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Mass of an ass going critical


Active member
i mean really? and this differs from republican senators

As far as I know no Republican held uncorroborated charges and released them days before the Senate vote. No Republican pushed a bunch of fake accusations to delay the vote. No Democratic nominee has ever been treated with such disdain, throughout the entire process.

Midnight Tokar

As far as I know no Republican held uncorroborated charges and released them days before the Senate vote. No Republican pushed a bunch of fake accusations to delay the vote. No Democratic nominee has ever been treated with such disdain, throughout the entire process.

And to that I'll raise you one Merrick Garland!


Active member
It would be cool if people put as much effort figuring out what they agree on.

Maybe the divide and conquer shit would get stifled.

This is true. The supreme court is definitely a contentious issue.

This is an open question to all.

What would the perfect supreme court nominee look like, In your opinion?

Most of you can probably figure out my answer. A strict constitutionalists. A person who interprets the constitution as it was written. This would obviously result in a much smaller federal government.


ICMag Donor
No more lifetime appointments.
Partisanship should get them kicked out.
Keep stats on them, like pro sports, to make sure they are not favoring either side.

Make sure the new guy doesn't show up wearing a beer hat.


Well-known member
As far as I know no Republican held uncorroborated charges and released them days before the Senate vote. No Republican pushed a bunch of fake accusations to delay the vote. No Democratic nominee has ever been treated with such disdain, throughout the entire process.

this is a script that is replayed over and over
call it fake accusations and it must be lies because its fake
not everyone agrees with that assessment
and check with a few of your republican senators, they're sending signals all is not well


Active member
No more lifetime appointments.
Partisanship should get them kicked out.
Keep stats on them, like pro sports, to make sure they are not favoring either side.

Make sure the new guy doesn't show up wearing a beer hat.

That is more the process and rules. I meant judicial philosophy. Also, gender, race, religion, politics if those things matter to you. The perfect jurist.

On a side note, ending lifetime appointments, could lead to jurist who, would have to follow the party in power. To ensure that they stay on the court. It would make things more political. Who would make the decision to remove a jurist? I see political removals as a potential problem.

White Beard

Active member
It would be cool if people put as much effort figuring out what they agree on.

Maybe the divide and conquer shit would get stifled.
kinda reminds me of a joke...about a mule

Given the fact that one side has been told consistently for 40+ years that Democrats are evil satanic America-haters, who are only and ever trying to bad things, and doing them in the worst way possible, I think there’s a lot of bullshit that needs to be coughed up before there can be such a meeting as you suggest.

Indeed, we are all citizens (our offshore friends notwithstanding), we all love our country (I DO HOPE), and want her on a good path.


Active member
this is a script that is replayed over and over
call it fake accusations and it must be lies because its fake
not everyone agrees with that assessment
and check with a few of your republican senators, they're sending signals all is not well

You skirt the Issue well. You aren't addressing what I said. No democratic nominee has ever been treated this way whether you feel it's justified doesn't change that it's never been done before. Republican Senators voted for Kagan and Sotomayor. They didn't get the treatment Kavanaugh has. Other than Heidikamp, Collins, Manchin, and McCaskill ( who are going to lose their election if they don't vote for Kavanaugh) no Democrat will even consider voting for Kavanaugh, or anyone the Republicans nominate.


Active member
kinda reminds me of a joke...about a mule

Given the fact that one side has been told consistently for 40+ years that Democrats are evil satanic America-haters, who are only and ever trying to bad things, and doing them in the worst way possible, I think there’s a lot of bullshit that needs to be coughed up before there can be such a meeting as you suggest.

Indeed, we are all citizens (our offshore friends notwithstanding), we all love our country (I DO HOPE), and want her on a good path.

Until we punish partisan politicians from both parties, it will never change. We need to clean up our own parties.


Well-known member
You skirt the Issue well. You aren't addressing what I said. No democratic nominee has ever been treated this way whether you feel it's justified doesn't change that it's never been done before. Republican Senators voted for Kagan and Sotomayor. They didn't get the treatment Kavanaugh has. Other than Heidikamp, Collins, Manchin, and McCaskill ( who are going to lose their election if they don't vote for Kavanaugh) no Democrat will even consider voting for Kavanaugh, or anyone the Republicans nominate.

oh there's escalation of lowered standards
tit for tat, Trump's poisonous rhetoric walks hand in hand
and tying an election result to the single issue? sounds like a very far reach
but hey, it's just a few more weeks, much may be decided there

White Beard

Active member
Funny how that works.

The Warren commission was a total bullshit story, but they sold it.

I never bought the single-bullet theory for a second, and the lone-assassin angle seems to make no sense.

But if you weren’t around at the time, you have no idea the disruptive effect the assassination had to us who lived through it. Before that, conspiracy was not a thing. At all, like ever; but in the wake of the killing, people started spinning wild stories, trying to fit things together and make some sort of sense of it all. Most of them over time settled on the notion that NO ONE worked alone on it, and a generation was borne of Americans theorizing, often seriously, about conspiracy in the assassination.

This is how the phrase ‘conspiracy theory’ came to be used, and ultimately got launched toward its current usage.

I absolutely disagree that theories about conspiracies are indicative of truth or value. They simply indicate that individuals have theorized where others could read/hear them. In the many years I’ve been keeping up with such things, I’ve noticed that such theories usually start by deciding who the bad guys must be, and trying to prove it.

Honestly, that’s no more sound or interesting than trying to prove which was the best Beatle. It can be stimulating to watch current events themselves, not being swayed by who says what, and see who benefits, who loses, how the balance shifts, but it changes nothing unless there’s action.


ICMag Donor
There has been plenty of posturing for no votes And allot of vocal, well publicized, pressure from constituents.

Susan Collins
Bob Corker
Mike Enzi
Jeff Flake
Jerry Moran
Lisa Murkowski

McCain might have been a no.

Midnight Tokar

You skirt the Issue well. You aren't addressing what I said. No democratic nominee has ever been treated this way whether you feel it's justified doesn't change that it's never been done before. Republican Senators voted for Kagan and Sotomayor. They didn't get the treatment Kavanaugh has. Other than Heidikamp, Collins, Manchin, and McCaskill ( who are going to lose their election if they don't vote for Kavanaugh) no Democrat will even consider voting for Kavanaugh, or anyone the Republicans nominate.

You conveniently keep ignoring the fact of what the Republicans and McConnell did to Merrick Garland. Garland had bi-partisan support and in fact was touted by both Hatch and Graham for years before Obama nominated him.

Neil Gorsuch was confirmed without any delay and had 3 Democrats vote for him. What is so special about Kavanaugh that he is being rammed through without a proper investigation? The fact he lied numerous times before the Senate and has shown he is a partisan hack with his rant about the Clintons is why he should be disqualified.

So I ask again what is so special about this guy? Maybe the fact that he thinks a President is above the law and shouldn't even be investigated (except of course when he was investigating Clinton)

On Oct 25 there is a docket to be heard by the Supreme Court on whether or not people pardoned for Federal Crimes can be prosecuted by State Courts..........hmmm, do you think this is what the ramrodding is all about?


Active member
There has been plenty of posturing for no votes And allot of vocal, well publicized, pressure from constituents.

Susan Collins
Bob Corker
Mike Enzi
Jeff Flake
Jerry Moran
Lisa Murkowski

McCain might have been a no.
The votes are their. The Trump state Democrats are down 9 plus points in the polls. It's a sealed deal if they don't confirm Kavanaugh.

The Republican base hasn't been this fired up since the emancipation proclamation. This has backfired on the Democrats. They may pick up a few seats in th he house, but they are going to lose even more power in the Senate .

White Beard

Active member
Now THAT is some funny shit!
Glad you liked it. Hope it’s still funny when your GOP sells you with the farm equipment.
“rives” said:
I would refer you to the voting records of Ginsburg, Sotomayor, and Kagan. To my knowledge, they have never once failed to vote for whatever liberal agenda comes their direction, and consistently vote as a block - they appear to have never had an original thought among them.
Now, see, I find THIS funny.

“LOOK at those three liberals, those women on the Supreme Court! Agenda! Agenda!”

You completely *miss* the FIVE who do all you accuse the women of: they have never failed to vote for whatever “conservative” agenda came their way, have consistently voted as a block, and appear to have never had a sane thought among them.

“rives” said:
Oh, and any recent attempts at mutiny have come about as a result of the hyper partisanship of the Obamabots.
There you go again, not a single Democrat holds a position in the federal government to my knowledge, and they’re still to blame for EVERYTHING!

DARN those Democrats. Darn them to HECK!!! But if y’all so great how come y’all can’t run shit fair and square?

But please, tell me more about how Merrick Garland was treated better than Brett Kavanaugh, and about how Obama is to blame for McConnell’s Mutiny!


Active member
oh there's escalation of lowered standards
tit for tat, Trump's poisonous rhetoric walks hand in hand
and tying an election result to the single issue? sounds like a very far reach
but hey, it's just a few more weeks, much may be decided there

Again you skirt the question.


ICMag Donor
The votes are their. The Trump state Democrats are down 9 plus points in the polls. It's a sealed deal if they don't confirm Kavanaugh.

The Republican base hasn't been this fired up since the emancipation proclamation. This has backfired on the Democrats. They may pick up a few seats in th he house, but they are going to lose even more power in the Senate .


Maybe he will shoot someone in Time Square.

Y'know Belgium never had capitol punishment. While occupied there were some who betrayed their countrymen to better their position with the nazis. After the war they were convicted, the law was changed and they were hung in the Grand Place. Afterwards the law was changed back prohibiting capitol punishment.

It will be like that. Voters will not be sympathetic. Reps who went against constituents will be toast.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
We do live in some interesting times don't we? I believe this country is on the cusp of a civil war. Civil unrest has already started. And frankly I am shocked that some respected liberals are encouraging this.

If we aren't real careful we are gonna be shooting at each other soon! I'm not talking about daily random shooting.....I'm talking about much worse.

Ya think that China and Russia aren't loving this????

Sorry.....rant...I sure wish we could find a way to work together and maybe even get along again.......some day.


Active member

Maybe he will shoot someone in Time Square.

Y'know Belgium never had capitol punishment. While occupied there were some who betrayed their countrymen to better their position with the nazis. After the war they were convicted, the law was changed and they were hung in the Grand Place. Afterwards the law was changed back prohibiting capitol punishment.

It will be like that. Voters will not be sympathetic. Reps who went against constituents will be toast.

Exactly what I am saying. The red state Democrats couldn't be in a worse position. Either the voters send you packing, or the Democratic party will ostracize, and potentially reject them from the party.
Flake already said if he was up for reelection he wouldn't be able to vote against Kavanaugh. Its political suicide.

Are you really implying the use of capital punishment for politicians who don't vote your way?
Their is a stark difference in colluding with NAZI'S and voting for Kavanaugh.

You won't like the latest polls. Trump has 5 points on Obama at the same time.

Ultimately, I am hopeful. No one expected the Republicans to take the presidency and 1000 seats across the country. To be fair Republicans are good at fucking up a good thing.
