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Joe Biden Thread


Well-known member


Keep telling yourself that. Seriously.


Well-known member
I don't get this. How does one make it okay for the other? How is this a legitimate talking point? How the hell do you cats normalize this behavior from grown men?

Oh... but but but... your guy did it too!


If those were your children would it still be a okay?

Are all you folks outta your ever loving gourds?

ah, ffs sigh.

It means if the republicans were fine with electing someone who admits to sexual assault on audio tape, what makes you think sniffing people would matter? Cant have it both ways.

If the right didn't elect Trump this all might still matter.

But again lol, here we are lol.


ICMag Donor
I know math is hard and everything. But that's not how that works.

When you start at one baseline and lose 31.8% like we did in Q2, you you start at the new lower baseline for Q3. We're still upside down about 8 points. And if you go from Q1, we're upside down about 11.

Real GDP jumped at a 33.1% rate in the third quarter, but remained 3.5% below the the peak hit prior to the crisis in the fourth quarter of 2019. That means we are still down almost as much as we were during the height of the Great Recession in 2008-09.

Looked at another way, some $670 billion in economic activity has vanished — the equivalent of what the U.S. is spending on the military this year.

The human cost is evident in rising business failures and the U.S.’s high unemployment rate. Nearly 11 million of the 22 million people who lost their jobs at the peak of the crisis in the early spring haven’t returned to work. And millions of self-employed workers have also been left out in the cold.

The lost economic activity — and all the jobs and businesses they represent — is not going to come back right away, either.

The record 33.1% annualized surge in gross domestic product in the third quarter is likely to slow to 3% or so in the final three months of 2020.

“The outlook [for the fourth quarter] is very shaky in our view,” said chief economist Aneta Markowska of Jefferies LLC. “The economy has already lost a lot of momentum.”


Active member
I'm glad Twitter, FB, and Instagram censor people.

Does anybody want those sites filled with porn, porn ads, beheading video's, and allow a 4chan atmosphere to run amok?

Its not even entirely clear that most of that falls under free speech. The way free speech has been used to justify pornography studios for example is intensely stretching the concept of the first amendment. We can argue as to if those things should be protected or not, but the first amendment was clearly written to address free religious and political speech and frankly a lot of things we call first amendment issues don't really meet that bar.


Well-known member
the leftist response to corporate censorship is to break those companies up into smaller entities (which creates competition and breaks up near monopolistic practices), & to nationalize those services as modern day public utilities equivalent to the telephone of it's day.

twitter, facebook, youtube, message boards, etc are the new public/town square. they should not be owned and controlled by private interests, interests that do not align with free speech and the average american.


twitter, facebook, youtube, message boards, etc are the new public/town square. they should not be owned and controlled by private interests, interests that do not align with free speech and the average american.


On a side walk in publicly owned space you have a right to free speech.

On a privately owned internet website, video website, forum, your freedom to speak your mind is 100% controlled at the discretion of the media platforms owner.

There is no free speech on the internet if the owner of the space doesn't agree with you or wants to silence your opinion.

Same goes for private property, if you bring your commie BS onto my lawn I have every right to kick you off or call the cops to come remove you.
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ICMag Donor
I heard something when I lived overseas that I have not spent time researching but supposedly it was a conversation with lenin about when the USSR would attack the USA militarily and the response I was told was " attack the USA? We don't need to attack the USA. All we have to do is to confuse the language and America will break down from the inside.

Can anyone document that?

Speaking of things I haven't documented, I "heard" way back when that ladybird johnson and her wonderful family was a major stock holder in bell helicopters. Can anyone document that?

Man am I high, it's good to be high. Most of the fking time I'm in too much pain to get high. I pray for pain relief of the physical kind. But just got this new strain and my whole body went limp, like when they give you the injection right before a CT scan and you feel that warmth travel down the body ( Ok ok not THAT strong lol ) but just feeling good, peace on earth, good will toward mankind and all. Carry on, thank you for your most kind latitude: ( I can't stop! ) Not feeling a day over 65 today!

How many of you are there again?


Kiss My Ring
npr is majority funded by corporations so no
aren't you condemning the corporate involvement in government, you know fascism?
then why aren't you condemning corporate support in media?

an awful lot of foundations donating to NPR are leftist in nature, are you also condemning them?


Active member
I heard something when I lived overseas that I have not spent time researching but supposedly it was a conversation with lenin about when the USSR would attack the USA militarily and the response I was told was " attack the USA? We don't need to attack the USA. All we have to do is to confuse the language and America will break down from the inside.

Can anyone document that?

Its hard to say that most quotes attributed to Lenin are for real. The guy only lived like 6 years after the Revolution and wasn't even present for the Revolution itself(nor was Trotsky for a lot of it interestingly enough). I do know that Krushchev said something like "We don't need to raise the communist banner over America; one day they'll raise it themselves". I know I am getting the exact wording wrong, but its along those lines.

Speaking of things I haven't documented, I "heard" way back when that ladybird johnson and her wonderful family was a major stock holder in bell helicopters. Can anyone document that?

President Johnson used his wife as investment cover for all sorts of unethical trading. The biggest thing she owned relative to the war was major shares in Brown & Root(which later merged with a little company called Halliburton). The exact same corporate structure that plundered Vietnam also plundered Iraq.

Man am I high, it's good to be high. Most of the fking time I'm in too much pain to get high. I pray for pain relief of the physical kind. But just got this new strain and my whole body went limp, like when they give you the injection right before a CT scan and you feel that warmth travel down the body ( Ok ok not THAT strong lol ) but just feeling good, peace on earth, good will toward mankind and all. Carry on, thank you for your most kind latitude: ( I can't stop! ) Not feeling a day over 65 today!

How many of you are there again?

Sure could use some of whatever that is. What strain is it? We're currently smoking some really leafy outdoor stuff that people in a legal state would probably just make hash out of. It sure would be nice to have some weed that really had some good body effects. My partner and I can barely eat most of the time and it takes pretty heavy use to even keep up with it.


Well-known member
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aren't you condemning the corporate involvement in government, you know fascism?

then why aren't you condemning corporate support in media?
i do

an awful lot of foundations donating to NPR are leftist in nature, are you also condemning them?

i see lots of investment firms, corporations, and colleges. don't see too many "leftist" foundations. Unless you're trying to say ExxonMobile, Facebook, Colleges, Banks, and the History Channel are leftists lol.



ICMag Donor
I thank you [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Klompen

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] It's a durban poison but from a favorite place . It's just this particular strain of it perhaps and the right time as it's all over now and the band has stopped playing........but it sure was nice for a little while[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

:headbange:party:[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][/FONT]