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MotherLode Gardens 2015

I'm sorry BYF I dident mean any disrespect actually it's quite the opposite I have a huge amount of respect for you BYF, you take time out of your day to help guys with less experience growing big outdoor gardens make things easier, that information you have accumulated over ttime is invaluable. Unfortunately constructive criticism doesn't always come out "nice" but it's not really suppose too.
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The Chapin 1949 is always a good backup sprayer for $90. It's a soild pump "concrete sprayer". Only 3.5 gallons, but it'll spray anything with ease.


Dude... if you're really tripping on a foliar set-up and are tight on what you can spend for one, then go to any Tractor Supply or Harbor Freight and buy one of the pull along 15 or 30 Gallon diaphragm pump sprayers charged by a 12 V battery, which I'm sure you have laying around and if not a used one is cheap. Then buy a 100 ft of some high PSI tubing like you might see on an air compressor and switch that out for the tubing the sprayer comes with. They're definitely cheap, but I've made them last multiple seasons with some common sense maintenance and storage. You can walk out the door with a full set-up for $150 and since it's mobile and has 100 ft of hose your problems on a hillside are solved.

You're welcome and if nobody has told you yet today... I love ya, brah!

what's the Ancient OG makeup anyway?
its a mysterious Iranian landrace female crossed with Bodhi's Snow Lotus male. outdoors it gets huge yield and tested 27% THC, there is something special in those genetics. The seeds are discontinued but I might make some f2's for next year


Active member
Hey shcrews why not strap the barrel to a dolly and use that to tote everything around if you don't have a quad? Sounds more safe than a wheel barrel.

grow nerd

Active member
I used a 6 gal rectangular jug on a hand truck for working on a terrace like yours, it was okay but found myself having to refill at least once. I used a 12V 10A laptop style transformer on an extension cord to power it.


Afkansastan x Snow Lotus:

Sorcerer's Apprentice:
Just say they were supercropped and planted deep. If that fails say its a banyan strain you are developing. Implore them to prove it. If cited pay a dollar a month for hundreds or thousands of months.


Active member
Shcrews do you not have a lawn tractor >>> ?? looks to me your living on a acreage ??? everyone and there dog would have one lol
Why not just get a couple of bike tires with forks and weld up a cart that 2 barrels would sit side by side and find a pump that you could plug into lawn tractor power as its running


Why so far apart? Don't you want them looking like one plant, even with a ground visit?
They cant be close togrther or else they will crowd each other and not get enough airflow.

The triple-potted plants will probably fill out and look like one big plant within a month. I just hope i dont see the sherriff betw now and then

grow nerd

Active member
Why not plant them closer together and train them outward so the main stems are closer together and not three separate large main stems far apart?

Bo Hasset

Active member
Why not plant them closer together and train them outward so the main stems are closer together and not three separate large main stems far apart?

Stop trying to get Schrews to doubt the one thing he has absolutely, positively done right so far this season.

A month at the most and from the ground you'd never know that reaaaaaaaallly big plant was really 3 unless you got down to soil level and eyed it.


Triple or quad planting works best with clone because seeds all have different color and structure and you can easily tell it's not one giant plant.