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Mass of an ass going critical


Active member
So in your opinion all of the main sources of American media can't be trusted? Help us all out then and tell us who the trusted provider(s) are of your unassailable facts. Where can we get real news?

Yep. All owned by same globalists pushing same agenda. Operation mockingbird is a place to start. When Germany controlled media during WW2 it was called ‘propaganda’ when muh Russia controls media its called propaganda. When globalists control it, we call it ‘news’. Instead of having everything spoon fed to you, RESEARCH for yourself lad. How many times has MSM been caught in their own bullshit? 2 quick recent examples would be Anderson cooper ‘chest deep’ in ‘flood waters’ when in fact he was kneeling in a ditch or the weatherman being blown away by the recent storms. Yet 2 people effortlessly walk by behind him. ‘Wet grass’ right? Interesting he didn’t take 2 steps back and stand on solid ground. Do some research for yourself, don’t take what I or anybody else says as ‘truth’. If comfortable living the life as a sheep, that’s cool. But to learn, the onus is on YOU


Well-known member
So in your opinion all of the main sources of American media can't be trusted? Help us all out then and tell us who the trusted provider(s) are of your unassailable facts. Where can we get real news?

4 out 5 former Wurlitzer employees enjoy Pacifica.
For those of us with rusty brainpans, Pacifica was
the point of origin for Firesign Theater.


Active member
Yep. All owned by same globalists pushing same agenda. Operation mockingbird is a place to start. When Germany controlled media during WW2 it was called ‘propaganda’ when muh Russia controls media its called propaganda. When globalists control it, we call it ‘news’. Instead of having everything spoon fed to you, RESEARCH for yourself lad. How many times has MSM been caught in their own bullshit? 2 quick recent examples would be Anderson cooper ‘chest deep’ in ‘flood waters’ when in fact he was kneeling in a ditch or the weatherman being blown away by the recent storms. Yet 2 people effortlessly walk by behind him. ‘Wet grass’ right? Interesting he didn’t take 2 steps back and stand on solid ground. Do some research for yourself, don’t take what I or anybody else says as ‘truth’. If comfortable living the life as a sheep, that’s cool. But to learn, the onus is on YOU

I understand your point about MSM but you Kavanaughed a very simple question instead of answering it. If most of the main sources of news are delivered by globalist thought controllers with evil intent, which sources of news are to believed? Please answer the question--where do you get your news?


Well-known member

Kavanaugh failed his job interview. He showed the exact opposite of a serious judicial temperament: he’s a drama queen, and even threatened retaliation for his ‘treatment’ @ the hands of Democrats.

Should have kept his cool, maintained his composure, kept his wits about him. He sealed his doom with an adolescent performance. Bye, Brett....

He passed the interview and will be confirmed soon.

He didn't fail the job interview. It goes to the senate now for a vote. The FBI will make a report. Kavanaugh will be confirmed and you and the rest of the left will continue crying.

Make sure you all make a collage of your crying faces and post it over and over again so we on the side of truth can enjoy it.


Comfortably numb!
You mean the kid that bullied you?

You are not a citizen of the U.S.A. Your opinion is meaningless to us. It sucks to be you in your country. So you spend your days focused on the USA dreaming you were here. But your not. Stop giving your opinion on things you don't understand. Maybe work on getting your country in order.
Time to spark one!


Active member
I understand your point about MSM but you Kavanaughed a very simple question instead of answering it. If most of the main sources of news are delivered by globalist thought controllers with evil intent, which sources of news are to believed? Please answer the question--where do you get your news?

You liberaled the answer to the question you asked... I stated I RESEARCH answers for myself. I’m not a sheep, I have a free thinking mind and the intelligence to search for answers not sit around waiting for somebody to spoon feed me


ICMag Donor
You liberaled the answer to the question you asked... I stated I RESEARCH answers for myself. I’m not a sheep, I have a free thinking mind and the intelligence to search for answers not sit around waiting for somebody to spoon feed me

You mean, Like global warming?


Active member
So few admit to watching fox.

It’s all part of same divide and conquer tactic. Give half the citizens ‘their own’ mouth piece and another for the other half. But it’s all the same shit. It’s just who is vilified where. On fox the ‘left/liberals’ are the bad guy. On cnn it’s the right/conservatives. All spewing the same shit. People don’t watch the ‘news’ to LEARN anything. They watch the ‘news’ for validation. The left watches cnn to be told ‘yep what you think is right’ and the right watch Fox to hear ‘yep what you hear is right’. So the citizens sit here arguing back and forth who is right who is wrong and in the meantime the powers that be fuck BOTH sides square in the ass without the courtesy of a reach around


Well-known member
It’s all part of same divide and conquer tactic. Give half the citizens ‘their own’ mouth piece and another for the other half. But it’s all the same shit. It’s just who is vilified where. On fox the ‘left/liberals’ are the bad guy. On cnn it’s the right/conservatives. All spewing the same shit. People don’t watch the ‘news’ to LEARN anything. They watch the ‘news’ for validation. The left watches cnn to be told ‘yep what you think is right’ and the right watch Fox to hear ‘yep what you hear is right’. So the citizens sit here arguing back and forth who is right who is wrong and in the meantime the powers that be fuck BOTH sides square in the ass without the courtesy of a reach around

Don't listen to this man. He is dangerous. Disgruntled former Wurlitzer employees are not to be believed.
Repeat after me; It sounds wonderful and pure of tone. There is no such thing as static.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false"? William Casey


Comfortably numb!
You liberaled the answer to the question you asked... I stated I RESEARCH answers for myself. I’m not a sheep, I have a free thinking mind and the intelligence to search for answers not sit around waiting for somebody to spoon feed me
... please name the body of "your" research!


Comfortably numb!
It’s all part of same divide and conquer tactic. Give half the citizens ‘their own’ mouth piece and another for the other half. But it’s all the same shit. It’s just who is vilified where. On fox the ‘left/liberals’ are the bad guy. On cnn it’s the right/conservatives. All spewing the same shit. People don’t watch the ‘news’ to LEARN anything. They watch the ‘news’ for validation. The left watches cnn to be told ‘yep what you think is right’ and the right watch Fox to hear ‘yep what you hear is right’. So the citizens sit here arguing back and forth who is right who is wrong and in the meantime the powers that be fuck BOTH sides square in the ass without the courtesy of a reach around
Sum it up to one/two words: COMMON SENSE. A word lost during the 90's. I go left, I go right but, we all know the answer lies in the middle :)


Active member
It’s all part of same divide and conquer tactic. Give half the citizens ‘their own’ mouth piece and another for the other half. But it’s all the same shit. It’s just who is vilified where. On fox the ‘left/liberals’ are the bad guy. On cnn it’s the right/conservatives. All spewing the same shit. People don’t watch the ‘news’ to LEARN anything. They watch the ‘news’ for validation. The left watches cnn to be told ‘yep what you think is right’ and the right watch Fox to hear ‘yep what you hear is right’. So the citizens sit here arguing back and forth who is right who is wrong and in the meantime the powers that be fuck BOTH sides square in the ass without the courtesy of a reach around

Maybe a little overgeneralization but I'll admit I agree with most of what you write in this post. Personally I watch way too much news on too many channels, not so much for validation but to see how all the different sides choose to feed the issues to their viewers. I read too much news as well.

I'm in full agreement that a conscious effort to divide us is in full effect and getting worse every day. Seeing a guy like Brett Kavanaugh get nominated to the Supreme Court and then watching him puke all over our democratic principles is a perfect example. Trump had to know this was gasoline on the very fire he's been stoking since day 1.

You mention the "powers that be" and without asking it you've touched on the ultimate question. Who are these powers that be and why do they seek to divide us? Who benefits the most when democracies die?


Well-known member
While the left cries foul Trump continues to prove he can golf and tweet all he wants and still get a tremendous amount of great things done.

Mikell will finally get to drink USA high quality milk. Remember when Mikell said in another troll thread how Canada doesn't need the USA and would never allow our milk into Canada and would never let the USA dictate any trade policy. He was wrong as usual because Canada caved and the milk is coming. LOL!


China is next.

Look what is happening doubters. Trump is MAGA. Economy, national safety, patriotism, jobs and world safety. Quarter pounders with cheese, fries and a coke for everybody!!!! I made myself hungry now. Later!


i did warn everyone that insults will get posts deleted, so lease don't take it personally, but as soon as one insult is allowed the floodgates will open. the whole tone of the thread changes and gets worse and worse from that moment, so nipping it in the bud even if some valid points are lost as a result. post without personal insults and your posts are safe. posts that quote posts that get deleted can also be lost that way. as there is no point deleting a post and leaving the quote of said post up.

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