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Joe Biden Thread


Active member
Spreader of mo disinformation.

Everybody sees right through it.

There is zero information (or disinformation) in that post ur commenting on.
Just one guys opinion (Mine) on matters of morality.
But thank you for showing us how even one mans opinion cannot be tolerated by the “tolerant” left if it deviates from their narrative one iota.
Soon y’all will be able to actually jail those whose views you disagree with.
What a glorious day for the revolution that will be eh comrade ?


Well-known member
There is zero information (or disinformation) in that post ur commenting on.
Just one guys opinion (Mine) on matters of morality.
But thank you for showing us how even one mans opinion cannot be tolerated by the “tolerant” left if it deviates from their narrative one iota.
Soon y’all will be able to actually jail those whose views you disagree with.
What a glorious day for the revolution that will be eh comrade ?

If you were concerned with morality you would not here in support of the hate spreading, constantly lying, whore fucking piece of shit excuse for a human we have in office. The one with several sexual assualt cases. The one with several wives. The one who has gone bankrupt and screwed over hundreds of people through the years.

You are here to troll and lie.


If you were concerned with morality you would not here in support of the hate spreading, constantly lying, whore fucking piece of shit excuse for a human we have in office. The one with several sexual assualt cases. The one with several wives. The one who has gone bankrupt and screwed over hundreds of people through the years.

You are here to troll and lie.

Outta reps.

... no worries homies, i got y’all


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
Information needs to be digested before swallowing.


A single figure for a quarter (and it was Covid quarter) cannot tell the whole story.

I have been saving every 2020 "Deep State" quarter I run across.


And the WuFlu quarter. These sicko's in the .guv have a twisted sense of humor. Must come from eating too much pizza.


One thing I really like about Trump is he has squashed the jemimah $20 bill, and is keeping the Jackson. Oboma made him walk past a huge picture of that woman's mug on inauguration day parade, and like the speech at the correspondents dinner, he remembered.


Active member
I have been saving every 2020 "Deep State" quarter I run across.


And the WuFlu quarter. These sicko's in the .guv have a twisted sense of humor. Must come from eating too much pizza.


One thing I really like about Trump is he has squashed the jemimah $20 bill, and is keeping the Jackson. Oboma made him walk past a huge picture of that woman's mug on inauguration day parade, and like the speech at the correspondents dinner, he remembered.

Not a surprise. The only Democrats today's GOP support and like are the racists from the 1800's.


One of Obama/Bidens greatest accomplishments before leaving office.

He besically lifted the regulations on some of the harshest agriculture chemicals to be used on our food and fiber crops.

Obama EPA’s last-minute moves on chemicals
Agency releases slew of actions on pesticides, toxics, and nanomaterials

by Britt E. Erickson , Jessica Morrison

Just days before President Trump took office, EPA proposed to ban or restrict two chemicals—methylene chloride and N-methylpyrrolidone—in paint removers.

In a last minute push to get several rules out before the Trump Administration took control, the Obama Environmental Protection Agency released a series of regulations, proposals, and policies affecting chemicals. The actions involve pesticides, toxic solvents, and nanoscale materials.

Drawing shows chemical structure of N-methylpyrrolidone.
Many of the moves had long been in the works, including three pesticide-related actions announced on Jan. 12. In one, EPA expanded the use of Dow AgroScience’s herbicide Enlist Duo, a combination of glyphosate and 2,4-D. The controversial mixture can now be sprayed on cotton that has been genetically modified to tolerate the chemicals, as well as on corn and soybeans in 34 U.S. states.

Environmental groups are infuriated by EPA’s decision to expand the use of the herbicide mixture. EPA first approved Enlist Duo for use on corn and soybeans in a handful of states in 2014, but then found information in a patent application that suggested synergistic effects would increase the product’s toxicity. EPA subsequently asked a federal court to overturn the approval.

In November 2016, after receiving additional data from Dow, EPA said that it agrees with the company that the two active ingredients do not amplify each other’s toxicity.

Earlier this month, the Center for Biological Diversity, an environmental group, submitted a Freedom of Information Act request seeking data from four unpublished studies by Dow that EPA relied on in making its decision. “EPA’s about-face on Enlist Duo was very sudden and came only after it received a handful of unpublished studies on the pesticide from Dow,” says Nathan Donley, a senior scientist at the center.

In a separate move, EPA released draft assessments of four neonicotinoid pesticides, finding that some spray applications pose potential risks to bees and other pollinators. The agency also released voluntary guidelines for labeling all moderately to highly toxic pesticides to protect pollinators during blooming times. Granting the requests of pesticide makers, EPA eased restrictions for some applications.

The part of EPA that oversees the safety of chemicals in household and industrial products also was active during the last days of the Obama Administration. On Jan. 13, the agency released three proposals intended to ensure that EPA meets several June deadlines under the revised Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA).

One of the proposals would require chemical manufacturers and importers to notify EPA of chemicals they are producing. Another would establish a process for EPA to choose chemicals for risk evaluation. The third would set out a process for EPA to evaluate chemicals’ risks.

Photo shows a tractor spraying a field of small vegetation with a line of palm trees and mountains in the background.
Credit: Jeff Vanuga, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service

EPA’s actions on pesticides affect neonicotinoids and a combination of glyphosate and 2,4-D.
Drawing shows chemical structure of the pesticide 2,4-D.
Chemical makers and environmental groups are praising EPA for proposing those processes in time to meet the June deadlines that Congress mandated for finalizing them under the new TSCA. But the American Chemistry Council, which represents chemical manufacturers, is urging the agency to provide clearer criteria for identifying low- and high-priority chemicals.

Drawing shows chemical structure of the pesticide glyphosate.
“The risk-based prioritization rule must do more than address procedural requirements,” ACC says. “It must explain how statutory decisions will be based on the best available science and the weight of the scientific evidence.”

EPA also released two proposals that would ban certain uses of three common solvents under TSCA. One proposal would prohibit trichloroethylene in vapor degreasing. The other would bar the use of methylene chloride in paint removers and ban or restrict N-methylpyrrolidone in paint removers. EPA says it has identified unreasonable human health risks associated with such uses. The fate of these proposed rules under the Trump Administration is uncertain.

In yet another action, EPA on Jan. 12 finalized a long-awaited data collection rule for commercial nanoscale materials. The regulation requires manufacturers of certain new and existing nanomaterials to report data that includes chemical identity, manufacturing methods, production volume, and available health and safety information. The one-time reporting rule applies to commercial materials with dimensions approximately 1–100 nm at any production volume.

The rule is not meant “to conclude that nanoscale materials will cause harm to human health or the environment,” EPA says. The agency says the effort will help it decide if it needs more data about nanoscale materials for risk reviews under TSCA

“This basic rule has been a very long time coming,” says Richard Denison, a lead senior scientist at the Environmental Defense Fund, an advocacy group. “EPA can at last begin to get basic risk-relevant information needed to make sound decisions about which materials and uses present concerns and which do not.”


Active member
If you were concerned with morality you would not here in support of the hate spreading, constantly lying, whore fucking piece of shit excuse for a human we have in office. The one with several sexual assualt cases. The one with several wives. The one who has gone bankrupt and screwed over hundreds of people through the years.

You are here to troll and lie.

Another false dichotomy..
U have been a disappointing student young padwan
Also I don’t think whore is a social justice warrior approved term. The proper verbiage is sex worker.
Thank you and good day
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Are you aware of how many millions of people have died under communism?

I've had a few friends from Cambodia and have heard the stories of how and why their families came here as refugees from the Khmer Rouge.

You only know communism as this sweet story that's been sold to you by bernie but it was a blood bath in Cambodia and basically anywhere else that communism had thrived or tried to take over.

True fascism only makes up a very small part of world history where as communism has kept killing since it's invention until modern day.

You've been drinking too much soy flavored kool aid mr free thinker.


Active member
I'm glad Twitter, FB, and Instagram censor people.

Does anybody want those sites filled with porn, porn ads, beheading video's, and allow a 4chan atmosphere to run amok?

Great job showing your Soviet side. Only cowards, and tyrants support censorship.

Oh, please big evil government, protect me from those evil words.

It will come for you, but your not smart enough to realize.

Just curious, what other constitutional rights are you prepared to lose?

If you lose the right to free speech, you also lose the right to protest. I guess we better lock up the BLM, Antifa protesters.


Well-known member
Are you aware of how many millions of people have died under communism?

I've had a few friends from Cambodia and have heard the stories of how and why their families came here as refugees from the Khmer Rouge.

You only know communism as this sweet story that's been sold to you but bernie but it was a blood bath in Cambodia and basically anywhere else that communism had thrived or tried to take over.

True fascism only makes up a very small part of world history where as communism has kept killing since it's invention until modern day.

You've been drinking too much soy flavored kool aid mr free thinker.
Strawman. .


Active member
If you were concerned with morality you would not here in support of the hate spreading, constantly lying, whore fucking piece of shit excuse for a human we have in office. The one with several sexual assualt cases. The one with several wives. The one who has gone bankrupt and screwed over hundreds of people through the years.

You are here to troll and lie.

Awe those scary words, hurt your feelings again. Lol. Such a manly man.