You're probably a house husband that has endless time to sit around and educate yourself on the plight of the world.
Ive got to work, don't have a lot of time to give a shit about everyone else.
I do find it hilarious that people have that much time to drive around and harass the Biden bus.
I can almost hear old man Biden standing in the window yelling at the "chumps" while shaking his fist, god damn whipper snappers are messing up his nap schedule.
Ive got to work, don't have a lot of time to give a shit about everyone else.
I do find it hilarious that people have that much time to drive around and harass the Biden bus.
I can almost hear old man Biden standing in the window yelling at the "chumps" while shaking his fist, god damn whipper snappers are messing up his nap schedule.