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KFB vs. DWC vs. Bio-buckets


stone fool
Folks I have a heat-pump question on the ebb n flo buckets I am building [so far just cleaning construction crust off of the buckets]. Which will heat up the water more, a slower pump running longer, or a faster pump running for less time? The pump job will be 30-35 gallons, with a 30 inch head, and I'm looking at the ecoplus pumps 265/20W or the 396/25W. I do not plan on a chiller, although I have a water cooler to diy if I need to. It seems to me that pumping for 15-20 min every few hours should not heat up the water more than a degree or two? Thanks for any solid input on this design question.


The Helpful One
Chat Moderator
They will probly add up to about the same not going to be a whole lot of difference considering there is only 5 watts difference between the pumps. But seeing your asking the fact is 35 gallons is a lot of water and it will be hard for either of them pumps to really heat up the water enough to be a problem using E&F. Matter of fact the ambient room temperature will have more effect on the solution temps then either of those pumps will.

IMHO go with the 396 gph pump as it will give you quicker drain and less down time...


Great read. Thanks to all who made it so.

I'm Currently using coco (65l bags) and veg typically for 3-4 months. Pulling 1 - 1.5lbs per plant reliably irrespective of strain. I can flower here outdoors with 12/12 daylight all year round. But im getting tired of the coco thing and am considering dwc for the indoor outdoor style.

I want too shot for 4lb+ per plant and run less plants.

Running chillers and airpumps outside is not a problem nor should bracing the trees to stop them toppling over.

This thread has got me now considering Ebb and flow buckets too.

So with either DWC or EFB is 4 + lbs achievable given they are well looked after and have been vegged big enough?

IF so could we speculate on bucket and or tub sizes needed too.

Thanks your all legends