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Mr.Wags Goes Buckets But What About Bob?


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
2buds said:
Hey Wags, The love isn't gone just laying low in the wake of the "What the hell happened" drama so here's some Love for ya. :wave:
What kind of light is this in the pic above, a compact floro or ...?
I just got(2 weeks ago) a 2' T-5 2bulb for seedlings/cuttings, man what a difference, the plants are loving it, I dream at nite they grow massive amounts of roots without all the lanky stretching.
Its good to see the garden progressing, looks like you got some sweet lovin mixed in your dreams lately. Looks like new lineage added to the mix.
Sweet dreams Wags,Peace,2buds

2buds that my friend is a 125 watt floro. I got my eye on one of those Satelites to put in Bob. I think being able to raise and lower the light in Bob will make a HUGE diffrence. The 400 that he has now is stationary and the heat is a bitch even when I cool tube it. Congrats on the new Equipment 2buds share the love with the group when you feel comfortable.



********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
Glad to see you are ok T. I've been missing ya and hope better days are ahead.



********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
I Need Input

I Need Input

Hey mean how are ya,glad ya could stop by. the Royal was a gift from a special friend and knowing the source tell me YES INDEED I'm in for a treat.

Ok new people reading this thread, I'm a constant student so please respond with something,the only way I'm gonna learn is with input so please help.

Ok enough soap boxing on with this weeks dreams of granger:

This is the 8th day of 12/12 and all is well.

Hope everyone has a great day.



I'm going to agree with VT. Those are some very heathly plants. I noticed in picture number one. That there is a very slight tip burn. That is a good sign and that the tip burn hasn't gone passed the tips. Show's the plants are very happy with what your doing. The color is just awesome and even. Your plants are doing very well. Looks like you got them dialed in pretty good. I hope you enjoy that gift when you get to harvest her. Awesome grow as always Wags.

By the way, should be updating my Bucket thread this weekend. Stay tuned.
Great job and take care,


Active member
Holy COW Wags! Wecome to the jungle! Beautifull, healthy plants and so many varieties runnin' off 1 rez, damn hard to make em' all happy and they seem perrty darn happy to me. Good job bro.




Active member
I humbly responde to master waggs, what could you be doing better other than packing up the excess and shipping it my way?:smile:
Nice jungle you got there, soon you'll be lost in the trees.
Keep up the great work sir,see ya soon.


Bakin in da Sun
wow, those plants are extremely healthy. they look to just be loving life. props wags, you have quite the green thumb. im sure ill be barraging you with questions if i ever make the switch : )

take care,


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
Thanks For Sharing The Love All

Thanks For Sharing The Love All

bartender,2buds,Bonzo,Weedtime,GDW and -VT- Thank You for the kibd words,but as I said I'm only a student,you guys that create these beans are the ones that deserve the credit. It's like the time when I was younger and was installing Fiber Optic cable in this car plant,I got lucky when all the cable was ran and the system linked up immediately and the guy looked at me and said "you are a genius" I looked at him and said Thank You but how hard is it to connect one box to the other,even tho the other box is a 1/4 of a mile away the guys that created the code to run the system in the first palce are the ones that deserve the credit.

Once again YOU BREEDERS are the true geniuses. I only thrown down some beans and do what I learned here and you get what ya see. Now once I get a few things straight and get some more room I truely feel that is something I would like to give a try.

So now with the love being shared once again I bring you shots from the back of the room:

And Some Power:

And prrof that good karma and luck win over skill everytime:

Now you Og folks can plainly see ole Flameproof went to school at IC University. I hold no grudges and throw no stones,so now that ya know who I am how about a few words from the Refugee's who found a happy new home?

Have A Nice Day


Really nice pictures. Doing a great job as always. I really like the power plant. Looks like its going to get hugh on you. Can't wait to see that one at finish.
Great Job,


Hi Mr Wags. I crossed some big bud over an old bush Sativa here and hope you could tell me - how long a flower period on the BB. It's been 18 months or so I've forgot. I have two girls of the crosses one lanky like the sativa the other short, fat, and at 8 inches of height, smelly when handled. I figure the big bud photo period to be the shortest so thought I'd start investigating with a loupe from then on...

I've also had some fantastic results using skim milk on mildew due to a hot tip from Shipperke. Link and details in my thread.

Fantastic plants Mr Wags, I'm thinking the nute differntial demanded by all your plants would actually be advantageous in Aqua, but the timing, pre planning, forecasting of heights and density - you truly are an excellent grower - Doff 'o' th' hat to ye Sir!


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
THSeek said:
Hi Mr Wags. I crossed some big bud over an old bush Sativa here and hope you could tell me - how long a flower period on the BB. It's been 18 months or so I've forgot. I have two girls of the crosses one lanky like the sativa the other short, fat, and at 8 inches of height, smelly when handled. I figure the big bud photo period to be the shortest so thought I'd start investigating with a loupe from then on...

I've also had some fantastic results using skim milk on mildew due to a hot tip from Shipperke. Link and details in my thread.

Fantastic plants Mr Wags, I'm thinking the nute differntial demanded by all your plants would actually be advantageous in Aqua, but the timing, pre planning, forecasting of heights and density - you truly are an excellent grower - Doff 'o' th' hat to ye Sir!

My last BB run went 72 days and the trics were 90% cloudy they do not stretch like a lot of others I've grown but damn they sure are pretty. the mildew issue I handle with diluted Liquid Karma,it makes a fantastic foiler feed as well as keeping the girls all cleaned up. The nute diffrential I must admit is plain ole luck. Now I will admit I went a little low on the ppm this time but I've never run this many diffrent strains at one time the height issues were handled with good rotation and snapping a neck or 2,these power plants and c99 are some stretchy girls but have moved them to the back of the room for the finish flower.

THSeek thank you for finally stopping by. Your thread has sparked my attention regarding the use of aquaponics your thread will I'm sure help out a lot of people and in my opinion that is what they are for.

Have A Great Weekend All


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
dc thank you so much for taking the time to reply. Been busy lately and been getting some good sleep and having some great dreams:

I thought only if i could control the enviroment?

Many more restfull nights like these and I might get used to the retired life lol.

Be Safe All
And Have A Nice Day


Thanks Mr Wags. I seem to have discovered most problems the hard way and so have much to offer through experience. And of course - PASSION.

I'm spending literally thousands on my next grow room, but it's 4 metres by 4 metres with 2.8 metres height at top end. And plumbed to an entire pond. Next, I mean now, I can see the post holes and timber pile, the retaining wall's in... :).

It is interesting as I study psychoactives and backyard drug culture I hear key men from many fields say words to this effect - "If only _ _ _ _ _ _ Enthusiasts showed the same iniative and collective spirit as the MJ community....." We Rock!

I'm a big bio fan. If I could send Bigtoke a Xmas card with a bud every year I would. But I'm also hooked on keeping it green. I think you deserve a place on my hypothetical Xmas list too. Good growing, excellent community spirit.

When we lost OG I became more determined to show folk aqua MJ. I took days just to repost the basics I'd already posted. Was it worth it? Every second.


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
Yes THSEEK you will find by and large the IC community is an older crowd with very open minds. When the influx happened a lot of them scattered and now I see them coming back one by one simply because there are FEW places like this on the net. Don't get me wrong there are a few,but to be able to share a dream and get love in return is the way I like to spend my day everyday. You just gotta love the passion. Thank You for sharing THSEEK I know your time is very much appreciated.



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ICMag Donor
New Nutes

New Nutes

Mr Wags! Your garden is simply mouth watering! Final product will be insane! I told ya I wanted to try some new nutes, well I did! I changed things up a little for me! I jetted to the hydro store last week and picked up some PBP, hydroplex and cal-mag! I already had some silica and B52 to go with it! Seems like they really love it! I have some Wondergod (williams womder X godbud) that I made, G33XECSDV3 (H3ad), Blue Kronic (Motarebel), and a couple of Wonderfuck. Thanks for the advice! I like GH, but I felt like PBP may be slighly better and organic based may inprove taste slightly! 1 question for ya! I notice when I mixed my silica that it didn't mix well! Is this common? Keep her going my man! Here are a couple of pics at 17 days flower! Keep in touch!
