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Mass of an ass going critical


ICMag Donor
I guess I am the one of the few people who think it's not okay to treat people you disagree with like a mortal enemy. This is how you get lunatics who shoot congressmen, at congressional baseball games . Congratulations, this is a new low and apparently many are proud of how low American's can go.

It's a truly sad day for America.This is not the country I want to leave for my children.

I think it takes a leader who is all about the people and building the country to make it better for the people. If rich people can buy and manipulate the government to their advantage it ends up creating scarcity so that the remaining 99.5% end up fighting over the few crumbs that fell off the table.


Active member
Allow me to interject my 2 pennies worth into this shitshow.

All over the net people are overly concerned about something that may have occurred 30 years ago in a drunken stupor. It's all anyone can talk about, and seems to be the dividing line on yes he should be a judge. Or no, he shouldn't.

Sounds to me like he's your typical douchebro who has lived an entitled life where no one has ever told him "no". Should that disqualify him from being a Supreme Court Judge? Probably. I know it doesn't sit well with me that these allegations may or may not be true.

If I were to guess, I'd say they probably are true. I've had several female friends tell me they've been assaulted at one time or another, one of them violently. Very few of them reported it because they were ashamed for one reason or another.

But let's ignore Dr. Ford and all the attempted rape allegations.

Objectively speaking, just his *tone* and partisanship in that hearing is beyond the pale for any SCOTUS nominee ever in the history of the court. Just his unprofessional belligerence alone is disqualifying if you go by the objective standards of all previous nominees. AND THEN you add in his refusals, question dodging, and sketchy responses about the allegations, not to mention all the lies about even small stuff, also not to mention all the other issues with the guy aside from Dr. Ford entirely (finances, stolen emails, earlier perjury allegations, etc). This guy stinks of high heaven to impropriety to me. Judges need to be held to a higher standard. As should our politicians. But that's a rant for a different thread.

gaiusmarius posted above while I was typing. Wow. I've got so many conspiracy theories flowing through my brain right now.

Is that a calliope I hear?

This is the partisan bullshit that is wrong with our country. You assume he's guilty because he got angry.

She has zero evidence. Every witness has contradicted her statement. She has contradicted herself dozens of times. She will be a millionaire tax free when this is over. It's all about power and money.

You think because he's successful, he's never been told no. Talk about making unfounded assumptions. But, hey he's nominated by Trump, he's a white male, he's a Republican so it doesn't matter. Right.

Since you aren't a Republican, it could never happen to you or someone you care about. Right.

He has worked hard spent many years in school, to become what he is today. Doesn't matter he's a Republican so go ahead destroy him.

By the way Got Bud, you know that party you went to 30 years ago. You know the one where you raped that girl. Yeah, that party that nobody remembers.
Yeah, you are guilty.
Now, don't get angry or your guilty.

What I have done above is nothing different than what the Democrats have done. To be fair I don't think you are a rapist, just illustrating a point that any accusation can be weaponized.

I will say this, if you wanted to further the divide between right and left in this country. This is a great way to push it. I would venture to guess this will fire up the Republican base. Fortunately, the Democrats will call it a victory and sit home while Republicans take even more of the government.

I really wish the Democrats would stop forcing me to vote Republican. I really would rather vote for Independent.

You have nothing to say about the despicable politicians who created this circus , this is hypocritical at best.


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
This is the partisan bullshit that is wrong with our country. You assume he's guilty because he got angry.

She has zero evidence. Every witness has contradicted her statement. She has contradicted herself dozens of times. She will be a millionaire tax free when this is over. It's all about power and money.

You think because he's successful, he's never been told no. Talk about making unfounded assumptions. But, hey he's nominated by Trump, he's a white male, he's a Republican so it doesn't matter. Right.

Since you aren't a Republican, it could never happen to you or someone you care about. Right.

He has worked hard spent many years in school, to become what he is today. Doesn't matter he's a Republican so go ahead destroy him.

By the way Got Bud, you know that party you went to 30 years ago. You know the one where you raped that girl. Yeah, that party that nobody remembers.
Yeah, you are guilty.
Now, don't get angry or your guilty.

What I have done above is nothing different than what the Democrats have done. To be fair I don't think you are a rapist, just illustrating a point that any accusation can be weaponized.

I will say this, if you wanted to further the divide between right and left in this country. This is a great way to push it. I would venture to guess this will fire up the Republican base. Fortunately, the Democrats will call it a victory and sit home while Republicans take even more of the government.

I really wish the Democrats would stop forcing me to vote Republican. I really would rather vote for Independent.

You have nothing to say about the despicable politicians who created this circus , this is hypocritical at best.

Boy, are you barking up the wrong tree. The only parties I went to were with 4 or 5 other guys sitting around a table playing Dungeons and Dragons and drinking Jolt cola. :biglaugh:

Again, I'm not focusing on the attempted rape. In fact, I don't give two shits about it. It's a he said/she said situation from 30 years ago where alcohol was involved. Details are long forgotten and mis remembered.

I'm stepping back and trying to see the whole picture. And the picture I see is of a person who is not fit to be a Supreme Court Justice because of his overall demeanor, belligerent attitude, and evasiveness about his financials.

Can you point me to another person in history who has been nominated for the post of Supreme Court Justice (not just appointed) who has had so much controversy surrounding him/her? I'm not trying to be argumentative. I'm genuinely curious if there has been. I certainly don't remember any in my lifetime. Bush Jr. had some nominees that were controversial, but the hoopla surrounding them died down after a couple weeks. Obama's appointments were pretty benign, iirc. A week or two of coverage and then done.

Kavanaugh's gone through what, 6 FBI investigations? And now trump is ordering a 7th? When do we as Americans say enough is enough? Trump has other nominees that will fit his agenda that the Dems would have way less issue with. Like Joan Larsen. Why is Kavanaugh so special that he needs to be jammed down our throats? And if he is so innocent, why is the GOP putting stipulations of a one week deadline and scope of investigation? I get it, they want to get this done with. But if they truly believed in him, wouldn't it make more sense to let a full investigation take place to remove all doubt?

Let me put this another way. If I were looking to hire Kavanaugh to work for me, and he responded in interview the same way he responded to the nomination process, I would be a hard pass.
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lets try and be fair, if you came to a job interview and the interviewer accused you of sex crimes, you would probably get angry too, specially if you are innocent of said allegation.


Active member
Boy, are you barking up the wrong tree. The only parties I went to were with 4 or 5 other guys sitting around a table playing Dungeons and Dragons and drinking Jolt cola. :biglaugh:

Again, I'm not focusing on the attempted rape. In fact, I don't give two shits about it. It's a he said/she said situation from 30 years ago where alcohol was involved. Details are long forgotten and mis remembered.

I'm stepping back and trying to see the whole picture. And the picture I see is of a person who is not fit to be a Supreme Court Justice because of his overall demeanor, belligerent attitude, and evasiveness about his financials.

Can you point me to another person in history who has been nominated for the post of Supreme Court Justice (not just appointed) who has had so much controversy surrounding him/her? I'm not trying to be argumentative. I'm genuinely curious if there has been. I certainly don't remember any in my lifetime. Bush Jr. had some nominees that were controversial, but the hoopla surrounding them died down after a couple weeks. Obama's appointments were pretty benign, iirc. A week or two of coverage and then done.

Kavanaugh's gone through what, 6 FBI investigations? And now trump is ordering a 7th? When do we as Americans say enough is enough? Trump has other nominees that will fit his agenda that the Dems would have way less issue with. Like Joan Larsen. Why is Kavanaugh so special that he needs to be jammed down our throats? And if he is so innocent, why is the GOP putting stipulations of a one week deadline and scope of investigation? I get it, they want to get this done with. But if they truly believed in him, wouldn't it make more sense to let a full investigation take place to remove all doubt?

Let me put this another way. If I were looking to hire Kavanaugh to work for me, and he responded in interview the same way he responded to the nomination process, I would be a hard pass.

The media was been complicit in the harassment. It's media manipulation at it's finest.

I don't understand the criticism of him being defiant in the face of uncorroborated allegations. How should he act? Like he doesn't care?

St. Phatty

Active member
lets try and be fair, if you came to a job interview and the interviewer accused you of sex crimes, you would probably get angry too, specially if you are innocent of said allegation.

Unless I was an actor applying to play Harvey Weinstein's role in a movie.


Well-known member
Unless I was an actor applying to play Harvey Weinstein's role in a movie.

or was taking my cues from Trump, whose family motto (handed down from his father) is "never admit, it is a sign of weakness. go on the attack". if the hairpiece was seen on film killing someone, he would deny it saying" nope, not me. but the guy is incredibly intelligent & good-looking, isn't he? lucky man..."


Active member
Was Mark Judge's ex-girlfriend lying when she said Judge ashamedly told her the G Prep boys used to take turns having "consensual" sex with drunken girls? Why would she lie, oh yeah she must be working for the Clinton revenge machine. But if she's lying, why would she welcome the FBI interview? Why would all of these women accusing Bart O'Kavanaugh welcome an FBI interview? Probably because their stories are true and they don't want to see a lying, alcoholic rapist on the Supreme Court.

Kavanaugh's yearbook clearly demonstrates the dude was a pig. His lies about it under oath and his broken temperment indicate he still is.


Active member
Was Mark Judge's ex-girlfriend lying when she said Judge ashamedly told her the G Prep boys used to take turns having "consensual" sex with drunken girls? Why would she lie, oh yeah she must be working for the Clinton revenge machine. But if she's lying, why would she welcome the FBI interview? Why would all of these women accusing Bart O'Kavanaugh welcome an FBI interview? Probably because their stories are true and they don't want to see a lying, alcoholic rapist on the Supreme Court.

Kavanaugh's yearbook clearly demonstrates the dude was a pig. His lies about it under oath and his broken temperment indicate he still is.

Ohhhhh the FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFourth? You mean the definition that came from the same place trumps piss dossier came from? An anonymous Tibetan sheep wool weaving image forum board? The darkest corners of the internet that so frequently trolls MSM and MSM still falls for it flat on their face EVERY single time? Yes, THAT definition comes from a valid source. Oh teh lulz


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
The media was been complicit in the harassment. It's media manipulation at it's finest.

I don't understand the criticism of him being defiant in the face of uncorroborated allegations. How should he act? Like he doesn't care?

And again, everything I am speaking of happened before the attempted rape allegations came out.

He was being questioned by the Senate Judiciary Committee on September 4 through September 7th.

The rape allegations were made public September 12.

Those 4 days under oath are the 4 days that made up my mind and is the reason I believe he should not be a Supreme Court Justice.

All of the allegations and finger pointing after the fact just confirms in my mind that he is not fit for the job.


Well-known member
He showed the traits of a guy who prob is a mean drunk..even if it's 'just' beer.

But my calendars!!! -went to party, chic wouldnt put out, even with two of us, haha, anyway..redsox won.-


YES, he should act like it's water off a ducks back, if he has nothing to hide.
Freaking out and acting petulant is not the conduct of a supreme court judge.... volatility and smugness is not a good character trait for a judge.... despite how many people watch and love Judge Judy. lol


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
YES, he should act like it's water off a ducks back, if he has nothing to hide.
Freaking out and acting petulant is not the conduct of a supreme court judge.... volatility and smugness is not a good character trait for a judge.... despite how many people watch and love Judge Judy. lol

You obviously do not know any judges...

This shit is going to get pretty funny, I think. Two guys admitted to Ford's allegations, and neither of them is Kavanaugh. Strange how it hasn't gotten any air time - https://nypost.com/2018/09/27/two-men-tell-senate-that-they-not-kavanaugh-assaulted-ford/

And, oddly enough, Swetnick has a history of lying and making false sexual harassment charges - https://www.oregonlive.com/silicon-forest/index.ssf/2018/09/julie_swetnick_one_of_kavanaug.html


Well-known member
So Fibbing Ford was terrified. She had PTSD, couldn't study, grades plummeted, isolated herself... but when she saw Judge in a supermarket where he worked she said "Hello! How are you." Then she said Judge was white and nervous and had his head down like he didn't want to say anything to her because of what happened, but said hello back. First why would someone so shaken and PTSD even say hello to a person that was involved in sexually assultig you. They wouldn't. She made this story up to just show proof that Judge was involved because how he acted nervous at work.
There was a news story on MSN today that they ask other female victims of sexual assault about Ford's testimony. They said it was strange that she would say hello to the person or people.

Ford's story has many points of concern that indicate deception.

Why would she need to know when Judge worked at the supermarket so she could be more helpful in figuring out the exact date of the assault? That would just let her pick a date that fit into the window when she was assaulted.

She can't remember what house. That makes it so they can't trace back the occupant history of that house, ask the people questions who lived there in that time frame. Very convenient isn't it?
She doesn't remember how she got there or how she got home. That way there isn't another person that could tell anybody where the house was. Very convenient.

Kavanaugh is getting framed.


Well-known member
Ford was pushed in a room, she heard either Judge or Kavanaugh lock the door. Someone turned the volume up on the stereo and turned off the lights. Very detailed beginning to the story. It sets up the scene as an actual premeditated sexual assault. That is why they locked the door so nobody can get in. They turn up the stereo so nobdy can hear her screams. They turn off the light to have the advantage of dark.

She talks about the hand over her mouth and the laughing. Then Judge jumps on the bed knocking them to the floor. Now she is on top and can get up and guickly runs out of the room over into a bathroom across the hall. What is missing in these details? One very important thing. She just ran out. She didn't say anything about having to quickly figure out how to unlock the lock, in the dark, on a door you never saw before and in a room you never were in before.

That would have been one of the most terrifying moments of the whole ordeal. The fumbling with the lock. Will you get it open in time, will you be able to get it unlocked. Nope, nothing, doesn't mention it. BULLSHIT. Every horror movie ever made has someone in a frantic unlocking the door scene. The axe murderer is getting closer and the victim is fumbling with the keys to the locked door or the car to get away. But not terrified Fibbing Ford. Nope, no mention of unlocking the door. I call BULLSHIT.

This woman is lying her ass off and the DNC is using her. Kavanaugh is being framed.

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