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Mass of an ass going critical


Active member
Allow me to elaborate.

Kavanaugh is undergoing a process by which the Senate will decide whether or not he measures up to expectations for SCOTUS jurists. This is not a court, this is not a trial: Kavanaugh is PETITIONING the US Citizenry via the Senate to permit him to take the seat he’s been nominated to.

This process brought up questions about his lying under oath during confirmation hearings past and present, and about his attitudes toward women, based on reports of past behavior.

When I say it doesn’t matter if he’s “guilty”, what I mean is that he is not charged for these as crimes, and he is not on trial for them.

The purpose of the exercise is to determine whether he has the training, the experience, the temperament and the willingness to rise above partisan considerations. He has shown the absence of these under questioning, and he should be rejected. The exposure of his deep partisanship and lack of qualification, as displayed by him before the committee, warrants his being rejected by the senate and withdrawn by the White House.

The hyper partisan nature of the GOP and the wall-to-wall attacks against Ford, Feinstein, and others about the strength of the ‘charges’ argues against allowing them to seat ANY nominee, as they have shown that they WILL choose unqualified people and do anything it takes to ram them through - even mutiny.

It's quite ironic that you call the GOP hyper partisan. What would you call the Democratic party?

Are you awake that liberal justice Breyer was arrested in college for underage drinking?


Active member
The irony here is delicious, if deadly: you are one of the most faithful regurgitators I’ve ever encountered. You don’t process the things you ‘believe’ at all, you just shovel it back out, not always in full sentences, *confidant* that you sound like a smart guy and that the smart people see you and approve...while 7 out of 10 just shake their heads, *might* try help you unravel your seeming confusion, but will heave a sigh and get on with life, instead of giving you a target to shoot at......or to quote a guy from a play, “do you ever think abut the things you *DO* think about?”

I have made a concerted effort to understand the differing opinions here.

Can you honestly say you have made an effort to understand my views? Or anyone else who disagrees with you?

I am not confused, I just have a different opinion. I feel both parties should be scrutinized. You seem to believe that the Democrats have never been partisan, and are completely free from scandal.


ICMag Donor
Wow, congratulations Zeez. I just heard the news. CNN is interested in you hosting the nightly news. You are expertly qualified to regurgitate anti Trump rhetoric.

So many fine accomplishments.

I can see why you worship him.


Kiss My Ring
Q army activated!
give no quarter, take no prisoners.
the infection will be eliminated.

POTUS prevails.
cry me a Blasey-Ford you Bolshevik tools.
red wave new meaning....



Active member
So many fine accomplishments.

I can see why you worship him.

I worship no mortal man. Government worship is a left wing ideaology. Sorry to bring left-right into it but no other way to describe it.

Remember I am a small government guy.


Active member
Spent 20 years mostly in the third world, and twenty more in DC.
What I would like, is for kids in the future to have as many of the opportunities as I was blessed with as is possible.
Know better than to think my opinions have any value.

Think MOST people wish for the same sir. However I don’t think you realize there is a whole generation that has ALREADY not had these same opportunities you had. Their future was sold out in the name of personal financial gain. The resentment for these ‘professional’ politicians leaving office w literally hundreds of millions of dollars while also having ‘political correctness’ and ‘multiculturalism’ rammed down their throats is the reason Trump was ELECTED into office. Sure he says mean things, perhaps had sex with a pornstar, but the ‘not my president’ is only highlighting and galvanizing the silent majority. As long as Soros keeps pumping money into far left radical causes and the MSM keeps shitting on him daily, his support will RISE. And it won’t be the right rallying around him... it will be the left leaning ‘center’ that will smash the ‘democrats’. How the Democrats don’t see this is absolutely mind blowing


ICMag Donor
I worship no mortal man. Government worship is a left wing ideaology. Sorry to bring left-right into it but no other way to describe it.

Remember I am a small government guy.

I think it's more about big money on the red side.

We're more about the little people, you know, the voters.
Education. The best in the world as it used to be.
Medical care affordable by all
Infrastructure - State of the art. Not worn out and crumbling.
Livable social security for the elderly
A healthy middle class that can afford goods and services that make the whole thing work.
A shot at The American Dream for all.
Everyone paying their fair share
A government with Representatives who represent the people as they swore they would.
A fair voting system


Active member
Q army activated!
give no quarter, take no prisoners.
the infection will be eliminated.

POTUS prevails.
cry me a Blasey-Ford you Bolshevik tools.
red wave new meaning....


Just staaaaaahp. Nooooo not this conspiracy theory! The MSM has already dumped millions of shekels into this LARP

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
After a spot of googling, it turns out that some claim the CIA were instrumental in getting the term 'Conspiracy Theory' ....into common use after JFK was topped.

Hmmm, don't you find that interesting?


ICMag Donor
After a spot of googling, it turns out that some claim the CIA were instrumental in getting the term 'Conspiracy Theory' ....into common use after JFK was topped.

Hmmm, don't you find that interesting?

Funny how that works.

The Warren commission was a total bullshit story, but they sold it.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
For sure, there is so much information now at our fingertips - but does it actually have truth? - THAT IS THE QUESTION -

....You will have to employ very discerning powers of deduction to even get near to what MIGHT be THE TRUTH.

Sometimes its good to talk about it.

Funny how that works.

The Warren commission was a total bullshit story, but they sold it.

White Beard

Active member
It's quite ironic that you call the GOP hyper partisan. What would you call the Democratic party?

Are you awake that liberal justice Breyer was arrested in college for underage drinking?
I knew you would find it so, but it’s not why I sad it. Yes, what remains of the Republican Party is IMO an active menace to the safety and security of our nation and to well-being of our fellow citizens. They are shown over and over and over again to put party supremacy over all other loyalties. This is a huge effing problem, again, my own opinion.

I would call the Democrats fucked because they are only united in the broadest possible way. I would call them NOT fucked because in that way they are absolutely as one. Beyond that I have great faith in the Dems to pull defeat from the jaws of certain victory. However, if they can turn from the rolling dumpster fire long enough to realize that they need to put out their own dumpster fire and take some genuinely fresh approaches to the matters that keep getting worse and get themselves at least tidied up before November.

Yes, wide awake, thanks.

Was Breyer’s drinking in school raised in his confirmation hearings? Is this about Breyer now? What about Shrub’s extended run as a hell-raiser all thru college and the Natural Guard? Is it about Shrub now?

No. It’s about Brett Kavanaugh, and he has himself, before the committee, raised serious questions about his honesty, his integrity, and therefore the quality of justice he would administer and his fitness to do so.

As for myself, in my role as citizen, I say this man is unfit because of the man he has shown himself to be. The end.

The politics is all tied up in trying to shove him through in spite of everything and everyone else. Mitch McConnell hijacking Congress again, but I’ve learned not to expect better of that one. If it was a Democrat’s nomination, Mitch would just STEAL IT. Just like last time, almost like THIS time.


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
Allow me to elaborate.

Kavanaugh is undergoing a process by which the Senate will decide whether or not he measures up to expectations for SCOTUS jurists. This is not a court, this is not a trial: Kavanaugh is PETITIONING the US Citizenry via the Senate to permit him to take the seat he’s been nominated to.

This process brought up questions about his lying under oath during confirmation hearings past and present, and about his attitudes toward women, based on reports of past behavior.

When I say it doesn’t matter if he’s “guilty”, what I mean is that he is not charged for these as crimes, and he is not on trial for them.

The purpose of the exercise is to determine whether he has the training, the experience, the temperament and the willingness to rise above partisan considerations. He has shown the absence of these under questioning, and he should be rejected. The exposure of his deep partisanship and lack of qualification, as displayed by him before the committee, warrants his being rejected by the senate and withdrawn by the White House.

The hyper partisan nature of the GOP and the wall-to-wall attacks against Ford, Feinstein, and others about the strength of the ‘charges’ argues against allowing them to seat ANY nominee, as they have shown that they WILL choose unqualified people and do anything it takes to ram them through - even mutiny.

Now THAT is some funny shit!

I would refer you to the voting records of Ginsburg, Sotomayor, and Kagan. To my knowledge, they have never once failed to vote for whatever liberal agenda comes their direction, and consistently vote as a block - they appear to have never had an original thought among them.

Oh, and any recent attempts at mutiny have come about as a result of the hyper partisanship of the Obamabots.


Active member
I knew you would find it so, but it’s not why I sad it. Yes, what remains of the Republican Party is IMO an active menace to the safety and security of our nation and to well-being of our fellow citizens. They are shown over and over and over again to put party supremacy over all other loyalties. This is a huge effing problem, again, my own opinion.

I would call the Democrats fucked because they are only united in the broadest possible way. I would call them NOT fucked because in that way they are absolutely as one. Beyond that I have great faith in the Dems to pull defeat from the jaws of certain victory. However, if they can turn from the rolling dumpster fire long enough to realize that they need to put out their own dumpster fire and take some genuinely fresh approaches to the matters that keep getting worse and get themselves at least tidied up before November.

Yes, wide awake, thanks.

Was Breyer’s drinking in school raised in his confirmation hearings? Is this about Breyer now? What about Shrub’s extended run as a hell-raiser all thru college and the Natural Guard? Is it about Shrub now?

No. It’s about Brett Kavanaugh, and he has himself, before the committee, raised serious questions about his honesty, his integrity, and therefore the quality of justice he would administer and his fitness to do so.

As for myself, in my role as citizen, I say this man is unfit because of the man he has shown himself to be. The end.

The politics is all tied up in trying to shove him through in spite of everything and everyone else. Mitch McConnell hijacking Congress again, but I’ve learned not to expect better of that one. If it was a Democrat’s nomination, Mitch would just STEAL IT. Just like last time, almost like THIS time.

I don't give 2 shits if Breyer, Kavanaugh, or anyone else drank in school or after . Just pointing out the hypocrisy.

You can't use the snatching defeat saying, it's been patented by the GOP. Ha ha.

You are welcome to your opinion on Kavanaugh, it's not like you would have supported his nomination in any scenario. I feel that since he has a stellar record, has turned over more documents than every supreme court nominee combined, over 300 decisions to review, say for over 30 hours of questioning and has a great respect for the constitution. Kavanaugh is absolutely qualified.

The problem for me is the dishonesty of the Democratic Senators. I would at least have a modicum of respect if they were honest and just said they would never support him. Instead the played dirty tricks holding allegations till the last minute.

Now Feinstein is saying the findings of the FBI won't be released to the public. Sounds like they didn't get the results they wanted, so now they are claiming him being defiant in the face of sick allegations makes him unfit. He drank in high school and college means he's a rapist. Total hitjob. The media is complicit.

I find it interesting we both think the opposing party is hijacking the process, and a detriment to the health of our nation. Mabey we are both right. I doubt we are both wrong.


Well-known member
The problem for me is the dishonesty of the Democratic Senators. I would at least have a modicum of respect if they were honest and just said they would never support him. Instead the played dirty tricks holding allegations till the last minute.

i mean really? and this differs from republican senators


Well-known member
I think it's more about big money on the red side.

We're more about the little people, you know, the voters.
Education. The best in the world as it used to be.
Medical care affordable by all
Infrastructure - State of the art. Not worn out and crumbling.
Livable social security for the elderly
A healthy middle class that can afford goods and services that make the whole thing work.
A shot at The American Dream for all.
Everyone paying their fair share
A government with Representatives who represent the people as they swore they would.
A fair voting system

notice they cant refute this one

your post is what its all about


ICMag Donor
It would be cool if people put as much effort figuring out what they agree on.

Maybe the divide and conquer shit would get stifled.

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