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Joe Biden Thread



You're probably a house husband that has endless time to sit around and educate yourself on the plight of the world.

Ive got to work, don't have a lot of time to give a shit about everyone else.

I do find it hilarious that people have that much time to drive around and harass the Biden bus.

I can almost hear old man Biden standing in the window yelling at the "chumps" while shaking his fist, god damn whipper snappers are messing up his nap schedule.


Active member
they follow the Biden bus across the country lmao

don't these retards have jobs?

No they prob don’t have jobs because the govt shut down the industries they worked in... to “prevent” the spread of the “wu flu”

How’d did that work out anyway? Stop the spread did it?
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Active member
Mrs. Berkster!!!

My rights and my 1st amendment!

You promised you'd fight for me!

I saved it in quotes for posterity.
You can accuse me of whatever crimes you desire...
But I’m just gonna say...and we all know this

(And as Paul said in his letter to the apostles)

“Whomever smelt it... thusly dealt it.”
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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
It’s post 2401
He asked me what I was waiting for
I posted that “ I was waiting for his m## to come over.”
Idk how that’s an insult to his m##.,
Really more of an insult to me if you think about it

Oh yeah that's when you were basically called a pedophile,and being into child porn....right?

Deflection for an election,it's another hallmark moment.


Oh yeah that's when you were basically called a pedophile,and being into child porn....right?

Deflection for an election,it's another hallmark moment.

in fairness he talked about Trump supporters, not individual members, also his mum got insulted first. truth is both crossed a line. different lines, but lines non the less.


Active member
Mailed in my mail in ballot yesterday..
After listening to His joe rogan pod I decided to vote for ye
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Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
I'd like to know why trump supporters can personally insult others, while non-trump supporters get censored.

Why can trump supporters talk about child porn openly, while non-trump supporters get censored?

Section 230!

I feel it is the opposite. I have had several posts come up missing. The rep still shows, but the post is long gone.

Some people just get cancelled, like Bearcreekfarms and Shaggy.


Active member
Is there a difference between insinuating someone’s mother is coming over to visit (reasons undisclosed) ?
and claiming someone is currently viewing and trafficking in child pornography?

I know nuance is difficulty for you, but I think if u try real hard you’ll notice one is a common joke and the other is a crime punishable by ten years in a cage
(Splitting hairs I know but it’s a real distinction nonetheless)


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
Well, less than 24 hours from now I'll have cast my vote.

I'll leave you with this quote from Matt Tiabi's latest entry on his website.

In sum, this man who secured the presidency because voters thought his blunt, unvarnished persona might prove a corrective to unchecked elite corruption proved incapable in office of doing anything except complain into his phone, and abuse himself like a zoo gorilla every time a camera was pointed in his direction. Used to getting his way as a petty corporate boss, he was uniquely toolless as a Beltway operator, a man who in a thousand years couldn’t figure out how to use the office to achieve something positive.


Active member
Well, less than 24 hours from now I'll have cast my vote.

I'll leave you with this quote from Matt Tiabi's latest entry on his website.

Idk why tiabi thinks it’s acceptable to take shots at zoo gorillas.
I for one am offended and personally feel it’s a racist dog whistle


Well-known member
I was just proving a point.

None of you trumpets care about censorship, unless it affects you. You sure like to pretend you do, though.

Just like anything else.

Remove all my posts you want. I really don't care.

I will back out. My point in posting here is that I believe in our constitutional rights. I don't care what side of the spectrum anyone is on. We have a bill of rights that no other country has. I will fight to protect that.

Censorship is bad. There are repercussions to words and actions but we enjoy our 1st amendment for a reason.

And again never trumpers...I will fight for y'all to speak...Would you fight for me and my rights? That is the difference between an originalist and a leftist. You are intolerant. While I will fight for your tolerance

Here's a trump supporter on this site talking about viewing child porn in these very threads, as a reminder...

I'll remove his name so that I'm not breaking any rules...

:puke:That pic of hunter bangin the child makes me ill
Cant believe hes taking a selfie of himself doing it
These sick fuckers.....i always knew these fuckers where pedos....but actually seeing it is fucking disturbing :puke:

Here he is contemplating if he can post it here

Photo dumps of bidens being dropped like bombs
And Ashley's diary from rehab/showrs with dad
One photo of hunter fucking what looks to be a young child...sick fuckers
Dumps are being censored as fast as they come out but many screen shots
I dont think you could post on here
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Active member
I was just proving a point.

None of you trumpets care about censorship, unless it affects you. You sure like to pretend you do, though.

Just like anything else.

Remove all my posts you want. I really don't care.

So I wasn’t the guy who posted any of that, yet when I disagree with you... you accused me of trafficking in child porn..

Ur (eXtReMleY sOuNd) thought process was that everyone who supports trump (+ FYI im not a trump supporter) is viewing and propagating the alleged Hunta B. child porn which is a felony punishable by a decade in a cage.

To be honest My dogs Thought process is more rooted in reality
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Well-known member
No. When you insult my mother.

You forget that you threw the first personal insult.

Must be nice to be righteous.

It's time to get over it, buddy


Active member
No. When you insult my mother.

You forget that you threw the first personal insult.

Must be nice to be righteous


I’m not righteous,
But just curious how did I insult ur mother?
From my perspective their isn’t anything insulting about it.
But if ur that sensitive, I apologize for hurting your feelings
N btw I didn’t report ur post.. feel free to accuse me of whatever horrendous crimeS you see fit.
Cause unfounded accusations are just that... They’re nada. I could give a fuk.
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