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Joe Biden Thread


Kiss My Ring
were it some B+ shrooms i'd be obliged...
you've been trying to convince any and all of Orange Man Bad.
sad you cannot see it for what it is.

"you people" sheesh


Kiss My Ring
Breitbart.com’s Peter Schweizer Says Hunter’s Former Partner Has Given Him Access to 26,000 Emails Providing Details About Biden’s “Business Deals”

Breitbart.com reports that
The business partner of Hunter Biden who flipped on the Biden family from prison provided access to 26,000 emails, Breitbart News senior contributor Peter Schweizer said in a Saturday morning radio appearance.

Schweizer, appearing on Breitbart News Saturday on SiriusXM 125 the Patriot Channel, said that former Hunter Biden business partner Bevan Cooney provided 26,000 emails to him—the first of which were published late last week in a Breitbart News exclusive investigation by Schweizer and author Seamus Bruner.

Cooney is currently serving a sentence in federal prison due to his conviction over financial deals he made connected to Hunter Biden and his other partner Devon Archer. Archer, who was also convicted by a jury in federal court, saw his conviction vacated by a federal judge. That conviction was later—just a couple weeks ago—reinstated by an appellate court, which overruled the lower court judge’s decision to vacate it. Archer awaits sentencing.

In the meantime, however, Cooney—who is serving his sentence in federal prison—reached out to Schweizer via conservative journalist Matthew Tyrmand and provided written authorization to access his Gmail account. He provided the password and username, and written authorization to publish emails because Schweizer says he believes he was the “fall guy” for the Biden family’s corruption and that he believes the public needs to know what really happened in Hunter Biden’s universe.

The first article on these emails was published Friday afternoon, and detailed how Hunter Biden and his partners secured meetings with senior White House officials in November 2011 for Chinese Communist elites—including, as the Chinese elites who were present revealed, a secret meeting with then-Vice President Joe Biden himself. The Biden campaign has not responded to requests for comment about this from Breitbart News.

“Bevan Cooney was business partners with Hunter Biden and Devon Archer,” Schweizer said on Breitbart News Saturday. “He was a nightclub owner—he owns the Viper Room in Los Angeles, and got involved in these financial deals. He ended up going to jail and really feels that he was the fall guy. Devon Archer is now going to be going to jail as well, because of the same deals, but he [Cooney] really feels like Hunter Biden was able to walk off scot-free. He had reached out to me in 2019 after my book Secret Empires came out in 2018. He talked about sharing his emails, but it never happened. He ended up going to jail. He recently reached out through Matt Tyrmand, a journalist, and said I want to give you access to all of my emails in my Gmail account. He gave us written approval to do that, and gave us the password. We have been going through the 26,000 emails.

The article that we ran on Breitbart, about China, Inc., is the first of what are going to be several.

In this particular story what we lay out is how Hunter Biden and his business partners set up a meeting for this group called the China Entrepreneurs Club. Don’t let that benign name fool you; this is regarded as joined at the hip with the Chinese communist government. This China Entrepreneurs Club wanted meeting at the highest levels of the White House and Hunter Biden arranged them. What’s very curious about this is not only that they got these meetings on November 14, 2011, but they actually, according to members, had a private, secret meeting with Joe Biden himself. We don’t know about this because it appeared on the White House visitors logs or the White House calendar—it doesn’t. We know about it because the Chinese that were on that trip bragged about it in their blog posts back in China that they had this private, secret meeting with Joe Biden. Out of that sprang relationships and business deals that Hunter Biden and his business partners were apparently able to take advantage of, so it demonstrates how this access, with the participation of Joe Biden, translated into commercial deals down the road.”

Schweizer said this first round of emails published late last week—only a handful of the 26,000 obtained—is just the beginning. There are more, he said, including ones that further illustrate the relationship between Hunter Biden and the ex-wife of the former Moscow mayor Yelene Baturina—a payment from her to Hunter Biden was a major revelation in a recent U.S. Senate report on the Biden family corruption—as well as a clearer, more vivid description of just how the Bidens worked to develop a system to use Joe Biden’s position in government to enrich themselves.

“The emails, there are different types of emails,” Schweizer said. “Many of the emails are the business partners discussing, without Hunter’s participation, what Hunter’s role is in all of this. What’s very clear, and we will have reporting on this at Breitbart, what’s very clear is Hunter brings no money to the table. But he is considered the avenue to the administration. There are emails that talk about how they are going to do business deals where they want to get union pension money and that Hunter is going to leverage the relationships that his dad has with public employee unions to get that money. So part of it is just kind of a feel for what is the Biden business model, and we kind of knew this in a way but here it’s very explicit that it is trading off the Biden name, the Biden connections, and the Biden access.

The other way I would categorize this is geographical. The one we have already broke was a story related to China. There are other emails involving China. The private equity deal—the billion and a half dollar private equity deal—that we’ve reported on. There are emails concerning that, which we will bring out which are quite interesting.

There are ones that pertain to Yelena Baturina, she’s the Moscow mayor’s ex-wife who we should add the U.S. State Department has implicated as being tied with Russian organized crime. We’re going to be able to show that that relationship is much deeper and much longer than previously known and that Hunter Biden and his business partners performed various services for her in terms of deals in the United States. And then there are other geographical areas covered. There are deals involving Kazakhstan. There are deals in other parts of the world. There are references to Hunter Biden’s dealings in the Middle East. So there’s quite a bit of material there—26,000 emails, some of them obviously are personal. We’re not going to disclose anything that is personal. It’s all going to be business-related, but we’ll be rolling it out in the days ahead.”

That “underbelly” of how the Biden family—Schweizer calls them the “Biden Five,” whereas President Donald Trump calls them the “Biden Crime Family”—operates is further exposed in these emails from Hunter Biden’s flipped former partner Bevan Cooney.

“What you’re really seeing in these emails is the underbelly of how these relationships and corrupt deals happen,” Schweizer said. “There’s no question about that, and that’s one of the things I think people are going to get. They’re going to get an inside look because as we are doing—we did on the first story and we’ll do it on all of them, we’re not just going to be reporting on the emails. We’re actually going to place the emails up so people can read them themselves.

To your point, to underline your point, yes these are totally separate from the New York Post emails. I don’t have access and have not had access to those emails and what we are dealing with in our case is—you’re exactly 100 percent right. These are not printouts, these are not PDFs—we actually go into the Gmail account and pull the emails out and download them. They are timestamped. These are real. These are genuine. That’s one of the reasons we felt it was so important to pursue this. Cooney is taking a risk because he’s trusting us with this trove of emails which includes personal information. So he’s taking quite a risk in sharing this information but he feels like it needs to get out because people need to understand how these deals were done.”

Also, word has gotten out that Hunter’s laptop may contain footage of Hunter with an underage girl.
No wonder the Main Stream Media has been trying so desperately to avoid covering this scandal.
CBS’ Bo Erickson finally tried to ask Sleepy Joe about it on Friday and Joe yelled at him and refused to answer his question.
The actions and reactions of these Far Left Democrats, including Sleepy Joe, remind me of those who were in control of the old Soviet Union for all those decades, known as the Politboro.
When they came to power after the Russian Revolution, the first thing they did was to gather up the Proletariat’s guns. The next thing that they did was to begin to censor free speech and any opposition voices who might speak out against their true nature of corruption and tyranny.
Then, the National Media itself became a government entity, i.e., a means of spreading PROPAGANDA, treating the Russian citizens like mushrooms, keeping them in the dark and feeding them BS.
Well, they are not going to be able to avoid it any longer.
Thanks to the drip…drip…drip dissemination of information by Rudy Giuliani, the MSM are being forced to cover it.
Back in September of 2019, I presented the following scenario about a possible future…
Could you imagine what would if the 2020 Presidential Campaign turns out to be President Trump against Sleepy Joe and Trump hits Joe between the eyes with his and his son’s involvement in the Ukraine Scandal?
The Main Stream Media and their bosses in the Democratic Hierarchy would be positively apoplectic to the verge of being ready to stroke out.
It would be glorious to behold, almost as glorious as watching them all meltdown on Election Night 2016 after Trump beat Clinton.
And, that is what the MSM must and Democratic Bosses MUST avoid.
Just call me Nostradamus.
Ever since President Trump announced the start of his reelection campaign, all of the gloom and doomers began to worry that the Democrats were going to come up with some sort of October Surprise to keep him from winning the presidency again.
Well, boys and girls…it looks like the SURPRISE is on the Democrats.
Grab some popcorn.
This is getting good.


Kiss My Ring
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Peter Schweizer: We Will Prove Hunter Biden Laundered Russian Oligarch's Money

Posted By Tim Hains
On Date October 18, 2020

Government Accountability Institute President Peter Schweizer told FNC's Sean Hannity on Friday that evidence will be released before the election proving that Hunter Biden and Russian oligarch Elena Baturina have more of a relationship than previously admitted.

HANNITY: All right. So, we can bifurcate for people. This is all separate from what The New York Post was reporting this week. This is separate from what we knew earlier, and it’s separate from Ron Johnson and Chuck Grassley’s report that they put out, 87 pages, which talked about, well, Russian oligarchs, Kazakh oligarchs, the $3.5 million payment with the former first lady of Moscow, Chinese nationals, $100,000 shopping spree, Russian nationals, Kazakhs nationals, Ukrainian nationals.

How much money are we talking about here, and were all three of them involved in all of these endeavors?

SCHWEIZER: Well, it kind of jumps around, but let me just make clear, these are all separate emails from The New York Post and what the Senate did, but they all reinforce the same.

I mean, to take, for example, Ms. Baturina, the Russian oligarch links to organized crime that the Senate sent $3.5 million based on Treasury Department documents, we will be rolling out a story in a couple of days demonstrating that their relationship, meaning Hunter and Devon Archer’s relationship with Elena Baturina goes way back and they were performing a number of banking and other financial services for her, services that they had trouble doing, by the way, because several banks did not want to work with her because the money was seen as dirty.

HANNITY: So, literally, these nationals were allowed access to Biden inside the White House according to these emails. I guess my next question is if both of Hunter’s business partners are convicted, how did he go scot-free?

SCHWEIZER: Well, that’s the question, Sean. There was a trial in 2016, and we actually, I’ve gone through the notes of that trial, and what it demonstrates is that Hunter Biden’s fingerprints are all over this. He has named repeatedly in the court trials, but he was never charged by the prosecutors in New York.​


Kiss My Ring

Leaked Audio: Hunter Biden Discussing Business Deals With The "Spy Chief Of China"

Posted By Tim Hains
On Date October 28, 2020

Raheem Kassam of The National Pulse leaked this audio from Hunter Biden's laptop, which is reportedly now in the possession of the FBI.

Kassam writes: "Hunter Biden - in an audio file labeled 'Most Genius Shit Ever' - appears to be referencing Patrick Ho, who was a former Secretary for Home Affairs in Hong Kong, as a 'spy chief of China' while lamenting how his business partner Ye Jianming of CEFC China Energy had disappeared."


Kiss My Ring


Tom Fitton w/ Charlie Kirk: The Latest on the Biden-Burisma Corruption Scandal

Tom Fitton, President of Judicial Watch and friend of The Charlie Kirk Show, joins Charlie to give an update on the latest developments in the corruption scandals surrounding Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, and his laptop.



Well-known member
Guys , guys , guys......Trich....Tudo...Did yall not read Subrob`s post about how ANY Conservative`s are not welcome in the Left wing Liberal Pot Culture Clique that BUILT this industry and made it what it is today ?.....IOW.....Asked Gypsy to all but get rid of folks that don`t THINK like his pore old ass does.....Subrob.....

I started growin dope outside in the mid 70`s in the Dirty South where Cultivation got you up to Life without Parole , so you got DICK on bein the man cuz you`ve supposedly suffered through the times of illegality to emerge VICTORIOUS in Cali when yall went medical in the mid 90`s and been balls to the walls with the most ILLEGAL enterprise of growin ya`lls ass off and shippin it east EVERY yr for top dollar you didn`t get rid of locally under the GUISE of being medical ......so what Subrob.....

You were in the culture from the mid 80`s till the mid 90`s when you got legal licenses to steal ?.....wow....Good job.....I STILL live in Hell where a 1/4 oz will get you a yr and a day in the right location in our Bible Belt , but I`d eat shit and die before moving there with 65000 homeless people shittin in the middle of the streets in LA and God Knows what goes on in San Fran and on up the Coast tthru Oregon and Washington.....

You liberals think we`re the fuckin idiots beneath your wealth of knowledge and higher intelligence from supposedly being more highly educated ?......If for 1 instance anyone here thinks that this shit with Biden makes a difference before the election , you`re jaded and in disbelief.....No media except Fox covers the shit that Dems call Fake News , so how do any of you Folks think they`ll POSSIBLY believe what yall keep tryin to push down their throat , cuz THEY DON`T CARE.....

Joe`s got complete cover from the Media and the DOJ at least until Trump wins , IF he wins.....If he loses all this Bobolinski shit goes away and Joe get`s to be the DNC Bobblehead as long as he can hang till they take his dumbass out and install Kamala and the squad......

Ya`ll win.....but guaranteed this is real and ain`t goin away .....As I stated earlier.....This could be the ploy to put Kamala in there when Joe`s gotta go , but ya`ll pissed off the Republican Senate Bulldawgs by trying to Impeach the Orange man for EXACTLY what yall been doin , ....Projection only goes so far before the comeuppance and Karma happens when they least expect it , but hey.....The Blue wave`s comin.....It just ain`t comin without voter fraud and a Supreme Court decision down the road THIS election whether the Democrats OR Republicans call for it..... .....Bet on that Boys and Girls....



ICMag Donor
dunhavinfun I ran more on a weekend in the caribean back in the late 70's and early 80's than you've seen in your life and being sentenced to 8 YEARS in prison for weed qualifies me accordingly.
But thanks for thinking of me :good:
P.s. We Libertarians are who you really mean


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Guys , guys , guys......Trich....Tudo...Did yall not read Subrob`s post about how ANY Conservative`s are not welcome in the Left wing Liberal Pot Culture Clique that BUILT this industry and made it what it is today ?.....IOW.....Asked Gypsy to all but get rid of folks that don`t THINK like his pore old ass does.....Subrob.....

I started growin dope outside in the mid 70`s in the Dirty South where Cultivation got you up to Life without Parole , so you got DICK on bein the man cuz you`ve supposedly suffered through the times of illegality to emerge VICTORIOUS in Cali when yall went medical in the mid 90`s and been balls to the walls with the most ILLEGAL enterprise of growin ya`lls ass off and shippin it east EVERY yr for top dollar you didn`t get rid of locally under the GUISE of being medical ......so what Subrob.....

You were in the culture from the mid 80`s till the mid 90`s when you got legal licenses to steal ?.....wow....Good job.....I STILL live in Hell where a 1/4 oz will get you a yr and a day in the right location in our Bible Belt , but I`d eat shit and die before moving there with 65000 homeless people shittin in the middle of the streets in LA and God Knows what goes on in San Fran and on up the Coast tthru Oregon and Washington.....

You liberals think we`re the fuckin idiots beneath your wealth of knowledge and higher intelligence from supposedly being more highly educated ?......If for 1 instance anyone here thinks that this shit with Biden makes a difference before the election , you`re jaded and in disbelief.....No media except Fox covers the shit that Dems call Fake News , so how do any of you Folks think they`ll POSSIBLY believe what yall keep tryin to push down their throat , cuz THEY DON`T CARE.....

Joe`s got complete cover from the Media and the DOJ at least until Trump wins , IF he wins.....If he loses all this Bobolinski shit goes away and Joe get`s to be the DNC Bobblehead as long as he can hang till they take his dumbass out and install Kamala and the squad......

Ya`ll win.....but guaranteed this is real and ain`t goin away .....As I stated earlier.....This could be the ploy to put Kamala in there when Joe`s gotta go , but ya`ll pissed off the Republican Senate Bulldawgs by trying to Impeach the Orange man for EXACTLY what yall been doin , ....Projection only goes so far before the comeuppance and Karma happens when they least expect it , but hey.....The Blue wave`s comin.....It just ain`t comin without voter fraud and a Supreme Court decision down the road THIS election whether the Democrats OR Republicans call for it..... .....Bet on that Boys and Girls....


Gotta cut some slack to vets with PTSD,if it helps him cope,doesn't cost me a dime.
Just my opinion though.


Well-known member
dunhavinfun I ran more on a weekend in the caribean back in the late 70's and early 80's than you've seen in your life and being sentenced to 8 YEARS in prison for weed qualifies me accordingly.
But thanks for thinking of me :good:
P.s. We Libertarians are who you really mean
Not to sling dick or anything Tudo , but my Unc God rest his soul came back from Viet Nam and the GI Bill gave him a loan on a shrimp boat since his Dad was in the biz , and we traveled down the gulf coast to Vera Cruz on a regular basis with the holds filled with the first Mexican Skunk I ever saw in the US , and this was from mid 70`s till early 80`s when he retired and sold his boat to his Daddy....

Back then till this day ....He who hid well.....lived well.....Always have respect for Libertarians Tudo even though I say I`m Independent , but I`ve seen a few tons in my day as first mate under shrimp and ice all the way home.....



Active member
Guys , guys , guys......Trich....Tudo...Did yall not read Subrob`s post about how ANY Conservative`s are not welcome in the Left wing Liberal Pot Culture Clique that BUILT this industry and made it what it is today ?.....IOW.....Asked Gypsy to all but get rid of folks that don`t THINK like his pore old ass does.....Subrob.....

I started growin dope outside in the mid 70`s in the Dirty South where Cultivation got you up to Life without Parole , so you got DICK on bein the man cuz you`ve supposedly suffered through the times of illegality to emerge VICTORIOUS in Cali when yall went medical in the mid 90`s and been balls to the walls with the most ILLEGAL enterprise of growin ya`lls ass off and shippin it east EVERY yr for top dollar you didn`t get rid of locally under the GUISE of being medical ......so what Subrob.....

You were in the culture from the mid 80`s till the mid 90`s when you got legal licenses to steal ?.....wow....Good job.....I STILL live in Hell where a 1/4 oz will get you a yr and a day in the right location in our Bible Belt , but I`d eat shit and die before moving there with 65000 homeless people shittin in the middle of the streets in LA and God Knows what goes on in San Fran and on up the Coast tthru Oregon and Washington.....

You liberals think we`re the fuckin idiots beneath your wealth of knowledge and higher intelligence from supposedly being more highly educated ?......If for 1 instance anyone here thinks that this shit with Biden makes a difference before the election , you`re jaded and in disbelief.....No media except Fox covers the shit that Dems call Fake News , so how do any of you Folks think they`ll POSSIBLY believe what yall keep tryin to push down their throat , cuz THEY DON`T CARE.....

Joe`s got complete cover from the Media and the DOJ at least until Trump wins , IF he wins.....If he loses all this Bobolinski shit goes away and Joe get`s to be the DNC Bobblehead as long as he can hang till they take his dumbass out and install Kamala and the squad......

Ya`ll win.....but guaranteed this is real and ain`t goin away .....As I stated earlier.....This could be the ploy to put Kamala in there when Joe`s gotta go , but ya`ll pissed off the Republican Senate Bulldawgs by trying to Impeach the Orange man for EXACTLY what yall been doin , ....Projection only goes so far before the comeuppance and Karma happens when they least expect it , but hey.....The Blue wave`s comin.....It just ain`t comin without voter fraud and a Supreme Court decision down the road THIS election whether the Democrats OR Republicans call for it..... .....Bet on that Boys and Girls....


Dont listen to that crying lil whiner...he aint shit
Hes blowin his cork cuz he knows trumps gonna thump the demos
Youll be hearing alot of cryin bitches next week
Biden will be indicted