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Kali Mist@6-7 weeks, deep h20...



YEA, pure or almost pure sativa, Nifty. SUP UNICORN! i have a couple at about the same size from my cut. yours are from seed, so, i could see there being a lil more vigor, and maybe size..?on the leaf's fingers..i'll take a couple shots of mine for u to compair. P>joe


Kali Mist...

Kali Mist...

...yea , grow those out bro... they look very simlar to mine. how old are your seeds? and from who? heres the next2...it used to be 4....SPREADING KINDNESS!!! everyone should have a KALI in their garden, it starts, or, completes a garden very well.P>joe :wave: :yummy:



i love her crooked neck...at the top, she growes crooked,like a lightning bolt. always straightens out. P>joe


Active member
Grow those out bro.
Seeds can find you some killler keepers.
Kali Mist is pretty stable at this point also.

My chemdawg grows like that too Joe. Like a lightning bolt.


Take Five...
Awesome Kalis everyone. That plant is next on my list as my first sativa, fer sure! You have all inspired me! Quick Mist is also very interesting, but I wanna start with the original for a base reference point to compare all future Kalis/Kali crosses with...

Joe, how do you like your trichs at harvest and what kind of buzz do you get?

Does anyone have any experience with Kali being good for menstrual cramps? The main reason I want to grow this is for my wife and her cramps.

Thanks everyone and good vibes to all your Kalis!


so does your KALI now too JDOG!!hehehe...
HP....i dont know why exactly...but females seem to flock tword my KALI over ANY OTHER. i have never heard people go out of their way to get back to me and ask,,," WHAT WAS THAT SH-T"!! " i have to have some more..."!!!
2 women were DEDICATED, I MEAN DEDICATED, die hard BluBerry fans....untill they tried KALI at my request....now they are happily called the KALI QUEENS!!! women and men love this lady for all reasons.
its a very uplifting walking on the moon type buzz..super modivational.P>JOE


tric's on my Kali...20%-50%...for me 20% is right on. right around 80 -85 days....HIGH UNICORN!!!hehehe
somewhere in there.P>joe
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Kali is one of my favorite smokes. The taste is very unique. To me it smells like rotten oranges and taste like your smoking a orange pixie stick. When you blow the rip out it has a very distinct pungent odor of citris. Great to see others working with Kali Mist. Keep up the good work. Anyways here's some pics of the SCC's past runs of Pre 99' Kali nug shots.

One day I would like to try other growers Kali. All the Kali Iv'e tried at the med clubs did'nt compare to the SCC's pheno. Does anyone know any clubs to get good Kali? The SCC will continue working with this plant in the future. Peace
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The cut me and joe have and whole lot of other happy souls :) have is an older version 99/00 cut i recieved in 02, it goes 100 days outdoors and 85-95 indoors. I think this version even though it was an older one was also selected for it's shortaned flowering time but still narrow sativa leaves with out quality being lowered. This is prolly very similer to the one now being realsead by SS as i beliave in there new versions they where trying to keep the sativa traits but shortain the flowing time.

indoor outdoor

kali c99
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great shots slips. thanks for clearing that up.
SHE'S lovin that GH. cant wait to see her shine.P>joe


Take Five...
joeshmoe said:
tric's on my Kali...20%-50%...for me 20% is right on. right around 80 -85 days....HIGH UNICORN!!!hehehe
somewhere in there.P>joe

Is that 20% cloudy or amber?

That's awesome news about the chicks. Can't have too many chicks flocking to ya!

Cheers. I'm watching this thread and lovin it.


spreadin da love
i need me some of them what breeder you use joe?? I wish I had more hehe. My camera is pissing me off I have to pay 150 more dollars to get it fixed.. I guess thats what |I get for messing up a 1500 dollar cam : (


not like that HP.not for me anyways. they just go out of their way to TELL me they love the KALI so MUCH... i pulled one out to take a pic...i cloned this as a left over piece that was a "Y" , it actually came out to looking like 3 plants-in 1...instead of 2 in 1. cool. i like doing this. instead of just cloning the tops...try a "Y" or a "W", you know where the stem splits, makes a Y. clone the 2 tops of the Y , leave some leaf, then clone the Y too. one time she came out looking like 5 PLANTS...one BIG root system.P>joe



HP, thats 20% amber...but ive tried her all kinds of ways...EVERY ONE GOOD. you should try eddibles w/ this stuff! woe.
Teddy...Serious seeds bro.P>JOE


what up joe you send pm for that g13 x mountain jam = mississippi mud...really looks like a promising cross...so you grow in dwc too? in soil kali stretches a lot less..