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Joe Biden Thread


Active member
Cheers bud, love you too.
Iam ...imperfect, fallible, probably more than halfway to a dementia plagued cte death.
I should be no ones example.
Just a stoned dumbass with some questions


Active member
Here's a trump supporter on this site talking about viewing child porn in these very threads, as a reminder...

This is really not an honest argument. He's not "Viewing child pornography". He is looking at inappropriate content of major political significance(potentially anyway, and that is at least what he seems to believe). You surely must know that there is a world of difference between investigating something and seeking it out for your own personal reasons. Are you next going to say that SVU teams and judges/juries who view recordings of rapes and sexual abuse and whatnot all just "vewing" it.

Its fine to argue that you don't believe the photos/videos are legit, and its fine if you happen to personally believe any of the theories about all this; its just not ok to imply people are pedophiles when in fact their interest is exactly the opposite. Its not just rude, its completely dishonest and counterproductive.


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
Biden holds a huge rally in critical PA. Screws up as usual. Chinese would own this guy.


LOL. You don't wear a Delaware Hens jacket to Philly, and claim to be an eagles fan wearing an eagles jacket!

Chalk up another 100k votes for Trump --- Philadelphia Firefighters Union Breaks From National Biden Endorsement To Endorse President Trump
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Well-known member
This is really not an honest argument. He's not "Viewing child pornography". He is looking at inappropriate content of major political significance(potentially anyway, and that is at least what he seems to believe). You surely must know that there is a world of difference between investigating something and seeking it out for your own personal reasons. Are you next going to say that SVU teams and judges/juries who view recordings of rapes and sexual abuse and whatnot all just "vewing" it.

Its fine to argue that you don't believe the photos/videos are legit, and its fine if you happen to personally believe any of the theories about all this; its just not ok to imply people are pedophiles when in fact their interest is exactly the opposite. Its not just rude, its completely dishonest and counterproductive.

Was he investigating or seeking it out for his own personal reasons?

Good point.

What is his intent? Do you know?

I imagine an investigation means that he will present his findings to the proper authorities?

Let me ask this. Did he choose to look at it because he hadn't made up his mind politically, and this would help? I doubt it.

The last thing I will say on this is that I don't believe it's about child porn with him, or hopefully anyone here.

It's about creating havoc in the most disgusting ways possible.
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Active member
Imho a militaristic empire run by corrupt, war mongering, morally degenerate politicians deserves ALL the havoc it can Possibly handle.
Live by the sword, die by the sword kind of thing.
Oh ya, love y’all
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Well-known member
Imho a militaristic empire run by corrupt, war mongering, morally degenerate politicians deserves ALL the havoc it can Possibly handle.
Live by the sword, die by the sword kind of thing.
Oh ya, love y’all

corrupt & morally degenerate politicians? when did we start talking about chump again?:chin:


ICMag Donor
Yup, time to shift the conversation to anything but trump now that it looks like there's going to be some democracy and justice administered.:biggrin:

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
I was just proving a point.

None of you trumpets care about censorship, unless it affects you. You sure like to pretend you do, though.

Just like anything else.

Nonesense. Censorship affects everybody. I for one started going to school to be a journalist and biologist in 2015. Just then Obama and Deep State media rolled out the 'countering fake news and propaghanda act.' This was really a new act to allow censorship and fake news propaganda to be weaponized against the citizens. I was a leftist at that time. I would later vote for Bernie Sanders in the 2016 primary (found out about Q in August 2018. That's when I became a Trump supporter. I used to read what was at the time, left leaning publications such as Project Censored, a media project run by Sonoma State University. They covered what were considered at the time "leftist issues' such as the crimes of the military industrial complex, GMO environmental hazards, crimes against humanity commited by states and institutions, and of course media and propaganda. What happened was the left was fully captured and twisted away from those topics and made to focus on Identity Politics (propaganda?). The media and deepstate turned these issues into 'right wing' issues. The left have alligned with fascists and neo nazis. Take for example Neil DeGrass Tyson who champions GMOs which are mostly owned by Bayer, the Neo nazi company that formed IG Farben (maker of Zyclone B, the gas used to exterminate the jews in the nazi death camps).

"We must treat the Hunter Biden leaks as if they were a foreign intelligence operation - even if they probably aren't."
-Washington Post, democracy dies in darkness

“Even if Russia can’t be positively connected to this information, the story of how Trump associates Steve Bannon and Rudy Giuliani came into a copy of this computer hard drive has not been verified and seems suspect. And if that story could be verified, the NY Post did no forensic work to convince consumers that the emails and photos that are the basis for their report have not been altered, But the biggest reason you haven’t heard much on NPR about the Post story is that the assertions don’t amount to much. We don't want to waste our time on stories that are not really stories, and we don't want to waste the listeners’ and readers’ time on stories that are just pure distractions. And quite frankly, that's where we ended up, this was a politically driven event and we decided to treat it that way.” -NPR, on Hunter Biden's problematic laptop


Kiss My Ring
Here ya go. You clowns read.... well that's a stretch, ya don't read, you watch. Got it. Your outa luck then, she didn't do a you tube.

Sorry, I guess this doesn't concern you then.

For those of you that read, here's the last report by Rachel Bitcoffer. She's was the only researcher that correctly called, and properly modeled the disaster in 2016. That got her some notice, then she went and did it again in House Races in 2018(in all fairness she did miss the Senate though). Here's her final report on the 2020 race.


Check out the early voting numbers? We can do that, but sorry tRump voters, it isn't on You Tube. Again, we gotta do a little digging.... but you can do that here.


And if you'd like me to summarize I can. We're gonna get close to 70% nationwide. Ten points plus over 2016. Landslide territory.
:wtf:read this...
Democracy Institute Poll: Electoral College Landslide for Donald Trump
Nov 2020
President Donald Trump is poised to win re-election in an Electoral College landslide, according to a poll released on Sunday.
The Democracy Institute/Sunday Express poll of 1,500 likely voters was conducted between October 28 and October 30 and shows Trump with a one point lead over Democratic candidate Joe Biden in the national popular vote, 48 percent to 47 percent. Libertarian candidate Jo Jorgensen receives two percent of the vote, and Green Party candidate Howie Hawkins receives one percent of the vote.
The national popular vote results are within the poll’s 2.5 percent margin of error.
The poll also shows the president leading in the Electoral College by a margin of 326 to 212. On election day 2016, the president won 306 Electoral College votes to 232 for Hillary Clinton. The Constitution provides that a candidate must win a majority of the Electoral College votes cast–270 out of 538–to win the presidency.
According to Democracy Institute/Sunday Express poll, Trump leads in all the states he won in 2016, and is poised to gain 20 additional Electoral College votes in three states Hillary Clinton won in 2016: Minnesota (10 Electoral College votes), Nevada (six Electoral College votes), and New Hampshire (four electoral college votes.)
The poll shows President Trump with record levels of support among Black and Hispanic voters.
Nineteen percent of Black voters support President Trump, while 80 percent support Joe Biden. In 2016, President Trump received 8 percent support from Black voters.
Forty percent of Hispanic voters support President Trump, while 50 percent support Joe Biden. In 2016, President Trump received 28 percent support from Hispanic voters.
Fifty-three percent of White voters support the president, while 45 percent support Biden.
Eight-six percent of Trump supporters said they were enthusiastically supporting their candidate, while only 52 percent of Biden supporters were enthusiastic in their support.
Three percent of Biden supporters said they might change their vote before election day, while one percent of Trump supporters said they might change their vote.

The Democracy Institute/Sunday Express poll is one of several that address the issue of the “shy Trump voter,” a voter who will vote for President Trump but is reluctant to share his preference with family members or polling firms.
The approach used to identify “shy Trump voters” among undecided is to ask three “permission” questions, the results of which are included below:
Question: “Does a relative, friend, or coworker plan to vote for Trump?”
• Yes = 79%
• No = 21%
Question: “Will President Trump be reelected?”
• Yes = 62%
• No = 38%
Question: “Which candidate won the second presidential debate?”
• Trump = 59%
• Biden = 41%
President Trump leads Joe Biden in three key battleground states, according to the poll:

  • Florida
    • Trump (Republican) = 49%
    • Biden (Democrat) = 45%
    • Jorgensen (Libertarian) = 2%
    • Hawkins (Green) = 1%
    • Undecided = 3%

  • Minnesota
    • Trump (Republican) = 48%
    • Biden (Democrat) = 46%
    • Jorgensen (Libertarian) = 2%
    • Hawkins (Green) = 2%
    • Undecided = 2%
  • New Hampshire
    • Trump (Republican) = 47%
    • Biden (Democrat) = 43%
    • Jorgensen (Libertarian) = 5%
    • Hawkins (Green) = 2%
    • Undecided = 3%
The results of the Democracy Institute/Sunday Express poll stand in contrast to the Real Clear Politics Average of Polls, which currently shows Joe Biden with a 7.6 point lead over President Trump in the national popular vote, and with a 216 to 125 lead in the Electoral College, with 197 toss ups.
The Democracy Institute/Sunday Express poll is one of the few national polls to ask respondents their views on the burgeoning Biden family corruption scandal, and the results appear to be devastating for Joe Biden’s presidential campaign.
When asked, “Who do you believe is telling the truth about alleged Biden family corruption?” 57 percent of poll respondents said Tony Bobulinski while only 43 percent said Joe Biden.
As Breitbart News reported, Bobulinski is the former Biden family business associate who has provided swaths of documentary evidence to the media and FBI that support his statement that he met personally on two occasions in 2017 with Joe Biden to discuss a business deal involving Hunter Biden and a Chinese company:
“I have heard Joe Biden say he’s never discussed the business with Hunter — that is false,” [Bobulinksi] continued. “I have firsthand knowledge about this because I directly dealt with the Biden family, including Joe Biden.”
He explained that “Sinohawk” was named “Sino” for the Chinese side and “hawk” in honor of the late Beau Biden, Joe Biden’s other son, whose favorite animal was a hawk.
He also said that $5 million that was to have been invested by the Chinese into the company was instead placed in an account controlled by Hunter Biden. He said that he had not known that until the publication in September of a Senate Homeland Security Committee report by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI), which described how the $5 million had been siphoned off by Hunter Biden as “consulting fees.”
When asked, “Does alleged Biden family corruption make you more or less likely to vote for Joe Biden for president?,” 21 percent of respondents said it made them less likely to vote for Biden, four percent said it made them more likely, and 75 percent said it made no difference.
When asked, “Is Joe Biden a corrupt politician?,” a majority of respondents–52 percent–said yes, while 44 percent said no.
When asked, “In light of alleged Biden family corruption, do you consider Joe Biden a national security threat?,” 54 percent of respondents said yes, while 46 percent said no.
“The Republican’s vote is a very efficient one, as it was in 2016. This is the president’s Trump card,” Democracy Institute Executive Director Patrick Basham told the Sunday Express:
Trump’s voters are more evenly dispersed across the country than are Biden’s.
Biden’s comparatively inefficient vote is likely to mirror Hillary Clinton’s from four years ago. Biden will do incredibly well in the heavily populated states of California, Illinois, New Jersey, and New York. In these states, and in others reliably painted a deep Democratic blue, he will rack up enormous margins of victory over Trump, providing him with the potential to score a national popular vote victory, yet probably depriving him of sufficient votes in Iowa, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, Arizona, North Carolina, and Florida to turn Trump into a one-term president.
Sunday’s release represents the final installment of the Democracy Institute/Sunday Express polls on the 2020 presidential race.

they follow the Biden bus across the country lmao

don't these retards have jobs?
it's was the fucking weekend, you're the one so out of touch.

Yup, time to shift the conversation to anything but trump now that it looks like there's going to be some democracy and justice administered.:biggrin:
sorry, i'm not shifting away from Trump.
i'd like my grandkids to have a future....

THE MASK IS OFF: Kamala Harris Endorses Communism Two Days Out From Election Day (VIDEO)

THE MASK IS OFF. Democrat Vice Presidential candidate Kamala Harris endorsed Communism with just two days to go until Election Day.
Kamala Harris was rated the most liberal senator in the senate.
Just like Trump says, ‘Kamala Harris makes crazy Bernie look like a moderate.’
TRENDING: THE MASK IS OFF: Kamala Harris Endorses Communism Two Days Out From Election Day (VIDEO)
Kamala Harris on Sunday endorsed Communism, “Equitable treatment means we all end up in the same place,” she said.
Translation: “Equitable treatment means you all end up a pile of skulls.”
“Equality and equity are not the same thing,” Harris said.
Kamala Harris said that equality is not enough because “not everybody’s starting out from the same place.”
“Equitable treatment means we all end up at the same place,” she said.
This is literal Communism.


Active member
You seem to be excessively infatuated with someone pointing out child sexual abuse
People who do this are usually trying to shed some deep subconscious guilt issues they have as a result
Of being a young victim/perpetrator themselves. .
I can only hope that my drawing attention to this deviant behavior will serve as a catalyst for you to purge any past or present involvement in any related
Acts of depravity with children
I would urge you to seek professional help... your absolution will not be found in the cofines of this site ..

Good luck sandy :tiphat:

Your pedo concerns originate with Q’s 2017 emergence, which coincide with Trumps/Epstein pedo stuff, making it a projection on your part.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Your pedo concerns originate with Q’s 2017 emergence, which coincide with Trumps/Epstein pedo stuff, making it a projection on your part.

For some of us, the concerns started when we looked into the art collection of James Alefantis. And, then noted the lack of concern and an interest in censoring, covering, or changing the subject or, even more often, attacking those with concerns (people like me) in order to protect political elites.




This is really not an honest argument. He's not "Viewing child pornography". He is looking at inappropriate content of major political significance(potentially anyway, and that is at least what he seems to believe). You surely must know that there is a world of difference between investigating something and seeking it out for your own personal reasons. Are you next going to say that SVU teams and judges/juries who view recordings of rapes and sexual abuse and whatnot all just "vewing" it.

Its fine to argue that you don't believe the photos/videos are legit, and its fine if you happen to personally believe any of the theories about all this; its just not ok to imply people are pedophiles when in fact their interest is exactly the opposite. Its not just rude, its completely dishonest and counterproductive.

you and i might disagree on some things, but you talk a lot of sense and you are not stuck in a partisan opinion trap. you think, analyse and present your thoughts logically.

some people are literally at the point where they will say the sky is not blue if Trump happens to say it is.