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KFB vs. DWC vs. Bio-buckets



will it be worth my time to build a recirculating system?

Haps, a recirulating system will increase your yeild, bottom line. but you will have to learn how to handle it, ie rez chiller is a must...if one plant gets rot, they all can start to rot. but the benefits of recirc are imense.


Active member
Well Nitrous like i said i have screwed up so many times by constantly changing systems, strains etc. That .85 gpw figure was from a 400 watt 14 oz run so what ever that adds up to is my best so far. Figures are prolly wrong, my math sucks!

When i said i am done with screwin around for awhile its because a friend of mine who runs a plug n' play Multi Flow pulls 4 lb's under 2k every run with an AK47 Cherry pheno. So i figure im gonna do the same for awhile. May not be the best , highest yielding setup but its good enough for me and it practically runs itself, GH 3pt, couple addatives, simple shit, and like i said its good enough for me and thats all that matters to me.



>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Nam myoho renge kyo!!!!!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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This is a good thread, I enjoy hearing from all you KFB nuts.

that said, I'm building a SoQuick Bucket/Multi Flow (E&F) system. :)
Faster turn around, Less overhead investment, less room for error... plug and play as they say.

Bonzo, I would like to see how your overflow protection works? I am confused by your pic.


I get overgrown trees in ROCKWOOL slabs in 3 weeks of veg. I can see that a properly dialed true hydroponic/aeroponic system would be rediculous in 3 weeks of veg. I will support this 100%....

here is a pot of gold room in rockwool (cubes on slabs, with drippers) with under 3 weeks veg, they finished close to 4' tall. with more light, this would have been pounds and pounds, but they overgrew my 600s.

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here is the same pot of gold, with 14 days veg (instead of 19, above)

finish at 3', much higher yeild with less veg in this setup.

sorry this may be way off topic as it is not a bucket system, but the point is that 2-3 weeks of veg is PLENTY for any good quality yeilding hybird.
I'm truely sorry for starting a pissing match pumpkin2006 :badday:

but I gave info you were asking for.. then it was contested by DHF . .. I used logic and even gave thread examples.. the stuff I've said is from honest ta gosh experience .. and easy reading.

Like the last response from DHF he put in a 18" clone :yoinks: um that's not a clone.. thats vegging. There was no fighting just dhf trying to prove me wrong.. but didn't. You wanted to know the truth about KFBs and to have someone say it will grow a tree in 14 days is bullshit. he said 18" and 3 ft.. thats 18" of growth in 3 weeks.

To the people getting there rooms filled to quick.. did you use 6' centers/5' between each bucket?

I like how.. the guy in this thread who's not boosting his ego and saying he grows better and faster ( me) is the one who is being challenged to show pics.

I'll respectively stop posting .. My information is obviously not valuable, has no basis in logic and reason.. and of course has no reflection of actual grow skills developed over years of trial and error.
Neptune your absolutely right.. 2-3 weeks for tables or pots horizontally in any setup should be fine. We are talking about KFB Krusty Freedom buckets and getting 2-3 lbs off of 5-6 ' trees. My whole point was that the plant in any system wont get 3.5 feet tall lush in 2 weeks from a clone.


GorillaGrower said:
Neptune your absolutely right.. 2-3 weeks for tables or pots horizontally in any setup should be fine. We are talking about KFB Krusty Freedom buckets and getting 2-3 lbs off of 5-6 ' trees. My whole point was that the plant in any system wont get 3.5 feet tall lush in 2 weeks from a clone.

3.5' tall, maybe not, but what sized clone? I don't know if there's a standard out there. Are you talking about a 1" rockwool crappy medical club clone? Uhh, of course not. But 2" rockwool clone that was a prime cut (your only needing a small amount of clones in KFB so your gonna get the best clone) will reach 3' in 2 weeks; thats very possible, but not in every system of course. That being said, I've never grown KFB style, so I don't know, but I do know in my NFT system, that's possible because my most prime cutting did. Every other one was maybe a foot or so and there was one that was just huge.


It would be cool to hear more from some Bio-bucketters or DWC guys on how big they grow their plants, along with veg times and average yields. I think that the "tree" style grows are awesome. Big yields, legal limits and cool looking plants.


Neptune said:
here is the same pot of gold, with 14 days veg (instead of 19, above)

finish at 3', much higher yeild with less veg in this setup.


shit maaan
i was wondering what nutz' obsession was with that strain... fuck.
looks outstanding. think the multi will do better?
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GorillaGrower said:
Like the last response from DHF he put in a 18" clone :yoinks: um that's not a clone.. thats vegging.
i think there's confusion between terminology... a clone is what? is it no longer a clone after 1 week of roots... and so on.
with trees, you don't just stick a newly rooted plant in a bucket and have at it like a coli setup... there is preveg going on somewhere. you get the plant gainin momentum then stick it in a more intense environment in the bucket... then its exploding.ideally its at that point around 6-8" but whatever it takes.
ahh but who wants all that hassle? just stick your shit in coir and let it grow


stone fool
Thanks to all of the fine folks putting their info into this thread. Bonzo, I like the gravity solution, and your air/kinesis charger, which is how I think of that rig. And Neptune, thanks for the input I wanted from a chap who has walked the road I am on. DHF, and Gorilla, y'all would agree to disagree on the clone quandry if we could get a bone through this screen to pass to each other, rise to the occassion bruddas, we need harmony and the strenght of all rather than the "who's cola's longer" gig.

There is a no leak solution to the ebb n flo system - individual units, with a bucket set up inside a 30 or 50 gallon drum, and bonzo's gravity drain. Sinse everything is contained inside a drum, the pump, air, and hoses can be run any old way, and even leak, without trashing the room. Short pump runs will keep pump time down and pump heat as well, enough to eliminate the chiller factor, in theory. I like this cause I can build and run one without having to convert my whole set up, and work through the learning curve without risking a whole crop. Would also be good for a perpetual rotation. Or am I too stoned to be typing?



Active member
DEDHEDFRED- a 18inch plant is no longer a clone it's a PLANT!!!!! So nobody is gettin6+ foot trees and havesting 2-3 lbs per plant vegging only 2weeks.

these were veged for 4 weeks. FROM CLONE!!!

and just for reference those plants on the right are about 18 inches tall and I definately wouldn't call that a clone

my 2 cents


I think were wasting our time and fingers talking about what size a clone is. Its really not relevant; unless were trying to figure out how much you need to veg before your next harvest is over, and in KFB your vegging and flowering in the same area, so it doesn't matter. If anything DHF is showing is that if your going to run a KFB setup, you want to veg your plants/clones bigger before throwing them in the buckets; thank you DHF for that valuable knowledge.

I think one of the biggest problems in our industry (if you wanna call it that) is that there is not much uniformity in terminology. One of the great things about science is that Latin names are used for all living things; this allows a German to know and communicate to a Japanese person the same knowledge and both will understand. I have yet to see a respectable source define the exact right water temp, the height and size of a clone, how to judge the indica/sativa ratio; ect. ect. ect. My point? We need to be clear and forgiving in our communication; just because one person uses a term that you don't agree with doesn't mean that we need to jump on their ass. We need to say "What do you mean by a clone, what are the stats of it" I.E. Height, diameter and veg time after rooting and possibly media along with nutrient program. We need to look at facts that we can all agree on, that means if someone rooted a clone under a 400w MH that is 2' away from it and the clone has been vegging for 2 weeks in a 4" rockwool slab, being fed GH 3 part lucas ratios, it doesn't matter if you call it a clone or a plant, you know exactly what it is, you don't need a label. :2cents:

Anyways, I'm here for scholarly purposes, not to have to define things and hear people bitch about it. Again *sigh* STFU and get out or share some knowledge or ask a question; those are you options, pick one.

By the way if Hell exists (don't want a theological debate but I don't think it does), Krusty is going there; that man is evil and brought out a lot of negative feelings in people and I think people don't need to debate, they need to grow. DAMN YOU KRUSTY!!!! *fist shaking in the air*


MIDTOWN, nice plants, looks like you know what your doing.

Whats the strain, height of the finished plants, yield per plant, lighting, environmental's and system your using? Looks like KFB but easily could be bio-buckets as well. Also what nutrients and how often do you do your res change (if bio-bucket I assume you don't change the res).



Active member
forgot, just replaced the bottle with buckets! simple, one pump, one timer, 4 to 5 15 minute floods during 18 hour lights on. 3 to 4 during flower.


Active member
PUMKIN2006- It was a DWC gro in a bio bucket system that I had built the grow before. I feel the bio system is somewhat flawed so I recently switched to a BLAZEONEUP style DWC. I was running white rhino, blue dot, hashpant, and purple urkle. yeild ranged between 4-8 ounces perplant. I got 3 1/2 lbs of this last one but I had to pull a bit early and my environment was very poor but thats all been taken care of now so it should be much better this time arround.Nutes- GH and I changed my res about every 2-3 weeks but I'll be switching that to no less than every 2 weeks.

my new set up.

DEDHEDFRED- I'm sure strain is a big part of it, but I'd like to get an actual veg time on a 6-7foot plant. starting no more than 4-6 days after the cutting has started to show roots or when it starts needing to be fed. not after it's already benn veged for a month.

Oh an P.S. my SHIT fits my criteria just fine.


DHF, I couldn't agree with ya more. Unfortunately there seems to be this purple hype going through the community and so I believe the quality of weed is actually going down because of it. Everyone wants a purple strain, but it isn't necessarily as good as a "green" weed. You were very lucky to just get a 50/50 like that. Most strains that I see, are predominately indica.

Honestly I don't even know of a strain that is 50/50... any suggestions out there?

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