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Joe Biden Thread


ICMag Donor
Oh and don't forget to stock up.

You will probably need the visual aid.



Active member
Times have changed. You're living in the past.

Vote for the guy who will legalize pot and stop whining.

My states all legal so i dont worry about it
But you should get your shit straight...your sounding
Like Biden....maybe ease up on the whippets a notch
Times have changed. You're living in the past.

Vote for the guy who will legalize pot and stop whining.

yeah I just did that two years ago he said within 100 days it would be legal
hell I figured this time it was the real deal since he had all dems in the house and senate or w/e was needed

I put aside all the times the dems promised things over and over and never even tried to deliver
I bet that gov Christie(scum bag) clone would have at least had it de crim by now
of coarse it was never made legal
if they just made it fines only for small grows I would be happy at this point


ICMag Donor
at this point

yeah I just did that two years ago he said within 100 days it would be legal
hell I figured this time it was the real deal since he had all dems in the house and senate or w/e was needed

I put aside all the times the dems promised things over and over and never even tried to deliver
I bet that gov Christie(scum bag) clone would have at least had it de crim by now
of coarse it was never made legal
if they just made it fines only for small grows I would be happy at this point

Christie is scum. You bet on the wrong guy.
He did put Kushners daddy in jail, so he's got that going for him.

It's legal here in Mass.:D



ahh - gentlemen - can we not proceed without the petty insults? - I know you disagree on what geriatric cabal actor you want in the White House - and it is entertaining to tag-along and see how things transpire from an outsiders point of view - but it does somewhat sully the discourse - if we are to revert to the tribal - rather than continue with the civil exchange of ideas, news and opinions - here on ICMAG -

it will be a relief when they decide which geriatric cabal actor will lead them, lmao.


ICMag Donor
My states all legal so i dont worry about it
But you should get your shit straight...your sounding
Like Biden....maybe ease up on the whippets a notch

My Whipmaster got retired to legitimate duty a long long time ago.


Gaius, It is true that all houses in your country have bomb shelters in the basements, right? Complete with air lock entryways?

yes, every Swiss citizen has a designated spot in a bomb shelter with air filtration systems that can even be manually cranked in emergencies. some buildings share bomb shelters, but every resident has a designated shelter. basically every building has to have shelter spots in the cellar, some use the shelters as storage space, but legally you have to be able to use it for shelter on short notice. even private houses have the bomb shelters, not sure if its still legally required to add them if you are building a new building nowadays though, but the law from 1978 mandated every building to have bomb shelters with metal framing for bunk beds, portable toilets and the air filtration equipment. never lived in a building that didnt have those fucking great blast proof doors leading to some under ground bunker type area.


Well-known member
yes, every Swiss citizen has a designated spot in a bomb shelter with air filtration systems that can even be manually cranked in emergencies. some buildings share bomb shelters, but every resident has a designated shelter. basically every building has to have shelter spots in the cellar, some use the shelters as storage space, but legally you have to be able to use it for shelter on short notice. even private houses have the bomb shelters, not sure if its still legally required to add them if you are building a new building nowadays though, but the law from 1978 mandated every building to have bomb shelters with metal framing for bunk beds, portable toilets and the air filtration equipment. never lived in a building that didnt have those fucking great blast proof doors leading to some under ground bunker type area.

Who would have figured the birthplace of LSD cares about the well being of their people?


They are also not a war with anyone.


  • alex-Grey-new-eleusis_WEB.jpg
    177.2 KB · Views: 14


ICMag Donor
It's Lucy about to pull the football and make Charlie Brown kick at the air - one last time.


ICMag Donor
yes, every Swiss citizen has a designated spot in a bomb shelter with air filtration systems that can even be manually cranked in emergencies. some buildings share bomb shelters, but every resident has a designated shelter. basically every building has to have shelter spots in the cellar, some use the shelters as storage space, but legally you have to be able to use it for shelter on short notice. even private houses have the bomb shelters, not sure if its still legally required to add them if you are building a new building nowadays though, but the law from 1978 mandated every building to have bomb shelters with metal framing for bunk beds, portable toilets and the air filtration equipment. never lived in a building that didnt have those fucking great blast proof doors leading to some under ground bunker type area.

Yeah, A buddy has a place in Verbier and he told me about the shelter. I had to see it and holy crap, it was serious. Later he showed me some of the secret bunkers and told me how the military service was with the meetings at the bunkers. I've been to Basel and Geneve many, many times for work and several vacations in the mountains for play. Deutsche sprache? It's very similar to dutch.

There's even more crazy stuff with holes cut in the sides of mountains, but we'll leave that alone. My point was when you mentioned the Kabal, there is all kinds of crazy political stuff going on in the world and the way people or countries react to it can be very extreme, like the shelters.


Your ignorance is showing.

Getting a little stressed out there in trump land.

I'm sitting here on the clock getting paid well to post memes all day, no stress here just enjoying trump's economy.

I'm sure you've got the ellen show going on one tv, the view going on the other while NPR plays on the radio in the background while you eat your big bowl of welfare flakes swimming in soy milk.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
I think your biggest problem here is that you're under the illusion that an organized "Left Wing" actually exists in the USA. While the Left-Right political spectrum is more complete when the cross-axis of authoritarianism is factored in; the definitions involved are solid and you're using them wrong. You truly do not seem to understand what the word "Fascist" means. It literally makes no sense at all how you are using it. You don't understand the difference between "authoritarianism" and "fascism".


often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition


Your disingenuous "example" of a hypocritical group is based on this Neo-Fascist meme that would convince people that whites are on the verge of extermination despite all available evidence firmly showing otherwise. Certainly would be a lot less white folks in the BLM protests if the goal truly was to wipe out white people.

Obama waged so much war for the same reason Clinton did; They're really Republicans at heart.

Don't believe me?


This doesn't mean that the Far-Right is now suddenly Left though. Please learn your terminology before you mangle it again.

I didn't say the far right has moved far left.

Dictionaries do a poor job of defining Fascism and base it on historic examples, while ignoring other instances which don't have all of those traits. The simplified definition is more appropriate:

Fascism: The forceable suppression of opposition.

Authoritarianism is what the Dems and Deep State have re-branded as 'science.' While real science is 'forceably suppressed.'


having the bunkers is from the cold war, we swiss were watching the US and the soviets goading each other with nuclear weapons, so decided it be a good move to be ready for when the military industrial complex on either side finally lose their collective shit and launch ww3

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Who the fuck do you think kept that culture alive and lead the way on the fight against the injustice of prohibition? Now you're pushing fascist memes from the same people who gave us sayings like "Just say no", and who have imprisoned and enslaved us for something literally harmless. Its offensive as hell to see people like you on here, with no appreciation for the blacks, hispanics, hippies, and other people who your team shows contempt for. There would be no legal cannabis scene if bootlicking conservatives were behind it.

Are you blind to the Democrats' role in the War On Drugs and Cannabis? Obama raided more clubs than Bush and as far as I know, Trump hasnt raided any. You might be brainwashed by charletons who say stupid things like, "It's time we have a national discussion about it," as they continue the illegal war against the people.


Are you blind to the Democrats' role in the War On Drugs and Cannabis? Obama raided more clubs than Bush and as far as I know, Trump hasnt raided any. You might be brainwashed by charletons who say stupid things like, "It's time we have a national discussion about it," as they continue the illegal war against the people.

100% truth. Even in this liberal dump I live where it has been medically legal for years med growers got busted under obammy.

They may not have gone to jail but they still had their crops seized and had to go thru the hassle and expense of hiring lawyers to defend themselves for doing something that was legal in the state.

The only busta I've heard about since trump has been in office here were a multi state string of totally illegal grows being run by Chinese Nationals. These grows were going as far as stealing power and we're quite blatantly obvious, it didn't take much effort to take down the low hanging fruit.

It probably had more to do with the foreign crime syndicate and less to do with the weed

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