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KFB vs. DWC vs. Bio-buckets


Active member
DEDHEDFRED- so your telling me that you take 18" cuttings to make clones from and if so how EXACTLY do you get an 18" cutting to root????? lol

It seems to me that you and crusty both have your issues.


If i transplant a "clone" into my bio-buckets, it'll stop dead for almost 2 weeks. If i transplant a "pre vedged clone" into the buckets about (about 10" /w sizeable roots). They take off at 1" - 1.5" a day. I could see the pre-vedged plants getting 3' in just a few weeks, but not the average "clone". However i recall people leaving "clones" in their aero cloner for an extra month. They ended up about 16" before they were taken out. Are they still clones?


Active member
DEDHEDFRED- It seems to me you need to get your shit straight. first of I've NEVER been a krusty "nuthugger", grown in krusty buckets, or ever wish to. and secondly I grasped it just fine and know exactly what you do. you take normal sized clones like the rest of us, then veg em in a smaller system for however long( which you seem unable to admit) before throwing them into the buckets.

I'm just havin fun fuckin with you seeing as how you and krusty are unable to admit any fault in the system or disregard any pevious statement that you may have previously said.

If you actually think that you can grow a 6-7 foot tree with only 2-3 weeks veg from clone and harvest 2-3 lbs then I advise everybody to disreguard any thing that this old time krusty "nuthugger" has to say.


Just like in "pm" I tried to stop this shit but you never read the thread dewd cuz I PLAINLY stated earlier in the thread that I took clones and rooted em for almost 3 weeks before putting em into the big room under mega-lights till they doubled in height and width to "tits high " which is 36-42 inches outta the buckets........after 12/12 flip they stretched another 2 ft. and more before backin up and swellin ...They turned out almost 5 1/2 ft. touchin the ceiling EVERY run.....The only one that`s EVER said anything bout 6-7 ft. plants was you dickhead...You best stay out of things you don`t know about.........As far as takin anything I post for knowledge,I post from experience.......nothing else........Horseshit conjecture and predictions are not my way of helpin folks......What`re you here to do MT except swing your small dick around with your 15 or so buckets that won`t grow what I`ve done in a lil over 1?.............Please.........This was a debate over what would perform and out yield .I tried to add my experience and that`s all.....I think the point has been made.........You turned it into a fight without any tools to work with cuz you know NOTHING of what several of us used to do OR howta do it ,and post some bullshit bout it bein flawed and would`nt work .......It works dewd.......period......it takes attention to detail like your lil stoner ass couldn`t handle probably .........Again ....I hate krusty buckets and never will grow the high maintence muthafuckas again even tho krusty`ll tell yas it`s the EASIEST system.....BUT...The proofs in tha puddin.....DWC or BIO`S against krusty buckets done right is NO comparison....He`s full of shit and so are you jerkoff... :jerkit: ..........Peace......DHF........ :sasmokin:
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Active member
"I PLAINLY stated earlier in the thread "

I see you deleted all your posts so that no one KNOWS what you actually said. nice touch

"What`re you here to do MT except swing your small dick around with your 15 or so buckets that won`t grow what I`ve done in a lil over 1"

I'm not too worried about how many buckets it takes me, more about the wattage.
It seems to me that this old man needs to swing his 3lb dick arround just to prove his self worth to a buch of youngsters, but what do I know I'm just a "lil stoner ass".

and by the way I never said krusty buckets were flawed, I simply called you out when you tried to make the rediculose claim of 2-3lbs off a plant that was only veged for 2-3 weeks.


Bio-Bucket Specialist *********
………..hayyyyy supp everyone, I take a vacation and look what happens……..I have been ask buy the owner of this thread to shut it down, sooo I’m going to say this IF anyone wants this thread to stay open lets put things aside and contribute constructively, ok…….Oh, and btw its good to see everyone again 


Welcome back big toke!

Welcome back big toke!

Welcome back big toke! Ummmm....... yah. Welcome back. Err....This was a good thread, untill it got sidetracked. Now it's missing pieces. Shame. Too bad it came to this.

When do we get to see the "big dog" bio system fired up again?


I have ridden the mighty sandworm.
can the same "froth" of bubbles be achieved without the thompson pump and just the silicon hose????



the pot of gold explodes in bloom, 3x stretch. fast vegger, and ultra big yeilder of supreme quality green\gold buds, will give any diesel a run for it's money, and harvests in 8 weeks... stinks to high heaven every step of the way. It's crack, for growers and tokers. :)


Bio-Bucket Specialist *********
………..sup pumpkin, growing mj-trees are a lot different than what folks may think; for one thing there is a great deferent’s in long term care then sort term care, and imo is not for the weak-needed and inexperienced or you will find yourself losing your whole crop…..the Bio-Buckets is the most effective way that I’ve seen to accomplish this……I have spoken a lot on this matter so do some research and you’ll find what your looking for……..you will need a Hydro-Growing-System that can give LONG TURM CARE!! And the Bio-Buckets is the ONLY SYSTEM that can offer that!! Unless you get into some very expensive commercial stuff.

…………ists420ech, my location have changed and will not be up and running for some time.

…………Neptune, great job bro those pics are killer…very nice
I'm not even going to mention the "C" word

I'm not even going to mention the "C" word

C21H30O2 said:
can the same "froth" of bubbles be achieved without the thompson pump and just the silicon hose????

I want to answer this question as best I can... in a way no. I've never used the silicon hose.. but I can tell you the trick of the system(getting froth) was a high amount of (relatively compared to an aquarium pump) air pushed through the soaker hose under high pressure. So if you want the froth your going to need at least a pump that is creating that same type of action.. maybe something lesser but.. more in volume and back pressure than an aquarium.

Having to try new pumps and setups was the reason why krusty always had backlash at people trying to change it.. he felt.. you could go and try and figure out a new solution.. or just buy what I say. man he was a dick.. but he was right most of the time.

Anyway I hope everybody cools down.. I put myself in detention for a week so..

Pumpkin2006 you wanted a breakdown on the systems .. you got it. Remember KFB is amazing.. but there's plenty of things to go wrong. KFB grows .. but remember its not just the buckets.... its more the attitude of no stress that grows the pot so great. IF you haven't tried it yet do it.. You'll see that the first few posts are really the only relevant ones to this thread. A comparison of kfb dwc ebbn flow.. whatever.
Yeah I think someone said that's stuff been used in alternate kfb systems earlier in the thread.. I don't have a picture of inside a kbs bucket. but there's got to be some on the net.. In the bottom of the bucket.. there's only 2 inches of solution.. so the soaker hose combo makes the bubles come up like froth.. like blowing bubbles a little.. not just under the water. It comes up maybe 1/3 half way w/ froth. remember the buckets are split and held apart.. so the froth has to be high up.. to get a lot of Extreme NFT ala Krusty. Or else the roots would be sitting in alot air and only 2 inches of dwc.

The stuff might get it done though.. I'm not sure. I've never seen it's bubbles.


Bio-Bucket Specialist *********
DWC and Bio Buckets are a joke compared to KFB.
hummmm……well I would say that someone should do some more reading and studying BEFORE talking.

…………WOW!! This thread was supposed to be about KFB vs. DWC vs. Bio-buckets but all I keep hearing is get an ebb and flow…wtf..

Howdy pumpkin, DEDHEDFRED knows his shit so listen to what he has to say.
well Bonzo, I’m having a hard dame time believing anything that DEDHEDFRED is saying because lets face it, shit he deletes everything he says…….what’s up with that shit.


I suppose the ease of the ebb n' grows has its appeal. I think the biggest turn-off, as far as I can see, in bio-buckets is the lack of g/wm. It seems there is more "downtime" with bio-buckets. I don't know a lot about them, but does the yield negate the setup?
hey bigtoke.. I would of spoke up for the bios but dont have any experience so.. It would be great to hear.. how you would kinda fit the bio-buckets in w/ the lot. You know the pros and cons of your system.. setup , upkeep, setup for next run.

Am I giving the biobuckets a bad name by thinking they need a close tolerance on the temps? I love the idea of not changing the rez and see the benefits (alot) but what are the cons? Of course if temp was one.. its also a con for dwc and kfb too..

Hopefully will get some good info on the bio side of things!!


Active member
Whats up every one!
I can say that i have had no real growing problems with my Bio-Buckets for a long time. I thought about k-bukets and DWC and the over all set it and forget it abilllities of the bio-buckets is great! I never change my res except when flushing and between grows. I have even just let the nuts run out and the e.c. drop over the last few weeks just to see and it was fine. I will say that my system really stablized once i got the auto-topper for the rez hooked up.
If you want to see my grow and adaptation of these in a cab set up http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=17536 enjoy.
If you can keep fish in an aquarium alive you will have no problem with bio-buckets.

As far a res temps go I have had fluxuations from mid 60's to high 80's and only after many many days of 85+ did i notice a slight hinderance. I then installed a fan to blow over the res and have had no problems since. You would have this issue with any system however and i feel that the biological activity in the system helped buffer the negative effects and the speedy recovery of the plants. I even had no ph pen for the most of that grow in the link and never had to worry about it. I just kept checking my e.c. water temps and the growth on the plants. The benifitial bacteria took care of the rest.

Krusty buckets seemed like a lot of babysitting and precision, and recirculating DWC and bio buckets are so similar yet different with DWC possibly needing a bit more maintenance. If you want to put an air stone for every bucket you have go for it. It is not going to hurt either system its just that the bio-buckts are desiged to be able to eliminate that piece of equipment so that in a large multi bucket set ups you are not having to run more eletricity with multiple air pumps ect.
Buckets(and a little initial work) a pump, res and return are all you need for the bio buckets got to love that.

In the end you just have to ask youself how much time to you want to spend setting up and maintaining your system.
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