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MotherLode Gardens 2015


You might want to use a impact driver to tighten down your connections, otherwise youlol probably get sone blowouts.

Connections are all double and triple clamped. If I were to do that by hand I wouldn't have gotten my drip set up in june. .

not to bust your balls, but you are saying two different things here. is the impact gun for speed/efficiency, or is it necessary for tightening the clamps sufficiently? cuz i tightened them by hand to the point where i dont see how a power tool would do any better, but i agree it would save time.


I assumed the Impact gets them tighter, but i've never thought to try it by hand so you could be right that it doesn't make a difference as to tightness. But I'll stand by the speed part all day long.


Thanks for clearin that up. cuz i'll break the shit out of a hose clamp if i crank it enough, so i was confused how they could get tighter

1000 clamps huh that sounds like fun.
Wouldn't it be awesome to have a bunch of misters mounted on the T-posts, so you can do automatic foliars just by filling and mixing a foliar tank?

Funny I was thinking about something very similar yesterday, but a cone shaped misting spray pointed up from the base of the plant to hit the undersides of the leaves..

I think we're onto something drow. First one to it makes a million bucks


Wouldn't it be awesome to have a bunch of misters mounted on the T-posts, so you can do automatic foliars just by filling and mixing a foliar tank?

fucking brilliant!!!! why have i never seen an automated foliar system like we do drip...

i'm gonna look into it, maybe not practical....


Well-known member
I just used the yellow sticky cards for the cuke beetles. It seemed to bring their population down quite a bit.

Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
Nice work Schrews! Bet it feels good to have that system all up and running! I love the contrast of color in your pics, the plants are such a nice green against the background.

Wow some of you spray a ton of crap on your plants, glad I don't have to smoke it honestly.


the garden is looking pretty good today. lots of little pre-buds getting some frost on them already. I dont want to call it yet but theres definitely going to be more to harvest than last year. Triple-planting was a good call. thanks TheJointedOne for the suggestion, i might not have done it otherwise

Some of the plants that were stunted seem to be growing again. I didn't even spray them yet! wonder what the fuck was going on. I would send in lab samples today but its my bday :woohoo: and i'm straight chillen!

interestingly, the mutated/twisted branches seem to be flowering normally. shooting healthy white hairs

Nice work Schrews! Bet it feels good to have that system all up and running! I love the contrast of color in your pics, the plants are such a nice green against the background.

Wow some of you spray a ton of crap on your plants, glad I don't have to smoke it honestly.

thanks man.

i wont spray anything thats not organic, cuz i actually do have to smoke it haha.

actually most of the garden has not been sprayed or fed with anything ever


Happy Birthday.

Glad to see some people still willing to avoid spraying nasty shit on flowering plants.

It's been like a month or more and you've had some plants recover with no treatment.

I've never seen that happen with broad or russet mites.


The new year has arrived and that means big things here at the farm

actually its pretty boring right now.

But we have big plans for big plants! Please follow along and bless me with some good conversation, advice, and questions. It's winter and since they locked the outdoor thread it has been way too quiet here

Since this is the first entry in a year-long journal i will keep it short.


-24 plants
-800gallon pots
-Bodhi Seeds

here is our biggest plants from last year. The first one was almost 13 pounds:

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Sure is a "Big ass" Plant Shcrews.
If Only !!??..

Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
I wasn't referring to you Schrews in any way. And Happy Birthday Bud!

Probably because he does not have mites is why they are recovering. Just because a plant has some issues doesn't mean mites, there are many many reasons plants have issues. It could be competing roots with the triple planted pots. It could be heat stress, over watering, mechanical damage, micro nutrient issue, tainted water source, water on the leaves in afternoon sun, etc. Schrews plants look healthy and healthy plants do not acquire pest issues outdoors easily.
