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MotherLode Gardens 2015


Almost flipped my quad today doing donuts and running my dogs that was pretty fun got my dep plugged too and fixes my broken irrigation filter ... Pretty much on auto pilot besides plant sup port and foliar

I look for any excuse to hop on my quad man! Once evergthing is planted and stacks on a little size I always get a sense of relief.

What type of wetting agent do you use with your foliar sprays?

And Im curious about your opinion on thinning interior growth. I clean them up pretty good but Ive also seen lots of big beautiful plants that havent ever been cleaned up...sometimes I wonder if there was more Important things to be doing with my time/energy that would benefit my garden more. Thanks.

Backyard Farmer

Active member
QL Agri 35 or Yucca Ag Aide 50 for wetting agent. Sometimes both in 1:1 ratio.

Cleaning out the interior during the early part of the summer is a part of big tree yields


QL Agri 35 or Yucca Ag Aide 50 for wetting agent. Sometimes both in 1:1 ratio.

Cleaning out the interior during the early part of the summer is a part of big tree yields

Newb question....how does thinning contribute to big yirld? I have been told it helps with photo synthesis.


Senior Member
I clean out the suckers but try to leave any fan leaf that is green. I want to collect every single joule of energy available...and transfer that energy to the bud I get paid for. But that is just me.

Edit...eliminating bicarbonates and to a lesser extent carbonates from your foliar water is far bigger bang for the buck than wetting agents. RO water first, then wetting agents...imo.


I'll keep doing what I do then. I fuckin hate they way unkempt plants look, that was most of my reasoning for always doing it before.

Im gonna order both those wetting agents.

Thank you.

Backyard Farmer

Active member
I absolutely leave the fan leaves.

I think in my gallery I have a before and after of what a plant looks like when I prune it.

The leaves are super helpful. The sucker shoots are not.

Calidude, thinning the inside sucker shoots helps to redirect photosynthetic energy in to the parts of the plants that are receiving the most light. The inner shoots that don't receive as much light actually draw energy away from the parts of the plant that are receiving more solar energy in order to metabolize cation and anions. Alleviating this demand and instead supporting whats in the light with more solar panels (the leaf of the node whose sucker you pruned) you actually get better bud set and more usable bud site.


were you working and living in the same place non stop? with a normal job you get to go home. non stop work at home makes it not a home or real job. have you tried asking Russia for help? i just started copying what the russian girls who got raped do and fighting back against the old people with money cause its a similar situation . there is a generation of people hunting other people still and its like a final generation cause i cant hunt kids younger then me for that and only people 10+ years older then me are still hunting each other over it . in other countries its the same as selling sex cause you dont work set hours and your forced to do things against your better judgement.

Get a new life.


I absolutely leave the fan leaves.

I think in my gallery I have a before and after of what a plant looks like when I prune it.

The leaves are super helpful. The sucker shoots are not.

Calidude, thinning the inside sucker shoots helps to redirect photosynthetic energy in to the parts of the plants that are receiving the most light. The inner shoots that don't receive as much light actually draw energy away from the parts of the plant that are receiving more solar energy in order to metabolize cation and anions. Alleviating this demand and instead supporting whats in the light with more solar panels (the leaf of the node whose sucker you pruned) you actually get better bud set and more usable bud site.

Great. Yeah I always leave fans but I clean the shit out of those sucker shoots.
Growing has a massive "broscience" epidemic.

My dad is growing 4 plants now that everybody can here. He called me saying "my friend bob whos been growing since the 70's said I should take off all the lower branches and bury the stalk a foot deep cause it will make more Roots."


Fuck...I need to call my pops and appologize.


were you working and living in the same place non stop? with a normal job you get to go home. non stop work at home makes it not a home or real job. have you tried asking Russia for help? i just started copying what the russian girls who got raped do and fighting back against the old people with money cause its a similar situation . there is a generation of people hunting other people still and its like a final generation cause i cant hunt kids younger then me for that and only people 10+ years older then me are still hunting each other over it . in other countries its the same as selling sex cause you dont work set hours and your forced to do things against your better judgement.

Lol, here we go again another comedic moment in a growers life...:laughing::laughing::laughing:

schrews attracts all kinds of flavors.


Senior Member
That will change the cytokinin to auxin ratio more than a moon cycle ever could. I predict spectacular new growth


were you working and living in the same place non stop? with a normal job you get to go home. non stop work at home makes it not a home or real job. have you tried asking Russia for help? i just started copying what the russian girls who got raped do and fighting back against the old people with money cause its a similar situation . there is a generation of people hunting other people still and its like a final generation cause i cant hunt kids younger then me for that and only people 10+ years older then me are still hunting each other over it . in other countries its the same as selling sex cause you dont work set hours and your forced to do things against your better judgement.
wreck berry is here again lol

he know a good amount of proxy server sites. cause he register everyday a new username.