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Joe Biden Thread


Active member
he is weird, and that is all he has got. no facts, just insinuations/accusations. "projection" is what it is called...chump actually sexually assaults women, so they have to accuse Biden of pedophilia to make it "even"...

Unfortunately, I think that is the motivation of far too many people. Its still pretty hard to think that Biden is not a creep given the mountain of evidence that he's been a problem for a long time. Its really just D.C.; its just a cesspool and Trump has not drained anything. Its so easy for them to all forget that the highest ranking Republican in the nation at one point was not only a pedo creep, but he was paying hush payments to his victims.


Oh, and in case anyone thinks this was just an isolated weirdo:


These people are so above the law unless they are caught red handed that 40 people were willing to publicly put their names out there supporting him even after he admitted he molested kids and then bribed them to shut up about it.


Well-known member
Detectives say that around 1/4 of rape allegations are made up. They deal with it daily so why doubt them?
you realize that that means 3/4 of them are real, don't you?
LEO and assault survivor advocates also say that only 1/4 of rapes/assaults are even reported. many victims do not come forward for fear of not being believed, having to re-live the abuse by hostile police, accusations by defense attorneys, etc. sitting in a courtroom & having to detail your attack in public knowing that it only takes one cretin on the jury sitting there thinking "fucking bitch was asking for it" will keep the guilty from being punished has got to be beyond difficult...


Well-known member
Have we moved on? It sorta seems like we're about to elect the prick who wrote that legislation that Bill Clinton was selling at the birthplace of the KKK.

Don't believe me? Maybe ask Joe:


We all move forward (or backward) at our own pace. Some things that you may find unforgivable might be just fine with me. And the other way too. Joe has made some mistakes. No, a lot of mistakes. The Crime Bill was one of them. Anita Hill was another. And how exactly did Joe vote on the Iraq War? He's a flawed candidate, with a nice long record to defend. But rather than attack his record, and god only knows there is enough to attack, we get this Pedo shit. And once you go there.... we're in crazytown.

And for the record I voted for Bush the major against Bill the first time round. Second time I voted for Bill. So I lived through what your bitching about. He wasn't quite the Anti-christ you portray him to be. Bill Clinton was as good as you were gonna get back then. And it seems Joe Biden is as good as we're gonna get this time around. Again, I woulda chose Warren, you would have chose someone else, but we weren't consulted.

So were looking at a best of two bad options. But between Joe Biden and Donald tRump there is no comparison. One will do as best he can for the country, and the other what's best for himself.


Active member
We all move forward (or backward) at our own pace. Some things that you may find unforgivable might be just fine with me. And the other way too. Joe has made some mistakes. No, a lot of mistakes. The Crime Bill was one of them. Anita Hill was another. And how exactly did Joe vote on the Iraq War? He's a flawed candidate, with a nice long record to defend. But rather than attack his record, and god only knows there is enough to attack, we get this Pedo shit. And once you go there.... we're in crazytown.

And for the record I voted for Bush the major against Bill the first time round. Second time I voted for Bill. So I lived through what your bitching about. He wasn't quite the Anti-christ you portray him to be. Bill Clinton was as good as you were gonna get back then. And it seems Joe Biden is as good as we're gonna get this time around. Again, I woulda chose Warren, you would have chose someone else, but we weren't consulted.

So were looking at a best of two bad options. But between Joe Biden and Donald tRump there is no comparison. One will do as best he can for the country, and the other what's best for himself.

If you don’t occasionally screw up, you’re not working hard enough.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
you realize that that means 3/4 of them are real, don't you?
LEO and assault survivor advocates also say that only 1/4 of rapes/assaults are even reported. many victims do not come forward for fear of not being believed, having to re-live the abuse by hostile police, accusations by defense attorneys, etc. sitting in a courtroom & having to detail your attack in public knowing that it only takes one cretin on the jury sitting there thinking "fucking bitch was asking for it" will keep the guilty from being punished has got to be beyond difficult...

I was aware of the fact that real rape victims often never report it and the toll it takes on a real victim to go thru the legal battle. A quarter or fifth is a huge number if you are being falsely accused though. I would have to look it up again but it was around that area in numbers.

Here is another fact, if a woman falsely cries rape almost never is she prosecuted. The guy could face real jail time and loss of job, money, the woman is not held accountable.

A guy like Trump, I would not be surprised if he got handsy with some women and they did not like it later on, or even at the time. He was a player and they operate in an aggressive manner sometimes. I would be surprised if he actually raped anyone.

On the issue of Putin denying a payment was made, well maybe that is true. Would you trust your life or money to Putin though? This is a thug that poisons and kills anyone who opposes him. A KGB thug.

Mob boss says no payment made, good enough for me. hehe:good:


Active member
On the issue of Putin denying a payment was made, well maybe that is true. Would you trust your life or money to Putin though? This is a thug that poisons and kills anyone who opposes him. A KGB thug.

Mob boss says no payment made, good enough for me. hehe:good:

Russia has 6 active political parties and paper ballots, but what does that matter when we want a new Cold War?


Well-known member
On the issue of Putin denying a payment was made, well maybe that is true. Would you trust your life or money to Putin though? This is a thug that poisons and kills anyone who opposes him. A KGB thug.

i trust Putin just as far as i trust chump...not at all. hold it, let me back up on that a moment. ahem... chump lies to us multiple times a day. Putin does not speak to us. see where that went?:D looks like a falling out/end of the bromance to me. maybe Putin sees the writing on the wall? perhaps he'll have chump put down like the diseased animal that he is...no great loss.:good:


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
i trust Putin just as far as i trust chump...not at all. hold it, let me back up on that a moment. ahem... chump lies to us multiple times a day. Putin does not speak to us. see where that went?:D looks like a falling out/end of the bromance to me. maybe Putin sees the writing on the wall? perhaps he'll have chump put down like the diseased animal that he is...no great loss.:good:

The difference being you would never talk about putting down Putin if you lived in Russia, even on a internet forum. Bromance? Trump plays people all the time. He can turn on the charm and then turn it off.

Diseased animal. Ok. Your mental state is crap to be honest, but you have lots of company here so there is that. You and the other Trump haters are so lucky to be here and not in Russia.

Klompen your interest in children aside, Russia having 6 different parties and paper ballots is not real useful when you have a guy that will literally kill you if you talk bad about him.


The diseased democrat mind.....

blow 42 million dollars to chase after trump russia collusion, bash trump the high hell over being putin's puppet for 4 years. Non stop carrying on about putin...

Now when it fits their agenda say trump is lying about the bidens but Putin is telling the truth.

Also a week ago you were all saying the Biden laptop was a Russian hoax to defame biden, and now hunter bidens nude, porn and crack smoking pictures, videos and emails are coming out,it must all be fake right?

Another thing I find totally fucked up about democrats, they talk endless shit on the trump family, made fun of his youngest son all thru the last election..

But we see now the Biden kids are totally fucked up. Bidens daughter is a drug addicted sex fiend, hunter well hunter is corrupt, child abusing, sex addicted, prostitute loving, crack smoking shady mother f'er but you find this to be a suitable family to be at the front of out country.

I'm starting to really question the morals of anyone that could vote for Biden.


Well-known member
The diseased democrat mind.....

blow 42 million dollars to chase after trump russia collusion, bash trump the high hell over being putin's puppet for 4 years. Non stop carrying on about putin...

Now when it fits their agenda say trump is lying about the bidens but Putin is telling the truth.

Also a week ago you were all saying the Biden laptop was a Russian hoax to defame biden, and now hunter bidens nude, porn and crack smoking pictures, videos and emails are coming out,it must all be fake right?

Right now the important thing is to remove shit president. We can start working on replacing Biden next year.


ICMag Donor
"I tell people supporting Biden: Give me one accomplishment this man has given you in

"I tell people supporting Biden: Give me one accomplishment this man has given you in

Tell me one accomplishment this man has given you in 47 years of being a parasite politician!




ICMag Donor
Biden is up by 3 in Texas.

It won't be long until all the Q-Tards will just be a laughable bad memory.

They really thought people were stupid enough believe all these nonsense stories.


Well-known member
The difference being you would never talk about putting down Putin if you lived in Russia, even on a internet forum. Bromance? Trump plays people all the time. He can turn on the charm and then turn it off.

Diseased animal. Ok. Your mental state is crap to be honest, but you have lots of company here so there is that. You and the other Trump haters are so lucky to be here and not in Russia.

brave folks diss Putin every day in Russia. some die for it. chump would have you killed if he thought he would get away with it, no doubt in my mind. charm? what a fucking joke. he fools morons, no one else. he IS the "blunt instrument" that Bannon said he was. nothing more, nothing less. my mental state is excellent. if chump was a dog he would have been put to sleep years ago. we are ALL lucky to be here instead of Russia, even as chump tries to become Putin Jr. & turn us into another Russia with his wanna-be "strongman" impersonations/infatuations, lol...:D


Well-known member
Biden is up by 3 in Texas.

It won't be long until all the Q-Tards will just be a laughable bad memory.

They really thought people were stupid enough believe all these nonsense stories.

news has it that roughly a third of chumps supporters believe in Q. since he has an unshakeable 36 or so % of GOP voters up his ass, that is not a very small number of idiots running around loose.



Braindead biden was in an interview rambling on about "4 more years of george" the guy is out of reality at least half the time, he must be dipping in to hunters crack stash.

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