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Joe Biden Thread



It won't matter to the voters. Just like you delusional Trumpers won't see that Trump is a pedo, neither will Biden's core supporters be willing to accept any proof that Biden is a pedo. Partisans don't think; they just follow.

Lol have you looked at a Biden rally, they consist of like 12 people.

Trump brings in crowds of hundreds and in some cases thousands of people.

The people that support Biden are a handful of geriatric hippie left overs and people voting for their welfare benefits.

The reason why they never show the crowds at Biden rallies is because no one is there.


Well-known member
Lol have you looked at a Biden rally, they consist of like 12 people.

Trump brings in crowds of hundreds and in some cases thousands of people.

The people that support Biden are a handful of geriatric hippie left overs and people voting for their welfare benefits.

The reason why they never show the crowds at Biden rallies is because no one is there.

Maybe he does not want to hold super spreader events?


Active member
We had a perfectly good socialist that is not a pedo. Partisans and fools fucked that up for us all.

Bernie is not a socialist. He's a classical liberal at best who talks about being a socialist but has never been serious about it. He fucked it up by refusing to call out the primary rigging in both the 2016 and 2020 primaries and he fucked it up by turning around and endorsing the person who cheated his voters. He's worse than Trump because at least we know he's the enemy.


Active member
Lol have you looked at a Biden rally, they consist of like 12 people.

Trump brings in crowds of hundreds and in some cases thousands of people.

The people that support Biden are a handful of geriatric hippie left overs and people voting for their welfare benefits.

The reason why they never show the crowds at Biden rallies is because no one is there.

You keep arguing at us like we like Biden, even though most of us who aren't Trump supporters have made it abundantly clear that we think Biden is a creepy piece of shit who stole the primary and is only somewhat less bad for America than Trump is(and really only because the people he will have around him are slightly less crazy than Trump's team is). America is still doomed under President Biden just like it is under Trump. Either one of them is going to start a war that is unjustified; either with Iran or Venezuela. It won't matter which wins; that war is going to happen.


Well-known member
Yes, Trump is a monster, but that does not make the claims against Biden automatically suspect. Its entirely possible that the oligarchy has delivered us two pedo candidates and is asking us to pick between them.

I believe that the story about where his laptop was found is completely false. Its likely they stole it through some other means, but what is critically important is that Biden himself has yet to actually even claim the laptop is not legit or that the information on it is false.

Lets not defend on pedo creep in order to attack another. They are both the worst sort of people, and America is too pathetic to deliver us anyone better.

It wasn't long ago when the Corporate Democrats (one of them was Joe Biden) were just as bad as the Corporate Republicans. However in the last four years things have changed. The Corporate Republicans have remade themselves into something ugly, a White only cult of personality led by Donald tRump and loyal only to him. They are willing to put the cult before the country. They did nothing while 225,000 of their fellow citizens died. They stuck kids in cages. It's a long list.

Meanwhile the Dems went another direction. After Clinton, they embraced many of Bernies ideas. They at very least acknowledge the Earth is heating up due to Man. We have them on the record that healthcare is a right, not a privilege. They think the middle class is the bedrock of this country, not the super rich. Right now, there is a clear difference between what the Democrats and Republicans stand for. I think you would agree with me.

When you make am accusation against anyone, your gonna need proof. It's called chain of custody. If you don't believe their cock and bull story is true, where exactly did that laptop come from? Big problem there. Russia has been known to do this kinda stuff, and all the meta-data was scrubbed from the laptop, which is not normal. These are very serious allegations, but everything is based on a this loptop. The 'Evidence' doesn't stand up. But here's the neat thing. It doesn't have to. All it has to do is hang out there for 9 more days. And you have to have a bunch of morons willing to scream PEDO!!! at the top of their lungs. As you can see we got plenty of them....

And for the record I don't think tRump is a pedophile either. It's just about the nastiest accusation you can make, so tRump and his supporters naturally went there and made it their last ditch effort to stave off their inevitable defeat. Right now they are just angry that it isn't working.


You are a total idiot the children were put into cages by obama administration




ICMag Donor
How to change my vote....number one trending
On goggle last 48hr....

Interesting you should say that and so Did a little searching on google after seeing these massive car caravans, people rally's and more, across the country to re-elect President Trump but not too much for this biden.

All Google searches:
change my vote
About 3,480,000,000 results
Donald Trump
About 1,410,000,000 results
Joe Biden
About 330,000,000 results

what do you read into them, are they meaningful? If so how so? If not, then why not?

9 days and a wake up :good:


Active member
I'm sorry, but what you're saying is so objectively wrong that its amazing to see someone write it. Do you really believe that the Clintons moved the Dems to the Left????? Seriously? Clinton deregulated Wall Street, embraced fracking and other horrible crimes against the environment, flew out in the middle of the night to rescue pedophiles, and introduced his omnibus crime bill at the birthplace of the KKK. You really do not know what you're talking about with the Clintons. You are spouting propaganda and not reality.

Read this for starters if you want to understand what the Clintons turned the DNC into: the second conservative party.


"Bill Clinton was a New Democrat. And New Democrats, unlike the old Roosevelt liberals, were tough on crime. With the Democrats having lost three presidential elections, Clinton argued that political success required the jettisoning of many of the Left’s most cherished tenets. In particular, Clinton aimed to woo the so-called “Reagan Democrats,” the somewhat socially conservative white voters who had fled the party during the 1960s and 1970s. Doing this, in part, required what Michelle Alexander calls “signaling to poor and working-class whites that he was willing to be tougher on black communities than Republicans had been.”"

It wasn't long ago when the Corporate Democrats (one of them was Joe Biden) were just as bad as the Corporate Republicans. However in the last four years things have changed. The Corporate Republicans have remade themselves into something ugly, a White only cult of personality led by Donald tRump and loyal only to him. They are willing to put the cult before the country. They did nothing while 225,000 of their fellow citizens died. They stuck kids in cages. It's a long list.

Meanwhile the Dems went another direction. After Clinton, they embraced many of Bernies ideas. They at very least acknowledge the Earth is heating up due to Man. We have them on the record that healthcare is a right, not a privilege. They think the middle class is the bedrock of this country, not the super rich. Right now, there is a clear difference between what the Democrats and Republicans stand for. I think you would agree with me.

When you make am accusation against anyone, your gonna need proof. It's called chain of custody. If you don't believe their cock and bull story is true, where exactly did that laptop come from? Big problem there. Russia has been known to do this kinda stuff, and all the meta-data was scrubbed from the laptop, which is not normal. These are very serious allegations, but everything is based on a this loptop. The 'Evidence' doesn't stand up. But here's the neat thing. It doesn't have to. All it has to do is hang out there for 9 more days. And you have to have a bunch of morons willing to scream PEDO!!! at the top of their lungs. As you can see we got plenty of them....

And for the record I don't think tRump is a pedophile either. It's just about the nastiest accusation you can make, so tRump and his supporters naturally went there and made it their last ditch effort to stave off their inevitable defeat. Right now they are just angry that it isn't working.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Klompen I am beginning to wonder about you with all the pedo talk. Is there something going on with you? Do you have feelings that confuse or bother you?

I am quite sure Joe and Hunter sold influence to foreign countries but their sex lives are not really relevant here. Hunter is a horndog and gets high on bad stuff, his business. I saw no 9 year olds with him. A teen is not a child, though I would not want him with my daughter of course, if she was a teen or any age.

Joe showers with his daughter, you wash my back I wash your back. Kind of how he sold his influence to the highest bidder. Funny behavior but not rape.

Detectives say that around 1/4 of rape allegations are made up. They deal with it daily so why doubt them? Factor in large amounts of money to be made and idiots that hate Trump like around here, and having some women say they were raped or groped means nothing without proof.

Joe gropes/handles people and I think it is not even sexual. He is annoying but so are anti Trumpers. Come on man!


Well-known member
I'm sorry, but what you're saying is so objectively wrong that its amazing to see someone write it. Do you really believe that the Clintons moved the Dems to the Left????? Seriously? Clinton deregulated Wall Street, embraced fracking and other horrible crimes against the environment, flew out in the middle of the night to rescue pedophiles, and introduced his omnibus crime bill at the birthplace of the KKK. You really do not know what you're talking about with the Clintons. You are spouting propaganda and not reality.

Read this for starters if you want to understand what the Clintons turned the DNC into: the second conservative party.


"Bill Clinton was a New Democrat. And New Democrats, unlike the old Roosevelt liberals, were tough on crime. With the Democrats having lost three presidential elections, Clinton argued that political success required the jettisoning of many of the Left’s most cherished tenets. In particular, Clinton aimed to woo the so-called “Reagan Democrats,” the somewhat socially conservative white voters who had fled the party during the 1960s and 1970s. Doing this, in part, required what Michelle Alexander calls “signaling to poor and working-class whites that he was willing to be tougher on black communities than Republicans had been.”"

Read before jump. Nowhere did I bring up Bill

I said AFTER Clinton. You know, like Hillary, 4 years ago. Like I wrote. Nowhere did I say anything about Bill. Bill was how long ago? He's the past.

Ya got this hard-on about the Clintons. Move on, the country certainly has.


Active member
You guys are clueless. When Biden wins it isn't a victory as you think it is. None of us want Biden. All of us want Trump far less. You seem to always think we wanted Biden. American is weeping at both of these clowns.

They don't get that. Too emotionally invested into Trump and think all people feel that way for a candidate they vote for.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
^^ We get it, you do not get it. Too emotionally invested in hating Trump/yourselves to get it. Biden is a political hack even Obama thought so. Except Hammeredhead, when he speaks I listen. Then laugh.


Bro. You got conned by a reality tv star.

How did trump supporters get conned? He's made good on almost everything he promised from his first campaign.

The economy was going great until corona virus, people were thriving, there was plenty of jobs, wages were going up. People are buying houses in record numbers. He started to take steps on controlling the southern border, he brought manufacturing back to the USA, he's cracking down on human trafficking and pedos, he got the middle east under control, tamed north korea,he lets the states do what's best for them.

I get that it's not the welfare wonderland you'd maybe like to have and maybe there isn't black lives matter mural painted on every stretch of road but he's handed out plenty of free money, gave over the top unemployment when ppl needed it.

What more do you fucking want? Just because he's not a card carrying commie like Bernie and he hasn't turned every bathroom in america into a trans bathroom things were going pretty good.

The soy boys hate trump because he has balls and admittedly he's a little bit of a dick. Obama was a mom jeans wearing penis tucker that bet over and took it up the ass from every other country.