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Kiss My Ring

2020 U.S. Presidential Election Odds Betting Guide


WAYNE ROOT: Las Vegas Oddsmaker Announces Final Prediction: Trump Electoral Landslide Coming

By Cristina Laila
Published November 1, 2020 at 10:37am


By Wayne Allyn Root
It’s all there. All the cards fell into place. Liberals and the biased and bribed mainstream media are just too blind to see it.

It’s Trump over Hillary all over again. It’s George HW Bush overcoming a 17-point deficit versus Michael Dukakis all over again. It’s the final days of Ronald Reagan vs Jimmy Carter- when all of America broke for Reagan at the same time.
At this moment, if you’re not blind, deaf, or very dumb, it’s clear a majority of American voters, certainly crucial swing voters in battleground states, are breaking for Trump in the final days.

It’s all adding up to a Trump electoral landslide.

And I’m not just talking about tightening polls; a few polls with Trump actually in the lead; or battleground states where Trump is outperforming his own numbers four years ago versus Hillary.

Much more importantly, I’m talking early voting numbers. Trump is doing extraordinarily well in early voting in states like Florida, Nevada, Iowa, North Carolina and Arizona. Trump and Republicans are out-kicking the coverage. In other words, they’re kicking the Democrat’s asses. With the physical votes on Election Day still to come. And we all know Republicans rule on Election Day.

If Florida is representative of battleground states all over the country, Trump is about to win both a popular vote victory and an electoral landslide. Trump is leading in both Democrat Miami-Dade County and Democrat Palm Beach County. Democrats are panicking both in Florida and all over the country.

Trafalgar Polling, the most accurate state by state poll of 2016, which factors in the “shy Trump voter” (people afraid to tell a stranger on the phone that they support Trump) shows Trump taking the lead this week in Florida, Michigan, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania.
Rasmussen shows Trump’s approval rating at 52%, five points better than Obama at this same time in 2012, when Obama was heading for a re-election victory.
On Friday Poll Watch came out with their electoral map. They show a Trump landslide, 312 to 226.

In the end, this is all you need to know…

Trump is leading in Miami-Dade County and Palm Beach County (Democrat strongholds) in early voting. That’s like winning the lottery. That’s like lightening striking twice in the same spot. That’s an election miracle.

Biden had added a Friday campaign event in Minnesota- another ominous sign for Democrats. A Republican hasn’t won Minnesota since 1972. Democrats clearly don’t have Minnesota locked down. If Trump wins Minnesota, then a Reagan-Mondale landslide is forming. All bets are off. Trump could run the table.

I’m not a pollster. I’m a gut instinct guy. I’m a Las Vegas oddsmaker turned conservative talk show host. And I just happen to be the media personality who picked 2016 exactly right, and has been predicting a Trump electoral landslide for months- in the face of poll after poll showing double digit leads for Joe Biden.

Here’s what I know. Here’s what my gut instinct says:
*Nothing else matters like the poll question “Are you better off than four years ago?” Voters just answered 56% YES! That’s the highest in modern history. Reagan scored 44% and he won a 49-state landslide. Trump scores 56%.

Even more importantly, who exactly are they better off than? It was Obama-Biden four years ago. Common sense says they’re not voting for the guy who made them feel worse (Biden) over the guy who made the feel better (Trump).

*I know Florida is the key. If Trump wins Florida, he’s in the driver’s seat. And based on early voting numbers, Florida appears to be not just a Trump win, but a smashing win.
*Next in importance comes Pennsylvania. What’s been happening in Pennsylvania lately? If you haven’t noticed, deep-blue, Democrat-controlled, Philadelphia is on fire.

Rioting, looting, burning and injured cops. I guarantee you the rest of Pennsylvania’s voters have noticed. This will push Trump over the edge in Pennsylvania. Democrats have clearly destroyed Philadelphia. Why would any sane Pennsylvanian voter want them to do the same thing to the entire country?

*Then there’s Hunter Biden’s poisonous laptop. The media and social media conspired to blackout any news. It didn’t matter. The story got out. Did it change millions of votes? Nope. It merely changed a few key swing votes in battleground states. That’s all Trump needed.

*Finally, I come to the infamous “kill shot.” The coup-de-grace. Just as I predicted weeks ago, the 3rdQuarter GDP was released on Friday. It showed 33.1% economic growth- the highest in America’s history. It was double the highest GDP in history before this.
This is proof of the Trump economic miracle. And proof Trump has handled Covid-19 in an extraordinary way. He kept us alive and more importantly, employed. He kept our economy alive to fight another day. He kept our businesses open. We have hope, we have opportunity, we have a future. BRAVO President Trump.

Who’d be dumb enough to vote against that record? Who’d be dumb enough to vote against the greatest economic growth in history? 33.1% economic growth? My answer is no one (except a few dumb Democrats).

Game. Set. Match. Checkmate. Trump will win a smashing electoral landslide on Tuesday.


Well-known member

  1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism
    Fascist regimes tend to make constant use of patriotic mottos, slogans, symbols, songs, and other paraphernalia. Flags are seen everywhere, as are flag symbols on clothing and in public displays.
  2. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights
    Because of fear of enemies and the need for security, the people in fascist regimes are persuaded that human rights can be ignored in certain cases because of "need." The people tend to look the other way or even approve of torture, summary executions, assassinations, long incarcerations of prisoners, etc.
  3. Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause
    The people are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived common threat or foe: racial , ethnic or religious minorities; liberals; communists; socialists, terrorists, etc.
  4. Supremacy of the Military
    Even when there are widespread domestic problems, the military is given a disproportionate amount of government funding, and the domestic agenda is neglected. Soldiers and military service are glamorized.
  5. Rampant Sexism
    The governments of fascist nations tend to be almost exclusively male-dominated. Under fascist regimes, traditional gender roles are made more rigid. Opposition to abortion is high, as is homophobia and anti-gay legislation and national policy.
  6. Controlled Mass Media
    Sometimes to media is directly controlled by the government, but in other cases, the media is indirectly controlled by government regulation, or sympathetic media spokespeople and executives. Censorship, especially in war time, is very common.
  7. Obsession with National Security
    Fear is used as a motivational tool by the government over the masses.
  8. Religion and Government are Intertwined
    Governments in fascist nations tend to use the most common religion in the nation as a tool to manipulate public opinion. Religious rhetoric and terminology is common from government leaders, even when the major tenets of the religion are diametrically opposed to the government's policies or actions.
  9. Corporate Power is Protected
    The industrial and business aristocracy of a fascist nation often are the ones who put the government leaders into power, creating a mutually beneficial business/government relationship and power elite.
  10. Labor Power is Suppressed
    Because the organizing power of labor is the only real threat to a fascist government, labor unions are either eliminated entirely, or are severely suppressed .
  11. Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts
    Fascist nations tend to promote and tolerate open hostility to higher education, and academia. It is not uncommon for professors and other academics to be censored or even arrested. Free expression in the arts is openly attacked, and governments often refuse to fund the arts.
  12. Obsession with Crime and Punishment
    Under fascist regimes, the police are given almost limitless power to enforce laws. The people are often willing to overlook police abuses and even forego civil liberties in the name of patriotism. There is often a national police force with virtually unlimited power in fascist nations.
  13. Rampant Cronyism and Corruption
    Fascist regimes almost always are governed by groups of friends and associates who appoint each other to government positions and use governmental power and authority to protect their friends from accountability. It is not uncommon in fascist regimes for national resources and even treasures to be appropriated or even outright stolen by government leaders.
  14. Fraudulent Elections
    Sometimes elections in fascist nations are a complete sham. Other times elections are manipulated by smear campaigns against or even assassination of opposition candidates, use of legislation to control voting numbers or political district boundaries, and manipulation of the media. Fascist nations also typically use their judiciaries to manipulate or control elections.


Well-known member
no the entire video looks staged like some project veritas garbage.

no social distancing. shes just walking away down the street. no secret service vehicle in sight. two overweight fake looking secret service that couldn't protect a box of donuts.... the woman secret service person can't even walk.

and to wrap it all up, this video comes from laura loomer lol a fascist in training.


ICMag Donor

2020 U.S. Presidential Election Odds Betting Guide


WAYNE ROOT: Las Vegas Oddsmaker Announces Final Prediction: Trump Electoral Landslide Coming

By Cristina Laila
Published November 1, 2020 at 10:37am

View Image
By Wayne Allyn Root
It’s all there. All the cards fell into place. Liberals and the biased and bribed mainstream media are just too blind to see it.

It’s Trump over Hillary all over again. It’s George HW Bush overcoming a 17-point deficit versus Michael Dukakis all over again. It’s the final days of Ronald Reagan vs Jimmy Carter- when all of America broke for Reagan at the same time.
At this moment, if you’re not blind, deaf, or very dumb, it’s clear a majority of American voters, certainly crucial swing voters in battleground states, are breaking for Trump in the final days.

It’s all adding up to a Trump electoral landslide.

And I’m not just talking about tightening polls; a few polls with Trump actually in the lead; or battleground states where Trump is outperforming his own numbers four years ago versus Hillary.

Much more importantly, I’m talking early voting numbers. Trump is doing extraordinarily well in early voting in states like Florida, Nevada, Iowa, North Carolina and Arizona. Trump and Republicans are out-kicking the coverage. In other words, they’re kicking the Democrat’s asses. With the physical votes on Election Day still to come. And we all know Republicans rule on Election Day.

If Florida is representative of battleground states all over the country, Trump is about to win both a popular vote victory and an electoral landslide. Trump is leading in both Democrat Miami-Dade County and Democrat Palm Beach County. Democrats are panicking both in Florida and all over the country.

Trafalgar Polling, the most accurate state by state poll of 2016, which factors in the “shy Trump voter” (people afraid to tell a stranger on the phone that they support Trump) shows Trump taking the lead this week in Florida, Michigan, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania.
Rasmussen shows Trump’s approval rating at 52%, five points better than Obama at this same time in 2012, when Obama was heading for a re-election victory.
On Friday Poll Watch came out with their electoral map. They show a Trump landslide, 312 to 226.

In the end, this is all you need to know…

Trump is leading in Miami-Dade County and Palm Beach County (Democrat strongholds) in early voting. That’s like winning the lottery. That’s like lightening striking twice in the same spot. That’s an election miracle.

Biden had added a Friday campaign event in Minnesota- another ominous sign for Democrats. A Republican hasn’t won Minnesota since 1972. Democrats clearly don’t have Minnesota locked down. If Trump wins Minnesota, then a Reagan-Mondale landslide is forming. All bets are off. Trump could run the table.

I’m not a pollster. I’m a gut instinct guy. I’m a Las Vegas oddsmaker turned conservative talk show host. And I just happen to be the media personality who picked 2016 exactly right, and has been predicting a Trump electoral landslide for months- in the face of poll after poll showing double digit leads for Joe Biden.

Here’s what I know. Here’s what my gut instinct says:
*Nothing else matters like the poll question “Are you better off than four years ago?” Voters just answered 56% YES! That’s the highest in modern history. Reagan scored 44% and he won a 49-state landslide. Trump scores 56%.

Even more importantly, who exactly are they better off than? It was Obama-Biden four years ago. Common sense says they’re not voting for the guy who made them feel worse (Biden) over the guy who made the feel better (Trump).

*I know Florida is the key. If Trump wins Florida, he’s in the driver’s seat. And based on early voting numbers, Florida appears to be not just a Trump win, but a smashing win.
*Next in importance comes Pennsylvania. What’s been happening in Pennsylvania lately? If you haven’t noticed, deep-blue, Democrat-controlled, Philadelphia is on fire.

Rioting, looting, burning and injured cops. I guarantee you the rest of Pennsylvania’s voters have noticed. This will push Trump over the edge in Pennsylvania. Democrats have clearly destroyed Philadelphia. Why would any sane Pennsylvanian voter want them to do the same thing to the entire country?

*Then there’s Hunter Biden’s poisonous laptop. The media and social media conspired to blackout any news. It didn’t matter. The story got out. Did it change millions of votes? Nope. It merely changed a few key swing votes in battleground states. That’s all Trump needed.

*Finally, I come to the infamous “kill shot.” The coup-de-grace. Just as I predicted weeks ago, the 3rdQuarter GDP was released on Friday. It showed 33.1% economic growth- the highest in America’s history. It was double the highest GDP in history before this.
This is proof of the Trump economic miracle. And proof Trump has handled Covid-19 in an extraordinary way. He kept us alive and more importantly, employed. He kept our economy alive to fight another day. He kept our businesses open. We have hope, we have opportunity, we have a future. BRAVO President Trump.

Who’d be dumb enough to vote against that record? Who’d be dumb enough to vote against the greatest economic growth in history? 33.1% economic growth? My answer is no one (except a few dumb Democrats).

Game. Set. Match. Checkmate. Trump will win a smashing electoral landslide on Tuesday.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]You may not vote on any more threads today.:tongue:[/FONT]


Kiss My Ring
Biden-Harris Gun Plan to End Our 2nd Amendment Right

November 1, 2020

From gun and magazine bans, licenses to purchase firearms, universal registration checks, and gun confiscation without due process, a Biden-Harris Administration promises four years of unrelenting efforts to infringe on the rights of gun owners, the Gun Owners of America Associations states.

The above statement leaves out where gun manufacturers and dealers will be held responsible for crimes committed with their guns. That alone will destroy our gun rights.

Vote for your liberties, especially the right to self-defense. We would be their easily-manipulated dupes without this right.
It’s a four-part plan to start:

Semi-automatic Gun and Magazine Bans and Confiscation

    • Ban the manufacture and sale of assault weapons and high-capacity magazines
    • Regulate possession of existing assault weapons under the National Firearms Act
    • Buyback the assault weapons and high-capacity magazines already in our communities.
    • Put America on the path to ensuring that 100% of firearms sold in America are smart guns.
    • Hold gun manufacturers accountable.
    • Reduce the stockpiling of weapons.
Universal Background [Registration] Checks

    • Give states incentives to set up gun licensing programs.
    • Require background checks for all gun sales.
    • End the online sale of firearms and ammunition [sic].
    • Stop “ghost guns
    • Adequately fund the background check system.
    • Require gun owners to store their weapons safely.
    • Hold adults accountable for giving minors access to firearms.
    • Prioritize the prosecution of straw purchasers.
    • Notify law enforcement when a potential firearms purchaser fails a background check.
    • Require firearms owners to report if their weapon is lost or stolen.
    • New “Hate Crime Loophole” Gun Ban, which includes a gun ban for referring to someone as an “illegal alien” in New York City
    • Close the “Charleston loophole.”

Further Gun Confiscation Legislation at the Federal, State, and Local Levels

    • Create an effective program to ensure individuals who become prohibited from possessing firearms to relinquish their weapons.
    • Incentivize state “extreme risk” laws.
Executive Action

    • Reinstate the Obama-Biden policy to keep guns out of the hands of certain people unable to manage their affairs for mental reasons, which President Trump reversed.
    • Reform, fund, and empower the U.S. Justice Department to enforce our gun laws.
Let’s not forget that Biden will put Beto, the fake Hispanic, in charge of taking our guns:



Kiss My Ring
Senior Retired CIA Officer: The Laptop Is Real And So Is The Corruption It Lays Bare

by Charles "Sam" Faddis November 1, 2020

On October 19, 2020, a group of fifty former “intelligence officers” signed on to a letter branding the New York Post’s story about Hunter Biden’s laptop as having all the hallmarks of “Russian disinformation.” The letter was carefully caveated, no doubt out of necessity because otherwise many of the signatories would not have agreed to put their names on the document. Nonetheless, predictably enough, the mass media operating in support of Joe Biden’s campaign for President boiled down the letter to sound bites.
“The Hunter Biden laptop story is a hoax. This is a smear campaign. It is all a lie. Ignore it and vote the way we told you to.”
To my knowledge, none of the fifty individuals who signed the letter in question has seen the contents of Hunter’s laptop. I have. I have had unfettered access to it for days and continue to do so.
Here is my take.
There is no question that the material on the hard drive I have reviewed belongs to Hunter Biden. It is filled with emails, documents, text messages, and images that cover a span of many years. All of these have the associated metadata. Most of the emails are to known individuals with known email accounts. Anyone who has ever done even a cursory forensic examination of a laptop seized from a terrorist safe house or taken from a hostile intelligence officer would not believe for a second that all of this information could somehow be fabricated. Any attempt to do so would be detected in almost no time once the laptop was put under review.
As noted above, what is on the hard drive is not a few emails. It is the entire contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop containing data compiled over years.

The stench of corruption coming off the contents of the laptop is overwhelming. Leaving aside the pornographic nature of many of the images stored on the device, what the documents, emails, and other items show is a mass of shell companies and business dealings. The cast of characters on the American side consists largely of what I will call “princelings,” young, wealthy men whose only claim to fame is having a wealthy, prominent father. Chief amongst these, of course, is Hunter Biden.
All of these transactions ultimately have the same feel. Someone somewhere is paying Hunter Biden and his associates very large sums of money in exchange for influence. Factories are not built. Products are not bought and sold. Hunter and his henchmen bring to the table one thing – connections, and principal amongst these is Joe Biden himself.
This went on for years. The amount of money involved ran into the billions of dollars.
The business dealings in question took place in many countries, including some in South America that to date have hardly been mentioned. From a national security perspective, the most troubling are those that involved China. There, Hunter cut a wide swath. Many of the key figures in his business are senior members of the Chinese Communist Party. Some are known or suspect Chinese intelligence officers. There is no doubt that Hunter knew full well with whom he was dealing.
Is there a document signed by Joe Biden on the laptop saying he was formally agreeing to be an agent of Chinese intelligence and to do the bidding of Beijing? No. Not to my knowledge, although a full review of the laptop’s contents will likely take many more months.
As the signatories of the letter reference above know full well, however, that is not how all this works. Such a document would never be created. Instead, the target, in this case, Joe Biden, would be suborned over a long period of time, compromised, bought in bits and pieces, until he was reliably doing the bidding of his new puppet masters in Beijing.
Chinese United Front operations are well known. Among other things they involve sustained, well-financed operations to coop the elites of foreign nations and bend them to their will. The contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop paint a detailed picture of just how such an operation works and how wildly successful it can be. Exploiting Hunter’s own obvious personal demons and the evident desire of the Bidens to cash in big on Joe’s position as Vice-President, the Chinese, in particular, seem to have bought themselves invaluable influence. They may have forked over billions. What they got in return, like the entire South China Sea, seems to have been worth infinitely more.
Ultimately, every American is going to have to make up their own minds regarding which candidate they want in the White House. I won’t pretend to be able to make that decision for them. I can tell them this. The laptop is real and so is the corruption it lays bare.



Kiss My Ring
Here's How Google Can Shift 15 Million Votes Without Anyone Realizing It

By Tyler O'Neil Nov 01, 2020 9:53 PM ET

In this May 8, 2018, photo, Google CEO Sundar Pichai speaks at the Google I/O conference in Mountain View, Calif. (AP Photo/Jeff Chiu)

In a chilling interview with Fox News’ Tucker Carlson, Ph.D. psychologist Robert Epstein reported that Google’s search engine has a “very substantial pro-liberal bias” and could swing 15 million votes in the 2020 election. Epstein studies the psychological effect of search results and he has a team of hundreds of people monitoring Google and other tech companies. He claimed that Google is effectively making a “huge in-kind donation” to campaigns like that of Democratic nominee Joe Biden.

“Based on the data that we’re collecting, I would say that if what we’re seeing is present nationwide, they are probably shifting this year in this election about 15 million votes without anyone’s awareness and except for what I’m doing, without leaving a paper trail for authorities to trace,” Epstein told Carlson on Saturday.
The psychologist noted that his team has “600 field agents in the swing states,” who have performed 150,000 searches, analyzing 1.5 million search results.

“We’re finding very substantial pro-liberal bias in all ten or at least nine out of ten search results on the first page of Google search results… not on Bing or Yahoo though,” Epstein reported. “And we’re seeing that bias in every single demographic group. In fact, in one report we generated recently, we saw more liberal bias in Google content going to conservatives than going to liberals.”
“That is the definition of propaganda,” Tucker Carlson responded. “They’re tailoring information to change the views of people in a very targeted way.”

He asked Epstein if it was legal for Google to attempt to influence millions of votes.

“There are no specific laws or regulations in place stopping a company like Google from doing something like this,” the psychologist admitted. “In fact, the courts have basically over and over again said they can exercise their free speech rights and show people anything they want to show people.”

Former Google Engineer Says Google Will Try to Prevent Trump’s Reelection

“But yes indeed, you could look at this as an extreme violation of campaign finance laws. In effect, they’re making huge in-kind donations, huge, to one party or one candidate,” Epstein argued. “Now, it doesn’t cost them a dime, but that’s not the issue. The issue is what would it cost you to do it or what would it cost me to do it, and we’re talking tens of millions of dollars at least.”

While Google’s alleged manipulation may be illegal, Epstein argued against complex government regulations to prevent it.
“I don’t think laws and regulations can keep up with tech… I think we do it with monitoring systems, with large-scale, Nielsen-type monitoring systems,” he explained. “We aggregate that data and we look for shenanigans.”

Naturally, the alleged liberal bias in search results may not be intentional or nefarious. The American literary establishment, from universities to legacy media outlets, has shifted to the left in recent decades. Newspapers long known for their high editorial standards, like The New York Times, seem to be squandering their reputations in a rush to gain attention from the Left.

Even if Google intentionally shifts its search results to the Left, the company may claim it is only doing so in the name of objectivity and favoring ostensibly more credible legacy media sources.

Epstein, who supported Hillary Clinton in 2016, has long warned about Google’s power to manipulate elections. In 2017, he wrote a white paper arguing that Clinton’s popular vote margin was almost entirely attributable to pro-Clinton bias at Google.

“Extrapolating from the mathematics introduced in this report … the lead author of the PNAS study [Epstein himself] predicted that a pro-Clinton bias in Google’s search results would, over time, shift at least 2.6 million votes to Clinton. She won the popular vote in the November election by 2,864,974 votes,” Epstein wrote with his co-author Ronald E. Robertson.

Trump: Google ‘Should Be Sued’ for Manipulating ‘from 2.6 Million to 16 Million Votes for Hillary’

“Without the pro-Clinton bias in Google’s search results, her win margin in the popular vote would have been negligible,” Epstein wrote.

A 2018 survey found that conservative employees in Silicon Valley tech companies live in fear that their political beliefs will be found out. James Damore said conservatives at Google are “in the closet” and that Google executives are digging through a secret email list in order to out them.

In September, a Google whistleblower told Project Veritas that Google News results are intentionally biased against Trump. This seemed to confirm the results of an unscientific test on Google News bias run by PJ Media editor Paula Bolyard last year (tweeted out by Trump himself), and a more scientific study also suggesting bias. The Google News slant is not a conspiracy theory, though Google of course denies manipulating results. After all, Google employees heavily favor Democrats in their political donations.

More than 90 percent of political contributions from employees of Alphabet, Google’s parent company, have gone to Democrats since 2004. In 2018, 96 percent went to Democrats.

Yet Google bias may not always be liberal. All Americans should be concerned about Google’s ability to interfere in elections, and a former Google engineer said the company will try to prevent Trump’s reelection.

The idea of Big Tech bias seems all the more troubling after Facebook and Twitter took unprecedented actions to suppress a bombshell New York Post story claiming that Joe Biden was actively involved in Hunter Biden’s corrupt overseas dealings, even before the story could be fact-checked. As it turns out, more evidence has come to light backing up the original story, but much of the legacy media has ignored the story.

If Google search results are biased toward the legacy media, and the legacy media refuses to cover the story, the American people may not see a serious bombshell story like this one.

This should worry all Americans, no matter what they think about Trump or whom they want to win the election on November 3.



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Boy, trumptards here seem as nervous as those who voted for Biden. Pulling out all kinds of bullshit to ease their meth infected minds! Lol.
I'm nervous as fuck. Excited. At the very least, we are all witnessing a turning point in American history! No matter who wins, this country, society, and culture is never going to be the same. History will record every minute of the next couple weeks. Make or break.
I am glad I'm as old as I am. Don't always feel like that. For the first time in my life I feel ......mature (?) enough to really appreciate what's at stake. To really understand the significance. Win or lose, our time now will never be forgotten by history.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
The amount of stupid that has taken over our country is mind-blowing. Ill never understand why so many seem happy we have more corruption.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
subpar subrob

Not angry enough right? Haha

An eerie calm has settled over my psyche. The time has come, thank fakewhitejesus. Let's just get it done, one way or the other, so we can soldier on. Either way I will be aight. In a good spot. Capable of survival either way. Not everyone is so lucky.


Well-known member
“Today's Republican Party...is an insurgent outlier. It has become ideologically extreme; contemptuous of the inherited social and economic policy regime; scornful of compromise; unpersuaded by conventional understanding of facts, evidence, and science; and dismissive of the legitimacy of its political opposition, all but declaring war on the government. The Democratic Party, while no paragon of civic virtue, is more ideologically centered and diverse, protective of the government's role as it developed over the course of the last century, open to incremental changes in policy fashioned through bargaining with the Republicans, and less disposed to or adept at take-no-prisoners conflict between the parties. This asymmetry between the parties, which journalists and scholars often brush aside or whitewash in a quest for "balance," constitutes a huge obstacle to effective governance.”


Well-known member
The amount of stupid that has taken over our country is mind-blowing. Ill never understand why so many seem happy we have more corruption.

Some of them got a few hundred extra dollars back in taxes. Others did it so the can own machine guns. And some even do it for Jesus.