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Mass of an ass going critical


Active member
Donald is a rich boy for whom rules were bent.
Brett is a rich boy for whom rules do not apply.
George Bush is a rich boy who laughs at rules.
Team Wurlitzer, shredding integrity for profit at your expense.
Their grand fathers gave us the great depression and then Franco, Mussolini, and Hitler.
Their fathers gave us the cold war, and JFK,RFK,MLK, cointelpro and they shipped our jobs to China
Bush gave us 9/11, unending war and a new depression that eviscerated what was left of a shattered middle class.
This president gave away the largest amount of money in history to his 1% masters. 1.4 billion a DAY for ten years.
On top of the largest military expenditure in history- with no enemy.
The Koch bros whose pop built the refinery that allowed the Luftwaffe to fly have continued in the family tradition.
They spent a fortune and invested many years to get rid of each and every moderate republican through the primary process.
What remains are not politicians, but are an odd collection of corporate shills, pawns and retired spooks that are the modern face of the worlds most successful continuing criminal enterprise.
The weather we deal with currently involves 1.5 degrees of temp rise.
This president's energy plan has 7 degrees of temp rise baked in by 2100.
Never any shortage of those gullible enough to fall for the right vs left scam as the looting continues.
How do you spell sucker.

Wew lad. Only took 20 plus pages but knew the trump= hitler comment was coming. Only interesting feature on this is the fact the left pushes EVERYTHING Nazi germany was about... lol nice try. I ALMOST felt bad.


this situation has become stupid in the extreme. bth sides are writing hit pieces on the other side using letters and statements that are not on the record. how the hell are we supposed to work out if he did, or did not attempt to rape this woman.

saying no one will care when it's over who was right makes me really wonder what that means. so it doesn't matter if it's true or not anymore? you lost me with that comment, to me thats all, that actually matters, the rest is spin and circus.
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Well-known member
Franco, Mussallini and Hitler, and fascism itself are each the result of American far right wing industrialists.
Hitler and the right were the best of friends. Henry Ford was Hitler's strongest benefactor.
Hitler was a mortal enemy of the left, which was why the wealthiest families in America backed and financed him.
If one is a part of a silver spoon crowd, I do understand and have little difficulty with the allegiance.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Yeah........its obviously a pre-meditated and contrived media circus event - intending to give us the latest episode in the current, on-going political soap opera, just before the mid-terms.

'Looks like a salvo across the forward bow from the democrats Mr Christian'.....

'What retaliation will come from the other side Captain Bligh?'

*probably something with an equal 'wow' factor, to keep the chattering/twittering classes happy.

this situation has become stupid in the extreme. bth sides are writing hit pieces on the other side using letters and statements that are not on the record. how the hell are we supposed to work out if he did not didnt attempt to rape this woman.

saying no one will care when it's over who was right makes me really wonder what that means. so it doesn't matter if it's true or not anymore? you lost me with that comment, to e thats all, that actually matters, the rest is spin and circus.


Active member
Actually, I think the Dem's should be concerned about Kennedy & Chappaquiddick.

Only reason I can think of that CNN etc. don't bring it up - don't want to offend viewers or advertisers.

Why wouldn't Fox bring up Kennedy's murderous drunken philandering ?

Uh, because Ted Kennedy left the Senate when he died over 9 years ago. If Kavanaugh died 9 years ago we probably wouldn't be debating whether or not he belongs on the Supreme Court.


Well-known member
Actually, I think the Dem's should be concerned about Kennedy & Chappaquiddick.

Only reason I can think of that CNN etc. don't bring it up - don't want to offend viewers or advertisers.

Why wouldn't Fox bring up Kennedy's murderous drunken philandering ?

I remain as disgusted by Chappaquiddick today, as I was at the time.
Abhorrent values, are not lessened by the passage of time.


Yeah........its obviously a pre-meditated and contrived media circus event - intending to give us the latest episode in the current, on-going political soap opera, just before the mid-terms.

'Looks like a salvo across the forward bow from the democrats Mr Christian'.....

'What retaliation will come from the other side Captain Bligh?'

*probably something with an equal 'wow' factor, to keep the chattering/twittering classes happy.

to be honest i suspect this whole circus is being used to hide the scandal about the concentration camp for kids in the Texas desert. there have been allegations of sexual abuse of the detained kids and all kinds of complaints about human rights abuses including forced medication and ripping them away from their guardians to put them in this tent concentration camp. notice neither side has been talking about this issue since the Kavanag circus started. why are the dems not screaming about real issues like they are about this 1 case of teenage gropeing. those children are being kept in a concentration camp right now, not 30 years ago, they are being abused at this camp now not 30 years ago.


Well-known member
Thanks for playing “Miss the Point!”

Kavanaugh’s responses to the situation were a test of his judicial temperament AND HE FAILED! He showed himself to be no judge at all, despite GWB’s rewarding him for his unavailable-for-review-by-the-committee “service” in the White House by giving him a seat on a court bench.

When this is all over, no-one’s going to care how “right” y’all thought you were....

He didn't fail. Judges get mad in court all the time at lawyers, witnesses and defendants. What the hell!!


Well-known member
DC is a city where very little has ever happened by accident.
Our corporate masters have long used one atrocity to conceal another.


Well-known member
DC is a city where very little has ever happened by accident.
Our corporate masters have long used one atrocity to conceal another.

Do you want a revolution? If you do then we could instantly have common ground. I defend Trump because he won and I think he actually loves America and wants to make it better. However, I think the government toilet needs a flush. Trump gets 4 more years. If he doesn't drain the swamp and MAGA I am in on the revolution.


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
Uh, because Ted Kennedy left the Senate when he died over 9 years ago. If Kavanaugh died 9 years ago we probably wouldn't be debating whether or not he belongs on the Supreme Court.

Yeah, and that 47 years that he spent in the Senate went by in such a flash that it was impossible to fit his malfeasance into the news cycle...


Well-known member
Do you want a revolution? If you do then we could instantly have common ground. I defend Trump because he won and I think he actually loves America and wants to make it better. However, I think the government toilet needs a flush. Trump gets 4 more years. If he doesn't drain the swamp and MAGA I am in on the revolution.

Spent 20 years mostly in the third world, and twenty more in DC.
What I would like, is for kids in the future to have as many of the opportunities as I was blessed with as is possible.
Know better than to think my opinions have any value.


ICMag Donor
to be honest i suspect this whole circus is being used to hide the scandal about the concentration camp for kids in the Texas desert.

It's like a tornado and this is just part of the devastation in the long path of destruction.

Stolen Kids in cages
EPA ransacked , Paris Climate Accord ransacked
Tax credit for the super rich added to the national debt $1T
Stuffing the Supreme Court.
My best friend Vladimir
My other best friend Kim
Russian money laundering
Russian GOP contributions
Maria Botina
Russian Election medaling
Evading inheritance tax on $450m


Active member
It's like a tornado and this is just part of the devastation in the long path of destruction.

Stolen Kids in cages
EPA ransacked , Paris Climate Accord ransacked
Tax credit for the super rich added to the national debt $1T
Stuffing the Supreme Court.
My best friend Vladimir
My other best friend Kim
Russian money laundering
Russian GOP contributions
Maria Botina
Russian Election medaling
Evading inheritance tax on $450m

Wow, congratulations Zeez. I just heard the news. CNN is interested in you hosting the nightly news. You are expertly qualified to regurgitate anti Trump rhetoric.

White Beard

Active member
Allow me to elaborate.

Kavanaugh is undergoing a process by which the Senate will decide whether or not he measures up to expectations for SCOTUS jurists. This is not a court, this is not a trial: Kavanaugh is PETITIONING the US Citizenry via the Senate to permit him to take the seat he’s been nominated to.

This process brought up questions about his lying under oath during confirmation hearings past and present, and about his attitudes toward women, based on reports of past behavior.

When I say it doesn’t matter if he’s “guilty”, what I mean is that he is not charged for these as crimes, and he is not on trial for them.

The purpose of the exercise is to determine whether he has the training, the experience, the temperament and the willingness to rise above partisan considerations. He has shown the absence of these under questioning, and he should be rejected. The exposure of his deep partisanship and lack of qualification, as displayed by him before the committee, warrants his being rejected by the senate and withdrawn by the White House.

The hyper partisan nature of the GOP and the wall-to-wall attacks against Ford, Feinstein, and others about the strength of the ‘charges’ argues against allowing them to seat ANY nominee, as they have shown that they WILL choose unqualified people and do anything it takes to ram them through - even mutiny.

White Beard

Active member
It is to laugh...

It is to laugh...

Wow, congratulations Zeez. I just heard the news. CNN is interested in you hosting the nightly news. You are expertly qualified to regurgitate anti Trump rhetoric.
The irony here is delicious, if deadly: you are one of the most faithful regurgitators I’ve ever encountered. You don’t process the things you ‘believe’ at all, you just shovel it back out, not always in full sentences, *confidant* that you sound like a smart guy and that the smart people see you and approve...while 7 out of 10 just shake their heads, *might* try help you unravel your seeming confusion, but will heave a sigh and get on with life, instead of giving you a target to shoot at......or to quote a guy from a play, “do you ever think abut the things you *DO* think about?”

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