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MotherLode Gardens 2015


Yes4Prop215;6980430 i dont think any of the trimmer girls came up here looking to start a family said:
Lol, you're lucky. I know a guy who rather eat that pussy than fuck. He is so content he no longer pop viagra.


Wee bit stressful. Have a solid dep a month from chop..and the county wants it chopped now. Also had to dump my sweet ridge spot because of some crazy neighbor bs. I feel like it's been an entire season and it's only early June. Stix has the right idea..

like my dad says , it's better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick.


yea i was gonna say the same thing, i know alot of folks moving to or planning on oregon. i say the same thing every time, they are cracking down on medical just like cali. lots of talk of local control and local bans. also they have a much smaller market than cali, almost all their production goes to out of state which is exactly what oregon officials are trying to clamp. but hey if i had moved and set up shop as soon as measure A passed i could do a cool 48 at least for 2015.

congrats on the strain review that shit is awesome!

Have you heard of a lot of people wanting to head this way? Ive lived in southern OR all my life. I always get mixed feelings about people moving here.

Ive never seen so many out-of-towners like these past few years. There was 2 black kids in my graduating class, I see masses of black people now. Some people with Illinois plates moved in down the road and built this ghetto tarp fence that blew away in september. Their outdoor plants were maybe 1.5 pounds and they didnt cage a single one, they were all laying on the ground after a bad storm.
I see lots and lots of southern people who moved here to grow Thats probably the most common.

I dont mind people wanting to better their lives but when some ass clown from back east tries to ship 80 pounds and gets caught at the place Ive been using for almost a decade without a single glich, I cant help but be a little bothered.

Be professional, build a nice privacy fence, dont draw the heat into my neighborhood by doing a thousand plants and we'll get along just fine.
Was that ancient og really from last years garden shcrews?? If so man that's impressive for a full term outdoor in the open sun, that looks fire for sum indoor let alone outs. Those looks along with the numbers that ancient og can pull is killer.


Was that ancient og really from last years garden shcrews?? If so man that's impressive for a full term outdoor in the open sun, that looks fire for sum indoor let alone outs. Those looks along with the numbers that ancient og can pull is killer.
yah idk actually, it does look like indoor. but the 27.88% lab test was definitely ours, its in the link i just posted. so that's weird. Maybe the sample in the video didn't test as high so they used our numbers instead

anyway whatever. indoors or out, ancient OG has good bag appeal
Yeah testing exactly the same to the hundredth of a percent is a crazy coincidence. But this is the marijuana business so I don't think I would be surprised to hear that collective used the highest test numbers for that particular strain.

lol if that's the case i guess it's good they dident make something up. But either way man I followed Ur thread last year and you did a kick ass job with Ur garden.


checked the plants today to see if they need water but they look fine. I still need to get a sprayer and a drip system. I am kind of worried about setting up the plumbing to keep the water storage tank filled, i dont really know how to do that kind of stuff.

Also need to put cages up for support. I have been thinking about how to support the triple-potted plants and i think instead of giving them each an individual cage i will make a cage with a remesh cap to go around all 3 plants for the initial support. then when they grow through the cage i will put up trellis around the whole thing like normal


Active member
I really like my Chapin model 1949 industrial sprayer. It's a beast. Works great. Can spray compost teas too (large particles).


When I got a pack of Ancient OG seeds from KindPeoples the guy said the indoor was testing out at close to 30%. I think they holding some of Shcrews harvest, curing it a bit to release this spring and summer. Must be tasty, tasty!


Yeah testing exactly the same to the hundredth of a percent is a crazy coincidence. But this is the marijuana business so I don't think I would be surprised to hear that collective used the highest test numbers for that particular strain.

lol if that's the case i guess it's good they dident make something up. But either way man I followed Ur thread last year and you did a kick ass job with Ur garden.

its just funny that our outdoors tested higher than their indoors. but it makes sense they would use the highest numbers in the strain review. although i think the AOG we entered in the emerald cup tested over 28%

Cage it off that way and no ones going to be able to get in and see that it isn't 1 :moon:


since theres not much work today going to drive to the 559 to return some unused landscape fabric and hardware cloth, and get a few rolls of remesh and a sprayer. Also might hit crop production services again and try to get some albion calcium and iron and boron? do they make that? to foliar with...

still have to call AEA about getting those other foliar things. Whats the price on the Photomag, sea shield, rejuvenate.? i think thats what some of yas recommended.

nice to be able to get things i want, unlike last year. still need a ladder too, last season was a pain without one

im stoked too i might try to get in a jiu jitsu class tonight when i'm off the hill, if its not too hot to leave my dog in the car. ANd definitely will get some good food, at least as good as you can get in fresno


Your terrace isn't as bad as mine, but I still highly recommend an orchard ladder. Expensive and not as common.

Whatever happened to the NorthStar sprayer setup?
I got the sprayer in the mail yesterday just need a pump and tank, and a battery, hose, and a cart to put it all on. I might order the pump that BYF recommended but i still need to buy the other stuff

you mentioned you used a laptop charger instead of a battery, how did you do that? do you have a link to the one you used

Backyard Farmer

Active member
Almost flipped my quad today doing donuts and running my dogs that was pretty fun got my dep plugged too and fixes my broken irrigation filter ... Pretty much on auto pilot besides plant sup port and foliar