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Mr.Wags Goes Buckets But What About Bob?



Mr. Mo said:
Hey Mr. Wags I have been considering getting this system but needed to ask a few questions first. What is the footprint size of all 12 buckets in one room? I have a 5x5 area. Is this to small for this system?

Thanx for the great show:smoker:


No its not...That is the great thing about the ebb n grow system, is that it is modular and takes up whatever footprint you want it too. The system comes out of the box with 12 growing buckets, it is up to you whether or not you utilize all 12. The system would function the same way with one bucket or 48 buckets (max). Wagsie likes to grow trees like Lady T....but if you kept your plants smaller...say 36" and smaller, you could definately fit all 12 units in your space.

Hey mastawags...gotta pic of your power plant?


Thanx kokua ... I didn't think of it like that but you are right I could actually take the buckets off that I don't want to use. I wished that they also offered it in a six bucket version. Thanx again for the answer. I did find the whole system for 475.00 which is slightly cheaper than most.

Mo :smoker:
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OH mr Wags, i gotta get me (or even better make) a light rail/mover.

*tips hat* (looks like one happy cat too)

awesome thread and i thank you for sharing. :bow::bow::bow::bow::bow::bow:
:bow::bow::bow::bow::bow::bow: :bow::bow::bow::bow::bow::bow: :bow::bow::bow::bow::bow::bow:.

im finished now lol.

keep it green
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********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
30 Days In The Hole

30 Days In The Hole

Mrs B why is it that everything in the world that can be understood with the letters pm are usually bad? :pointlaug Will treat the room before the next run fine lady I now know why it happened.

Eulogy all i can say is rails ROCK. To now be able to see both lights run the line makes me even happier now that I have some serious love to share. Thanks For Stopping By.

Kokua I saw the festival today on the tele (05) what a show man!

Mo them damn buckets will grow out no matter where ya put them lol. Just feed'em give'em some light and all is well.

And the Weed Dancer TY my friend looking forward to what might have in store for the next run.

Now I slept quite well this week so the dreams are fresh. Here we are at 30 days in the hole:

Enjoy The 4th All,


Tree Grower
Oh my that Diesel look's mouth watering.Another spectacular run Master Wag's :friends: :wink: .


Oh man...that trainwreck is packin it on!! I didn't know she yeilded that good... What version is that again? Looking forward to the next update :)


Active member
lookin mighty mighty fine wags. doin those new ladies well! i'm curious ta see how FS' c99 shapes up meself. keep up the fine... waterin hehehe bravo man bravo


Active member
ICMag Donor
Looks like your dreams have come true my man! What kind of flavor is in the air? Pineapple? or just sweet ass dankage? Keep up the great work bro! Oh! Whats the ppm running lately? :chin: Got a little wonderfuck for ya!


Nice pics Mrwags those girls look real good. How was the smell on those C-99's?


Bong Smoking News Hound
mrwags said:
Hell Bonzo you know better than that 77 in the day and 67 at night ALWAYS. Thanks for stopping by. Ok the holidays are finally over and I get a day off to my self and you know me I just had to share the love with my family so here we go:

And how could we forget BOB. What about Bob?:

And the Bubblegum I got for Christmas:

And for those of you who might be considering growing with buckets but just need that little push,let me give ya something to think about.

With buckets and the right conditions the right food and the correct beans you can go from this:

To this:

In 11 Days :chin:

Have A Great Day All.


you convinced me mr wags.... 4 years of frustrated soil grower. i give up. i surcumb to your hydro. LOL>.. but i do have to ask. How is the flavor of your pot? Stinky inky Danky smell?


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
SCF it's funny you should ask. On your post look at pictures 5,6,7,8. You see those pots? Those are soil in them pots and are clones from what ya see in the buckets. You see I did a little test when I did this Ice run and came up with the following conclusion.

The buckets obviously hands down wins the yield contest. Your good eye found the best 2 pictures in this thread that demonstrates the growth potential in a bucket indoors that is. Now final taste is another matter,it is close but in my honest opinion the soil had more soul and just a better high. Most folks would never tell the diffrence but being a long time toker I did.

SCF I've always said that the rocks take away a little bit of soul,even the plants you see in the buckets were prevegged in soil in an attempt to give a little back.

vonforne,welcome to our thread the c99 smells like candy man and cannot wait to try.

bartender,good to see the ole nice flying again. i do waht i can on the grows but you guys make it kind easy.

dc,well the widow is at this point dominating the smell wars but time will tell and yes my dreams are always sweet,(the wife gets ambien). :yummy:

King, Just trying to share the love my friend. Glad ya found us again.

Kokua, Good to see ya stopping by,the train is insane man and the gooey well is gooey and the ECSD of my the ECSD :woohoo:

MM, yeah man 30 more and we should see something amazing if we can get the temps down a bit. :chin:

Teresa,well to hear the words master coming from you gives me many thoughts(mostly bad one's sorry) :bat: but 2 of the greatest things a new person should be forced to see here before posting is 1. A Babba Bush 2. A Teresa Tree. That way they know we here at IC don't mess around. Many Hugs To Ya My Dear.

Hitman, well TY but do what I said in the previous paragraph and let me know. Thanks for stopping. Keep It Green

Have A Great Day All,


I'm thinking about doing 18-24 buckets under 3000ws on a light mover, I like the results that I am seeing here and as I am already an E&Fer I figure that this will fit my tastes. Keep up the amazing work wags hopefully in 30 days myself I may have something fun to look at. Take it easy man ill check you later.


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
Sleepy said:
the best 30 daze in solitary confinement i've ever seen! :yoinks:

superb as always, wags!

Yeah Sleepy next time they need to save for bail. Thanks For Stopping.

Green,You are welcome anytime

Ganja,sounds like a plan shoot us some pics once it's done.

Ok I spent about 4 hours getting the girls ready for the final run for home,clean,clean and more clean was the call of the day.

Hope ya like:

I shoved them back in there somehow.:) Wish everyone a great weekend.



Voluptuous Trichomes
High Mr Wags :wave: I'm impressed with that WW x BB...she kinda stands out in the crowd to me... I must opine....they all look lovely. Looks like Cinderella grew into the lights....she must be a beast

Thx for sharing