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Mass of an ass going critical


ICMag Donor
Exactly what I am saying. The red state Democrats couldn't be in a worse position. Either the voters send you packing, or the Democratic party will ostracize, and potentially reject them from the party.
Flake already said if he was up for reelection he wouldn't be able to vote against Kavanaugh. Its political suicide.

Are you really implying the use of capital punishment for politicians who don't vote your way?
Their is a stark difference in colluding with NAZI'S and voting for Kavanaugh.

You won't like the latest polls. Trump has 5 points on Obama at the same time.

Ultimately, I am hopeful. No one expected the Republicans to take the presidency and 1000 seats across the country. To be fair Republicans are good at fucking up a good thing.


No, you're way off. It was about betrayal.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Apparently the FBI investigation is done and a copy has been sent to each Senator. Now that that has happened McConnell has set a vote for Friday.

I ain't going out on Friday night. If you are looking for some action....go downtown. Just make sure your ego doesn't write a check your ass can't cash.....

White Beard

Active member
The votes are their. The Trump state Democrats are down 9 plus points in the polls. It's a sealed deal if they don't confirm Kavanaugh.

The Republican base hasn't been this fired Tup since the emancipation proclamation. This has backfired on the Democrats. They may pick up a few seats in th he house, but they are going to lose even more power in the Senate .
I’m sure the jerk-wing has been in overdrive, and all of them lying, and damn it works great on you.

You say the base is riled up but sincerely, when has the base ever NOT been riled up, vocal, and widely publicized? It’s been the “Democrat outrage of the month club” since the Reagan years. The painful truth is that the base is a lot smaller now than it was two years ago. Your numbers are around 25-30% of the country eligible voters, and the farther right y’all have surged, the more real Republicans you’ve shed. I reasonably expect GOP candidates to do worse this year than they ever have, at least since Hoover. But you’re wrong about the big vulnerability being in the House: the senate is where their danger lies. The record number of rats leaving the ship of state when their current terms expire hits the Senate as well. Republican majority in the senate is razor thin. If they can’t keep all the seats being vacated, AND all the seats up in the election, their majority is through, not that that will slow McConnell down, he has an investigation to end before anyone named Mueller blows everything all to hell for him.


I’m sure the jerk-wing has been in overdrive, and all of them lying, and damn it works great on you.

You say the base is riled up but sincerely, when has the base ever NOT been riled up, vocal, and widely publicized? It’s been the “Democrat outrage of the month club” since the Reagan years. The painful truth is that the base is a lot smaller now than it was two years ago. Your numbers are around 25-30% of the country eligible voters, and the farther right y’all have surged, the more real Republicans you’ve shed. I reasonably expect GOP candidates to do worse this year than they ever have, at least since Hoover. But you’re wrong about the big vulnerability being in the House: the senate is where their danger lies. The record number of rats leaving the ship of state when their current terms expire hits the Senate as well. Republican majority in the senate is razor thin. If they can’t keep all the seats being vacated, AND all the seats up in the election, their majority is through, not that that will slow McConnell down, he has an investigation to end before anyone named Mueller blows everything all to hell for him.

Delusions of Grandeur!


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
notice they cant refute this one

your post is what its all about

I think it's more about big money on the red side.

We're more about the little people, you know, the voters.
Education. The best in the world as it used to be.
Medical care affordable by all
Infrastructure - State of the art. Not worn out and crumbling.
Livable social security for the elderly
A healthy middle class that can afford goods and services that make the whole thing work.
A shot at The American Dream for all.
Everyone paying their fair share
A government with Representatives who represent the people as they swore they would.
A fair voting system

Ok, I will.

The Democrats swung away from "little people" years ago in favor of Hollywood donors and the like. Check how the Teamsters voted in the last election, or the Steelworkers, etc.

Education has been virtually destroyed in the US, and we just got finished with 8 years of Obama. Take a look at the education in liberally-held cities like Chicago, Detroit, etc.

Medical care is a cluster fuck regardless of whether R or D are in charge.

Infrastructure. Take a look at California. The roads used to be the best in world - now they are 3rd world. The dams and bridges are failing. Yes, the D's do a wonderful job on infrastructure.

Social Security payments are a function of what you paid in regardless of who is in charge.

The middle class has been largely eliminated because of a concerted effort by both groups to export our manufacturing base.

The R's prefer too low of taxes, and the D's want too high of taxes. Regardless of how much is paid, they will both spend more than they take in.

Again, both sides are crooked as a dog's hind leg and only give lip service to representing the people.

A fair voting system doesn't include the dead voting, the illegals, or anyone else who isn't a functional US citizen. It is idiotic to have even the POTENTIAL for anything but a fair and accurate vote, hence why all voting should be done non-electronically, and government-subsidized IDs should be mandatory.

Glad you liked it. Hope it’s still funny when your GOP sells you with the farm equipment.

Now, see, I find THIS funny.

“LOOK at those three liberals, those women on the Supreme Court! Agenda! Agenda!”

You completely *miss* the FIVE who do all you accuse the women of: they have never failed to vote for whatever “conservative” agenda came their way, have consistently voted as a block, and appear to have never had a sane thought among them.

There you go again, not a single Democrat holds a position in the federal government to my knowledge, and they’re still to blame for EVERYTHING!

DARN those Democrats. Darn them to HECK!!! But if y’all so great how come y’all can’t run shit fair and square?

But please, tell me more about how Merrick Garland was treated better than Brett Kavanaugh, and about how Obama is to blame for McConnell’s Mutiny!

Those three being female is completely irrelevant. If the others consistently voted conservatively, then that would be the only legislation that passed. That's not the case.

Not a single Democrat in the Federal government? Where on Earth do you get that? The long, long list of droids that are now absent from the 3-letter agencies all seem to have one thing in common...

Garland was simply ignored. He wasn't attacked and had his life since puberty drug through the mud without a shred of corroborating evidence.

What the hell is McConnell's Mutiny?


Well-known member
Everybody Knows was done by Don Henley in 1984.


It was first recorded by Cohen in 1988.

You should have used Henley's version.

Ronald Regan was president when each was released. More evidence that the times you refer to in your other post were not as great as you thought they were.

TRUMP needed to MAGA.


Active member
I’m sure the jerk-wing has been in overdrive, and all of them lying, and damn it works great on you.

You say the base is riled up but sincerely, when has the base ever NOT been riled up, vocal, and widely publicized? It’s been the “Democrat outrage of the month club” since the Reagan years. The painful truth is that the base is a lot smaller now than it was two years ago. Your numbers are around 25-30% of the country eligible voters, and the farther right y’all have surged, the more real Republicans you’ve shed. I reasonably expect GOP candidates to do worse this year than they ever have, at least since Hoover. But you’re wrong about the big vulnerability being in the House: the senate is where their danger lies. The record number of rats leaving the ship of state when their current terms expire hits the Senate as well. Republican majority in the senate is razor thin. If they can’t keep all the seats being vacated, AND all the seats up in the election, their majority is through, not that that will slow McConnell down, he has an investigation to end before anyone named Mueller blows everything all to hell for him.

He he, you might want to contact a psychologist, because you are living on a different planet. Mabey Dr. FORD can council you, she might be to busy flying around the world spending her million bucks, adding 2nd doors, and coaching friends on polygraph.

.Your besties in Democratic party are actively trying to destroy the party you worship. It's really unfair for them to treat you this way. I am calling for a full FBI investigation into the intentional destruction of White Beards sanity. What they have done to you is an abomination.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
I am a registered Independent. I don't trust politicians....period. Like all on this thread I do have some opinions/observations.

First, Clinton and Obama gave us Trump. Not gonna say or speculate what happened the 8 years Obama was in charge but nothing got done but fighting among us. It upset so many people including many die hard dems in the country.

Trump certainly does need to potty training but the fact is the country is doing well.....GNP is over 4%, unemployment is at historic lows even among minorities. N Korea is being held at bay.....Russia and China aren't taking advantage of us as bad and unfair trade agreements are being reworked. Terrorist groups seem to be in the news less than before.

The current situation on the Supreme Court Nominee is a giant S*** Storm and I believe Kavanaugh will be accepted and the Dems have hurt themselves in the upcoming election.

Oh, Social Security IS MINE.....I paid in all my life....

My .02


Active member
I am a registered Independent. I don't trust politicians....period. Like all on this thread I do have some opinions/observations.

First, Clinton and Obama gave us Trump. Not gonna say or speculate what happened the 8 years Obama was in charge but nothing got done but fighting among us. It upset so many people including many die hard dems in the country.

Trump certainly does need to potty training but the fact is the country is doing well.....GNP is over 4%, unemployment is at historic lows even among minorities. N Korea is being held at bay.....Russia and China aren't taking advantage of us as bad and unfair trade agreements are being reworked. Terrorist groups seem to be in the news less than before.

The current situation on the Supreme Court Nominee is a giant S*** Storm and I believe Kavanaugh will be accepted and the Dems have hurt themselves in the upcoming election.

Oh, Social Security IS MINE.....I paid in all my life....

My .02

+1 thanks for sharing

White Beard

Active member


He he, you might want to contact a psychologist, because you are living on a different planet. Mabey Dr. FORD can council you, she might be to busy flying around the world spending her million bucks, adding 2nd doors, and coaching friends on polygraph.

.Your besties in Democratic party are actively trying to destroy the party you worship. It's really unfair for them to treat you this way. I am calling for a full FBI investigation into the intentional destruction of White Beards sanity. What they have done to you is an abomination.
I agree. We’re living on different planets...unfortunately they seem to occupy the same ball of rock.

Beyond that, your first paragraph is a non-funny bag of insults, mostly against Dr. Ford. Really class act, you....

Your second paragraph is just venal nastiness, and not clever. Another example of you just posting facts and telling truth?

If you just can’t bring yourself to be civil, I suggest you stop posting.


Active member
I agree. We’re living on different planets...unfortunately they seem to occupy the same ball of rock.

Beyond that, your first paragraph is a non-funny bag of insults, mostly against Dr. Ford. Really class act, you....

Your second paragraph is just venal nastiness, and not clever. Another example of you just posting facts and telling truth?

If you just can’t bring yourself to be civil, I suggest you stop posting.

It's called sarcasm. I am quite surprised that you are calling anyone nasty. You have said many rude and disrespectful things in these threads. But hey, you have the right to say what you like, as do I.

Dr. Ford is a big girl she made a multitude of factually incorrect statements. I will gladly point them out. You have made some pretty nasty statements about Kavanaugh, so I guess that's ok?

White Beard

Active member
Ok, I will.

The Democrats swung away from "little people" years ago in favor of Hollywood donors and the like. Check how the Teamsters voted in the last election, or the Steelworkers, etc.

- I’ll give you that one...going “conservative”-lite in hopes of cashing in on some of the GOP donor base was a stupid bad idea

Education has been virtually destroyed in the US, and we just got finished with 8 years of Obama. Take a look at the education in liberally-held cities like Chicago, Detroit, etc.

[color= green] those two aren’t really connected, just simultaneous: public education began to fail when the schools were integrated (I come from an early white-flight household) and whites who didn’t like integration moved out of the cities, removed themselves from the city’s tax base, enrolled their kids in church and private schools, and started agitating for vouchers...I see you only looking a at big cities with Dem mayors. Real honest.[/color]

Medical care is a cluster fuck regardless of whether R or D are in charge.

- the so-called health-insurance industry is a clusterfuck. Unintended(?) consequence of changing the law to allow hospitals, clinics, etc. to practice on a for-profit basis. Before 1976, healthcare and medical care were non-profit by law

Infrastructure. Take a look at California. The roads used to be the best in world - now they are 3rd world. The dams and bridges are failing. Yes, the D's do a wonderful job on infrastructure.

I see you leaving out all the infrastructure issues in red states, great show of trustworthiness...you don’t seem to have caught on that Cali is as much regressive as progressive, either

Social Security payments are a function of what you paid in regardless of who is in charge.

The middle class has been largely eliminated because of a concerted effort by both groups to export our manufacturing base.

- delusional. Ignores the very real fact that corporations will reduce costs by any means allowed them, as you would know if you’d been paying attention to financial news for the last 20 years.

The R's prefer too low of taxes, and the D's want too high of taxes. Regardless of how much is paid, they will both spend more than they take in.

one-quarter credit: “conservatives” want the “middle class” to pay taxes for the wealthy, and they want the poor to be expendable. Have you noticed the GOP trick of tax cuts and big spending on the national credit, then once the administration changes parties, they start screaming “TAX AND SPEND!!!”, and howling about the massive deficit and debt they just ran up...and demanding that the Dems put the house in order, which can’t be done with out more revenue...lather, rinse, repeat. This has been the pattern since Reagan.

Again, both sides are crooked as a dog's hind leg and only give lip service to representing the people.

have to give you this one on general weight...but for sheer corruption, I’ve never seen anything to rival the Republican-controlled Congress...check out their work schedule for the last several years

A fair voting system doesn't include the dead voting, the illegals, or anyone else who isn't a functional US citizen. It is idiotic to have even the POTENTIAL for anything but a fair and accurate vote, hence why all voting should be done non-electronically, and government-subsidized IDs should be mandatory.

I agree with this in full, as stated. Fortunately none of this has been a problem until we started using digital voting machines (except in 2000, in Florida, when the GOP used SCOTUS to stop the election recount). Diebold is most specifically a risk, because of reasons you won’t believe

Those three being female is completely irrelevant. If the others consistently voted conservatively, then that would be the only legislation that passed. That's not the case.

I agree the fact that they are women is immaterial. You just only picked out the only three women.

“If the others had consistently voted conservatively,” you say. You seem to have completely missed the fact that Anthony Kennedy has been the swing vote on many cases, without him, it’s been a 4-4 split. You seem also to have missed the very current fact that Kavanaugh is nominated to fill Kennedy’s seat, which will mean a lockstep, ideologically pro-corporate, anti-consumer, anti-civil-rights court that will do whatever it’s ideological consensus arrives at. Five to four for a generation or more, at the end of which I expect we’ll all be back on the plantation oenophile way or another

Not a single Democrat in the Federal government? Where on Earth do you get that? The long, long list of droids that are now absent from the 3-letter agencies all seem to have one thing in common...

...only if you only hear doctored news. Certainly there is no democrat in any position of significance in DC - please feel free to correct me, but for all our sakes, please vet it outside the wrong-wing circle-jerk.

What’s your attitude to a partisan purge? Not just at the top but in the ranks? Should supporting progressive policies be a firing offense, a crime?

Garland was simply ignored. He wasn't attacked and had his life since puberty drug through the mud without a shred of corroborating evidence.

my, what drama! It must have been TERRIBLE for him, poor drunk white guy! Sorry, but his vindictive, resentful, self-pitying angry-drunk snowflake routine displays THE EXACT OPPOSITE of judicial temperament...probably his only way onto the bench was to be placed there by Shrub for services rendered.

What the hell is McConnell's Mutiny?

McConnell’ act of mutiny was to not do his job in the matter of Merrick Garland. Contrary to the duties laid out in the Constitution which fall to him as Majorrity Leader. The president’s qualified nominee was ignored, waved away on the most specious grounds, as if this were within the power of the Majority leader.

The mutiny continues with McConnell’determination to for Kavanaugh through and onto the Court, where he will indemnify as many as possible of those currently under investigation. NO president should be allowed to appoint their own get-out-of-jail-free ticket, the end.

Now, had Obama been investigated for corruption, money-laundering, collusion with a foreign power, bimbo eruptions, and election fraud, he could use have made a case, even a GGOD case, that a president under investigation should not be able to seat ANY nominees until matters were cleared up - ESPECIALLY SCOTUS - and I would’ve stood right next to him and glared at the opposition.

But he didn’t make a case because it was a highjack of the process with an urgent political outcome (stop Mueller). You can’t MAKE a case based on that...unless you want to make a case for impeachment against Gorsuch, and Kavanaugh if we have the bad luck to see him seated.

As you’ve noticed, I’ve interpolated my comments in green so I could respond in detail with less BBcode overhead. Hope this works out....


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
As you’ve noticed, I’ve interpolated my comments in green so I could respond in detail with less BBcode overhead. Hope this works out....

Lots of drivel, but to hit the high points:

I restricted my comments to California because I live here, was born and raised here, and have watched the destruction of the state as a result of "deferred maintenance" and re-directing of tax monies to wonderful social programs and fantasy trains that have resulted in epic levels of homelessness and the highest poverty rate in the nation.

Yes, I fully understand that corporations will reduce their costs however they can. I also understand, as you apparently do not, how the "allowed them" came about, and that it is the root cause for what took place.

Apparently you have utterly missed the fact that Kavanaugh isn't on the court YET.

I think that Schumer, Pelosi, DiFi, and a host of other clowns would be offended that you haven't noticed that they actually still "work" in DC or that they have a position of "significance". No one should be "purged" as a result of their leanings as long as they don't allow their political bent to manifest itself in their job. If they are leaking, working on materials that are intended to support their cause, or in any way putting their private interests ahead of their job responsibilities, they should be summarily canned just as would happen in private industry.

Your question was "But please, tell me more about how Merrick Garland was treated better than Brett Kavanaugh". There is absolutely no comparison in how they have been treated, and yes, I'm reasonably sure that having to have your kids transported under armed guard is indeed terrible. Your statement is idiotic.

If there is a Constitutional duty to give a SCOTUS candidate a hearing, please link it. It doesn't exist (https://www.washingtonpost.com/news...es-an-up-or-down-vote/?utm_term=.cb814d14ba9d), and you Dems are simply cranky that the Republicans did exactly what Biden (and later, Obama) suggested.
