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moonshine mix



ive used FFOF for a long time, I CANT WAIT TO TRY MSM...i always thought it was a strain


Hey guys, Today I went to the local shop to pick up the MSM for the first time, (I couldnt wait to try it) and the guy tried to tell me that the MSM was crap compared to the Bio-Canna Mix that he had as well. He said you can use it like the MSM (water only) till week 4 or 5 then you would have to feed. He also said to use the Canna Mix inconjuction with the Bio-Canna Nutes Line, Every time I go there the guy cant get off Canna's Balls. Has anyone used the Line? I still got the MSM, I belive you guys rather than the guy just tring to sell me something. Thank you Everyone In the thread especially Moonshine Man and Mysta.

judas cohen

Active member
GrassRoots. Your info is more current than mine. I like your MSM recipe better than what I posted.

Back when Mysta first started this thread, the only FF Big & Chunky I could find on-line anywhere was only available in 4 cubic ft (30 gal) bags and cost $16 + shipping. (Still can't find it in smaller quantities, although price has increased.)

The fact that so many of us have altered the recipe for whatever reason and still had decent grows, tells me that the basic idea is very sound. The latest MSM revision looks really great and his comments prove again that simple and tasty is hard to beat! (I know I can't improve on it.) LOL

Thank you for your post. Lookin' forward to your grow. And a special thanks to Mysta and MSM! :respect:


Active member
Hi Judas :wave: Have you started seedlings in the MSM mix or do you start with something else like just plain light warrior or FFOF with added perlite?
I don't want to burn my seedlings and just want to make sure I get off to a good start. If Mysta is reading it'd be great to get a reply from you as well since I know you've tried so many different varieties in this mix. Thanks again everyone , the knowledge I gain from this sites members is surely going to help me succeed in my first grow.



Active member
Hedy Judas.......nice posts man....and thanks. Im glad to know that this thread has helped out some. Like you said just filter moon or myself and youll get most answers you need. KISS in main thing...if you exp with this mix DONT DO IT TO ALL YOUR PLANTS. The main thing is DONT OVER WATER.

Grass....wutup? I have not grown seedlings in this mix as I only have a flower room due to a good friend. I do know he used straight light warrior with some but know he uses HappyFrog and lightwarrior mix.

Pup....nice pics bra......and thanks for the gift..IOU bro.

Jolly...Howzit? Thanks for the K. Havnt tried the canna mix so cant knock it....but you did say one thing that cought my attention ...."till week 4 or 5 then you would have to feed. He also said to use the Canna Mix inconjuction with the Bio-Canna Nutes Line"....Sounds like he want to sell sell sell....just like our hydro store owner who I know. He does thi same thing but he pushes another line.

judas cohen

Active member
Read posts #1 & #5 of this thread!

Read posts #1 & #5 of this thread!

(or filter thread for Mysta 177 & MSM to get Everything.) Things to keep in mind:

1)Amount of perlite: two 5 gal buckets=10 gal. /// or 8-10 qts= 2 1/2gal /// or half of a big bag= 2 cu ft (15 gal.) Different amounts of perlite will affect how "hot" the mix is. So will addition (or deletion) of coir brick, bag of Black Gold, Pom 3-4-3, etc.

2) Seedlings in beer cups is not clones in 1/2 gal growbags.

3) Timely up potting to larger containers to provide fresh soil is important. (Maybe that's why some folks need ferted teas to supplement small containers.)

4)Amount and timing of water is crucial for optimum results. (Suggest following MSM's water schedule/container size for the mix you use. Different ratios of perlite/coir/Black Gold in the 3 bag mix will affect frequency/amount of water.)

Temps (summer/winter), light intensity (250 watt/1000 watt/ outdoor sun), Relative Humidity, air flow from fans (transpiration) will also affect watering schedule.

Many variations of MSM Mix will work well, but some are better than others. The use of teas and other "supplemental personal touches" is permissible but introduces more possibility of error.

If a cake recipe calls for one cup of flour, 1/2 cup milk, TBL sugar, tsp salt; but I use one cup salt, 1/2 cup flour, TBL milk, tsp sugar, I shouldn't blame MSM 'cause my cake is a gooey mess. LOL

MSM has done all the work for us. Why not take advantage of his experience; at least for the first time. Variations can be tried when recycling soil on subsequent grows. (He even has a formula for re-using his mix.)

Tasty, simple, idiot-proof, using water only, for any strain, is the beauty of MSM Mix. His latest version of 3 FF bags soil, 1+1 cup POM, chunky perlite, 6.2-6.5 water, 3 container sizes is not rocket surgery. LOL

Grower preference is decided by individual growers. MSM is a great place to start (and many come back to it!)

Grassroots: Straight LW, dilute OF/perlite, EWC/perlite all work good for fresh germed seedlings IME. Big&Chunky perlite is not ideal size for seeds, but it's amazing to me the things that work. Just avoid Portland cement & gasoline! J/K!!! LOL


has anyone tried just using the dry ferts mixed with ocean forest and perlite for flowering.i would think if you broke it down right and gave the ocean forest just a enough dry ferts to get through flowering,you might get close to the same results?


Does anyone have any NEW Pics from the Results of the MSM? Please inspire me to do well on my run.


Active member
Hey med I havnt seen anyone try it yet in this thread. If you do please document it in this thread...pics and all.
Jiggy.....hey bro....I have added the POM straight from clone with NO veg and they did fine. There are plenty of peeps that use the lightwarrior+other stuff for veg and it seems to work well. Remember the moonshinemix thrives on flavor of the buds by not adding ferts/feeding.
i've been using the mix with the dry ferts for clones and haven't seen any problems. i'm gonna take a guess but i'd say the sensitivity to the ferts might be strain dependent. so the only way to know is by testing it. i was worried at first about overferting as i have experienced it before (not with the MSM) and had some major rams horn going on. so what i did at first was tried 1/2 MSM 1/2 Ocean Forest and it made me worry less. eventually i just got lazy and i haven't had any problems yet with any of my strains. but one thing to know is i wasn't adjusting my pH before now. i think my water was like ~pH 8, like it is at this house - may have lessened the N uptake for me? now i adjust to 6.5ish with cider vinegar up to the first thread in the bottle cap/gal. i have noticed a difference since adjusting to proper pH...oh man those babies are denser and frostier than in the past. only now i've gotta figure out this leaf thing that's goin' on...might be a heat stress...it's been a killer summer, especially this last week, and i'm cheap and don't want to run the a/c all day. but uh, yeah, i toss rooted clones right in the stuff in a keg cup. i root in jiffy7 pellets. i like the MSM because of it's simplicity and it's pretty brainless. occasionally i jump the gun and toss in some Earth Juice goodies and some molasses...mmmm!


Listen to me jerky
So I haven't been able to get my grubby hands on any POM Fruit and Flower. I was told the local shop was getting a new order and then when I went to get some they told me that they where switching to some new Happy Frog mix and that it will be there "in a few weeks" Because of timing I need to go on without it. (I know I could get it online, but thats not going to cut it right now) My question for the experts is this:

What does this mean down the road? What are some things I should expect now that I haven't added this to the mix? Will I just have to add some ferts down the road?

Thanks FRizzo


Active member
Yea youll deff have to add something. look up some kill teas around here and give her a go. lets us know what you find. If I were you I would order the POM as its prob around 10$ and some shipping.


i have a silly question, i have been followin' this thread all teh way, i understand teh FF:OF/LW, EJ, PBP, and allat.

have to be honest i havent followed the MSM recipe to the fullest, but its not too late for me to do so. i have definitely experienced the heat prob, over water prob, i am sure i have a pH(water prob) and all of this will be taken care of the come the next pay check, but i have to know. . what the hell is "POM" ?

nobody uses the damned names anymore, and it always sorta floats off half way in the thread lmao. . . dont get me wrong , love it, but damned its hard to keep up sometimes lol

oh and i wanted to ask, can i use my soil pH tester to test my water, i figured it could be possible since it was a solid rod, but has anyone else ever eperience/try this?
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Hey friend.

Can't answer the PH tester question. My tester sucks, so a new one is in order soon.

But POM is Peace of Mind. Fox Farm dry additative I believe. I know the mix (which I will be running on my next grow) calls for Peace of Mind Fruit and Flower and POM starter. Just do a google search for peace of mind fruit and flower, you'll see it.

Grow on...