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NFL 2019-2020


Well-known member
yeah sorry boys.shit really hit the fan. my mom caught my friend and i snorting drugs and she flipped out. saying shes gonna raise my rent and then get a protection order and sell the house. i only do that kinda thing once every few years and shes a hypocrite.shes done more drugs than me. i think shes mad cause i dont like kamala harris or something. all she watches is politics and she hates trump so much she has TDS.shes fucking crazy. i havent seen her this mad in a long time. fucks sakes im a grown adult. fuck i almost had a heart attack. never doing this crap again.on the plus side i found that whiskey bottle i lost

i mean i try to do whats best.god forbid i drink and do a little drugs once in a while. long as i dont lie cheat or steal whats the big deal? and yeah DB is living it up. going to sports games and seen metallica. i think hes a good guy just spoiled. i never got shit from my family.now i might be homeless.fuck that shit. ill die first. im getting real sick of peoples shit.fuck it. i dont care any more

so looks like the Bears play the Rams next. that should be an ok game.Rams are still your team right pops? the new Bears QB is a joke. hes too busy being a weird goof ball to take the game serious. i guess if i was a kid with millions id be acting silly too
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In my empire of dirt
Premium user
yeah sorry boys.shit really hit the fan. my mom caught my friend and i snorting drugs and she flipped out. saying shes gonna raise my rent and then get a protection order and sell the house. i only do that kinda thing once every few years and shes a hypocrite.shes done more drugs than me. i think shes mad cause i dont like kamala harris or something. all she watches is politics and she hates trump so much she has TDS.shes fucking crazy. i havent seen her this mad in a long time. fucks sakes im a grown adult. fuck i almost had a heart attack. never doing this crap again.on the plus side i found that whiskey bottle i lost

i mean i try to do whats best.god forbid i drink and do a little drugs once in a while. long as i dont lie cheat or steal whats the big deal? and yeah DB is living it up. going to sports games and seen metallica. i think hes a good guy just spoiled. i never got shit from my family.now i might be homeless.fuck that shit. ill die first. im getting real sick of peoples shit.fuck it. i dont care any more

so looks like the Bears play the Rams next. that should be an ok game.Rams are still your team right pops? the new Bears QB is a joke. hes too busy being a weird goof ball to take the game serious. i guess if i was a kid with millions id be acting silly too
oh wow man, i could not even imagine what my mom would say if she caught me snorting powder
/ i dont even smoke around my mom, she knows but i still dont do it out of respect
im sure she dosent want to put you out on the street, she is just looking out for you like a mom would, just be cool man and smooth this shit out hawk
Your best post evah! You touched all the bases, @pop_rocks .

thanks man!
i like talking to you guys
plus you know i like football and sports
/artist rendition of me watching football and posting online
draft dog.jpg

i dont like big winds either but im sure you have your shit together and are prepared if the power goes out
keep your feet dry man and i hope this one passes with no major problems or outages

all i see is a wall of txt, no pics of fresh balls
stats/analytics =sux and are wrong over 50% of the time
/i for one welcome our new ai ovrlords
the upcoming rams v bears tilt should be fun, the rams d is finding a new identity w/o a.don
plus its like we will eb watching the game together, we can hold hands and drink 4locos with hawk
haha fsu rookies, those guys are fags

/all except for fiske he seems pretty studly
i am actually in the closet about the bills but feel like the window is closing for them
we will see if this is j.allens year
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Horse-toothed Jackass
See, now THIS is entertaining. Not DB's crap about his mom buying him stuff and eating fast food.

Were u snorting fent? U should stay away from that $hit. The high is fleeting and addictive and it's dangerous to boot.

Pops is right, she doesnt really want to kick u out because ur the only one who helps her. Maybe u should pretend to like the libs a little bit, complain about trump a little, hide ur MAGA hat, then it'll blow over. Hell, if she likes ur new attitude enough, she might let u do drugs in the house again. Is ur friend a libtard as well? That would help. Then u could chop up lines right in front of her while complaining that trump is the end of democracy.

Yeah, chicago is hosting the rams this sunday, should be an interesting game. I know the bears arent good but im leaning towards nfc west teams having issues with nfc north teams, given rams and cards lost to detroit, niners lost to the vikings. Course, those are the 2 best teams in the north and the bears are last but the offense did look alive a little in the 2nd half vs the colts, hopefully they can carry that over.

Buzz has a generator and i think he said he can run some lights and the water (well pump) while it runs. It's not as comfortable but it's doable if power is out for a while. Is it a diesel? Those are loud to run but u can run them continiously while spending less on fuel.
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Well-known member
yeah im an idiot.we were just gonna smoke some pot and he busts out a line and i cant say no to free drugs.think it might be laced with fent cause i couldnt keep my eyes open.never doing this crap again.drinking whiskey i think im invincible.bad combo for sure. im open about this stuff so maybe kids will learn from my mistakes and im a very honest person

things are ok right now. just cant believe how fucked up i got.this dude asked me if i wanted to do dabs yesterday i said hell no. i cant keep up anymore.probably cough a lung out.fucking kids. my dad is fresh out and hes back to smoking weed and drinking while hes on an ankle monitor.yeesh.it comes off in 20 something days

i dont even take politcs seriously. 2 sides to the same coin. but damn does she hate trump lol i cant imagine wasting so much energy hating someone but i will admit i cant stand Farve and Brady. guess im guilty too. i only got the Packers game. didnt even see the Bears game. gonna watch the Rams game for sure

thanks for being cool dudes. i know my ramblings can be annoying.hell you should hear the stories i dont tell.My dad was looking at some farm property in Tampico IL. thats over in Whiteside.i bet you never been out that way west have you baba? nothing but cornfields
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Well-known member
Oooo, i dont like the look of that storm in the Gulf, Buzz. It's officially named Helene now? Sounds like it's going to be a bad one. 100mph winds? Have u ever experienced that in real life?
The forecast tracks are all piled up in our neighborhood so it is going to get sporty tomorrow afternoon and into Friday. It has been many years since 100 mph winds but I have been in several. Donna in 1960, Betsy in 1965 knocked over more than 250 mango and avocado trees in our grove. Lots of close to 100 mph storms passing by over the years.

Tomorrow night is going to suck.


Horse-toothed Jackass
So it was H u were snorting? Cause if it was snow then it's supposed to give u energy.
Druggie friends can be the worst, it always starts out fun but it never ends that way.
Doing dabs seems pretty innocent to me but if ur lungs cant handle it then stay away from that too.
Does the legal weed u buy at the head shop or gas station get u high like regular cannabis? DB and I were having an argument about that.

Hopefully ur pops doesnt get in trouble for partying while he's on parole. They could drug test him while he's on paper and violate him if he's positive; wasnt his conviction for felony DUI as well? Well, maybe the prison system is softer and gentler now and it wont be an issue.

Ive driven through western IL on my back and forth from IA, Hawk, it's nothing but farms like u said. Seems peaceful fwiw. Would u join him if he moves out there?

Ive heard some of the coastal regions are evacuating as storm surges of up to 15ft are expected. Im sending good thoughts ur way, Buzz, and hope damage to ur property is minimal.