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Malawi Style Cob Curing.


Well-known member
I think that was salts sweated from the cob they should be dried well, from here they dont need moisture.
Still nice colour they should be ok.
Getting the colour and aroma is where the art comes in and only practice makes perfect.
Starting a little drier next time should result in some sexy aromas my friend you have the colour.
Still I will be very interested in your smoke report after drying you may be pleasantly surprised.
From what these salts develop? It's THC, cannabanoids, oils? Because then next time I better keep them as they are.

It was actually quite dry from the start (it was a mix of dry and fresh buds).

But I did not dry it enough after the first sweat (about 2 weeks). So it basically fermented on the entire time (2 months or so) without noticing it.

I think that explains the dark colour, after first sweat it looked much lighter with a great rotten fruity smell.

Against expectations the cob itself is still quite loose though. No need to cut it, I can take it apart by hand.

It will be dried properly now. I'm hoping some of the aroma's will come back after drying.

Will certainly give it a go after that and report back here. 😉

Certainly want to try this more often as it's a great way to work fluffy and stringy sativa buds into something managable. Can't wait for the summer season.


Well-known member
From what these salts develop? It's THC, cannabanoids, oils? Because then next time I better keep them as they are.

It was actually quite dry from the start (it was a mix of dry and fresh buds).

But I did not dry it enough after the first sweat (about 2 weeks). So it basically fermented on the entire time (2 months or so) without noticing it.

I think that explains the dark colour, after first sweat it looked much lighter with a great rotten fruity smell.

Against expectations the cob itself is still quite loose though. No need to cut it, I can take it apart by hand.

It will be dried properly now. I'm hoping some of the aroma's will come back after drying.

Will certainly give it a go after that and report back here. 😉

Certainly want to try this more often as it's a great way to work fluffy and stringy sativa buds into something managable. Can't wait for the summer season.
Ah that explains the colour normally when they are too wet to begin with you dont get that colour.
The crystals are called bloom thats what they call it on cigars that have been aged anyway.
As the bloom is produced from the oils and resins during the cure process they are a sign of aging well.
When I get that bloom on my cobs I know they are nicely done and dont remove it.
Those cobs should be good to smoke now once dried.


Well-known member
@Weezard, Mahalo brother, glad to see you getting in the water, it's warm! That looks like a nice looking cob you have there, if that's your first go at cobbing it looks like you are on the right path! Nice colors, how's it smell? :) Love the strains you have there in the islands, I have a few Napali Pink seeds in the bank that I should grow again. It was/is great! Cheers!


Well-known member
Yesterday I smoked my first pure cob joint. Count me converted.

From this 2 months old Purple Satellite cob:



Dark, heavy, shiny, sticky and smelly.

Burns perfectly in a joint. Now I'm looking forward to chewing it.

Cheers to the cobbers and thank you for passing on the tech. It's so covienient and a great product.

I have cobbed the bulk of my harvest. The first vintage is in the cellar :smoke:
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Well-known member
Yesterday I smoked my first pure cob joint. Count me converted.

From this 2 months old Purple Satellite cob:

View attachment 18927107

View attachment 18927109

Dark, heavy, shiny, sticky and smelly.

Burns perfectly in a joint. Now I'm looking forward to chewing it.

Cheers to the cobbers and thank you for passing on the tech. It's so covienient and a great product.

I have cobbed the bulk of my harvest. The first vintage is in the cellar :smoke:
NICE looking cure you have there brother the waxy highlights are a dead giveaway on a good cure.
Very nice I'm sure.
You will love the chewing, but be patient it may take a while to overcome your smokers tolerance.
Its well worth giving smoking away the highs chewed are another drug altogether. One most of us have been looking for all our life ha ha.


Well-known member
Ok well here goes my first attempt. I got 20 grams of Nanda Devi pushed through a tube to cob it, one half came out more packed than the other. Vac sealed super tight and now sitting st 104f.

What is the effect on reaction of there is not enough moisture present? Will it occur at all?

These buds are borderline too dry I think. I'd probably trim and jar them as is. So I have the rest of the branches rehydrating in a bin overnight.

Also. What are your experiences with different tightness on the cob??


Well-known member
It'll work.
No stress.
Lighter is better to start with.
You'll notice change to smell and possibly colour after six to eight hours of heat, but I usually wait a day or few after initial heat before opening the sealed pack, to really let it start up. (Unless it turns very dark in which case start drying it when you notice to prevent over fermenting, but you probably won't have this issue, having started on the drier side)
Once you hit a level you like dry it down on each successive opening. You could try one half a bit lighter and let the other go a bit further before starting to dry.

Every time you open and reseal they can get a bit firmer by the action of the vacuum sealer.

I think slightly firmer is a little more stable in the long run in that you can open and leave the cob out and the product will degrade at a slower rate because less air/light/atmospheric moisture gets into the cob.

Looking good so far


Well-known member
Ok well here goes my first attempt. I got 20 grams of Nanda Devi pushed through a tube to cob it, one half came out more packed than the other. Vac sealed super tight and now sitting st 104f.

What is the effect on reaction of there is not enough moisture present? Will it occur at all?

These buds are borderline too dry I think. I'd probably trim and jar them as is. So I have the rest of the branches rehydrating in a bin overnight.
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Also. What are your experiences with different tightness on the cob??
Looking good there my friend interesting strain to try with should be perfect for the drier cure.
Just be patient and all should be good.TD is spot on with his advice a calm head is a good head.

Hombre del mont

Dr of Stupidity
Yesterday I smoked my first pure cob joint. Count me converted.

From this 2 months old Purple Satellite cob:

View attachment 18927107

View attachment 18927109

Dark, heavy, shiny, sticky and smelly.

Burns perfectly in a joint. Now I'm looking forward to chewing it.

Cheers to the cobbers and thank you for passing on the tech. It's so covienient and a great product.

I have cobbed the bulk of my harvest. The first vintage is in the cellar :smoke:
I would add to what Tangwena says;
You might find that 2 month old cob is a disappointment when chewed.
It will work after 2 months but will be quite weak and short lived, compared to the same cob at six months. 🙂

Awesome looking cure though brother.


Well-known member
I would add to what Tangwena says;
You might find that 2 month old cob is a disappointment when chewed.
It will work after 2 months but will be quite weak and short lived, compared to the same cob at six months. 🙂

Awesome looking cure though brother.
Gracias Hombre for your input. I'll wait a couple more months then. It all goes into long term storage anyway.

It must be the best looking one. Just two or three cobs turned out shiny like this. One strain made cobs with a rather powdery feel.

Here a couple more pix.




Difficult to capture the different hues on the camera. A few turned more golden, the others more brown. The ones on the drier side pale green.

The dark purple Violeta cob smelled after the first couple of weeks like straight maracuja juice!

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Well-known member
Zero reaction at 12hrs for me, so I took them out and gave them a VERY light spritz of water on the surface. I'll keep a close eye and if still no reaction I'll just save the bud for joints, and use the rest of the plant for cobs (it's been rehydrating overnight in a bin and feels much better for cobbing now)


Well-known member
Zero reaction at 12hrs for me, so I took them out and gave them a VERY light spritz of water on the surface. I'll keep a close eye and if still no reaction I'll just save the bud for joints, and use the rest of the plant for cobs (it's been rehydrating overnight in a bin and feels much better for cobbing now)
Yes if it was dry it will cure but takes months 6 at least but it will cure just very dry.
Dry cured sealed in a vacuum is the least likely to change you need some life left in the buds.


Chasing the Present
Haven’t been here in a minute (beautiful work going on); Tang I trust you are doing great my brother Rhino / Hippo ;) - don’t get stomped yo….

People don’t mention often enough the convenience of cobbing but all about the content - ha - but it’s convenient and very healthy vs many of other ways people decarb / process & consume their edibles

On average 1lb cobs each here; plan is to break off chunks & add to my morning teas vs coco oil edible, unfortunately all began drier than I’d like; some far too dry but I’ll turn up the heat to sweat them early then tone it back to account for this…. I like to use dehydrator as it’s easy to dial a perfect temp & heats the cobs evenly from all sides


I’ll report back boss if they finish proper, been cooking a bit already ^^



Well-known member
Haven’t been here in a minute (beautiful work going on); Tang I trust you are doing great my brother Rhino / Hippo ;) - don’t get stomped yo….

People don’t mention often enough the convenience of cobbing but all about the content - ha - but it’s convenient and very healthy vs many of other ways people decarb / process & consume their edibles

On average 1lb cobs each here; plan is to break off chunks & add to my morning teas vs coco oil edible, unfortunately all began drier than I’d like; some far too dry but I’ll turn up the heat to sweat them early then tone it back to account for this…. I like to use dehydrator as it’s easy to dial a perfect temp & heats the cobs evenly from all sides

View attachment 18928890

I’ll report back boss if they finish proper, been cooking a bit already ^^

WOW go big or go home brother, nice loaf size cobs.
How many loafs did Jesus use to feed the masses ? That lot would feed a whole village ha ha.
Bound to get some killer results in that batch my friend.


Well-known member
My first cobs are getting darker now that I added some moisture. I hope it has the same effect!

So I have a question about opening the bag before ferment? Should I let it dry out in one go after sweating? Or should I open it daily until it is desired moisture.

And is there a good way to determine moisture with a wood moisture meter???

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