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moonshine mix

what pH devices do you guys use? i've never checked or adjusted the pH of my water and i have a feeling it could be like night and day in regards to some of the things that are happening. i didn't see a reason before for needing one and also because of a lack of funds, but now after some learning and observing, i think things will be much improved if i get one. i guess with pHed water i will have a better idea of what's going on with the yellowing that's been happening. i thought it could be addressed by the top dressing halfway through, which it helps, but now i think it has more to do with a water pH issue/nutrient lockout. i was thinking of something around $50, maybe an oakton.

here is the yellowing i get around 30days with my hogsbreath:

this one was put into flower around 12" and transplanted from 1-gal to i think a 3-gal bag, not sure. it was great for the first few weeks or so and over the past week or so it has started yellowing from the bottom up, only seeming to effect the fan leaves, which are now starting to shrivel and fall off. i've always assumed this to be some N deficiency, but looking at the downward taco effect of the budleaves it makes me think differently.
what do you guys think?
some baby's arms of hogsbreath that were in the MSM all by itself.

these could have had a better life as they had hardly any veg time if any and then i moved to a new house and they got lots of pH problems because i wasn't testing the water as well as a lot of heat stress. on top of that, i broke my old cab while sliding it across carpet (cheap particle board) and there was a light leak that i didn't know about for the past few weeks. that could explain the nanners that popped up on the plant that was right next to it. i also let them go way way longer than i've ever done to see how much amber i could get...i got around 60%...i thought it was potent before, but now i don't know if i can keep from trippin out! even after all those things happening to them, they are still sticky as glue and dense as rocks. but anyways, i still use the MSM in the original form with the 3-bags plus perlite and both dry ferts.

i gotta say, the past few grows have been in the MSM and it definitely has improved the taste and stoniness of my strains for the better. i can't wait to see what happens with a proper pH. i just invested in a milwaukee tester and found my water pH was around 8! poor girls...i'm sorry... i've also constructed a new closet for them to live in; bigger, more efficient use of the light, less heat, more stealth. we'll see! :headbange


Active member
HoP....what up brotha? Nice looking hog mmmmm. Yea I always keep a couple in the OG mix while playing with others. What Ive learned is that mst strains do great all the way thru BUT some need food around day 35ish. The top feeding POM around day 35 worked for me as all I did is follow thee diristions on the back of the box and used a fork to cultivate the top 2-3 inches of soil. Most kushs sfvog,jdoggsOG chem91 and chem4 so far dont need any feeding IMO. they stay camy green thru the duration. With the chem4 im going to add some mollases around week 3,5&6 and lets see what happens. Its great to see some of you peeps still using the OGmix...nice. If you get peeps into growing the kind....please start them off with this mix as they will stay motivated when they get the final outcome I know I did.....K+ to ya all!

ps.....I wonder what MSMan has cooking now?
thanks guys

i tried out the MSM for a while and it gives great results. i just threw in some more Hogs, but i didn't have enough MSM, so i added in some of this compost i got at the landfill...it's the stuff they collect from green waste, they mulch it up and then age it and sift it. i get a truck bed full for $20. i actually got it for my yard, but what the heck. they don't seem to be having any problems. i've also been doing less of the top dressing and instead using some fish emulsion to try and get rid of the yellowing. it works. i also tried adding in a few extra spoonfulls of the starter to the soil mix. on some current girls, some purple bagseed that i lst'd, i have been using some EJ Bloom...i might try it on the MSM. that strain doesn't seem to be as effected by the pH probs i was having, but now i expect great things from the hogsbreath :jump:
i also try to use molasses now and then, too. and i always keep a 5gal bucket of bubbling water so it's oxygenated.

i find it has been a lot easier going the perpetual route instead of one full closet at a time. it makes the learning a lot faster. only downside is i have to have two separate areas. my next step is getting some new strains....i was gifted a bunch of seeds from some stuff called "cherry pie" i've got 8 seedlings of it around the 5th node...we'll see what this stuff does. hopefully i get a good mother from it.


Wow, MSM seems to be the way to go! I'm gonna be building a cab soon to run a 2.25 ft x 1.8 ft scrog or sog under 2 150w HPS lamps. This will be my first attempt, and I'm gonna use MSM. Are the pH test kits with the drops and the color scale accurate enough to set the pH for growing in general or should I just bite the bullet and get a pen (I'm likely gonna try hydro at some point, too)?

What about that space? I know this isn't the thread for cab questions, but ya'll (from the South) seem to be in the same boat as me for the most part concerning grow area, plant number, size, etc. Should I be scroggin or soggin?

Also, do ya'll just mix up a giant batch of the mix and hold it til you need it? Heh, oh yeah, I'll let ya'll know how it grows for peppers and 'maters, I'm gonna start some Thin Red Cayennes and some green-orange habeneros shortly :-D, along with some good ol' hybrid Beefeaters for my burgers.
i guess i can answer some of those questions...by all means i'm not as experienced as some, but i have used the "search" function many 'o times.

my last flower cab was around those dimensions. i'd say you can pretty much do any size as long as you have a means of cooling it. i was going to go with dual 150s, but ended up getting a 400 because it wasn't that much more money and i had a way to cool it. as for the pH testing...i went a long time without it, but then realized it was essential. i'm colorblind, so i can't really rely on a color chart. some people get away with it, but i'd rather look at a number instead. check eBay for a tester. just make sure you get a calibration solution/storage solution. as for the mixing of the soil, i'm sure you could just mix it on demand, but i found it easier to mix it all up on a sheet of plywood add water and then put it back in the bags for storage.

scrog or sog...try em both and see which you like. i haven't scrogged, but i have used lst and string to get a nice canopy very similar. good luck.


See, I'm kind of in the same place as far as lighting goes, although recently I found 150watt hps lights for 20 + shipping, so that's pretty damn cheap.
^^^ Vapor-tight Pendant lighting, Ready-to-Go!
As far as cooling goes, I'm fairly sold on Vortex 6" 449 CFM fan. Do you know about how quiet this fan is? I picked it so I wouldn't have to buy another one if I go bigger later. I think for my first time, I'm gonna go with SoG. I'm likely gonna get a local clone and make more clones from it instead of getting seeds. I should be ok transplanting a healthy 6" rooted clone into MSM into a 2 gal bag? I plan on finishing in 3 gal bags, hopefully I can cram 6 in this space. Actually I may have lucked out, last time I was at Home De Pot I think I saw an old C13 for sale. If so I'm pickin that bad boy up and am just gonna make another veg/mom/clone chamber in another cab.

Whew, that was alot, back to da haze... ::toke:: there, thass mo' betta . . .


Active member
Siddartha said:
As far as cooling goes, I'm fairly sold on Vortex 6" 449 CFM fan. Do you know about how quiet this fan is? I picked it so I wouldn't have to buy another one if I go bigger later.

I have one of those fans and it is the BOMB! It really moves some air and will cool the area your talking about without problem The fan itself makes little to no noise, but the air whoosing in and out sounds like a jet engine. You will need a speed controller FOR SURE. I got one for about $25.00.This will let you tune it to work in the smaller area just fine and quiet it down. I also made the DIY duct muffler from this thread http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=65345 and it helped ALOT as well. Great fan but you will need to do some work if you are worried about stealth. I also have a Panasonic whisper fan thats really quiet in a small cab, but it's only an 80CFM. http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=45196
Fine for a CFL grow but should have bought a higher CFM model on retrospect. I think they have up to 240CFM whisperfans.

Anyway, hope this helps.


Active member
yea that fan is quiet for the amount of air pushing.....but what your going to have to worry about is the other noises its going to make like boards rattling,glass shield,ducting,chains and all the other lil noises that come with a good fan. Weather stripping and caulk ohh and duct tape solve a lot of probs. If you seen a c13 nab that shit up bro AS THERE ARE NO MORE. It fits 6 4inch square pots perfect. I would skip the 2 gal bag and go straight to 3 just to min the stress on the transplant but thats just my opinion. Also Darkroom vent louvers work great as a light trap bhphotovideo.com have them. I now have 3 8x8 in my c13 with a 400w light, 6in fantech all moonshine. Keep er green and any more Qs feel free to ask as there are some great advice going on here...K+ ta ya all









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Thanks, SS! I'm gonna be building another cab for veg and am looking into those panasonic fans, as I hear they're silent almost (excluding minimal duct noise)!

Good lookin out on the duct muffler, definitely seems necessary for my sitch.

Thinkin about upgrading to two 250w digis eventually, with separate vent systems (one for lights, one for cab) so I can run CO2. You think the vortex would still be relatively quiet cooling the bigger lights, or should I get a larger fan when I want 500w?


omfg that looks dank mysta!!! I've been admiring your grows for a while!

Not too sure anymore. I think I have to build two cabs at this point, I don't really like the idea of having veg and flower in the same box (I'm a n00b, remember) and getting another small box or even some rubbermaids isn't that big a deal. As such, I'm left with two options for the flowering cab: the c13 or a 4 ft x 1.8 ft cab (I think like c24 clone). I wouldn't be totally against getting a 400, but it seems the two 150s would give a better footprint in the wider box and I could upgrade to the 2 250w digis like I said above. But part of me wants to grab the venerable old c13, partly because it's a friggin c13 and has brought pounds of joy to many heads before me, and partly because of the square footprint. It's much less square footage, though, and the footprint is more optimal for one light (which isn't a bad thing, I just found 150w hps lights for a steal). What a dilly of a pickle....


(1 bag) Ocean Forest® Potting Soil
(1 bag) FoxFarm Original Planting Mix
(1 bag) FoxFarm Light Warrior® Agro-Ponic® Grow Medium
(1 bag) Black Gold Organic Potting Soil
(1) Coco Brick(small brick)
(1 bag) FoxFarm Peace of Mind® Fruit & Flower Organic Fertilizer (5-8-4)
(10 gal) FoxFarm Big & Chunky Perlite

is this rite?
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my math gave me 54 gallons of medium using this mix...

54 gallon @ $100.00 with no need for additional nuter? WOW!!

oh I dint add the coco into the mix...


(1 bag) Ocean Forest® Potting Soil
(1 bag) FoxFarm Original Planting Mix
(1 bag) FoxFarm Light Warrior® Agro-Ponic® Grow Medium
(1 bag) Black Gold Organic Potting Soil
(1 bag) FoxFarm Peace of Mind® Fruit & Flower Organic Fertilizer (5-8-4)
(10 gal) FoxFarm Big & Chunky Perlite
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I prefer the original mix that moonshine man reverts back to...

Orig Moonshine:

1 bag each of ocean forest, light warrior, planting mix and 2.5 gallons of perlite with 1 cup of POM fruit and flower for blooming plants

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