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MotherLode Gardens 2015


BYF- What date do you usually plug your clones? Went to a friends house today, plants were already
about 3-4 lbers in size, seeds that have been in since may 1st, made me jealous.

I keep my clones on a 5:00-9:00 schedule starting mid april and usually plant the last week of May, had a few hiccups this year that made me plant a little later but all is well.

Whats your take on optimal plant size when putting out? I dont really think putting bigger plants out always equates into a larger finished plant. One year I cut clones way too early and had plants that were 5 to 6 feet tall going out and all my smaller ones I cut later seemed to catch up.

Thank mayne

Backyard Farmer

Active member
BYF- What date do you usually plug your clones? Went to a friends house today, plants were already
about 3-4 lbers in size, seeds that have been in since may 1st, made me jealous.

I try to put them in around may 21 , I've got them weaned down on lights by the. And the cuts I grow won't flip at my place if they're not root bound if I've timed it right which is nice

I keep my clones on a 5:00-9:00 schedule starting mid april and usually plant the last week of May, had a few hiccups this year that made me plant a little later but all is well.

Seems like a lot of work , I take cuts around 420 and put them in the green house in early may usually by the 5th , I start with 45 minutes and go down 15 minutes a week

Whats your take on optimal plant size when putting out? I dont really think putting bigger plants out always equates into a larger finished plant. One year I cut clones way too early and had plants that were 5 to 6 feet tall going out and all my smaller ones I cut later seemed to catch up.

You're seeing what proper hormonal balance will do for you , it's all about auxin to cytokinin ratio, keeping them root dominant is key. Really hard to snap em back and forth
Thank mayne

Nice to talk about growing for a sec,

I like flaky buttery pie crust that can handle the filling , like my plants , all about that structure

I don't think blue berry is a tweaker , if you see his grow thread , his property and plants aren't completely disheveled , only his brain is s little twisted


BYF- What date do you usually plug your clones? Went to a friends house today, plants were already
about 3-4 lbers in size, seeds that have been in since may 1st, made me jealous.

I keep my clones on a 5:00-9:00 schedule starting mid april and usually plant the last week of May, had a few hiccups this year that made me plant a little later but all is well.

Whats your take on optimal plant size when putting out? I dont really think putting bigger plants out always equates into a larger finished plant. One year I cut clones way too early and had plants that were 5 to 6 feet tall going out and all my smaller ones I cut later seemed to catch up.

Thank mayne
i noticed you were talking about clones and then switched to seeds, but you didnt mention when your friend popped his seeds or how they were vegged before they went out on may 1st so its hard to compare seeds vs clones in that case. For all the shit i got on here for not having my starts in a greenhouse last month, its funny that your buddy put his out on may 1 no problem.

also I think the optimal plant size when putting plants out is whatever they reach naturally with about 2 month of veg. If you germinate a seed in 5yards of soil on april 1, keep a greenhouse over it until june, you can get 12+lb with the right strain, shit maybe 15. when people start playing with transplants and veg lights it makes things tricky

there have been a lot of examples that a small healthy start can outgrow a much bigger one.

last year our highest yielding plant was 18" tall on june 1


sometimes i wish my life was a documentary. that way maybe i could remember more of it

theres a few scenes i wouldnt want to watch tho


Registered Med User
its called an inspection warrant and it doesn't require the same probable cause as a criminal. for example, if they wanted to raid you for criminal charges they need very strong evidence to show the judge like hand 2 hand sales, confidential informant, PGE bills, traffic stop with weight, etc…

for inspection warrant the officer can literally get a judge to sign by simply saying he smelled herb or he saw an air conditioner running when it wasn't hot out. its fucking ridiculous whats going on out here.

damn yummy did you just admit you smoke meth?

man thats some fuckin bullshit, sorry u had to go through that. police state like a mothafucka. they using weed to violate our rights, my prediction is all counties will adopt these policies in next two years so they can push all the mom n pop growers out the way for corporate take over, this greedy ass system is fucked up.


you have a $400 internet bill? on that mobile hotspot or what

my friends dug through their lines to their house so they are on satellite internet and that shit can get really pricey

Bo Hasset

Active member

Damn, homeskillet... I can understand the drive behind doing something like that maybe once, but two transplant>dig up>re-transplant>repeat is bonkers, bro! I told you where you could get a grip of Blue Frost clones!

Believe me, and you know I've felt the lash of Measure A and then some, I feel your pain and can totally understand the attachment to plants you've been pampering since "birth", but I just don't understand the logic behind doing what you did vs. popping some more beans/grabbing more clones! Did they stall out each time you re-planted? I've had to dig plants up that size and re-pot them, but they were only being moved 20-30ft! All that moving around and for lack of a better word, being manhandled, seems to me would cancel out any and all benefits of seed vigor/greenhouse starts/etc...

Out of those 48 light-dep plants I had to "abate" over in Tehama, 12 or so were donated to a random guy my helper had met at the store and who had something sort of resembling a "grow" a few miles down the road and last I saw of them they looked like they had been run over by a damn train. Granted, he's an idiot and instead of continuing to pull tarp on plants 4 weeks into light dep he decided he'd just transplant from the 20 gallon pot (which I placed them in for him after we dug them up from the ground) into holes and "let the sun do it's thang, you know" all the month of May... but still I attribute most of the shitty health to the fact they were dug up, transported on a flat bed down back roads at 3 am and then unceremoniously, I'm sure, picked up from the bag and plopped down into a hole.

The funniest part was when I found out he was going to let them go the distance instead of continuing to tarp them, I offered to get him some freshly rooted clones or seed starts instead so that he didn't have to spend all summer waiting on a re-veg only to be August by the time it fully came back around.

He scoffed, mumbling something about, "Shiiiit... ain't gonna rip me off like that (this were literally donated in the truest sense of the word)... ain't no plant gonna blow up this big (apparently 5 feet x 2 feet is the definition of "large plant") by 12/12 (he really said 12/12) if you just starting it now, fool! I thought you was a grower!" This was less than 30 days ago... if I didn't fear that his "stupid" would rub off on me should I see him again I'd bring him the full bounty of just ONE of the seeds I planted June 1st and put it up against whatever harvest he may end up with from that shit show.

... which reminds me when he came by the spot to grab the plants I offered to give him about 6 or so Space Jill and Ripped Bubba seed plants (in bags, not in ground) I started 3/1 and had already sexed and put in to the light dep 2 solid weeks after all the clones. He scoffed at me again and said some dumb shit like, "Don't you know seeds is where males come from, fool!" I countered with, "Well, where do females come from, then?" but I could sense his brain was going into full meltdown mode trying to figure it out, so I let up before he had a stroke or something at my place. If anything, I'm thankful that property was abated just for the fact I no longer have to breathe the same air as that genius.

It takes all kinds though, right?

Bo Hasset

Active member
Real man doesn't let woman sit on him like a chair

I guess I'm not a real man, then...

FWIW, I've been complimented more than once on my face sit segued into doggie style all with one fluid flick of my wrist. I'm sure the fat chick who's arm I accidentally dislocated wouldn't agree, but you can't please everyone!
I truly enjoyed reading Ur post bo, you talking about the guy you hooked up with the handful of light dep girls really reminds me of some of the goofy people in the grow community. Even when your trying to do somebody a solid they think somebody is playing them. instead of being grateful he treats U like a dummy!! What a joke, lol Ur right in not trying to understand his messed up logic which I'm sure attributes to the horrid look of them now, turning clones that were 4 weeks into a light dep schedule into a full term instead of just continuing to tarp them is beyond me. Or even if he dident have the set up to do so he could of at least took you up on your offer of sum freshly rooted clones if he was that hard up.

Oh well I guess, can't help everyone lol. But kudos to you for being the bigger person and helping out. You led the horse to water that's all U can do.


you have a $400 internet bill? on that mobile hotspot or what

my friends dug through their lines to their house so they are on satellite internet and that shit can get really pricey

im on satellite, local dude climbed 60' up one of my pines no harness and installed the receiver. Turns out I get direct line of site up there and get better internet than i had in the city! $300 installation/equipment fee and $60 a month. Very cheap for 25-35mbs in the sticks:tiphat:

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