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Mass of an ass going critical

Brother Nature

Well-known member
despite how many people watch and love Judge Judy.

Did you guys know Judge Judy is the highest paid person on TV? She has a yearly salary of $47 million dollars and only works 52 days a year, meaning she earns more than $900,000 a day. What the fuck.

Anyways, sexual assault is a fucked up matter and is way more prevalent in society than most of us would like to think. Utilizing it for political gain is even more sickening. Kavanaugh is definitely a silver spoon fuck-boy if I ever saw one, but this whole circus is just disgusting really. Our political system is just a bad fucking joke.


ICMag Donor
Just rewind what you saw of the testimony.

Ford was steady and upset, what you would expect of someone revisiting a lifetime traumatic experience.

Kavanaugh was sniveling, whining, trembling and entitled. He looked like somebody showed up at the Super Bowl only to find out that the tickets he bought on eBay were bogus and the gate people asked him "What the hell did you expect".

It was obvious who was lying. If you can't see this, it's because you don't want to.


Well-known member
Just rewind what you saw of the testimony.

Ford was steady and upset, what you would expect of someone revisiting a lifetime traumatic experience.

Kavanaugh was sniveling, whining, trembling and entitled. He looked like somebody showed up at the Super Bowl only to find out that the tickets he bought on eBay were bogus and the gate people asked him "What the hell did you expect".

It was obvious who was lying. If you can't see this, it's because you don't want to.

IMO Zeez once again you posted exactly the opposite of what happened.

Kavanaugh was passionate and defiant as I would expect someone in his position to do. Judges don't have to hide their emotions when defending themselves or their families. In fact I don't think they have to be in court either. They just have to follow the constitution.

Ford was always searching the crowd, turning to her lawyer, stumbling over her answers and couldn't remember key details.

But this is just my perception. Just like this quoted post is your perception of what they looked like in court. My other posts were analyzing the facts. Counterpoint those facts in your next post please. Maybe then you can get me to understand how you are skipping over what she actually said not what you think she looked like while saying it.


Well-known member
Just rewind what you saw of the testimony.

Ford was steady and upset, what you would expect of someone revisiting a lifetime traumatic experience.

Kavanaugh was sniveling, whining, trembling and entitled. He looked like somebody showed up at the Super Bowl only to find out that the tickets he bought on eBay were bogus and the gate people asked him "What the hell did you expect".

It was obvious who was lying. If you can't see this, it's because you don't want to.

30 years after the alleged rape she comes out. Makes sense.....

Actually, no it really doesn't. Definitely not a brave woman, since allegedly several more sexual assaults happened. Nothing like keeping a serial rapist on the street for 30 years. Lol, really makes it kind of hard to have sympathy for her. I mean come on, if true he'd have been in prison long before he became a somebody.

Got to love all the women who stand with Dr. Ford, since she didn't stand up for women at all. Someone in my family gets raped either the man is going to be in jail or dead.

Really makes you wonder just what kind of person this Dr. Ford truly is. True or false something is wrong with that woman's mind.


Active member
Ford was pushed in a room, she heard either Judge or Kavanaugh lock the door. Someone turned the volume up on the stereo and turned off the lights. Very detailed beginning to the story. It sets up the scene as an actual premeditated sexual assault. That is why they locked the door so nobody can get in. They turn up the stereo so nobdy can hear her screams. They turn off the light to have the advantage of dark.

She talks about the hand over her mouth and the laughing. Then Judge jumps on the bed knocking them to the floor. Now she is on top and can get up and guickly runs out of the room over into a bathroom across the hall. What is missing in these details? One very important thing. She just ran out. She didn't say anything about having to quickly figure out how to unlock the lock, in the dark, on a door you never saw before and in a room you never were in before.

That would have been one of the most terrifying moments of the whole ordeal. The fumbling with the lock. Will you get it open in time, will you be able to get it unlocked. Nope, nothing, doesn't mention it. BULLSHIT. Every horror movie ever made has someone in a frantic unlocking the door scene. The axe murderer is getting closer and the victim is fumbling with the keys to the locked door or the car to get away. But not terrified Fibbing Ford. Nope, no mention of unlocking the door. I call BULLSHIT.

This woman is lying her ass off and the DNC is using her. Kavanaugh is being framed.

Itarzan, don't waste you time. Kavanaugh is a man, who believes in the constitution, gets angry when falsely accused of being a rapist, and likes beer. To the blind partisans here, He's a Rapist facts and evidence don't matter.


Active member
Did you guys know Judge Judy is the highest paid person on TV? She has a yearly salary of $47 million dollars and only works 52 days a year, meaning she earns more than $900,000 a day. What the fuck.

Anyways, sexual assault is a fucked up matter and is way more prevalent in society than most of us would like to think. Utilizing it for political gain is even more sickening. Kavanaugh is definitely a silver spoon fuck-boy if I ever saw one, but this whole circus is just disgusting really. Our political system is just a bad fucking joke.

Judge Judy is making bank. Lol who knew.


Active member
Just rewind what you saw of the testimony.

Ford was steady and upset, what you would expect of someone revisiting a lifetime traumatic experience.

Kavanaugh was sniveling, whining, trembling and entitled. He looked like somebody showed up at the Super Bowl only to find out that the tickets he bought on eBay were bogus and the gate people asked him "What the hell did you expect".

It was obvious who was lying. If you can't see this, it's because you don't want to.

I will have to laugh when you are falsely accused. You will be screaming it's an injustice. Lol.

In reality I wouldn't wish this on any man. The difference is I am a man first. I don't put politics ahead of everything else in life. I am open minded enough to say yes, Dr. Ford was quite believable. The fact is she has been rebuffed by every witness she claimed was their. It's her word against his. In the fair application of the law, no evidence no guilt.

It's funny how the Democrats celebrate when an illegal alien gets off on murder charges. But insist a woman can't be liying, and he must be stopped at all cost.

Democrats have long stopped caring about justice. They only want the legal system to be a tool to punish those who dare to not bow to them, and they use gofund me to pay off their friends.

I have to say who ever started gofund me, is a genius it's the perfect way to launder illegitimate cash.


Active member
Judge Judy is making bank. Lol who knew.

After seeing her yacht and knowing her hubby got caught up with a dime piece waitress at a local diner, and still sticking with her, of COURSE she makes bank. That would have been the best new model trade in in history. From her to a 22 year old... yeah he had to have had his eyes on her bank account


ICMag Donor
Like I said.

Kavanaugh was sniveling, whining, trembling and entitled.

With extra sniveling.

If you couldn't see that then you weren't watching the testimony.

Chug down on the kool aid boys.


Active member
Like I said.

Kavanaugh was sniveling, whining, trembling and entitled.

With extra sniveling.

If you couldn't see that then you weren't watching the testimony.

Chug down on the kool aid boys.

Funny that you believe the person who hasn't sat for 30plus hours of questioning, has 3 so called witnesses who refute her claims, zero evidence, and is now worth a million dollars plus.

But you claim we are drinking the kool-aid. Partisan much.


Like I said.

Kavanaugh was sniveling, whining, trembling and entitled.

With extra sniveling.

If you couldn't see that then you weren't watching the testimony.

Chug down on the kool aid boys.

The way he sniveled was funny :biggrin:
He reminded me of one of my old schoolmates who had a similar hairdo and similar constant snivel :biglaugh:


ICMag Donor
Funny that you believe the person who hasn't sat for 30plus hours of questioning, has 3 so called witnesses who refute her claims, zero evidence, and is now worth a million dollars plus.

But you claim we are drinking the kool-aid. Partisan much.

He wasn't 20 minutes in before the sniveling, whining, trembling and entitled and sobbing started. c'mon, you don't need a youtube link to remember that one.

The extra sniveling came later.

Partisan - He wants to be in control of the highest law in the land and there he is blubbering away. Everybody in the righty club is in denial. That's not Kool Aid?

Look at this guy. He's a mess.


Active member
He wasn't 20 minutes in before the sniveling, whining, trembling and entitled and sobbing started. c'mon, you don't need a youtube link to remember that one.

The extra sniveling came later.

Partisan - He wants to be in control of the highest law in the land and there he is blubbering away. Everybody in the righty club is in denial. That's not Kool Aid?

Look at this guy. He's a mess.
View Image

He WILL be in control of the highest court in the land while you shake in fear as the MSM pushes their fear porn. Fixed that for you. Start selling your salt stocks lads, as there will soon be a surplus... perfect snapshot of the left, recycle same collage in the same thread. Can’t even call it a meme as memes take some effort. This copy paste collage is weak bait


Active member
Funny that you believe the person who hasn't sat for 30plus hours of questioning, has 3 so called witnesses who refute her claims, zero evidence, and is now worth a million dollars plus.

But you claim we are drinking the kool-aid. Partisan much.

Stop with the facts PF. The left doesn’t accept facts. Although the ‘fact’ Hillary being 6% points ahead was swallowed whole. As a matter of ‘fact’ it was swallowed so hard she wanted a recount buahahahaha


Active member
He WILL be in control of the highest court in the land while you shake in fear as the MSM pushes their fear porn. Fixed that for you. Start selling your salt stocks lads, as there will soon be a surplus... perfect snapshot of the left, recycle same collage in the same thread. Can’t even call it a meme as memes take some effort. This copy paste collage is weak bait

So in your opinion all of the main sources of American media can't be trusted? Help us all out then and tell us who the trusted provider(s) are of your unassailable facts. Where can we get real news?

White Beard

Active member

Kavanaugh failed his job interview. He showed the exact opposite of a serious judicial temperament: he’s a drama queen, and even threatened retaliation for his ‘treatment’ @ the hands of Democrats.

Should have kept his cool, maintained his composure, kept his wits about him. He sealed his doom with an adolescent performance. Bye, Brett....

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