Active member
Beautiful cobs everyone!!
On the note of managing anxiety I agree with all who suggested breathwork and meditation (although the word meditation can be a block for some, so a good friend suggested calling it Inward Time, where we just be still and inwardly silent to connect with the natural Peace of our Being that is always Eternally present but gets obscured by the mind) The breath is our connection to Source. Remembering "You are not your thoughts" and stepping back to become the witness/observer of them is immensely helpful, it becomes a daily exercise. Watch the thoughts without attachment as you would watch the clouds come and go across the sky. You are the sky, unaffected by whatever appears. Over the years I've found listening to conscious talks/wisdom teachings incredibly helpful as well (Eckhart Tolle, Mooji, Rupert Spira, just to name a few to start with) The mind is a great servant but a terrible master!
I unsealed this smaller Zamaldelica x Kali China (Ace seeds) 5 and a half months old. 3 days dry, No sweat. Smells and tastes very tangy/fermented/spicy/sour (I once read a description of ZKC as smelling of dry carrots and sweat socks but in a good way and now that's all that comes to mind when I smell it
) I love the flecks of red orange hairs fused into the black buds
Chewed a tiny test piece around 9pm before reading how you guys don't usually chew past mid day
Oh well, what else are Saturday nights for?? Currently feeling a lovely blissful slightly energized vibe
We'll see if I manage to get some sleep tonight.. and if not, I'm ok with being awake and listening to records all night 

I unsealed this smaller Zamaldelica x Kali China (Ace seeds) 5 and a half months old. 3 days dry, No sweat. Smells and tastes very tangy/fermented/spicy/sour (I once read a description of ZKC as smelling of dry carrots and sweat socks but in a good way and now that's all that comes to mind when I smell it