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Joe Biden Thread


Active member
I love how you full of yourself liberals think anyone that votes for trump is some kind of low class knuckle dragging mouth breather.

There's just as many slum dwelling, entitlement voting welfare cases that vote democrat, infact I'd say at least 75% of the democrat voters fit this description.

The remaining 25% is fart sniffing prius driving gender bending soy loving limp wristed idiots that walk around reminding everyone they meet that they paid too much for their college degree.

One thing I've noticed living in one of the biggest liberal shit holes in the nation is that next to every affluent liberal community there is a poor community right next door comprised mostly of immigrants. The reason why the higher class liberals are such champions of illegal immigration is because these people serve as the servant population. The liberals love cheap labor, they need them to mow their lawns, watch their kids, collect their trash, serve them food and pour their coffee for a nice cheap hourly wage.

You make it too easy. Your daily fake outrage is cute.


"The Trump Organization fired at least 18 undocumented workers last year after media reports revealed the extent of its use of undocumented labor, per the Post. Many of those same employees are the ones who have been cooperating with the attorney general's office."


ICMag Donor
NEW AUDIO: Hunter Biden caught discussing partnership with China 'spy chief'

NEW AUDIO: Hunter Biden caught discussing partnership with China 'spy chief'

NEW AUDIO: Hunter Biden caught discussing partnership with China 'spy chief'


Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
I haven't been paying attention to the news much lately, but I don't get this Hunter Biden thing? He's not running for president so who the fuck cares what he's done? Same goes for Trumps kids, I think it's really poor taste to drag someones family into a partisan argument, never seen that with previous presidents family members. It's like each side are just grasping at all the straws they can. Except Jared Kushner, fuck that Michael Cera/Patrick Bateman looking mother fucker.

It has everything to do with Joe because the emails show he got 50%of everything Hunter got. That would include $5,000,000 out of the $10,000,000 that hunter would charge people for introductions to the Vice President for business purposes. It was just like a mafia movie. And, it is bull shit that he passed the laws which locked up, predominently black men, while his son smokes crack and does not go to jail. I hear there is a pic of hunter weighing 4.98grams of crack on a scale and smiling like "Daddy told me not to have 5 grams..." It shows that all of those big names who voted to impeach Trump were "key Business contacts" for Burrisma, the company that the 'impeachment coup' was based around. Which Joe and all the Deep State players lied to the american people about. This all means that Joe would not be qualified to hold the security clearances needed to be President of the US.


ICMag Donor
Speaking of Key West.....hahaha
Just booked another ABC cruise (aruba,bonaire,curacao)
For January 2022,hope this shit is over by then

Been to 2 out of 3 of those and you should have a great time! There's no waves in Aruba. It's like a giant warm water bathtub in the caribean. :good:


Well-known member
Need a laugh?

For the past couple of days Fox News Fuckwadd Tucker Carlson has been promising a giant document dump live on his show. The documents were suppose to be proof that Hunter was sleeping with the Chinese.... or something like that. Tony Bubbalinski gave him an interview, and also promised delivery of the mysterious "documents". He even pulled some extra days out of it to build up the suspense. And today the documents were suppose to be delivered, but alas, the deep state stepped in and went and spoiled it. It seems, like all of tRumptards dreams, the envelope had nothing in it. Oh My! they were gone! Tucker went on his show tonight and said that this package sent to California, where he was interviewing Bubbalinski arrived, it was open and was also, like tRumptards dreams, empty.

Naturally, you know Fox, an investigation was launched. They checked and double checked. They interviewed everyone that touched the envelope, went above and beyond, but the documents were not found. He also said "a major carrier" was in charge of the documents.... but won't name them. Isn't that a shame? It's like they never existed, because when I have earth shattering documents in my possession, I found it to be bad luck to make copies. Nope, one is enough....

It must be a drag, like throwing a party and nobody shows up. You go the best computer people in the world and tell them "We need to do it again Make up some shit on Hunter, make it bad, suck Joe in too". And they do. But unlike 2016 this is 2020 and the country has had enough of the Orange turd. The big story is there is no big story. The Wallstreet Journal won't touch it. Fox business won't touch it. They are reduced to You Tube, and frankly nobody gets their news from You Tube. Nobody cares, no matter how long you scream. It's almost sad.... if it wasn't so funny.


Active member
I think your biggest problem here is that you're under the illusion that an organized "Left Wing" actually exists in the USA. While the Left-Right political spectrum is more complete when the cross-axis of authoritarianism is factored in; the definitions involved are solid and you're using them wrong. You truly do not seem to understand what the word "Fascist" means. It literally makes no sense at all how you are using it. You don't understand the difference between "authoritarianism" and "fascism".


often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition


Your disingenuous "example" of a hypocritical group is based on this Neo-Fascist meme that would convince people that whites are on the verge of extermination despite all available evidence firmly showing otherwise. Certainly would be a lot less white folks in the BLM protests if the goal truly was to wipe out white people.

Obama waged so much war for the same reason Clinton did; They're really Republicans at heart.

Don't believe me?


This doesn't mean that the Far-Right is now suddenly Left though. Please learn your terminology before you mangle it again.

I honestly don't believe in left/right linear political catagorization. There are too many variabilities for that to be a sensible way to understand political philosophies. For instance, a anti-racist movement could theoretically blame racism on one ethnic group and erraticate that group through genocide. So, would that be a far left group moving far right? No. It is simply fascist violence against 'others.'
Instead of "left/right," maybe a better way to do it linearly is a line from liberty and equality to fascism and social heirarchy. Antifa would be far to the fascist side for example. So would those who want to force vaccinate whereas I would be far along on the liberty and equality side of the line.

Remember when the left was anti-war and then the Obama admin made war okay again? That is why left vs right is just an erroneous way of looking at things.
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Active member
Who the fuck do you think kept that culture alive and lead the way on the fight against the injustice of prohibition? Now you're pushing fascist memes from the same people who gave us sayings like "Just say no", and who have imprisoned and enslaved us for something literally harmless. Its offensive as hell to see people like you on here, with no appreciation for the blacks, hispanics, hippies, and other people who your team shows contempt for. There would be no legal cannabis scene if bootlicking conservatives were behind it.

Awfully full of yourself that's quite apparent.

Humans have been using cannabis for over 5000 years.

It doesn't belong to you or me, no coast, no state, no country, no culture, no race, no religion, no gender, no political orientation none of that BS. It certainly is ripping away quite hard from coast to coast cali is no longer the epicenter as legalization sweeps the country.


Active member
AOC will be old enough to run for president in 2024.

Please no. She is such a fake. I had high hopes for her, but she's utterly fake. When Congress was voting on the largest upward transfer of wealth in human history: AOC didn't even bother to show up for the vote. She's just another layer of right-wing control.


Active member
Who the fuck do you think kept that culture alive and lead the way on the fight against the injustice of prohibition? Now you're pushing fascist memes from the same people who gave us sayings like "Just say no", and who have imprisoned and enslaved us for something literally harmless. Its offensive as hell to see people like you on here, with no appreciation for the blacks, hispanics, hippies, and other people who your team shows contempt for. There would be no legal cannabis scene if bootlicking conservatives were behind it.

You need to upgrade....political parties change and evolve over the years...as you know at one time it was the democrats that brought us the kkk and other extreme radical idealism of that ilk
What is offensive is that you have the audacity to assume you and your team are the only true warriors
That have fought for cannabis
To assume someone cannot love their country and love cannabis is a ridiculus notion
In 2016 michigan voted trump and legalized marijuna at the same time that was us pushing that thru after years of fighting the good fight
And now it is the democrats who are trying to put
Biden and harris in office harris has been responsible for pushing heavy sentences for marijuana offenses...look it up...and biden has been no friend to the pot culture either
Just say no was 40 years ago bro....time to retire
Those big bell hip huggers and join the rest of the grown ups
You are not a unique and special butterfly...so stop swinging from your own nuts sunshine


ICMag Donor
You need to upgrade....political parties change and evolve over the years...as you know at one time it was the democrats that brought us the kkk and other extreme radical idealism of that ilk
What is offensive is that you have the audacity to assume you and your team are the only true warriors
That have fought for cannabis
To assume someone cannot love their country and love cannabis is a ridiculus notion
In 2016 michigan voted trump and legalized marijuna at the same time that was us pushing that thru after years of fighting the good fight
And now it is the democrats who are trying to put
Biden and harris in office harris has been responsible for pushing heavy sentences for marijuana offenses...look it up...and biden has been no friend to the pot culture either
Just say no was 40 years ago bro....time to retire
Those big bell hip huggers and join the rest of the grown ups
You are not a unique and special butterfly...so stop swinging from your own nuts sunshine

Biden stated he will legalize. This is nonsense.

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Comfortably numb!
Please no. She is such a fake. I had high hopes for her, but she's utterly fake. When Congress was voting on the largest upward transfer of wealth in human history: AOC didn't even bother to show up for the vote. She's just another layer of right-wing control.
Talk about a delusional "fruitcake"


Active member
If only you were smart enough to realize that the Democrats are not actually leftists and neither is the Republican Party. There are no Leftists in power and there have been none in power in the USA. EVER.

You need to upgrade....political parties change and evolve over the years...as you know at one time it was the democrats that brought us the kkk and other extreme radical idealism of that ilk
What is offensive is that you have the audacity to assume you and your team are the only true warriors
That have fought for cannabis
To assume someone cannot love their country and love cannabis is a ridiculus notion
In 2016 michigan voted trump and legalized marijuna at the same time that was us pushing that thru after years of fighting the good fight
And now it is the democrats who are trying to put
Biden and harris in office harris has been responsible for pushing heavy sentences for marijuana offenses...look it up...and biden has been no friend to the pot culture either
Just say no was 40 years ago bro....time to retire
Those big bell hip huggers and join the rest of the grown ups
You are not a unique and special butterfly...so stop swinging from your own nuts sunshine

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