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Kali Mist@6-7 weeks, deep h20...



what up joe...hows the ladies?...i took out my waterfarm to start the flush on one of my ladies and she split at the branches in two places had to bandage her up...here is a few pics..i will pm you in a few...peace

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tryin to get closer...

tryin to get closer...

...sup unicorn...comin right along isee...tripleyum, itellu!



@ 5 weeks...7,MORE!!!

@ 5 weeks...7,MORE!!!

this is another reason ilove her...7 MORE WEEKS to fill in. 7 more weeks
7more. they are smelling up the whole area... i need new carbon scrubbers!



yes, i know they were hungry.

yes, i know they were hungry.

they just got there tea. bout 1 1/2 weeks late. my bad . thell be fine itellu.
well...a few more fine ladies to join the party!!! :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
ok. so...OG and the Bubba K have graced me w/ there presence...Purple Urkle traveled LONG and FAR to join the partyand she brought w/ her a friend ...White widow
not to leave out the sprouts...we just dont know if they are ladies or gentelmen... :chin:
H3ad seeds Casy jones and a beautiful SD IBL. :yoinks: :chin:
workin on dialing in the room
thinkin bout building another room just for vegg...
Itellu this place is the coolest!
i have met the coolest people here...
i couldnt have done it without u guys...u know who you are...
THANKYOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!itellu its gonna be a good year!
hope everyone has a great GREEN year too!!! :wave:P>joe



Active member
Awesome strains Joe.
Your definately going to want a veg room.
That way you can flower the next ones right when the others finish.
Saves a good month almost. More for strains like Bubba and Urkle.


absoloutly JDOG...

absoloutly JDOG...

and i think it was you who asked...
heres a couple shots of my smalest ever...Kali.its been goin bout 8 weeks..i'll give her another 3-4....just makes me think...some strains prolly can grow pretty much yearround outsidehere? ya think?if i had a short flowering strian ready right now, the time is sill good to flower...and the worst of weather is gone ...just thinkin
Happy Green J!! :wave:



dam after lookin at the pics...i think not 4 more weeks! i need to ck 4 amber already?lupe time.P>joe


hope u dont mind me posting some klai pics bro,...if u do pm me il take them of your thread..i have grown every serous strain acepted chronic..Im loving the kali after my trip to amsterdam..I think these are at day 50 ish.

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Active member
Ha Ha, look at that thing.
Ya, don't forget.
Shorter days means quicker flowering.
The shorter the days get.
The quicker it finishes up.
My buddy had some OG outside that was bomb.
But thats was before it got real cold.
By the way, it's still up in the air wether that Kali Mist I gave you is just the old Kali Mist or Kali Mist x Pure Kush.
Either way it is super bombtastic.


and a happygreen New Year to u too Unicorn, thank you
Greetings and Gratzi, GroNut. much appreciated
NO PROBLEM Monkey, i love the Kali, love to look at all others pics, so please feel free. that'll help keep this thread alive...cause i'm goning to keep growin Kali, and this thread will probably be the home for my progress...the more contributers the more interesting it'll be. you'd prolly get tired of just me, real quick. idonknow...so....YES, post em! and beautiful ladies you have BTW.
SUP MYSTA!!! JDOG!! now iam concentrating on co2 enrichment. and dialing in the closed system and cooled hoods extra fans etc. etc. etc. but ithink ive already pick out a spot and the size for it.... it'll be nice to still have my cabnet too for cloning and sprouting..seperate vegg prolly 4x4x8 . and a dialed in flower too, yea i like the sound of that. i get to try your choco D? i'll prolly go w/ a 4x4 flo table so it'll be real easy to care for, and to trasnfer into the flower room in soiless. im saveing the Happy frog for outside.
thanks J, so the K might even be a mix? is she a clone or a sprout?u havent grown that paricular cut all the way through yet? Super Bombtastic is what i'm after, Thanks Again for providing.
i hearing that the Sharons White Widow is one of THE strongest in the world...my cuts of her are comming back around...maby in the future you'd like a try? that goes for u too Mysta? i will have a sample to try long b4 mine are fin...
ANYHOO, have a great new year all, be safe!
smoke a fatty with a bunch of friends. P>joe


spreadin da love
Happy New Year Joe!! I'll update my pics as soon as I get my camera going its messing up for some reason.. but the babies are doing wonderfully. :joint:


YES!!!! right on Teddy. and a Happy GREEN one toya too! i cant wait to see. i'm freakin out....way too much fun itellu!!!P> ALL joe


this round...

this round...

...welp a bit of a deficiancy prob...think there turned around now. Kali is so forgiving,hehehe....these are very frosty. lets see....4-5 more weeks.?something like that.P>joei'll get some better pics when i have more time. :wave: :yummy: :yummy: :yummy:



yea those F-ckin nats...one plant had like a whole bunch around it, for a day or 2..
i'll spend some time on lts on removeing them. or as many as i can. the yeild is where i'll take the hit for the N defficiancy...i think...they look stickier than previous. maybe slowing the growth condenced the trich's a bit?? i sure wouldnt recomend this method, hehehe. living and learning...P.joe


what kind of light you have that mist under nifty...there is no indica pheno that i have found..the strain is almost pure sativa

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