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Mass of an ass going critical


ICMag Donor
Best scenario - One down and two to go.

As much as I admire Avenatti for being the Savior of the integrity of worn out porn stars, there can be little doubt that he is a media whore and an opportunist with aspirations. Don't think for a new york minute he is going to miss the boat on this one? They're saving the best for last. The dems are not just going to issue a pass on the other two allegations for at least five weeks.

Another Klusterfuck is coming your way.


Active member
Blah, blah.... i really could give a sh*t.... i'm not on any side, i'm not american.

I don't know about the history of hiring supreme court judge scrutiny, i just believe that the criteria should be extremely high and not the same as John Doe the potato farmer.

The highest law man should be basically 100% squeaky clean and accusations should roll off like water to a ducks back. :dunno:

I don't understand why so many people make derogatory statements about farmers. Talk about the forgotten man. They feed the world, and are the butt of everyone's jokes


It's not derogatory, it was just an example.... does Peter Smith the golf club janitor sound more PC to you?
Farmers don't need to be held to the same pinnacle of moral ethics as a supreme court judge, was my point.
Sure it's good to have high moral ethics whether you are a farmer or a cashier but it doesn't have the same importance.


Active member
Best scenario - One down and two to go.

As much as I admire Avenatti for being the Savior of the integrity of worn out porn stars, there can be little doubt that he is a media whore and an opportunist with aspirations. Don't think for a new york minute he is going to miss the boat on this one? They're saving the best for last. The dems are not just going to issue a pass on the other two allegations for at least five weeks.

Another Klusterfuck is coming your way.

Hey at least 1 person admires him. Lol. I think his name is too toxic to be taken seriously. But maybe the Democrats are capable of stooping that low.

Maybe they will claim he's part of the illuminati. At this point nothing would surprise me. Except maybe for the first time in his damn life Donald Trump shut his freaking mouth. The Republicans can snatch failure from the mouth of victory all by themselves. They don't need Trump stoking the flames. The quieter Trump is the better. If anything he needs to send Pence down there to get the freaking Senate back to a semblance of reality.


Well-known member
Been doing other things and not been around news or a computer this evening.

An individual wants the standard protocol of seeing a background check reopened
as new information comes forward.
I would think that those with the courage of their convictions would welcome this.
The man will come out looking like a prince after the FBI expose the trophy seeking fraudulent women.
The timing for the impending election could not be better.
The president would be able to take him to his rallies and eviscerate any hope of a blue wave.
The icing on the cake will be the opportunity to nail the corrupt party over the release of the letter.


Well-known member
In Gamble v. United States, the Supreme Court is considering whether the Double Jeopardy Clause of the Fifth Amendment, which prohibits any person from being prosecuted for the same offense more than once, bars a federal prosecution for a criminal offense when the defendant has already been prosecuted for the same ...



Well-known member
It's not derogatory, it was just an example.... does Peter Smith the golf club janitor sound more PC to you?
Farmers don't need to be held to the same pinnacle of moral ethics as a supreme court judge, was my point.
Sure it's good to have high moral ethics whether you are a farmer or a cashier but it doesn't have the same importance.

Of course they do, we get sold bad farmed goods people get really sick or even die. It's actually pretty important. :biggrin:

Nobody wants to catch their local farmer fucking sheep, which probably isn't as bad as raping women, but almost worse. Lol


Well-known member
Gary Ridgeway the Green River killer passed a polygraph.

Richard Crafts killed his wife but passed 3 lie detector tests.

Aldrich Ames CIA agent who became KBG double agent

Sociopaths and habitual liars often pass lie detector tests.

Ted Bundy passed a lie detector test.

14 men passed a lie detector test on the Maury show. They said they were not the dad but the dna test said they were.

27 woman on that show said the guy was the only man that could be the father and then the dna test proved the man was not the father.

Polygraphs are bullshit.

For real, you tell yourself a lie enough times it becomes the truth in your mind.

I'm sure Christians pass when they say "God is real" even though they have no actual proof. Definitely something you can fool which is why a polygraph test is not allowed in a court case.


ICMag Donor
Hey at least 1 person admires him. Lol. I think his name is too toxic to be taken seriously. But maybe the Democrats are capable of stooping that low.

Well that depends, Are we talking lower than high level governmental felons or just a garden variety pussy grabber?


so Flake wants a 7th FBI investigation. what i wonder is what will the FBI exactly investigate. all 5 people involved already made statements under oath. what else is there to investigate? there is no time and place to investigate and there are no other witnesses. non of the witnesses could corroborate the good doctors side of things about events that unknown day in that unknown place.


Well-known member
The friend didn't give out a sworn signed statement, it was some 6 line paper signed by his lawyer...rich people type stuff....

Shit stinks


Active member
Well that depends, Are we talking lower than high level governmental felons or just a garden variety pussy grabber?

I am pretty sure you couldn't get lower than Michael Avenati, well at least without a shovel. He's a lawyer after all.


Active member
so Flake wants a 7th FBI investigation. what i wonder is what will the FBI exactly investigate. all 5 people involved already made statements under oath. what else is there to investigate? there is no time and place to investigate and there are no other witnesses. non of the witnesses could corroborate the good doctors side of things about events that unknown day in that unknown place.

The prosecutor said they couldn't get a warrant with the complete lack of any corroborating evidence.

This is purely a partisan attack. I have to say, I thought at least the men here would see the ramifications here. I guess political hatred run so deep that people are advocating for the destruction of a man and his family. The partisanship runs so deep, the men here are ok with completely unsubstantiated claims are enough, to label you a predator.

I guess bros before hoes is out the window now. Democrats men are now a bunch of pink pussy hat wearing cock blockers.

Do we really hate the other side this much. Clear view of what is going on is impossible for the blind partisans. It's really disgusting to see that the Democrats give politicians a bad name, and that's hard to do.

I guess if it's descended to this, we must prosecute Bill Clinton (an actual rapist).

I think Bill Cosby got of light, he will die in prison. 3-10 is fucking light if you ask me.

Rapist should be castrated or killed.

Bill Clinton should go first. See that's what partisan looks like.


the thing is not one of the democrats is actually prepared to vote yes on this guy, even if the FBI says there is nothing more to be found. they are openly just stalling in the hopes that more allegations will be made and the media will run with every single one.

where as, if he is confirmed, you will all of a sudden hear nothing more about any of this. in fact she still hasn't gone to the police to officially report him. they have weaponized unsubstantiated allegations and if it's allowed to work, you can bet the same tactics will be used against the democrats next time.

when the FBI does a back ground check, they talk to everyone you ever knew and ask them all kinds of searching questions, including if they know of any reason he is unsuitable for a security clearance, including if he has ever broken the law. they did this 6 times without ever once being told anything that would suggest he is a bad guy let alone a serial rapist and sex criminal. on the other hand some 65 woman who have worked with him all say he is a perfect gentlemen. if he was a serial sex offender, he wouldn't have such a good rep with the woman in his life. this is all about playing politics and using delay tactics. apparently polls are showing that most people think he has been greatly wronged.

why didn't finestein bring this up when the they were investigating him? she could have got this looked at quietly without doxing the doctor or destroying the judges families life. the whole thing stink of political games
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Active member

I guess I am the one of the few people who think it's not okay to treat people you disagree with like a mortal enemy. This is how you get lunatics who shoot congressmen, at congressional baseball games . Congratulations, this is a new low and apparently many are proud of how low American's can go.

It's a truly sad day for America.This is not the country I want to leave for my children.


and the plot thickens...

Two men tell Senate that they, not Kavanaugh, assaulted Ford


theNYpost said:
Two men have come forward to members of the Senate Judiciary Committee to claim that they are the ones who actually assaulted Christine Blasey Ford during a house party in 1982 — and not Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

Republicans on the committee released a timeline of events late Wednesday, which included details about their interactions with the two men who admitted to the attacks.

On Monday, the timeline recounts GOP staff members interviewing “a man who believes he, not Judge Kavanaugh, had the encounter with Dr. Ford in 1982.”

The “encounter” refers to an episode in which Ford claims that Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her in a bedroom at a Maryland house party.

They had a follow-up interview with that man, and he provided more detail about the assault.

Then on Wednesday, the committee staff said they spoke with a second man who said he assaulted Ford in 1982.

The committee did not release any more details about the men, or why both were coming forward with the claims.


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
Allow me to interject my 2 pennies worth into this shitshow.

All over the net people are overly concerned about something that may have occurred 30 years ago in a drunken stupor. It's all anyone can talk about, and seems to be the dividing line on yes he should be a judge. Or no, he shouldn't.

Sounds to me like he's your typical douchebro who has lived an entitled life where no one has ever told him "no". Should that disqualify him from being a Supreme Court Judge? Probably. I know it doesn't sit well with me that these allegations may or may not be true.

If I were to guess, I'd say they probably are true. I've had several female friends tell me they've been assaulted at one time or another, one of them violently. Very few of them reported it because they were ashamed for one reason or another.

But let's ignore Dr. Ford and all the attempted rape allegations.

Objectively speaking, just his *tone* and partisanship in that hearing is beyond the pale for any SCOTUS nominee ever in the history of the court. Just his unprofessional belligerence alone is disqualifying if you go by the objective standards of all previous nominees. AND THEN you add in his refusals, question dodging, and sketchy responses about the allegations, not to mention all the lies about even small stuff, also not to mention all the other issues with the guy aside from Dr. Ford entirely (finances, stolen emails, earlier perjury allegations, etc). This guy stinks of high heaven to impropriety to me. Judges need to be held to a higher standard. As should our politicians. But that's a rant for a different thread.

gaiusmarius posted above while I was typing. Wow. I've got so many conspiracy theories flowing through my brain right now.

Is that a calliope I hear?
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