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Mr.Wags Goes Buckets But What About Bob?


Active member
Unbelievable pics....i agree with VT about that WWxBB and it is a great photo.....I can't wait!!!! woohoo come on full mooooon!!!!! hahahahaha :wave:

Clean clean water time!!!!

:ying: kind regards from yer perpetual pal the guineapig :ying:


Active member
whoa! :yoinks:

that C99 really got out of hand!! :yoinks:

is the family looking for the pack of skunks under the sofa yet! :pointlaug :yoinks:

hehehe :sasmokin:


Hey Mrwags first off thank you for the welcome. IAM STILL A SOIL/soiless guy but as I learn from what you are doing in the Organic Hydro and I see the results I will be setting up a small bucket system for myself. second, plants are looking great. The WWXBB really is nice. I have some FM grapefruit in veg now until I move into my new home on friday. I was wondering something....since the grapefruit is mostly a c-99 will the gf stretch about the same? I will be cutting clones from them and putting the bigger girls outside. Where i live we can grow year around. By the time i set up the room the clones will be ready. I will post pics (as soon as I replace all the electronics my wife walked out with) But anyway thank you for the warm welcome again. Its the only forum I have recieved one in. I am looking foward to reading all your informative posts and to view the progress of each and every grow.



Tree Grower
:yoinks: wowser's that WWxBB packed on the weight.That poor poor C99 gal :chin: perhap's i could send ya a roll of twine :confused: :biglaugh:.Looking of so sweet Master Wag's :bow: :friends: :wink: .


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
Teresa said:
:yoinks: wowser's that WWxBB packed on the weight.That poor poor C99 gal :chin: perhap's i could send ya a roll of twine :confused: :biglaugh:.Looking of so sweet Master Wag's :bow: :friends: :wink: .

God love ya T but once the girls are back in their home I broke out the twine.

I'm the Dude Big Toke my friend you make me blush but we all know who the real dude is right Dude? You the man Big Toke enjoy the day and thanks for stopping.

Heya Sleepy yeah man I vegged way to long AGAIN. But what ya gonna do. Keep the faith my friend and give the better half's a squeeze for me.

vonforne well what can I say congradulations or man I'm sorry? never a good time either way (saw it 5 times with my parents) Looking forward to the new show and PLEASE keep us posted.

Sleepy hell yes they did all 9 of them. WTH was I thinking Sleepy? I guess greed really is a terrible thing. :woohoo: Glad to see ya around my friend.

GP I cannot wait either. Show us the love and keep us posted. Good Luck! But I'm sure the buds will be in the jar soon enough.

-VT- As I said man I had no idea they would stretch like that. I had 2000 watts on a mover about a foot off the top and they STILL kept coming so what ya gonna do. Damn Kids these days NO Respect! Thanks For Stopping.

Well this thread will be one year old on the 15th and I feel it has run it's course. I have some beans and some clones in the works as we speak and was planning a Mr.Wags Goes From Seed To Weed step by step thread to maybe help out some of our new members,instead of having them tread through all these pages for answers that are here and there. You all have been great to me and I thank you for that but damn it sure has been one hell of a year. Thank You Again for coming along for the ride.


Your Humble Student Of Life


Active member
Oh yes this will be the waggiest ever!!!!

Hortilux Blue 1000W isn't as intense as other 1000W MH bulbs, so yer Veg growth
won't get out of control....but once that HPS kicks in the flowers will be exploding!!!!

Can you handle it Wagsie?!?!?!? All signs point to YES!!!!

Holy moly that is the biggest Carbon Scrubber ever.....and do i spy with my guineapig eye a CO2 tank next to that Can or am i wrong.....??

:ying: guineapiggin' can you dig it? :ying:


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Looking fantastic as always mrwags :) love the length on the diesel buds. This thread has been fantastic and Im sure that any new thread that you start will be just as good. When you throw down you throw down. Way to go mrwags and thanks for helping make this site the fun place it is to hang out :)
MrWaggs... congrats with these grows man... truely beautiful plants indeed...

i liked all the different varietys u had in the first grow that u have documented here...

looks really nice seeing all them different strains growing side by side...

i wish that i could get these kind of results in my garden...

maybe someday...

im just finishing off a grow of speed queens just now from mandala seeds... they are doing great but the kolas are nowhere near as fat as these things u have grown here...

ive also got 3 different strains in my vegging closet... 2 aurora indicas.. 2 unknown sativas that i got from a friend... and 3 shiva skunks... these should all be ready to go into flowering as soon as my speed queens are done...

u can check out my grow from my sig...

anyway great job mrwaggs...

keep up the good work!!!


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
Man O Man this place is nice to have to share the way we do isn't it? These are from day 42 and all is well. the heat has taken away some of the beauty of earlier grows but the buds are just the same.:)

GP the tank has been giveb a better home a generator is in my future now. Yeah I fell ya on the Horti's. Some have more lumens but i simply love they way they grow under the Blue. the veg part is all me GP. next run will be much much quicker in flip for a trip acroos the land is in my future.(I Had A Dream)

Babba,The Babba's over the years have not only taught me some growing secrets they have also helped to make me a better person and for that I'm very very thankful I found this place. Much love the the Babba's from the Wag's clan.

Blunt,nice grow man very dilligent in your approach well done. Once the new grow gets going hope ya share that one as well.

resinryder,Welcome back my friend glad ya could stop by one more time. Thanks for taking the time to post.

BabyHugie,your making me blush. We as a group my friend amke these grows posssible with all the Good Karma Flowin Around. Welcome.

Wish Everyone The Best,


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
Teresa said:
:jawdrop: :bow: :respect: wanna come take over my grow room :confused: .

Only at flower time T. I believe you said something about running around the room naked to get bigger buds? :sasmokin: Sorry just had to say that. :yoinks:

To many buckets now T for big shrubs and cannot show all the love. next run will flip sooner and share it all. dag gon it there I go again. :sasmokin:

Much Love,


Tree Grower
mrwags said:
Only at flower time T. I believe you said something about running around the room naked to get bigger buds? :sasmokin: Sorry just had to say that. :yoinks:

To many buckets now T for big shrubs and cannot show all the love. next run will flip sooner and share it all. dag gon it there I go again. :sasmokin:

Much Love,

Dont tell eveyone
:redface: :tongue: :wink: .


Teresa said:
Dont tell eveyone
:redface: :tongue: :wink: .

I saw that TREEsa!

Master Wags, hope I dont have to be nakie to call you that, I'm convinced... buckets are the way to go... between you and GIS... I've seen it over and over... the results speak for themselves.

That being said... where is the best place to pick up an Ebb & Gro System?

What would be the best light configuration for a 12 unit system? Would 2 - 600W units be about right?



Active member
Yes i would like to know who makes the best retail Ebb & Gro System as well.....

Waggsie do you know or is yours a DIY system?


Active member
ICMag Donor
Ebb and Flow

Ebb and Flow

Check around on ebay! I got a 24 bucket ebb and flow from there w/controller. I got it for a steal for less than 250$ Nutes and all! It's all the same princible. Sure beats 700$ They can vary from size of buckets and a little on the controller too. You can make a great DIY ebb and flow also! Flood from top or bottom! Hope I didn't hijack here!



********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
E-Bay is a great source for materials but always remember Snitch-Pal when ya pay for your goods. They have opened any and all doors to the man simply for the asking so be aware of the risk if ya use it. Now if I had it to do over again I would buy a controller Bucket and make my own buckets. Gold Dust Women is currently doing an awesome thread about DIY Buckets but I'm one of those that buys something to see how it works and then go my own route from there. You cannot hijack any of my threads dc105,we all come here to share and learn so with that in mind thanks for sharing.




Hope All Is Well,

Maistre what ever ya need man I'm a pm away.
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