and I hit and killed a kid, do I deserve to be punished? I most certainly feel I should be punished.

I always hear people on here saying weed doesn't affect the way they drive. Maybe I have good bud because I've heard many of my friends say they are to burnt to drive after smoking a few joints at my house....

Where in this report does it say someone can be convicted based on bloood with no accompanying field sobriety test? I apologize if I missed it.

So true so true. Sorry to hear about the accident apologies. I have caught myself checking out women when I was younger then due to quick relflexes I just miss jumping the curb. Now that my reflexes are slower one or two puffs and that is it. I do want to point out what can happen on a refusal if you dont know the state laws. I got an OUI in Maine because I refused the test. In Maine refusal is viewed as an admission of guilt. 10,000 dollars and 2 years with the best attorney in NH did not let me walk on this. I had to cop a plea and got it erased over time however be aware- BE VERY AWARE


" leave me out of this master plan, i wont piss in a cup for any f#ckin man "

-Cottonmouth Kings-

i will be going to jail, because if i am not breaking the law, or on probation/parol, they have no reason to search my vehicle, or test me for anything, if they try, i will refuse, then i will go to jail, so either way im screwed, american people, we are the ones letting them slowly take our freedom and our rights away, soon we will have nothing. but if i have at least one hand to work with, i will still grow/smoke herb till i die. locked up or not. the police, and obama can go to hell.


MI Supremes Went Opposite Direction

MI Supremes Went Opposite Direction

Obama Drug Policy calls for drugged driving charges for UNIMPAIRED marijuana users

From the President's National Drug Policy Report

HMMM, what happened to the hopey/changey stuff i was promised?!?!!?!?!

In a recent ruling, the Michigan Supreme Court ruled that LEOs must rely upon standard sobriety tests (agility & balance) rather than the usual drug tests that only show whether the driver consumed cannabis within the past 3 - 8 weeks. How about that, a science-based non-police state ruling which is entirely reasonable -- unlike our fascist "war" president serving GW Bush's 3rd term.


You have got that correct.

You have got that correct.

Uh oh. I guess Obama Jesus doesn't love us so much after all lol. Looks like he's thinking up ideas to make money off his cattle in his privatized prisons.

Keep Hoping guys. Maybe if we all Hope enough this will all just go away. Hope, Hope, Hope.

I'm going to close my eyes and HOPE now. I HOPE I'm not getting scammed. *clicks heels 3 times "There is no place like home, there is no place like home...."

C'mon guys, wakey, wakey he's just another Fascist in a long line of fascists President's dating back decades. You've been bamboozled. Don't feel bad, it happens.

This just in, Obama doesn't like you. In fact he want's to destroy you. Bush III

These new regulations from the Obama administration is a MAJOR ramp-up in police-state tactics in the War on People. I don't have the link, but there was an early report (trial balloon?) that the Feds were going to tie Federal block grants (highways, etcetera) to state compliance with Fed DUI/DUID regulations. I have had just about all I can stand of this tinhorn dictator President. With any luck, Prop 19 will pass, and then we'll see how well this "Constitutional scholar" President understands the 9th & 10th Amendments. Fascist, indeed!


Surely no coincidence.

Surely no coincidence.

Sounds like they are trying to push people away from cannabis and toward heroin, meth, and coke, which are metabolized quickly and don't show up in a test after only a few hours. Makes me feel all warm inside knowing our government is always sending the right message to the children.

Heroin, meth, and coke are the three drugs that both the drug cartels and the CIA have been known to hustle. I'm pretty sure that our federal government is well aware that cannabis IS a gateway drug, AWAY from heroin, meth, coke, AND alcohol. Methinks that legal cannabis will do all sorts of harm to that juggernaut Afghani heroin trade, and put a serious dent in the CIA's "black ops" funds.

Obama's taking care of business, the way a Chicago "clocker" should. He might just as well start wearing a "Super Fly" outfit, too.


Pretty darn funny.

Pretty darn funny.

I think people are mistaken about the amount of power a president has, in this country anyway. He cannot implement his own personal will, only the will of his handlers who put him in power. That is, unless he WANTS to be shot in the head... Obama is just the front man, the talking head, and the fall guy, just like all the presidents before him for a long time.(except Kennedy, obviously) Obama has no power, just like we dont. It's all an illusion... wake up peeps!!!

He might be a figurehead, but certainly not powerless. Obama is yet another "war president", with even greater assumed dictatorial powers than the "village idiot" he replaced. This guy is Commander in Chief, and can start a global thermonuclear war with the push of one button. Don't forget that little factoid.


Michigan Supreme Court Invalidated Urine & Blood Testing

Michigan Supreme Court Invalidated Urine & Blood Testing

Piss poor decision to attempt to expand these ridiculous laws further.:mad:

This is all based on the Michigan Supreme Court decision
which states that intoxication is irrelevant. :dunno:

We are already subject to this in 15 states,including
MMJ states with no exclusions for legal patients.

While I have no intentions of joining the Teabaggers:laughing:
I am disappointed in this administrations position on this.

regarding DUI/DUID charges for cannabis intoxication. They were educated enough to realize that these tests merely measure whether a driver has consumed cannabis within the past 3 - 8 weeks, not whether the driver was impaired due to cannabis intoxication. That's a pretty amazing stand, based upon scientific facts, rather than the more generally accepted calvinist and police state assumption that these drug tests are true -- smoke a reefer, and you are under the influence of that evil reefer madness for a month or more.

Obama is apparently not only not a populist, but he's not even a good small "d" democrat -- he's a police state fascist. As far as a political party is concerned, have you considered the USA Green Party?


I Cannot Speak For Anyone Else, But ...

I Cannot Speak For Anyone Else, But ...

btw what is the situation with obama in usa? i remember when he got elected everybody looked at him as the messiah. how has that chenged now? i mean not only for drug laws but in general

"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me."
I voted for Obama in 2008. I never vote Republican. Boy oh boy was I fooled. Obama's 1st (and only?) term is actually GW Bush's 3rd term, as is well illustrated at this website:
< http://www.therealdifference.org/issues.html >
Needless to say, I am extremely disappointed in the Democratic Party at this point, and have switched my party affiliation from Independent to USA Green Party.


Those scientific studies have already been done.

Those scientific studies have already been done.


where is the scientific PROOF that stoned drivers are impaired? i wanna see documented comprehensive studies before we put peeps behind bars for shitsake. fucking witch hunts...

i would make this a matter of contention in the courtroom. without SCIENTIFIC PROOF they have hearsay. period. without going into details, i am CERTAIN that my driving while "high" is as good as it is when i am not. don't ask how i know.

let's establish intoxication parameters besides 'he smoked a month ago and is certainly still impaired!!'

fucking embarrassing to to live in the home of the free, idinit?

Worse yet, they were paid for by the government, and the politicians that initiated them were expecting a result that would confirm their prohibitionist agenda. One study came out with the recommendation that cannabis be decriminalized, while the other recommended outright re-legalization of cannabis. That would be the La Guardia Commission Report, and the Shafer Commission Report. Both reports were, surprise surprise, buried by the politicians. So there really is no need for yet another scientific report -- that work has already been done.

And does anyone today actually believe that cannabis is one of the most dangerous narcotics available, with absolutely no medical value, prone to serious harm to society, and extremely addictive? Because that is what cannabis is classified as, as a Schedule 1 drug.
Here's an bit of irony -- google for USA Patent 6630507. It is a patent for a medical application for cannabis, issued to the USA Federal government itself in 2003. So why is it still a Schedule 1 drug, or better yet, why is it still illegal?

Prohibition 2.0 had nothing to do with cannabis being of great harm to society to begin with. And 73 years later, the same rationale is still being used to justify this war on cannabis, which has nothing to do with scientific fact and everything to do with suppressing citizens' rights and freedoms for the private profits of certain industrial groups.


So True

So True

Worse yet, they were paid for by the government, and the politicians that initiated them were expecting a result that would confirm their prohibitionist agenda. One study came out with the recommendation that cannabis be decriminalized, while the other recommended outright re-legalization of cannabis. That would be the La Guardia Commission Report, and the Shafer Commission Report. Both reports were, surprise surprise, buried by the politicians. So there really is no need for yet another scientific report -- that work has already been done.

And does anyone today actually believe that cannabis is one of the most dangerous narcotics available, with absolutely no medical value, prone to serious harm to society, and extremely addictive? Because that is what cannabis is classified as, as a Schedule 1 drug.
Here's an bit of irony -- google for USA Patent 6630507. It is a patent for a medical application for cannabis, issued to the USA Federal government itself in 2003. So why is it still a Schedule 1 drug, or better yet, why is it still illegal?

Prohibition 2.0 had nothing to do with cannabis being of great harm to society to begin with. And 73 years later, the same rationale is still being used to justify this war on cannabis, which has nothing to do with scientific fact and everything to do with suppressing citizens' rights and freedoms for the private profits of certain industrial groups.

i am going to rep you up !!


Active member
welcome to the police state. infuriates me this is how we live, at the mercy of steroid popping tough guy police and close minded judges who pass these fucking laws. they implant tracking devices on our cars, tap our phones, and even if we live square and dont sell drugs, we are stil at the mercy of parking tickets and DUIs and a myriad of other bullshit.

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Active member
i remember when obamao first got elected every was so hopeful...but there was a small crowd saying they were proud he got elected because his ineptness would wake americans up. the democratic party is a sham, so is the republicans, we are fucked either way. but at least the repulicans are campaigning on states rights and 2nd amendment rights..but who knows they may lie and we will be fucked again. until most sheeple can wake up and vote in an independant nothing will happen, and even if that does the bilbeburd group will assassinate any outspoken president.

theres nothing you can do, except get some land, get some guns, live off the grid and say fuck the government. live your life in peace enjoy your hobbies to the fullest, and if one day the swat team comes to oppress you load up and go out in a blaze!!

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