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Joe Biden Thread


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ICMag Donor
“Today's Republican Party...is an insurgent outlier. It has become ideologically extreme; contemptuous of the inherited social and economic policy regime; scornful of compromise; unpersuaded by conventional understanding of facts, evidence, and science; and dismissive of the legitimacy of its political opposition, all but declaring war on the government. The Democratic Party, while no paragon of civic virtue, is more ideologically centered and diverse, protective of the government's role as it developed over the course of the last century, open to incremental changes in policy fashioned through bargaining with the Republicans, and less disposed to or adept at take-no-prisoners conflict between the parties. This asymmetry between the parties, which journalists and scholars often brush aside or whitewash in a quest for "balance," constitutes a huge obstacle to effective governance.”

Ehh...the tea party not only killed the republican party, they killed the Democratic party also. The absolute insistence on the "extreme radical left" existing, even when it didn't, actually gave rise to a democratic party that WILL be extreme left within 4-8 years. It's already begun, and it is inevitable.


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ICMag Donor
Some of them got a few hundred extra dollars back in taxes. Others did it so the can own machine guns. And some even do it for Jesus.

No, they all do it for jesus. Even if they don't believe. Even if they don't realize. Everything they do is for the modern American vision of a hateful, spiteful, racist white jesus.


Kiss My Ring
While Fearmongering About Voter Intimidation, The Left Promises To Revolt If Trump Wins

While spinning false and exaggerated stories of right-wing threats, the left is ignoring perhaps the biggest threat of voter intimidation. Why? Because it's coming from their own ranks.

By Elle Reynolds November 1, 2020

Resistance Democrats want you to be worried about voter intimidation. They also want you to know that they will not be going gently into that good election night if President Trump wins again.
It seems like threats of “creating serious disruption,” as one Resistance group expressed plans to do if Trump wins, might be a worrisome voter intimidation tactic. (If someone told me he would bring mass chaos to the streets if I voted for a particular candidate, I’d feel intimidated.) But the media and Twitter establishments are a lot more interested in a narrative where voter intimidation comes from the right.
Much was made of emails circulating, allegedly from the extremist group “Proud Boys,” threatening to “come after” people unless they cast their votes for Trump.
The Proud Boys denied sending the emails, and government officials eventually deemed the emails to be from Iranian hackers. John Ratcliffe, U.S. director of national intelligence, suggested that the emails may have been actually a plot to “damage President Trump,” possibly by associating him with the Proud Boys or with voter intimidation tactics. Still, the “right-wing voter intimidation” narrative continued.
CNBC aired a video insinuating that Trump was encouraging voter intimidation. “Trump urged his supporters to go to the polls and look out for potential election issues,” the video noted, before quoting Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring calling Trump’s statement “dangerous.”
Also cited in the CNBC video was Nevada Attorney General Aaron Ford, who tweeted that Trump was encouraging “voter intimidation,” and threatened to prosecute anyone who tried it.
The Washington Post engaged in a hand-wringing exercise over “jeering sign-wavers” and “caravans of honking trucks.”
“There is an unmistakable effort underway to intimidate voters,” the Huffington Post blared, citing “bullhorns, honking cars with Trump flags, and shouting confrontations.” HuffPo and other outlets have also expressed concern that voters who possess the legal right to carry a firearm may intimidate other voters by being armed.
Democrats further erupted with cries of “voter intimidation” when a Miami cop casting his vote wore a Trump mask.
And after the Trump campaign captured on camera what appeared to be voters dropping off multiple ballots, not just their own, Pennsylvania’s attorney general (and the New York Times) were more concerned that the videotaping might be intimidating voters than about the apparent voter fraud.
Of course, this doesn’t mean that every incident of voter intimidation is imaginary. Incidents like one posted by Ajay Rochester, in which demonstrators took down her license plate number and told her “we got your plates, we got you,” are indefensible.
However, for every legitimate concern of voter intimidation, there appear to be a host of examples of the media crying “intimidation!” at either a false or exaggerated story.
After all, the “Proud Boys” email wasn’t from the Proud Boys. Trump never told his listeners to act violently at the polls, but to watch for instances of potential fraud. There is nothing inherently aggressive about legal and responsible concealed carry. Wearing a mask is hardly a threat to someone’s safety, and neither is videotaping to reveal sincere concerns about ballot integrity.
One looming threat the media doesn’t want to talk about, though, is that of anti-Trump “Resistance” and what they plan to do if Biden doesn’t win on election night.
A protest group called Shut Down DC is organizing an effort to “create serious disruption if Trump really tries to steal the election,” with a gathering in Black Lives Matter Plaza in Washington, D.C. on election night. The group, which also encourages similar disruptions in other communities, says they are “ready to do whatever it takes.”

In the days following the election, Shut Down DC’s action plan promises “no more business as usual.” It threatens to seek out members of Congress “at the train station or the airports,” or “we can meet them at their homes.”
In a “Strategic Framework for Action Following the 2020 Election,” the group says: “We need to show that we’re ungovernable under a continued Trump administration. That means we need to be ungovernable.”
The plan includes “blockading the White House” as well as shutting down roads and government buildings. “It is our duty to ensure that Trump cannot steal the government, by using people power to prevent normal government business from proceeding,” the memo continues.
And their website suggests that they will not be satisfied with stopping Trump. “We are not seeking a ‘return to normalcy,’” it says. “Rather, we see this as the time to rise up against the current crisis and move forward to dismantle…interlocking systems of oppression.”
Shut Down DC isn’t the only voice calling for protesters to “take to the streets” and contest the election in any scenario where Trump wins.
Ashley Dawson, writing for The Guardian, offered a how-to guide for “planning to defeat a coup” if Trump doesn’t leave office. It included strikes against an “illegitimate government authority” as well as asking other countries to “adopt an economic embargo of the US.” She also encouraged people to sign a “pledge of resistance,” directing readers to an article that explains such a pledge in terms of “acts of civil disobedience” and “large-scale disruption.”
Even where plans for protest haven’t been publicly announced, businesses and communities are preparing for violence. Stores like Bloomingdale’s are boarding up windows to prepare for looters, and everyone knows the looting and rioting seen this summer was not from Trump supporters.
Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills will be closed in anticipation of “election unrest.” The police department has also encouraged businesses to board up their windows.
In Washington D.C., some businesses are already boarded up. Mayor Muriel Bowser has told people “we do not advise parking or driving downtown” on election night. Such signs point to plans for post-election turbulence if Trump wins or the election is contested.
Of course, none of this justifies any kind of voter intimidation, from either side of the aisle. When actual intimidation happens, we should call it out. But while spinning false and exaggerated stories of right-wing threats, the left is ignoring perhaps the biggest threat of voter intimidation. Why? Because it’s coming from their own ranks.


Well-known member
Ehh...the tea party not only killed the republican party, they killed the Democratic party also. The absolute insistence on the "extreme radical left" existing, even when it didn't, actually gave rise to a democratic party that WILL be extreme left within 4-8 years. It's already begun, and it is inevitable.

i agree and disagree

the democratic party is becoming the old republican party and they completely marginalize and take for granted (because the left has nowhere else to go) the "left" wing of the party.

what is considered "extreme left" in the USA (because we are a right wing hyper capitalist country) is more or less the "center" internationally in the west. for instance internationally i am basically the center, but in the US i get called a commie.
this is why the concept of an American "centrist" is also bullshit. if the democrats are a center right party, and the gop is a far right party. the "center" of that is still occupying the right.

the rise of leftism in america is a direct response to the rise of fascism in america. liberals are ineffective enablers of corporate fascism. joe biden winning will likely only embolden them and run someone even further right than Trump in 2024.


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ICMag Donor
Yep businesses in major cities taking preemptive measures ahead of the election,and boarding up storefronts.You just know those pesky trump supporters will lose their minds,burning,and looting.


Kiss My Ring
were there ever even any white folks in Jerusalem when Jesus was supposedly ministering subrob?
i really doubt Jesus was some white racist ...or hateful...or spiteful...but who knows what you've been led to believe.


Well-known member
were there ever even any white folks in Jerusalem when Jesus was supposedly ministering subrob?
i really doubt Jesus was some white racist ...or hateful...or spiteful...but who knows what you've been led to believe.

Nobody said anything negative about jesus himself.

His followers on the other hand..........


Active member
The democrats and msm blew away any shred of trust in government that could be hoped for in the last 4 years so theres that.......


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
i agree and disagree

the democratic party is becoming the old republican party and they completely marginalize and take for granted (because the left has nowhere else to go) the "left" wing of the party.

what is considered "extreme left" in the USA (because we are a right wing hyper capitalist country) is more or less the "center" internationally in the west. for instance internationally i am basically the center, but in the US i get called a commie.
this is why the concept of an American "centrist" is also bullshit. if the democrats are a center right party, and the gop is a far right party. the "center" of that is still occupying the right.

the rise of leftism in america is a direct response to the rise of fascism in america. liberals are ineffective enablers of corporate fascism. joe biden winning will likely only embolden them and run someone even further right than Trump in 2024.
Ya, I'm one of the "old guard" of centrists that helped keep America together. (Centrism kept us together, not me personally..haha). But slick Willy started the downfall of centrism, and the tea party's adoption of "zero compromise" politics when president Obama was elected pretty much eliminated the last remnants of the possibility of being a centrist. People like me were the buffer that kept Dems from actually taking guns away, and kept whitesupremacistjesus from invading schools and government. That buffer is gone. I'm a little embarrassed by how long it took me to realize that. But I'm here now, a reluctant "libtard commie socialist leftist". Cuz there is nowhere else to go.


Well-known member
The left will demonize everyone who disagrees with their views, only thing is nobody cares what these radicals think anymore. Everything they believe is based on a false narrative.


Well-known member
The left will demonize everyone who disagrees with their views, only thing is nobody cares what these radicals think anymore. Everything they believe is based on a false narrative.

More from backwards world.

Do you think people deserve to do what they choose with their own body? Such as drugs or reproductive rights? Or lbgt type rights?

Do you believe in freedom of religion? Not just christian ones, all of them?

You mostly care if you can have a gun to use against liberals if they come for your gun.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
were there ever even any white folks in Jerusalem when Jesus was supposedly ministering subrob?
i really doubt Jesus was some white racist ...or hateful...or spiteful...but who knows what you've been led to believe.

I don't believe the fable of jesus was meant to represent white supremacy when it was invented. It just seems to me the political-white-jesus that republicans use now to rally their troops is so far from what the creators of the christian philosophy intended it is fabulously entertaining to watch them carry out anti-whitejesus agendas that, literally, go against 2,000 years of his "teachings".

Wait a minute,......you understand that when I say whitejesus I'm making fun of the fukn morons who believe that ancient horseshit right?


Well-known member
More from backwards world.

Do you think people deserve to do what they choose with their own body? Such as drugs or reproductive rights? Or lbgt type rights?

I do, but with the times we live in today I prioritize my second amendment.

Do you believe in freedom of religion? Not just christian ones, all of them?

I'm not religious (fuck, you should know this by now) but yes people have a right to religious beliefs

You mostly care if you can have a gun to use against liberals if they come for your gun.

Like Kyle Rittenhouse ;)

In all seriousness, how many times are you going to ask me the same fucking questions over and over?


Well-known member
Like Kyle Rittenhouse ;)

That idiot that could go have stayed home but instead had his mom drive him across state lines and ended up taking 2 human lives? That piece of shit?

What are you using him as an example for?

Are you suggesting vigilantes are something we need more of?

If so. Then I would have to change my stance on letting people keep their guns.

You do not display the type of character traits of someone the public would want owning guns.


Kiss My Ring
“Something of a Marvel” – ABC’s Jon Karl in Awe Over President Trump’s Last Minute Campaign Sprint (VIDEO)

By Cristina Laila
Published November 1, 2020 at 3:13pm

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President Trump is unstoppable with just 2 days until Election Day.
The President is zig-zagging across the country Sunday, holding five rallies in five different states.

Trump’s last rally Sunday night will be held in Miami and it’s scheduled to begin at 11:30 PM EST.

The President is a little behind schedule today so he will likely start his last rally around midnight!

TRENDING: BREAKING: Evidence of Biden Payments from China Support Tony Bobulinski and Show the Bidens Made Millions Swindling America

The President is holding five rallies in four different states on Monday and he may hold one on Election Day!
ABC’s Jon Karl marveled at President Trump’s last minute campaign sprint.

“The president is in an all-out sprint,” Jon Karl said. “For a guy who was literally in the hospital with COVID-19 on oxygen, this is really something of a marvel.”

“He pulled off a massive upset victory four years ago. He is doing everything that he can physically do to do it again,” he added.



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Like Kyle Rittenhouse ;)

I feel so bad for that child. Because no one was around to teach him what it means to be an American, he's going to spend the next 40 years having all the elasticity of his bodies openings ruined. I wonder how many of you will still elevate him when he's wearing lipstick and cleaning cells in exchange for butt tampons!