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Obama Drug Policy calls for drugged driving charges for UNIMPAIRED marijuana users


Active member
HMMM, what happened to the hopey/changey stuff i was promised?!?!!?!?!

ONDCP will work to expand the use of this standard to other states and explore other ways to increase the enforcement of existing DUID laws."

There you go...
You got what you asked for.
Of course, they're 'exploring'...Change takes time.
Maybe a good old fashioned Executive Order will speed things along.

Happy Motoring.
Remember to signal when changing lanes. Your license and freedom depend on it.

"America's Drug Policy...We bring good things to life."

This is not a political statement and is a simply a reflection of the condition we find ourselves in. The War On Drugs is also a war against your civil liberties to decide for yourselves.
If this conversation goes to just political and away from cannabis politics it will be closed.

14. Politics/Religion: Threads or posts pertaining to political and religious discussions, by their very sensitive nature, can incite or flame others due to the wide and varying personal beliefs that naturally exist in a global community and will be deleted. ICMag is an international site attracting members from a multitude of religious and political backgrounds. We do this in favor of harmony and unity, rather than the divisions created by permitting open discussions of politics and religion requiring an opinion from such a global community. Political discussions pertaining specifically to cannabis laws/legalization are only accepted in the appropriate forum.

Instead of being the thought police maybe IC should provide a limited forum for politics & religon.
'can incite or flame others' yeah I'll prolly go out & blow something up this afternoon, lol. Aren't we pretty much rational adults here?
That's what we need more of in this world someone to do our thinking for us.
But then again you post leaves me all warm & fuzzy.
Meanwhile the Fed and their monkey Geithner keep telling the American skull fucked that we just need to spend more to find our way out of the quick sand.

Biggest regret of my life is that my significant other and I originally intended to buy an old farm and do like John Prine sang about with throwin' out the TV and all, but then sold out and moved to the 'burbs so we could join the ant march. Not so much part of it anymore, but it has taken its toll. The really disturbing part is that when I attempt to awaken one of the zombies living, working or shopping nearby I am constantly confronted with blank stares and apathy that rival Kesey's McMurphy after the bi-frontal lobotomy at the end of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. While it occasionally gives me hope when I encounter other sentient beings places like here, the sheer numbers that suffer from the three monkey syndrome with hands over ears eyes and or mouths is totally depressing.

When the effectiveness of the status quo propaganda mills (re: network Kabuki Theater) is coupled with the long term effects of state run education factories and the semi-retarded promulgates that they've programed , the cumulative impact is quite staggering . There are people who still have no questions or qualms about Al The Hypocrite Gore and the real truths. Of course they don't have a clue what the Fed's Quantitative Easing relates to either. Wanna see something incredibly disturbing? Ask the average American, ...any American, who owns their Federal Reserve? Hell for that matter ask an American bank employee or college professor. I asked fully no less than thirty different professors at a local university and I shit you not. not a single one could answer the question even remotely correctly. They actually guessed that it was owned by the people.

Might it be that they don't teach us this shit for a reason. Seems to me that somewhere in their forced curriculum of saving the polar bears and multi-cultural political correctness, there might be time made for something as insignificant as explaining who controls your currency and economy...the very essence of why you contemplate selling yourself into bondage to receive an education and later compete in that market place.

What a scam. The money masters keep the puppet characters changing just enough to amuse the idiots and let them think that they make a difference, while they continue to run the puppets whose work it is to keep everyone broke and fearful...of something, anything. I'd say they are succeeding on all counts.

I engaged an old guy in a Harbor Freight store the other day in a conversation that I feel pretty much encapsulates the whole idea. Harbor Freight is a nationwide reseller of communist Chinese tools and maintenance equipment. They make no bones about the quality of what they sell and have become extremely successful by being generous in their return and exchange policy while continuing to offer essentially the same stuff now cluttering the shelves of Home Depot, albeit at a much reduced price. Their success directly impacts American jobs with what little is left of the American manufacturing base. Yet in spite of this open and obvious assault on the sacred cow of the collectivists' unions, this old man had no problem proudly proclaiming that he was a retired union man and damn proud of it. Further more, that if all had listened to the likes of him for the last 20 years and bought American we wouldn't be in this jam today. More importantly from his perspective the President wouldn't be stuck trying to fix all of these problems that "aren't really his fault". "It's those damn Republicans and their obstructionism in Congress".

I shit you not. The man was in front of me at the check out and had just spent over two hundred dollars helping to support a communist regime that we had spent trillions of national wealth fighting for decades. The fact that he was standing in a veritable monument to why America is no longer great was completely beyond his comprehension. I had to ask, "is your fucking internal GPS busted or are you just that drunk on union socialism that you don't care?" The quip flew right over his head at a million miles an hour. He was actually offended that I questioned his union loyalty over the simple self serving fact that he chose to spend his money where he got the mostest for the leastest. My parting comment about how I buy American when an American company produces the best product value, was disagreeable to him even though he was no doubt guilty of the same type of discretionary spending model.

This is not something that can be un-fucked in just a few months or even years. We have a condition of generational retardation that I seriously doubt can ever be overcome. The U.S. has huge segments of its 'Great Society" that not only can not spell the word job, they represent permanent wards of the state whose entire families haven't held jobs since WWII ended. Try to imagine a world where everyone in your family going back generations was trained to sit up and beg at the mail box at the first of every month. Who said Lincoln freed the slaves? The rulers and their socialist dogma have managed to de-incentivize any possible reason for ever leaving the dole tit. Who the fuck wants to leave their free home with its free food and free electricity at 5 am to take three buses across town so they can eat shit doing menial jobs for people that hate them, and who they hate, when they could just as easily hang at the crib and watch Okra all day. Sling a little dope on the side, few crimes of opportunity, pay no taxes...ney actually receive "earned income credits" (the epitome of socialist wealth redistribution to people that have never even had or wanted a job), and life on the dole can get pretty comfortable. Certainly tolerable, if the growing numbers of generational devotees is any indication. And just out'a curiosity who do ya think they vote for? the asshole they perceive as protecting their way of life or the one that wants to make them go get a fucking job. That pretty much keeps all of them distracted with the class warfare crap and nothing else beyond that really matters...unless a Black guy runs, and then it could be Satan himself and they'd vote for him. Gee I wonder why?

Between this ever expanding group and the ability of State and Federal employees to vote for their own bosses and elect themselves raises, the support base for the status quo just continues to mushroom exponentially...just as does the national debt, by no strange coincidence. All wishful thinking about Guillotines and revolution aside, this is now a majority of the American populace, and it ain't gettin' smaller, it's gettin' bigger and dumber by the day.

Ask the average asshole male in the U.S. what's more important to him right now, the Congressional debate over raising the debt ceiling or the NFL contract talks. Take a wild fucking guess what the answer will be. Do ya think it's any coincidence that Congress let them set up these nice little anti-competitive monopolies in th efirst place? Just takin' a page out'a Rome's history book:

Why was the Colosseum built? The building of the Ancient Roman Colosseum was widely regarded as a political move of the time, intended for entertaining and, possibly more importantly, distracting Rome's population from more serious issues of the time such as oligarchy, nepotism and corruption in the senate and church.

Yup...like I said, Idiocracy is upon us.

Spot on cosmik debris, spot on.
But your giving your maturity & the fact that your educated away and that your eyes are wide open.
You obviously aren't watching enough 'Dancing With the Stars'.
Why are you wasting your time reading what was described by one of Yobama's home State legislators as "JUST a piece of paper" (my emphasis). It does make for an interesting read, but unfortunately, the end of the story is nothing but frustration and despair. The one person who I've heard consistently hold to this "piece of paper" is the guy that they ALL try to marginalize and ignore. Think about it. The most commonly heard adjectives uttered whenever they have to begrudgingly mention his name are words like "nuts", "crazy", "out of touch", "unrealistic" and "impractical". That's ALL of them from ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, CNN, PBS,... anybody that operates with a hand up the skirt of somebody on Wall Street, or a Federal licensing phallus filling the space between their lips.

Dr. Ron Paul is the ONLY person in Congress who is consistent in a positive and Constitutionally loyal way, and he always has been. Dr. "No" as they call him, doesn't vote for debt ceiling increases, doesn't support ANY wars... especially the one on inanimate objects, does not believe that the Federal government has ANY rights, and that is absofuckinlutely correct. The rights are ours, and as you read on you'll note that the clauses set therein are specifically to limit their powers and impinge their potential to fuck with our freedom. How far back in the rear view did we leave that image?

Dr. Paul is the only politician that I've ever heard who understands that his duty is to defend our Constitution and not fuck with it or wipe his ass with it like the others. His personal beliefs are not the basis for how he does his job. He has integrity and follows the direction that our Constitution provides. He does not smoke MJ, or work to promote its use, but those are his personal circumstances. Same with abortion, Gay marriage and most of the other bullshit that these syphilitic pricks use to distract, divide and obfuscate. He is emphatic that none of these are issues for any form of Federal government to be sticking their winkies in. What could be simpler? Why is not every pot smoker in America solidly behind this guy instead of quibbling over who's gonna give them something meaningless for their vote?

He is a man of honor and integrity, and it scares the fuck out of everybody, from the two party status quo, to the bankers on Wall Street, to Big Head Ben at the Federal fuckme Reserve. All of this unfocused ranting "Occupy" gimme sumthin' for nuthin' bullshit should be linin' up to register and vote for this guy if they REALLY want change. But alas...they don't, at least not in any measure of a positive sense. What they seem bent on is basically just hangin' around and bitching that somebody(?) needs to give them shit. Well, no question...Yobama's their pimp daddy. Just watch as Soros, the unions and the rest of the socialist fecal matter screeches louder and longer. All they're really saying is "Gimme!"

When was the last time anybody heard Yobo even mention the word "audit" much less in reference to how he pisses our money away, or how Bernanke keeps it worthless by constantly shoveling out more. Fuck the National Debt. That ain't shit compared to the tens of trillions that the Fed gave away to the very same "Too Big To Fails" that we later bailed out publicly, as well as the whole of fucking Europe...so they could continue this charade of bailing out Greece and the other PIGS. That work is long since done. We, the US of A are the ones whose scrip is being plastered all over the walls of the E.U. to keep the socialist promise alive. The Fabians did their homework, and they ARE patient like a muthafuck. Just take a look at their logo's sometime. One is a tortoise (duh) and the other is their infamous wolf in sheep's clothing. Tony Blair's a huge fan. Check these fucks out if ya haven't:


Sorry to disappoint Bruce but I'm just a high school drop out who likes to read. I've gone back to school for a bunch of work related shit, but history, economics and the like are all just interests that have developed as a kind of self defense mechanism. Besides, I'm pretty sure that Libertarian ideals like personal freedom and adherence to the Constitution are just as unlikely to be found at Harvard as would be any mention of Hayek. Keynes, certainly, Marx...no doubt, but I fear the two former subjects would result in a revocation of tenure and immediate excommunication from the cabal.

We have nothing to confront nature with but our reasoning mind. Would only that enough people awaken to that fact and fully engage in learning the truth of this masquerade.

The pathetic reality is that a higher number will probably be up late tonight watchin' Letterman shill for the socialist fuck, and all of his peeples will stay up late and laugh, 'cuz dey ain't gettin' up early tomorrow to do shit. Maybe mosie on down to the park and take a pee with the other great minds... then back to the crib til next mumfs check comes.

We have reached the point where the number of people that suck on the tit are greater than the number who care for the cow... and now they want to kill the cow. :crazy:

Just like the guys in Nam realized... accept that you're already dead, and the rest is gravy. Well... life is fucking hard, and the sooner ya get your noodle wrapped around that one, the sooner it starts to get manageable.
Hi kosmic,
Sorry to disappoint Bruce but I'm just a high school drop out who likes to read.

When I said educated I didn't mean those hallowed halls of ivy, I meant self, it takes one to know one.
As for Ron Paul he'd change to much of the status quo, they killed John Kennedy for just trying to end the Fed.
Even with all of the pot smokers voting for him he doesn't stand a chance. And I don't know why that is. He's got a good message & almost everyone turns a blind eye.
What scares me is we get Romney, the flip side of 0bama (zerobama).

el bee

The driving high or impaired or under the influence language has to be removed from all future proposed medical or legalization legislation. It's association with alcohol is absurd. Give me the same sobriety test, watch me ace it, and let me on my way. Just because my car smells of the chronic doesn't mean I'm "impaired"

All this "Tax like beer" or "regulate like wine" language has to stop, too. Branding cannabis like alcohol does a disservice to the cause. It's a political move.

el bee

The driving high or impaired or under the influence language has to be removed from all future proposed medical or legalization legislation. It's association with alcohol is absurd. Give me the same sobriety test, watch me ace it, and let me on my way. Just because my car smells of the chronic doesn't mean I'm "impaired"

All this "Tax like beer" or "regulate like wine" language has to stop, too. Branding cannabis like alcohol does a disservice to the cause. It's a political move.


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
The driving high or impaired or under the influence language has to be removed from all future proposed medical or legalization legislation. It's association with alcohol is absurd. Give me the same sobriety test, watch me ace it, and let me on my way. Just because my car smells of the chronic doesn't mean I'm "impaired"

All this "Tax like beer" or "regulate like wine" language has to stop, too. Branding cannabis like alcohol does a disservice to the cause. It's a political move.
i happen to agree 100% with the above comment

call me after ive been drinking and say you need help chit buddy srry your on your own.
but call me after a night of smoking and heck yea brotha i'll be right over

theres no way beer wine booze should be associated with the language of any MMJ legislation.

the 2 are very different spirits