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moonshine mix



I'm adding dolomite lime on this run. It's 10%magnesium, and 20%calcium..perfect ratio, maybe a little more organic and cheaper then the cal mag I'm usin.. That does look kinda like magnesium defic.?, but maybe not. Raise PH to 6.5 like Arnold did, he's got 1st hand experience.


arnold layne said:
i've had similar looking results from too low of a ph.
raised my ph to 6.5-6.6, and the problems were gone (the leaves never recovered, but it stopped happening).

arnold layne

i did a flush at 6.5 and plan on keepin in that range, thanks Arnold and welcome to icmag!

arnold layne

New member
thanx for the welcome, pizzadude!

your girlies will love 6.5.
made all the difference in the world to mine.

good growing to ya.

arnold layne


ICMag Donor
I'm planning on using the MM minus the POM for some bonsai style moms soon. Also I want to give the MM a try on the next flower cycle using both POM formulations. I'm up in the air on whether or not to add the dolomite lime to the moms or the flower plants. I am using tap water ph'd to 6.4-6.5 using ph down. I also have an RO system, but I've run into some strange problems using RO and spring water. I did not use calmag plus with the RO or spring so I'm sure that's the problem, but I switch back to tap and things look better so I figure why bother with adding the calmag to RO or spring if tap does the trick. Anyway should I add the dolomite lime or not?? What do you guys think??
Peace, Mr.M


Active member
BurnOne said:
You're going to need powdered dolomite lime @ 2 tbs./gal. or 1 cup/cubic foot of ANY mix to supply magnesium and calcium even if you don't need the pH adjusting ability of dolomite. Anyone who thinks Pro Mix or FFOF has enough lime in it for their grow is kidding themselves.

Mr.M I asked about this pages ago... after I already added lime. :) Thankfully BurnOne responded and put my mind at ease. My plants look great 40ish days in, BTW.

1 Dry measure cup per 1cf bag... 3 total for the moonshine mix.

I use RO, too.


Ya man, I'm lucky. I went from having tap water with 800+ tap water..no shit. To having tap usually under 100. I've thought about buying an RO, but why bother, I'll figure this shit out. I wanta be able to give a nice flush with my garden hose, bathtub, or somethin easy like that.

I think we can all agree that 6.5 is the magic number for the moonshine mix.. Am I wrong?? I've also just started with the organic molasses. Why I'm modifying a masterpiece..???


ICMag Donor
Thanks stretchpup. The only lime I can find locally is Espoma garden lime. It says it is dolomitic lime so hopefully it will work. I've searched it in the threads and have found some limited info, but it seams to be all good. I will probably run it through a coffee grinder because it is finely pelletized out of the bag. If anyone has experience/info on the Espoma garden lime please let me know.
Peace, Mr.M

judas cohen

Active member
Gratefuldawg: I'm not sure molasses is modifying a masterpiece. (in my mind MSM is definitely a masterpiece!) To me, molasses is feeding the the soil, not the plant. If you enhance the micro-beasties with a tea of molasses and EWC, they will make the food provided by MoonShineMix more readily available to the plant.

That (feeding the micro-beasties) is the only thing that MoonShineMan didn't include in his magical recipe. They (micro-beasties) are contained in Lite Warrior, POM 3-4-3 and 5-8-4; but molasses, EWC, and Maxicrop Kelp tea act like a catalyst in the soil. For sure, MSMix is great without tea and it contains beneficial bacteria and fungus. The tea just kicks them into overdrive and more micro-beasties equals more nutes available to the plant.

Either way will work. The proof is in the pictures posted in this thread. MoonShineMix Rocks! Muchas Gracias to MoonShineMan and Mysta for starting this thread! :jump:

Regarding dolomite lime: I don't think there is any lime in MSM; only oyster shell for ph adjustment and calcium. (Based on ingredients listed on bags of OF, LW, and Planters Mix.) The POM 3-4-3 and 5-8-4 contain Mg, Ca, and humic acid. The POM is ph balanced and so is the soil. (slightly acidic- perfect for MJ.)

Many people have outstanding results the 1st time MSM soil is used without adding lime. (If you re-use soil, 1 or 2 Tbl of dolomite/gal of soil will help replenish Ca and Mg and stabilize the ph as the peat moss decays and becomes more acidic. Keep in mind that oyster shell is slow release and will help with ph up for several grows.)

IMO, the reason MSMix works so well is that the POM ferts and the FF soils were designed to work together and the ph is great for raisin' reefer. If different ferts and soils are substituted, ph will possibly be affected and lime becomes necessary.

There are many right ways to grow ganja. I'm just providing info on the way that works for me.
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msm mix, KISS at it's best....
ssh at 5 weeks....

that's a 22" tall lady with 6 heads in a 10" round pot :headbange :rasta: , smells and sticky to high heaven.

ps, my "nute def's" were really only a ph issue, raised the waterings to 6.5-6.6 and they are happier then a fat chick at an all u can eat chinese buffet.


Hey Every One, love the thread, I've been a long time watcher ever since OG went down. Does anyone know what would be a good ratio of budswell per gallon when making a budswell tea? I would like to feed every other watering or everythird watering. I would also like to use POM day 30 of flower. Does anyone have any other teas that they use with the mix in flower? :canabis: :canabis:


Active member

A few runs ago I used FFOF and budswell in 1 gal grow bags. I was able to use 4 tablespoons per gallon grow bag, and they didn't even flinch. Actually I did 1 tbsp in some, 2, 3, and 4, on a large assortment of plant genetics. I'd start around there but if I went that route again I'd use even more... possibly double. Seems like a lot but no burn...

Your mileage may vary...

I top dressed POM in for my moonshine mix this run, and it was a bad idea. :)

Messy and it won't mix as well as doing it in the initial soil mix, but it worked. I bet I wasted ferts though.

This Cush was grown in moonshine mix, top dressed, and taken at 50 days.

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i feel like top dressing doesn't really get all the ferts in, i've seen budswel ontop of the soil almost a week after i put it on and mixed up the tops. Gonna do some more, even it 50% gets in, it's better then nuttin :)


Nice Pics Stretchpup, what are you feeding it now with the MSM,Water and POM?


Hey Pizzadude, why dont you just make a tea. The more love you give your babies the more love they give you back. :petting:


yea i am not totally sold on the whole top dressing thing.i was worried about it before,like how much to use...i have top dressed my last two grows in the moonshine mix with a tablespoon per gallon of POM and really didn't see any difference..maybe if your growing some long flowering strains like 70 plus days it might be more noticeable?


Active member
Water and POM top dressed in... the initial mix was just the 3 bags, with GH subculture, more mycor. bacteria, and some extra castings added, perlite, lime. I wouldn't top dress it in anymore... unless it's a little sprinkle 30 days in or something for a kick.

But I'm not raving about it and at the price this mix costs around here I won't be doing it again. Heck, they want 25 a bag of OF, 15 for the other two. Yikess...

Doing one more run of MSM in 1 gal grow bags but this time the POM was mixed in with initial soil... they are going into flower in a couple weeks.
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you have to mix the peace of mind and starter mix in from the begining...i am talking about the 30 day top dressing that i didn't think did to much..atleast not on short flowering periods....just my 2 cents
i'll have to agree here about the top dressing. i don't see any improvement with my strains when i do the 30 day top dressing...at least for a short flowering strain. i'll agree with BBWluva that both POM ferts should be mixed in from the beginning. i mix up the 1c of each initially, which MoonshineMan suggests for his recipe in addition to the 3bags and perlite. on some current ladies i tried adding in a few extra spoonfulls when i repotted. hopefully it should help since the dry ferts are so slow to absorb as compared to say a liquid or synthetic fert. so we'll see how it goes.


Hey BBWluva are you using any other ferts other than the top dress and H20?


nope thats it,i just adjust my waters ph to 6.5 .i found that multiple transplants is one of the real keys with this soil mix.i think thats alot better than trying to add more nutes on top of whats already in the soil...