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MotherLode Gardens 2015


Active member
may have had our differences but i dont wish that upon anybody...sheriffs showing up seems to be a regular occurance in the north state these days. they are attacking growers way harder than they ever attacked meth and gangs...


Active member
it felt more like a criminal swat raid when they hit my homies trailer. black vests, stars shining with guns holstered and carrying bolt cutters.

all over the "possibility" of a plant. and all to issue building permit violations...

i also mull the possibility of a replant. maybe i will pop BYFs seeds for the replant, did you use any magic on them that might keep code enforcement away?


Senior Member
it felt more like a criminal swat raid when they hit my homies trailer. black vests, stars shining with guns holstered and carrying bolt cutters.

all over the "possibility" of a plant. and all to issue building permit violations...

i also mull the possibility of a replant. maybe i will pop BYFs seeds for the replant, did you use any magic on them that might keep code enforcement away?

Freedom of information act...check out the sherrifs budget vs what he has spent so far this yr. Being stupid is not free. How much does he have left to spend? How much will he have next yr when the economy crashes?

All a factor in the what are the odds. Ask the question about spending at city council...are they going to cut something else to fund him.

Follow the money


Active member
yea since I'm not growing that much this season i have more time to pursue that, theres a group doing the same number check in yuba county. also running the gross sales numbers at the big retailers like home depot will get an idea of how much its affecting economy.

they just hit some guys property out here, with NO GROW just empty mounds, upon leaving code enforcement left the gate open and a bunch of his cows escaped. and another friend had his house red-tagged and deemed "unpermitable" so this goes way beyond marijuana they are genuinely fucking with peoples lives.


Registered Med User
How do they come on your property without a warrant? Sounds like major rights violations... How do they even know who is growing without first coming on the property too? Its best to treat it as if its still illegal and be dumbass indiscrete with your grow regardless i guess.


kind of the opposite approach of what i did.. why did you put them so close together? you end up pruning out the middle shit anyway


That's a hilarious name, by the way. YummyBud lol
yummy berry... will be banned soon again for sure, than come back even the same day with a new stupid name.

different name, same paranoid skizo meth addict wreck ball


Active member
How do they come on your property without a warrant? Sounds like major rights violations... How do they even know who is growing without first coming on the property too? Its best to treat it as if its still illegal and be dumbass indiscrete with your grow regardless i guess.

its called an inspection warrant and it doesn't require the same probable cause as a criminal. for example, if they wanted to raid you for criminal charges they need very strong evidence to show the judge like hand 2 hand sales, confidential informant, PGE bills, traffic stop with weight, etc…

for inspection warrant the officer can literally get a judge to sign by simply saying he smelled herb or he saw an air conditioner running when it wasn't hot out. its fucking ridiculous whats going on out here.

damn yummy did you just admit you smoke meth?

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