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MotherLode Gardens 2015


Some of the plants that were stunted seem to be growing again. I didn't even spray them yet!

interestingly, the mutated/twisted branches seem to be flowering normally. shooting healthy white hairs

Great! Sometimes procrastination is the best policy.


I got my ladder at the local farm supply.

It is pretty similar to what sforza linked to above.

I think I paid 160, made in Portland.

I'll dust a couple more branches of tha CP for you, Schrews.


^^hell yeah!

woke up for no reason just now at 3:30 am. must have been having some fucked up dream i can't remember. and i left the swamp cooler running when i crashed out so now the house is freezing cold. apparently the universe wants me to be awake

i dont like that. too dark outside to do anything productive, too late to call anyone, too early to start breakfast/coffee. best thing that can happen is i go back to sleep before the sun comes up


Shit we hit overnight lows last night in the 50s! Left the windows open and I think I could see my breath when I wokeup.


shit you beat me on the dripline!! man my season has been embarassing lol...

i think im chalking drip line this year....got all the coils in but the mainline is a fucking nightmare, i have to buy new 1' and new couplers and redo the whole shit. think im just gonna handwater until the end here...pretty fucking lame.

yah putting together the mainline and stuff was a nightmare for me too. I only did it cuz i dont have much else to worry about right now, and also so byf would stop giving me shit for handwatering haha.

But theres not too much time left in the season, handwatering shouldn't be too bad esp if you arent doing it by yourself. im sure you have a decent pump. dont worry man you'll still crush it im sure. how are the plants looking? 50 10lbers yah? what strains are you growing again, some tangies in there if i remember right? tangerine finishes pretty early at least when i was growing it

Shit we hit overnight lows last night in the 50s! Left the windows open and I think I could see my breath when I wokeup.
i fucking hate being cold. its prob the worst feeling besides getting arrested.

Yes4Prop215, that's a pretty lame excuse. It's extremely easy with PVC and a can of cement. A child can figure this type of stuff out. It's amazing how many growers don't seem to know the first thing about basic elementary plumbing.
no need to hate. i bet there's a lot of plumbers out there that don't know the first thing about basic growing. Anyway i dont think y4p is lacking knowledge he's probably just worried about other stuff


Might wanna try using a piece of 10 ' bamboo to drape netting over your plants. That's how I got the internal layers and caps on my big cages.


Producing weed isn't a primary task of a plumber, so why would they need to know how to grow weed?
maybe they plumb better when they're stoned

Know what sucks worse than being arrested? Being kidnapped, tortured and robbed.
depends who's doing the kidnapping. sometimes those can be the same things. have you heard of abner louima. getting arrested is terrifying because literally anything can happen to you

did you wake up on the wrong side of bed today or something? relax dude
I found this mega tweaker on CL that's got the deal on orchard ladders. 11-14' ones refurbished (that's probably tweaker for stolen) for 120-130 bucks. They are 300+ at the store. Game changer but have to drive to Chico tho


Might wanna try using a piece of 10 ' bamboo to drape netting over your plants. That's how I got the internal layers and caps on my big cages.
yah i was going to do the pvc thing that drow (i think) mentioned, sounds like the same idea. Might wait another week or so for the plants to stretch a little more before i put more nets on, otherwise they might grow through them and i'll need a 4th layer. i know more suppport is better but i think 3 will be enough , just have to time it right

I found this mega tweaker on CL that's got the deal on orchard ladders. 11-14' ones refurbished (that's probably tweaker for stolen) for 120-130 bucks. They are 300+ at the store. Game changer but have to drive to Chico tho
LOL thats like 10 hours round-trip for me. good lookin out though! i think i will have to wait until next year to get a new ladder.


Senior Member
Have you changed your watering schedule now that you have the drip system? It sure looks like growth has picked up...but pics can lie

Anyways...great job. You gotta be leading the most improved category by a landside. You gotta be proud


Have you changed your watering schedule now that you have the drip system? It sure looks like growth has picked up...but pics can lie

Anyways...great job. You gotta be leading the most improved category by a landside. You gotta be proud

ive been watering about 60gallons per pot every 2 days, maybe a little more. i would step it up to every day but the top of the soil is still moist after the first day and i really dont want to overwater

garden is definitely better than last year. most of the plants look great. unfortunately a few still worry me. lab tests were sent in but they havent contacted me yet. i might send in a couple more branches today from different plants. regardless, they are entering the flowering phase so i should know soon whether we are dealing with any serious issues. lots of healthy white hairs and visible trichs so thats always a good sign

theres still lots of room for improvement, i really think 2016 will be better


Well-known member
If you ever wake up at 3:30 again, I recommend Greek yogurt and yoga. That's how I start my unexpectedly-early mornings.

+1 on anything being possible when you get arrested... The police = the Good Ol' Boys Association. Every time I encounter the police, even if I'm just walking down the street and we exchange glances, I get super thankful that I'm not black or brown; not because I'm racist, but because they are.


Active member
Yes4Prop215, that's a pretty lame excuse. It's extremely easy with PVC and a can of cement. A child can figure this type of stuff out. It's amazing how many growers don't seem to know the first thing about basic elementary plumbing. You'd think figuring out an easy and efficient way to get water to the plants would be high on the priority list.

FFS, I'll do it for you for a paid vacation to Costa Rica with hookers, blow, ribs and jerk chicken.

dude have you seen my PVC magic on my indoor grow or my OD grow last year!!! I've literally built 1-2 drip systems every single year prior to this, only to have to rip them out at the end of every season due to unforeseen bullshit. we had one of the pimpest irrigation setups of all the grows i saw last year, all on automatic valves on zone controllers. watered 72 outdoor plants in 6 zones with the push of a button, and watered 40 lights of indoor on 4 zones with the push of a button.

my current spot is totally different ballgame..i have to commute 30 minutes just to get to the damn spot. i have none of my skilled workers from last year just one manual labor guy who is only good for holding a hose and doing other random shit. every time I'm like, OK i will FINALLY have an afternoon free to work on drip, some other bullshit pops up and i have to attend to that instead. right now trellis wrapping everything is taking up all of my time, as soon as my shits wrapped I'm gonna bang out this drip line once and for all. plus i replugged my GH on the low so thats taking a ton of time too.

im in a similar boat as schrews this year in regards to working mostly by myself, i have one dedicated helper but like i said he's not skilled, last year i had contractors, plumbers and actual certified guys working my farm. this year i have none of them, the costa rica crew are all long gone. no time for any fuckery this season!

screws i doubt i have many 10lbs lol…il be happy to pull a 4-5lb average with the late start. we didn't plug anything until early june and i have a handful of runts from the early repots and a shitty gorilla glue clone that won't grow past 4 ft tall lol. do have some seed starts that are pushing 12ft and might hit double digit marks….we get alot more sun at this spot too so I'm expecting much denser fatter nugs than my high elevation north face garden last year. a plant that yielded 4 on the north face should hit 6 on the south face..


I suppose how much it sucks to be arrested heavily depends on the charges.

If you got for arrested for a triple premeditated rape & homicide, yeah it might not be so good for you and your life might be at jeopardy. Short of something like that, you pretty much know what you're getting yourself into and the potential possible penalties ahead of time, or at least you should. "Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. "
seriously you dont know what you are talking about. police fuck with people all the time and ruin their lives for no reason. they're hiring if you're interested ;)

dude have you seen my PVC magic on my indoor grow or my OD grow last year!!!
your garden last year was pretty bangin. i cant imagine how it must feel to go through all the BS this year when you were all set to crush it. I was upset when the county shut down my plans last year but at least i was still scaling up, not already heavily invested.


Good luck man. Hope your dog doesn't rob you and take off.


:laughing::laughing: I'm not suppose to read literally into this but I will. Dogs love not rob. :laughing::laughing:

Day in the life of a grower...first there was wreakingball, grownerd, then this guy. These folks crack me up.


Active member
your garden last year was pretty bangin. i cant imagine how it must feel to go through all the BS this year when you were all set to crush it. I was upset when the county shut down my plans last year but at least i was still scaling up, not already heavily invested.

thanks man, yea imagine the biggest possible cockblock ever lol. thats how it feels, but also losing homies because they can't work up here, losing other homies who have to sell their properties off, etc…..im blessed that no criminal charges were filed and i was able to stay a step ahead of them.
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