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Mass of an ass going critical


Active member
Maybe a little overgeneralization but I'll admit I agree with most of what you write in this post. Personally I watch way too much news on too many channels, not so much for validation but to see how all the different sides choose to feed the issues to their viewers. I read too much news as well.

I'm in full agreement that a conscious effort to divide us is in full effect and getting worse every day. Seeing a guy like Brett Kavanaugh get nominated to the Supreme Court and then watching him puke all over our democratic principles is a perfect example. Trump had to know this was gasoline on the very fire he's been stoking since day 1.

You mention the "powers that be" and without asking it you've touched on the ultimate question. Who are these powers that be and why do they seek to divide us? Who benefits the most when democracies die?

So puking all over democracy means reading and understanding the constitution as it was written?

The funny thing is that Kavanaugh was the consensus pick. Most conservatives wanted someone like Amy Barret Cohen. Ultimately, they couldn't have done this to a mother of 7 with 2 kids adopted from Africa. They would have slammed her because she wants to repeal Roe v. WADE. But they couldn't accuse her of a farfetched rape allegations from almost 40years ago.


ICMag Donor
The repeal of Roe v. Wade is right up there for republicans with decimating the EPA, and transferring power from the people to big business. Roe v. Wade is the republican holy grail of the moment because it puts religious beliefs into legislation, rolling back social evolution by decades.

Kavanaugh has promised to deliver this American version of sharia law and as a side bonus he has stated publicly that trump should not be tried for his sellout and collusion with the russians. There go your civil liberties and unalienable rights because the Putin and the invisible man think it's best for you.


The repeal of Roe v. Wade is right up there for republicans with decimating the EPA, and transferring power from the people to big business. Roe v. Wade is the republican holy grail of the moment because it puts religious beliefs into legislation, rolling back social evolution by decades.

Kavanaugh has promised to deliver this American version of sharia law and as a side bonus he has stated publicly that trump should not be tried for his sellout and collusion with the russians. There go your civil liberties and unalienable rights because the Putin and the invisible man think it's best for you.

the FBI are doing their thing and it will be very interesting to see what comes out when they focus on the sexual misconduct and related matters. i mean before they probably asked people in general about him following the law, but they probably didnt ask specifically about his conduct in matters sexual and sorority party life. have read some good claims and some bad claims from his school friends, so right now we need the fbi report on these allegations. you can't trust media on this right now as both sides have their agenda which seems to matter more to each side, then finding the objective truth at this stage


Active member
The repeal of Roe v. Wade is right up there for republicans with decimating the EPA, and transferring power from the people to big business. Roe v. Wade is the republican holy grail of the moment because it puts religious beliefs into legislation, rolling back social evolution by decades.

Kavanaugh has promised to deliver this American version of sharia law and as a side bonus he has stated publicly that trump should not be tried for his sellout and collusion with the russians. There go your civil liberties and unalienable rights because the Putin and the invisible man think it's best for you.

To be fair the Democrats has their own version of sharia type law. Identity politics, and political correctness. Social Evolution is the changing of the culture of our country to appease hard leftists. Hard right and hard left both push this country into a shot hole place. The difference is every major media outlet other than fox pushes the left's brand of destruction. Civil liberties only apply to the left. Do the Republicans get to speak freely, not with the media.

The democratic party has used a political activist courts to push through policies, that could never get through Congress.


Active member
The repeal of Roe v. Wade is right up there for republicans with decimating the EPA, and transferring power from the people to big business. Roe v. Wade is the republican holy grail of the moment because it puts religious beliefs into legislation, rolling back social evolution by decades.

Kavanaugh has promised to deliver this American version of sharia law and as a side bonus he has stated publicly that trump should not be tried for his sellout and collusion with the russians. There go your civil liberties and unalienable rights because the Putin and the invisible man think it's best for you.

Ding Ding Ding. You win the prize bro.

No single corporate entity has stoked and poked the partisan divide over the past decade more than Fox news. Is this based on their conservative principles as they'd have viewers believe, or has their motive been more sinister all along? They are and have always been the one and only large-platform television source for republicans to get their opinions and their constant disinformation tactics have proven to be extremely effective. Lie and misinform often enough and loud enough and then repeat repeat repeat and the peoples turn to sheeples and all say baa. Trump uses the same model. He never could have done it without Fox news.

Who benefits when democracy dies? Yes the aristocrats, also the autocrats, the dictators, the communists, and the corrupt--basically everyone who hates democracy.


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
The repeal of Roe v. Wade is right up there for republicans with decimating the EPA, and transferring power from the people to big business. Roe v. Wade is the republican holy grail of the moment because it puts religious beliefs into legislation, rolling back social evolution by decades.

Kavanaugh has promised to deliver this American version of sharia law and as a side bonus he has stated publicly that trump should not be tried for his sellout and collusion with the russians. There go your civil liberties and unalienable rights because the Putin and the invisible man think it's best for you.

Your premise is so flawed as to be laughable.

Roe vs. Wade has absolutely nothing to do with legislation - that is how it should have been handled. It was a massive overstep by the SCOTUS and a ground-breaking effort in legislating from the bench. The idea that the right to an abortion is grounded in the right to privacy is one hell of a reach, it's right up there with using the interstate commerce clause to regulate an individual growing & consuming pot.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Those damn commie Nazis ruining your freedom again?

Welcome back.

Interesting how you feel justice is linked directly to vengeance.

Perhaps you should run for public office and be part of the problem.

St. Phatty

Active member
Not a very smart play on the part of the Democratic Communist Party...
When this guy is confirmed, the Dems are going to wish that they had Ted Nugent as a SCOTUS...Kavanaugh will vote them into oblivion after what they have done too him.

That's true.

After a point, this situation begins to have the dynamic of a Sons of Anarchy episode. They pissed somebody off who is now mad at them, so they have to kill him.

If he made it to the Supreme Court, he might contain lingering feelings of resentment towards the Dems.

So now that he is inflamed, they CAN'T let him make it to the Supreme Court.

which obviously started looking less supreme by the day, many years ago.


Active member
Ding Ding Ding. You win the prize bro.

No single corporate entity has stoked and poked the partisan divide over the past decade more than Fox news. Is this based on their conservative principles as they'd have viewers believe, or has their motive been more sinister all along? They are and have always been the one and only large-platform television source for republicans to get their opinions and their constant disinformation tactics have proven to be extremely effective. Lie and misinform often enough and loud enough and then repeat repeat repeat and the peoples turn to sheeples and all say baa. Trump uses the same model. He never could have done it without Fox news.

Who benefits when democracy dies? Yes the aristocrats, also the autocrats, the dictators, the communists, and the corrupt--basically everyone who hates democracy.

Using a liberal court as some high holy grand table of royalty, who are not elected to push policies that can't be pushed through Congress, is without a doubt the death of democracy. So, by supporting the insane sham of a supreme court lynching is supporting the death of democracy.

Like Barack Obama said. Elections have consequences. You lost now sick it up, grow up ,and be an adult for once.

No where in the constitution is it written that you can kill a child, not is the right to privacy ( the extreme stretch which Roe v. Wade was founded on).

If the right to privacy is enshrined in the constitution how can Democrats instruct their minions to harass conservatives where the eat , sleep, and work . Is this not a violation of privacy?

Just because you disagree with a judicial policy doesn't make it undemocratic. You are not the supreme arbitrator of all that is constitutional.
I really doubt you have ever even read the entire constitution. Democrats who wipe their ads with the constitution should try to keep the hypocrisy to a minimum, by avoiding using a document you despise as part of your argument.

You didn't see Ayn Rand using to Marx's writings. It's not proper to attribute I'll to a document, and use said document in defense of your position, its intellectually dishonest


Active member
Ding Ding Ding. You win the prize bro.

No single corporate entity has stoked and poked the partisan divide over the past decade more than Fox news. Is this based on their conservative principles as they'd have viewers believe, or has their motive been more sinister all along? They are and have always been the one and only large-platform television source for republicans to get their opinions and their constant disinformation tactics have proven to be extremely effective. Lie and misinform often enough and loud enough and then repeat repeat repeat and the peoples turn to sheeples and all say baa. Trump uses the same model. He never could have done it without Fox news.

Who benefits when democracy dies? Yes the aristocrats, also the autocrats, the dictators, the communists, and the corrupt--basically everyone who hates democracy.

Right so MSNBC, CNN, ABC, NBC, CNBC, SNL ETC. have definitely been fair and balanced. Yes Fox has a bias as does ever mainstream media outlet. The difference is that fox is the only place you can get the other side.

So no fox isn't the media entity most to blame. Blame them all. They all lie. The difference is fox beats the rest to a bloody pulp in the ratings. CNN's ratings are in line with reruns of hee-haw. I find it funny.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
The right to privacy isn't in the constitution?

It's in the amendments.

Fourth one down from the top.

What kind of country do you think you're speaking of so "expertly"?

You don't think citizens have a right to privacy?

You think a woman acting freely isn't covered either hmm?

I loathe the country you envision.


ICMag Donor
To be fair the Democrats has their own version of sharia type law. Identity politics, and political correctness. Social Evolution is the changing of the culture of our country to appease hard leftists. Hard right and hard left both push this country into a shot hole place. The difference is every major media outlet other than fox pushes the left's brand of destruction. Civil liberties only apply to the left. Do the Republicans get to speak freely, not with the media.

The democratic party has used a political activist courts to push through policies, that could never get through Congress.

Overturning Roe v Wade is changing the law to accommodate religious beliefs and making the entire country comply with the religious beliefs of a few. That is a big step down the road towards sharia law. The church says life begins at conception to others thats just a clump of cells.

What you're saying above is not a logical argument to my statement. It is just contradiction and distraction. There is allot of that going around.


ICMag Donor
Your premise is so flawed as to be laughable.

Roe vs. Wade has absolutely nothing to do with legislation - that is how it should have been handled. It was a massive overstep by the SCOTUS and a ground-breaking effort in legislating from the bench. The idea that the right to an abortion is grounded in the right to privacy is one hell of a reach, it's right up there with using the interstate commerce clause to regulate an individual growing & consuming pot.

You can't be serious.


Active member
Using a liberal court as some high holy grand table of royalty, who are not elected to push policies that can't be pushed through Congress, is without a doubt the death of democracy. So, by supporting the insane sham of a supreme court lynching is supporting the death of democracy.

Like Barack Obama said. Elections have consequences. You lost now sick it up, grow up ,and be an adult for once.

No where in the constitution is it written that you can kill a child, not is the right to privacy ( the extreme stretch which Roe v. Wade was founded on).

If the right to privacy is enshrined in the constitution how can Democrats instruct their minions to harass conservatives where the eat , sleep, and work . Is this not a violation of privacy?

Just because you disagree with a judicial policy doesn't make it undemocratic. You are not the supreme arbitrator of all that is constitutional.
I really doubt you have ever even read the entire constitution. Democrats who wipe their ads with the constitution should try to keep the hypocrisy to a minimum, by avoiding using a document you despise as part of your argument.

You didn't see Ayn Rand using to Marx's writings. It's not proper to attribute I'll to a document, and use said document in defense of your position, its intellectually dishonest

Just gotta stop my man. The left will never get off their ‘degeneracy to push America into a 3rd world socialist shithole’. As long as they can abort ‘mistakes’ and get handouts they are happy as can be. Personal responsibility went out in the 60’s. Moral of the story is work hard to provide left w handouts and abortion. ANY government funding of planned parenthood is government sponsored homicide. Inb4 what about the rape victims.... those are outlier cases


Well-known member
This is serious, here is very incomplete list of objectives.

repeal of federal campaign finance laws
abolition of Medicare and Medicaid
repeal of the Social Security system
repeal of all taxation
repeal of minimum wage laws
abolition of the Environmental Protection Agency
abolition of the Food and Drug Administration
abolition of tax-supported services for children.
repeal of the Occupational Safety and Health Act

This list hardly scratches the surface, for a more complete list;